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Boston Mayor Menino: Time For 'National Policy on Guns'


Bloomberg: Obama Must Take 'Immediate Action' Against Guns ( /Big-Government/2012/12 /14/Bloomberg-politicizes-shooting)
681 comments 0 minutes ago

18 Children Killed in Connecticut Elementary School Shooting ( /Big-Government/2012/12/14/27Dead-Including-18-Childrenin-Elementary-School-Shootingin-Newtown-Connecticut)

1055 comments 0 minutes ago


14 Dec 2012, 1:48 PM PDT



Is Obama Already Politicizing Sandy Hook Shooting? ( /Big-Government/2012/12/14/IsObama-Already-Politicizing-SandyHook-Shooting)

297 comments 1 minute ago

At the same time that New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg issued ( /14/Bloomberg-politicizes-shooting) a statement going full bore after gun owners on the heels of the tragic school shootings in Connecticut, Mayor Thomas Menino of Boston issued a similar statement. It was just as strident and just as political:
As a parent and grandparent, I am overcome with both grief and outrage by the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. This unspeakable act of violence will forever imprint this day in our hearts and minds. My heart goes out to the families impacted by this senseless tragedy and the many others we have recently witnessed across the United States. As a Mayor who has witnessed too many lives forever altered by gun violence, it is my responsibility to fight for action. Todays tragedy reminds us that now is the time for action. Innocent children will now never attend a prom, never play in a big game, never step foot on a college campus. Now is the time for a national policy on guns that takes the loopholes out of the laws, the automatic weapons out of our neighborhoods and the tragedies like today out of our future. There is no law on earth that can take tragedy out of our future. The guns used today were apparently semi-automatic, not automatic. And as for the loopholes in the law, there is no evidence of any loopholes exploited by the perpetrator. As mentioned, Connecticut has some of the most stringent gun laws in the nation -- which is why Menino is calling for a national gun policy, since he clearly can't blame Connecticut's gun policy. But all of that wont stop the radical left from politicizing the shootings with minutes. And

Boston Mayor Menino: Time For 'National Policy on Guns' ( /Big-Government/2012/12 /14/Menino-gun-control)
206 comments 0 minutes ago

CNN Primetime Star Immediately Exploits Conn. School Shooting ( /Big-Journalism/2012/12/14/LibsImmediately-Politicize-Conn-SchoolShooting)
189 comments 0 minutes ago


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12/14/2012 5:43 PM

Boston Mayor Menino: Time For 'National Policy on Guns'

it hasnt.


and 6 others liked this.



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Gun bans are great... If you are a criminal or a nut job. Just look at Chicago. More killed there than Afghanistan last year. Toughest gun laws in the country. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
A LIKE REPLY 1 minute ago F


Washington DC to boot...
A LIKE REPLY 0 minutes ago in reply to whynottt F


"Gun control" is not a federal government issue. It is a state issue. I'd like someone to explain to me how banning guns will stop crime? Like banning drugs stops crime? And banning alcohol stopped crime? Or how Obama's DOJ sold guns to Mexican drug cartels and that stopped crime?
A LIKE REPLY 4 minutes ago 1 Like F


One of my favorite hats issues the challenge to COME AND TAKE IT under the image of an M-16.
A LIKE REPLY 4 minutes ago F


A LIKE REPLY 0 minutes ago in reply to JarheadJim59 F


Time to require all states to have concealed carry rights.

A LIKE REPLY 4 minutes ago F


Everyone in society are shallow reactionaries , shocked by the crime, look at the weapon ,not the cause, not the thinking of these young people. I would not look at a shooting, I would look it at a society malfunctioning of the youth. Not once would these parents look at Hollywood, and the entertainment industry for doing these horrid acts. Yet parents will take their children to see the Hunger Games, buy their little ones video games , shooting, slashing, countless hours of boot camp training, insensitive , after a while to death, blood, killing. Fame for Jamie Fox, who says , Ain't it great Killing Whites. Families have intentionally secularized their children away from a God, cheapened life with abortions, no sanctity of life for precious

