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Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda rea de Tecnologa Programa de Idiomas Modernos Ingls Instrumental I Taller Grupal Las

Palabras En el siguiente texto seala al menos 15 palabras que sean compuestas o tengan prefijos o sufijos. Seguidamente llena el cuadro indicando la composicin de la palabra. A brief history of engineering Engineering is one of the oldest professions in the world. Around 2550 BC, Imhotep, the first documented engineer, built a famous stepped pyramid of King Zoser located at Saqqarah. With simple tools and mathematics he created a monument that stands to this day. His greatest contribution to engineering was his discovery of the art of building with shaped stones. Those who followed him carried engineering to remarkable heights using skill and imagination. Vitruvius' De archiectura was published 1AD in Rome and survived to give us a look at engineering education in ancient times Civil engineering is the oldest of the main disciplines of engineering. The first engineering school, the National School of Bridges and Highways in France, was opened in 1747. John Smeaton was the first person to actually call himself a "Civil Engineer". These civil engineers built all types of structures, designed water-supply and sewer systems, designed railroads and highways, and planned cities. In 1828 the world's first engineering society came into being, the Institution of Civil Engineers in England.

PALABRA Engineering

COMPUESTA (Descomponer) X Water (Agua, sustantivo) Supply (suplir, proveer, servir verbo)

BASE Engine


SUFIJO -er / ing


FUNCIN Sustantivo


Servicios de agua


Habiendo completado el cuadro, responde las siguientes preguntas sobre el texto. 1) Quin fue el primer Ingeniero Civil recordado por la historia, y cul fue su contribucin a la ciencia? 2) Segn la lectura, cul es la funcin de un ingeniero civil? 3) Cul fue la primera escuela de Ingeniera civil, y dnde estaba ubicada? 4) Luego de leer el texto, cul crees que es la importancia de la ingeniera civil?
**Nota: El recuadro es un ejemplo de lo que deben hacer, ustedes deben elaborar el suyo, con las 15 o ms palabras que ubiquen en el texto, recuerden que est permitido trabajar en grupos de tres personas mximo.

Prof. J. Magdalena Arvalo. Departamento de Idiomas-UNEFM

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