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The CORD Presidential Candidate Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga and his running mate Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka moments after receiving Federal Party of Kenya leader Cyrus Jirongo at the Serena Hotel, Nairobi.

Hon. Cyrus Jirongos Statement on Joining CORD

Orange Reporter Lugari MP Cyrus Jirongo of the Federal Party of Kenya has dropped his presidential ambitions and joined CORD to campaign for Prime Minister Raila Odinga. Jirongo was received by the PM at a defection function where he announced he will fight it out for the Kakamega County Senate seat with UDF's Bonny Khalwale. Cyrus Jirongo issued the statement at this function: following Today FEDERAL PARTY takes the Page 1 of 6 The 2013 Elections present this country with a unique election in which we seek to define the direction should and must take. For the Federal Party of Kenya our issues have always been the Restoration of Fairness, Creation of Opportunity, Enhancement of Devolution and the rebuilding of our security machinery so that all Kenyans are safe. courageous step of taking this agenda to another level. Todays step is based on the principle that issues are more serious than the messengers. On a personal level, I also take the unusual step of carrying my commitment to the Restoration of Fairness campaign to the same level. That the issue of restoration of fairness is far, far, far more important than the messenger who carries it.

I would like to announce today, that I Cyrus Jirongo will not be seeking the Presidency in the 2013 General Elections. Secondly, FEDERAL PARTY will also not be fielding a presidential candidate in this years general elections. The reasons for this position are clear cut and straight forward; Our analysis of the current elections show that it will be counterproductive to split voices that chase a similar goal: Restoration of Fairness. CORD and FPK share the same ideals. Secondly, we Kenyans must choose for President between TWO strong men who both love their country, but who have very different views on how we can create a Kenya for all Kenyans.

favours concentrated wealth and power leaving common people to fend for themselves. On the other hand, CORD carries the most pro-equity agenda among the 3 top alliances. CORDs Presidential candidate The Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga recognizes that Kenya is made up of different communities and is prepared to negotiate between diverse interest groups. At the beginning of my speech, I mentioned that the principle is more important than the messenger. I have also said opposition for oppositions sake is not the way forward. To create a Kenya where everyone has an equal stake, and fair treatment, we must consolidate and vote for Restoration of Fairplay, and we must choose a President who will show the way. In conclusion, after meetings within the Federal Party, and after detailed discussions with members of the CORD Alliance, the Federal Partys organs have resolved the following:

That the Federal Party joins the CORD Alliance The Federal Party will fully support the candidature of Rt. Hon Raila Amolo Odinga and H.E Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka for the positions of President & Deputy President of Kenya. That I, Cyrus Jirongo will contest the post of Senator for Kakamega County under the ticket of the Federal Party That the Federal Party will field its own parliamentary and county candidates who shall fully support the candidature of Odinga/Musyoka CORD ticket.

Hon. Cyrus Jirongo is the Party Leader, Federal Party of Kenya

The truth be told. The Jubilee Alliance

The CORD Presidential Candidate Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga receives Hon. Adan Kenan the MP Wajir West and Hon. Abdurahman Ohlo the MP Wajir South and their suporters who defected to ODM at the Orange House Headquarters, Nairobi.

ODM Harvests in Northern Kenya Region

Philip Etale The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) on Tuesday received a major boost when sitting and former Members of Parliament from Northern Kenya quit the Jubilee Alliance to join the Orange Party. The politicians, Mr. Adan Keynan, MP Wajir West, Mr. Francis Chachu Ganya, MP North Horr, Mr. Joseph Lekuton, MP Laisamis, Mr. Hassan Abdulrahman, former MP Wajir South and Mr. Ukur Yatani, former MP North Horr, quit the URP and TNA parties to join the ODM and promised to deliver the Northern Kenya vote to the CORD. Page 2 of 6