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12/14/2012 5:43 PM

Boston Mayor Menino: Time For 'National Policy on Guns'

human life, yet enormous disdain for animal abuse,and protect their rights, and life. If I have to see another celebrity named law after a killed child, to help the grieving family think that this will save another time, another life from death, when it does nothing to react, but to seek the cause, just as an illness, you don't stop a deadly disease by trying to ban all band aids, no you find the cause. No guns = A Lawless Society by Tyranny !!
A LIKE REPLY 5 minutes ago F


Yep, the United States may want to adopt my family policy on guns that includes teaching my 15 year old daughter how to defend herself.
A LIKE REPLY 8 minutes ago 1 Like F


I myself with others where I live KNOW how to operate guns. That includes children. They are first taught guns are not toys. Guns are serious WEAPONS of self defense. Treat them likewise. Never point a gun at anyone.....unless its for protection.....why? They will kill people.....
A LIKE REPLY 3 minutes ago in reply to woofwoof F


Why not control your own city? Lots of illegal guns in Boston. Check with Eric Holder and maybe he'll give you the serial numbers.
A LIKE REPLY 8 minutes ago 1 Like F


I would like to know the stats of Bostun as far as violent crime, along with New York.
A LIKE REPLY 1 minute ago in reply to vegasdomar F

FINGERPOINTER more thing, the way the media is blitzing this insane act of one crazy PERSON, the WAR will start to ban all guns just you watch. Everyone who owns guns will be ostrisized like they throw out the racist card. They will throw out something to call people who own guns. Just watch!!!!
A LIKE REPLY 14 minutes ago 1 Like F


Like our National Policy on Drugs. Our own government sold and still sells guns illegally.
A LIKE REPLY 14 minutes ago 2 Likes F


Wickedly true............with Obungler and Holders backing!!!!

A LIKE REPLY 9 minutes ago in reply to Slobodon F


Ban violent movies that children could watch. That FiRST, then we can look at banning guns. This,,,for that.
A LIKE REPLY 16 minutes ago 2 Likes F


We already have a policy on guns. The policy is you leftist try to take them and we won't let you. Ever.
A LIKE REPLY 16 minutes ago 1 Like F


I'm a newcomer to the blog, so please forgive my slow, fumbling fingers. As to thegun debate, guns are tools.

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12/14/2012 5:43 PM

Boston Mayor Menino: Time For 'National Policy on Guns'

If someone is bent on murder and mayhem, they will always find a way to kill.
A LIKE REPLY 17 minutes ago 3 Likes F


Welcome to the forum!!!!

A LIKE REPLY 6 minutes ago in reply to JarheadJim59 F


It turns out that all the weapons mentioned in this so far were in fact registered to the shooter's mother who was apparently also one of the victims. On top of that, the shooter was said to be either autistic or afflicted with Asperger's syndrome, and that he had mental problems. Even his neighbors are saying that he was regularly exhibiting odd behavior. So jusy exactly who dropped the ball here?
A LIKE REPLY 10 minutes ago in reply to JarheadJim59 F


I agree, let us arm everyone you would be amazed how civil to one another we could become.
A LIKE REPLY 18 minutes ago 1 Like F


PS Libbie retardos.....guns are illegal in Europe...............but they still have pyschos shooting people there too, you morons....KEY word progressive-morons.....................PEOPLE!!!!
A LIKE REPLY 18 minutes ago 1 Like F


Why isn't anyone addressing the fricken problem created by the Liberal Society . It's the guns, it's the boss, it's school. etc. Not that I phucked up. It was me ,I did it, I take responsibility. Chit that would be a novel change. When you can't call someone crazy,you say they have a mental disorder, you can't call someone a terrorist, they are a freedom fighter, when you can't say President is Lying, he challenged by the truth. What the hell do you expect. This guy who committed this Horrible Crime thinks it wasn't a crime or his fault. My thoughts & Prayers go out to the Families of the Victims. But curse the Liberals that can't say a Prayer due to their stupidity.
A LIKE REPLY 19 minutes ago 1 Like F


Here we go....................AGAIN. Ban guns. This individual took it upon hisself to take lives of others. Guns are not the problem. People are. If guns weren't available to this sicko, he would have used a bomb, like the pyscho Muslims do. Menino and Bloomberg, we need to BAN you opening your freakin mouths. Your just as bad as the pyschos perpertrating the murders you dumb schits! GAWD!
A LIKE REPLY 20 minutes ago F


Oh what a world that would be.