The politicians were received by the ODM Party Leader Raila Odinga assured pastoral communities in Northern Kenya that the Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD) will open up the marginalized region for development. He said the coalition was committed to the development of infrastructure projects in the vast region to ensure that unexploited resources were harnessed to improve the quality of life in the area. The premier said the construction of the stalled Garissa Modogashe road will be a priority project for the CORD administration before the road is extended to Wajir, Mandera and Moyale border towns. He told a press conference at the Orange House that the coalition was determined to

put in practice the one third gender ratio after the tenth parliament apparently failed to enact the legislations to anchor the constitutional requirement. We want to empower the women and put them in the frontline to ensure that the one third gender rule was in practice within the next two years Odinga said. Besides the current and former legislators, the PM also received more than 50 prominent leaders from the Northern Kenya who defected from various political parties and said the CORD leadership will respect the new constitution. He said the equalization funds were critical in developing marginalized regions and urged residents to vote for leaders who believed in the full implementation of the constitution.

During the same occasion, the Premier received into ODM Mr. James Kindagor Obadiah who quit the United Republican Party (URP). Mr. Kendagor hails from Baringo County and will vie for the Baringo South Parliamentary seat in the March 4, general election. The occasion was also attended by among others ODM National Chairman Henry Kosgey, Secretary General Prof. Anyang Nyongo, and cabinet Ministers Ababu Namwamba, Musa Sirma and Mohamed Elmi. Others were Assistant Ministers Joseph Nkaissery and Magerer Langat. Director of Communications ODM

The CORD Presidential Candidate Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga receives Hon. Chachu Ganya the MP North Hor and former Kenyas Ambassador to Switziland Amb. Ukur Yatani who defected to ODM.

Premier and VP Bid Farewell to Legislators

Philip Etale CORD Presidential Candidate Mr. Raila Odinga and his running mate Mr. Kalonzo Musyoka, Tuesday afternoon treated the coalition's Members of Parliament to a luncheon at the Nairobi Club and left them with only one message, 'go the and get votes'. The Prime Minister and the Vice President were holding the first ever sitting that comprised members of parliament from ODM, Wiper Democratic Movement and Ford-Kenya since the launch of the CORD at Uhuru Park late last year. Page 3 of 6

"This is the last time we are meeting and sharing a table as sitting members of parliament, the next time we meet, we will be former Members of Parliament as we seek votes from the electorate" said a jovial Mr. Odinga. Mr. Odinga told the legislators to go out there and hunt for votes that will ensure CORD wins the general election and forms the next government. "I know we have what it takes to form the next government. We must talk to the people, sell our policies and convince them to vote for us" he added.

Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka assured Kenyans of good governance under CORD saying that this was the only coalition that had leaders who are committed to the development of the country. "Yesterday (Monday) I witnessed the swearing in of President John Mahama of Ghana and while there, I saw victory or the CORD" he said. He added, "in two months from now, the whole world will witness the swearing in of Mr. Raila Odinga as the Fourth President of Kenya"

Mr. Musyoka said Kenya had come of age and urged the parliamentarians to go out there and fight for CORD's victory. The luncheon was attended by over 50 legislators drawn from ODM, Wiper and Ford-Kenya. Ford-Kenya leader Mr. Moses Wetangula who is also Trade Minister was not present as he was engaged in Ministerial duties.