A LIKE REPLY 16 minutes ago in reply to fingerpointer F


That policy should be to start putting armed guards in every school and start locking up the liberal idiots like this one who blame guns instead of the liberal idiots that use them. Maybe this douchebag needs a 9mm convincing.
A LIKE REPLY 20 minutes ago 1 Like F


I am ten minutes to that school, we are supposed to have DARE Cops at each school. I own a local florist in Bethel CT next town too Newtown CT. When I deliver too a School I need to have Picture ID Name of the Recipient and I must go too the door in front of the office. I ring a bell and look into a camera usually the DARE Cop comes out he is armed and all the kids know them. I drop my delivery in the office and leave no exceptions which sometimes piss off our customers because they want us to hand carry to the recipient but we cannot something wrong happened here.

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12/14/2012 5:43 PM

Boston Mayor Menino: Time For 'National Policy on Guns'

10LIKE in reply A minutes ago REPLY to VDOMKR


The problem, is that there is a break down in our society, it is the moral fabric that is broken and there is an extreme lack of morality and responsibility in this nation. At the same time there is an increase in apathy and ignorance. Children and adults watch the most horrendous things and then we wonder how young people can do the things they are doing. Children are exposed to murder at an incredibly young age. This man went to the one place where he was safe, a school where no one was armed or could be. If you take all the guns away and make them illegal this will do nothing to stop the violence, and then only people left with guns will be the criminals. This country needs to turn back to God and things can turn around, but if we don't it will only get worse.
A LIKE REPLY 24 minutes ago 1 Like F


They can model it on Chicagos and Washington DC's. Brilliant idea, no success. The gun aint the problem, its an inanimate object. Its the sick twisted goofball using the gun. He could have used knives luike his cohort in china today.
A LIKE REPLY 25 minutes ago 1 Like F


What a sensless tragedy by a nutjob who we will see more of. But with the amazingly fast call by the civil rights deniers it cannot go unanswered. Who did they call to protect the rest of the children and adults in the school? People with or without firearms? I am only saying those like the fine congressmen may have a CCW or other armed protection and I only want to maintain my right to the same.
A LIKE REPLY 27 minutes ago 1 Like F


A gun is deadly only if someone uses it ! Instead of punishing the majority of responsible Americans why don't you push the blame to hollywood and start regulating the tv and movie industry?? Or is that a violation of their free speech ?? You gun control freaks are a bunch of hypocrites . What else is new ?????
A LIKE REPLY 30 minutes ago 2 Likes F


Shame on this Mayor for taking a horrible incident like this and making it political. True colors, Mayor/
A LIKE REPLY 30 minutes ago 1 Like F


Phuck Discus the t ards are out.



30 minutes ago

1 Like


The Leftist opportunists are out in full force, salivating to exploit this school shooting tragedy for their political agenda of disarming the honest, law abiding and freedom loving segment of the US population. These deaths and injuries, as completely tragic as they are, are miniscule when compared to the yearly total of everyday black on white and black on black violent attacks going on all across this country but they get little news play other than just in the particular locality were they occur. They are deliberately suppressed by the national media...and of course by the Leftist Dem politicians that control our government because it involves the Leftists favorite "victimized" voting block and they will do anything to prevent unfavorable light to shine on the African American population. For example, just today it has been reported that there is a group of black males in Denver that, in several incidences, are dousing innocent victims with a flammable liquid and setting them on fire...this is horrendous yet the national media and our president are mute on these attacks as they are on the epidemic of black male caused violence in this country. These Leftist politicians are totally corrupt and despicable in their propagandizing of tragedies...their attempts to disarm, and in the process make more vulnerable, honest citizens needs to be fought with extreme vigor because our freedom depends on it.

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12/14/2012 5:43 PM

Boston Mayor Menino: Time For 'National Policy on Guns'



34 minutes ago



you know whats better than that, a few days before Nov 6th, some 8 year old girl in Oklahoma took a stand in her home when someone broke in. gotta make you wonder what the leftist responce would be if she didn't have access to that gun. There is a reason the second amendment exists, and that is to protect us from the government, not eachother, though more and more is it necessary to do both.
A LIKE REPLY 25 minutes ago in reply to JWales 1 Like F


Guns don't kill , people do.

A LIKE REPLY 34 minutes ago F



A LIKE REPLY 30 minutes ago in reply to leanrite F


I normally don't post on things like this, but after something like this I know that some idiot liberal is going to try and blame guns on this. for those people Gun's don't kill people, People kill people. also taking away guns will only increase knife violence. maybe a psych eval should be taken before a gun is purchased along with a background check, but that is it. I don't even think that Assault Riffles should be banned. (An assault riffle is any gun that fires an intermediate cartrage, has select fire capabilities [ choice between full auto and semi], and is able to support an underbarrel grenade launcher)
A LIKE REPLY 35 minutes ago F


NJ and CT already have some of the most restrictive gun laws in the entire country. Meanwhile, Liberal folks are bending over backwards to ban the mere mention of God in the public square or the public schools. So how is that working out for you?
A LIKE REPLY 37 minutes ago F


To quote one of our founding fathers: "To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them" - George Mason June 14, 1788. Politicians prefer unarmed peasants.
A LIKE REPLY 41 minutes ago 1 Like F


The Mayor is an uninformed idiot. Fact: UK stats: gun crime in England and Wales soared by 35% last year.Stats: "Criminals used handguns in 46% more offences, Home Office statistics revealed. Firearms were used in 9,974 recorded crimes in the 12 months to last April, up from 7,362. It was the fourth consecutive year to see a rise and there were more than 2,200 more gun crimes last year than the previous peak in 1993." So, I guess we should also ban knives since 22 children were killed by a crazy in China. Wake up people. The fact that there is no respect for life is one big cause.
42 minutes ago

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12/14/2012 5:43 PM

Boston Mayor Menino: Time For 'National Policy on Guns'




No NONE of the children in China died....NONE

A LIKE REPLY 37 minutes ago in reply to marcogal F


There are so many gun laws on the books it would take days to read them all. Oh, wait a minute, you're asking the DOJ to enforce gun laws? That would be the group that invented "fast and furious"? I'd pay to see this one on TV.
A LIKE REPLY 43 minutes ago F


Hey Menino we already have a national policy on guns!!It's called the 2nd Amendment!!(shmuck)
A LIKE REPLY 44 minutes ago F


And when you take all of the guns from law abiding citizens, we will have sit and wstch criminals kill us. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. I will be getting my right to carry license. Because if I ever get in a situation like this, I will take the sob out or die trying!
A LIKE REPLY 45 minutes ago 1 Like F


The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is the part of the United States Bill of Rights that protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, along with the rest of the Bill of Rights. In 2008 and 20 10, the Supreme Court issued two Second Amendment decisions. In "District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008), the Court ruled that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to possess a firearm, unconnected to service in a militia and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home. In dicta, the Court listed many longstanding prohibitions and restrictions on firearms possession as being consistent with the Second Amendment. In McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U.S. 3025 (1010), the Court ruled that the Second Amendment limits state and local governments to the same extent that it limits the federal government. THAT is national gun policy. Anything else is not about gun control, it's about control.
A LIKE REPLY 45 minutes ago 2 Likes F


We HAVE a national policy on gun laws. See US Constitution, Bill of Rights, Second Ammendment.
A LIKE REPLY 46 minutes ago 1 Like F


The mayor is ignorant since civilians cannot purchase automatic weapons without having obtained a class 3 federal license or higher.
A LIKE REPLY 46 minutes ago 2 Likes F


I was about to say you are wrong, but then I saw the second half of your statement, and even then.... The class three fed licence ( I will call it an FFL) merely alows you to quote on quote borrow a fully automatic or select fire weapon manufactured on or after May 19th 1986, to own one manufactured and registered before that date, one simply needs to have a background check a federal tax stamp, and enough money (depends on the weapon, a Tommy can run you 20K +)
A LIKE REPLY 21 minutes ago in reply to smp25 F


I like Switzerland's National Policy. If you are of sound mind, not a criminal and over 18 you must be trained and personally own a gun.