Creating Quality Jobs through Industrialization

Larry Gumbe The CORD government can only create quality jobs through the industrialisation of Kenya to produce high value goods primarily responsive to the domestic market and also for export. We must promote location of industries at the point of production of basic raw materials to greater benefit producing communities and transform the rural areas. Broad-based Kenyan ownership of industries must be encouraged through specific incentives as we seek to enhance Kenya as the modern industrial hub of the region. Issues of stagnation of small scale firms and securing of property rights and security of tenure costs associated with entry, expansion and exit regulations, notably securing a licence, tax and labour laws compliance must be addressed for SMEs by: Promoting indigenous entrepreneurs; Modern basic industries that meet domestic and export need; Rural industries; Simultaneous improvement of agriculture with industry; Nurturing and retaining high level human resources; Research-oriented science and technology universities and research institutions; A fund for research; A Fund for transforming the informal industries; Strengthening and energizing investment banks to finance industrialisation; Scientific and technological advancement. As Kenya is predominantly an agricultural country, the bulk of industries are agrobased. Hence, it is crucial to undertake simultaneous improvement of agriculture with industry as agriculture provides the raw materials for industry to succeed. The prosperity of our country and its people cannot be guaranteed without scientific and technological advancement. We believe that our country cannot progress without having a road-map to achieve industrial status. We need to develop a knowledge-based economy, where governance policies and decisions are based on investigative research and thorough analysis. We also believe that we cannot solely rely on outside assistance to fund our scientific research work as the case is now. It is in our national interest to take a leading role by allocating sufficient resources of our own for scientific and technological research to enable Kenya depend on its own competence and productive capacity. A fund for research must be established and must be progressively increased to at least 1% of our GDP. We must seek partnerships with industry players in this endeavour. At the moment, our industry is characterized by lack of large and basic industries, old and obsolete systems, machinery and technology such as ICT, dominant foreign ownership and foreign technology. Additionally, we lack technical universities to spur innovation, have inadequate research and development (R&D), industry lacks linkages with and utilization of R&D outputs, and general limited development and use of local high level human resources. Our industries also suffer high cost of production due to expensive and unreliable capital and energy, poor infrastructure, and red tape and corruption. Furthermore, a number of industries, such as textile, leather, dairy and oil seed have collapsed and most of our industries are operating below capacity. This is due to are bad governance, poor policies, red tape, corruption, structural adjustment policies, and indiscriminate implementation of liberalisation and privatisation of industries. In view of this we must do the following upon taking the seat of government and assuming leadership of the country: Encourage and facilitate indigenous entrepreneurs to build industries to create an independent, prosperous, dynamic and vibrant, integrated, balanced and sustainable national economy; Establish modern basic industries that meet domestic and export needs; Promote the establishment of industries in rural areas to transform the rural economy and ensure equity in development; Nurturing and retaining high level human resource for the transformation of industries by: Improving the working conditions and remuneration of our scientists to retain talents and attract back those that have run Page 4 of 6

away because of poor working conditions and remuneration; Promoting the development of young talents by beginning a scheme to provide funds for young scientists to encourage and support them to undertake industrial-oriented research in science and technology; Establishing new specialist, research-oriented science and technology universities and research institutions, which will play a pivotal role in the advancement of science and technology for industrialization; Starting a special fund to help in the modernization and expansion of the infrastructure in existing universities, research institutions, polytechnics and other tertiary institutions; Establishing national annual scientific awards for individuals and institutions that make great achievements in scientific and technological research, innovation.

sustainable job creation and provision of goods and services which are better adapted to local market needs, through progressive reform to boost production and distribution capacities of SMEs. To this end, the CORD must: Collect national data on the small and medium-sized enterprise sector, covering inter alia quantitative and qualitative aspects of employment; Adopt and pursue appropriate fiscal, monetary and employment policies regarding, in particular, interest and exchange rates, taxation, inflation, employment and social stability to promote an optimal economic environment; Establish and apply appropriate legal provisions on property rights, including intellectual property, location of establishments, enforcement of contracts, fair competition as well as adequate social and labour legislation; Improve the attractiveness of entrepreneurship by avoiding policy and legal measures which disadvantage those who wish to become entrepreneurs specifically: appropriate and non-burdensome registration, licensing, reporting and other administrative requirements; fair taxation of SMEs non-discriminatory application of labour legislation, in order to raise the quality of employment in small and medium-sized enterprises; Give SMEs priority in access to public and private procurement to increase their access to markets; Creation of venture capital and other organizations that assist to innovative SMEs; Provider of a range of direct and indirect support services for SMEs and their workers by involving the public and private sector through, for example, organizations of employers and workers, semi-public organizations, private consultants, technology parks, business incubators and SMEs, themselves. These services include: Business pre-start-up, start-up and development assistance including business plan development and follow-up; Information, consultancy and research services, including advice on government policies;

Use of cutting edge systems & technology including intensive use of ICT; Strengthening and energizing investment banks to finance industrialisation.

Job Creation in the Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SME) SMEs are of significance to the growth and development of Kenyas economy. They are increasingly responsible for the creation of the majority of jobs throughout the world, and can help create an environment for innovation and entrepreneurship. In addition, they provide the potential for women and other traditionally disadvantaged groups to gain access under better conditions to productive, sustainable and quality employment opportunities, furthering CORDs goals of equitable development and social inclusion. Kenya faces the challenge of transforming activities in the informal economy (Jua Kali) into decent work fully integrated into mainstream economic life. Policies and programmes to create decent jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities to assist Jua Kali workers and employers to move into the formal economy are needed. Promotion of SMEs must significantly assist in facing this challenge. As a social democratic coalition, the CORD must promote the role of SMEs in

Legal, accounting and financial services; Environmental management services; Access to capital markets, credit and loan guarantees; Advice in finance, credit and debt management; Managerial and vocational skills enhancement; Promotion and development of enterprise-based training; Support for training in occupational safety and health; Assistance in upgrading the literacy, numeracy, ICT competencies and basic education levels of managers and employees; Access to energy, telecommunications and physical infrastructure such as water, electricity, premises, transportation and roads, provided directly or through private sector intermediaries; Support for innovation and modernization; Advice regarding technology including effective application of ICTs to the business process; Export promotion and trade opportunities in national and international markets; Market research, packaging services and marketing assistance; Assistance in product design, development and presentation; Quality management, including quality testing and measurement. Create and strengthen an enterprise culture which favours initiatives, enterprise creation, productivity, environmental consciousness, quality, good labour and industrial relations, and adequate social practices which are equitable through:

Dignified Jobs and Working Conditions for both Formal and Informal Sector Workers The advancement of opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and dignity is key to CORDs call for Maisha Bora for each and every Kenyan. Economic development should include the creation of jobs and working conditions in which people can work in freedom, safety and dignity. We believe that the achievement of economic prosperity should Page 5 of 6

be for its own sake but to directly improve the lives of human beings. CORD must therefore seek to improve the lot of workers in all sectors of the economy. We must develop labour national policy, legal and regulatory framework that must take particular account of the following issues: Promotion of full, productive and freely chosen employment by all appropriate means; Allowing the establishment and growth, on a voluntary basis, of legal, independent and representative workers' and employers' organisations; Promoting the role of collective bargaining and social dialogue as a means, among others, of finding solutions to worker employer problems; Streamlining mediation and arbitration machinery for early settlement of industrial disputes, providing fairer outcomes and minimizing the costs and delays of litigation to both workers and employers. Workers education and skills by: Promoting diversity of training provision to enhance the capacity of individuals to secure and retain decent work, to progress within the enterprise and between jobs, -

and to cope with changing technology and labour market conditions; Development and implementation of a transparent mechanism for the assessment, certification and recognition of skills, including prior learning and previous experience to assist informal sector workers and employers to move into the formal economy; Promoting the expansion of workplace learning and training through high-performance work practices that improve skills, onand off-the-job training with public and private training providers, and ICTs;

Appropriate mechanisms for monitoring developments in the labour market and the organization of work, and for formulating advice on the adoption and implementation of measures in the framework of the national policy; Effective protection to workers especially affected by the uncertainty as to the existence of an employment relationship (like casual and part time work), including women, young and older workers, workers in the informal economy, workers with disabilities and migrant workers;

Preventing the engagement of children in and removing them from the worst forms of child labour, protecting them from reprisals and providing for their rehabilitation and social integration through measures which address their educational, physical and psychological needs; Labour inspection services; Adequate safety and health protection of workers in particular workers in agriculture, chemicals industries and other high risk areas; Ensuring workers access to social security fund, health insurance schemes and fair workers compensation for work -related illness, injury or death.; Maternity protection of workers including maternity leave with full earnings, employment protection and non-discrimination and health protection in line with recommendations of the ILO; Special protection of workers' claims in the event of the employer insolvency, winding up or change of ownership; Adopting labour conventions and standards recommended by the ILO and other organisations that meet Kenyan labour problems.

The Orange is a Newsletter of the Orange Democratic Movement Party of Kenya Readers are invited to submit their articles for publication at the address given below: Prof. Larry Gumbe Email: SMS: 0713 764809 The Orange Democratic Movement Party of Kenya Orange House Menelik Road, Kilimani Area P.O. Box 2478, 00202 Nairobi. Email: Check out our website at Opinions of contributors are not necessarily those of the ODM.

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