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12/14/2012 5:43 PM

Boston Mayor Menino: Time For 'National Policy on Guns'

I don't think that is what the Boston Governor had in mind.

A LIKE REPLY 46 minutes ago 2 Likes F


First of all get a recent pictureof this guy.....he's been hospitalized for the last 8 weeks suffering from a stroke that his handlers have hidden from the public so that he can hand pick his successor ala Castro, Chavez etc. He most certainly did not write a word of this. He is a bumbling mouth breather who has never had an original idea unless Bloomberg gave it to him. He has his entire family on the public teat and has not held a private job in 40 years.....a hack's hack. Check YouTube for videos of this cretin trying to speak English
A LIKE REPLY 48 minutes ago 2 Likes F


Exactly! Mumbles wants control over the legal guns thinking it will curb this type of violence. Had the principal been armed ... With Mumbles limited train of thought, we should also make drugs illegal.
A LIKE REPLY 40 minutes ago in reply to ninonitti F


So, making guns illegal will take them off the street? We should make heroin and meth illegal too!
A LIKE REPLY 54 minutes ago 5 Likes F


These dudes' opinions might carry more weight if their antigun urban dominions didn't have such crime problems. Apparently thugs and psychos don't really care if it's illegal. Imagine that.
A LIKE REPLY 55 minutes ago 4 Likes F

ZORB Maybe ban knives too?

A LIKE REPLY 55 minutes ago 1 Like F


why not bombs?

A LIKE REPLY 54 minutes ago in reply to zorb F


supposedly banned too, but there is a handy site called wikipedia...

A LIKE REPLY 19 minutes ago in reply to eelectron F


Just once, I would like some nut-job to walk into, say, a Micheal Moore movie screening, and kill fifty or sixty liberal gun control nuts with a chainsaw - only so that we can hear their outrage as to why ordinary citizens should be allowed to own chainsaws...
A LIKE REPLY 57 minutes ago F


The Leftist opportunists are out in full force, salivating to exploit this school shooting tragedy for their political agenda of disarming the honest, law abiding and freedom loving segment of the US population.

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12/14/2012 5:43 PM

Boston Mayor Menino: Time For 'National Policy on Guns'

These deaths and injuries, as completely tragic as they are, are miniscule when compared to the yearly total of everyday black on white and black on black violent attacks going on all across this country but they get little news play other than just in the particular locality were they occur. They are deliberately suppressed by the national media...and of course by the Leftist Dem politicians that control our government because it involves the Leftists favorite "victimized" voting block and they will do anything to prevent unfavorable light to shine on the African American population. For example, just today it has been reported that there is a group of black males in Denver that, in several incidences, are dousing innocent victims with a flamable liquid and setting them on fire...this is horrendous yet the national media and our president are mute on these attacks as they are on the epidemic of black male caused violence in this country. These Leftist politicians are totally corrupt and despicable in their propagandizing of tragedies...their attempts to disarm, and in the process make more vulnerable, honest citizens needs to be fought with extreme vigor because our freedom depends on it.
A LIKE REPLY 35 minutes ago in reply to IrateNate F


I'm starting to see why I can't go back to the civilian world. The way I see it, people die. It happens. And the fact that you have bureaucrats who (in the process of being unable to balance a budget) think that they can regulate tragedy out of existence is pathetic. Life is full of risks and disappointments. And they're not always fair. Call me callous. I don't care. But if you're willing to throw away your rights for a falsely perceived safety, then you're both a fool and a coward who deserves neither safety, nor liberty.



58 minutes ago



I try to tell conservatives that sort of thing, and they call me crazy...when they're being nice about it.
A LIKE REPLY 54 minutes ago in reply to Skutatoi F


Why are law abiding gun owners instantly guilty whenever some nut loses it? If we are going to have a "national" policy on anything how about putting bibles back in schools and not just in our prisons?
A LIKE REPLY 59 minutes ago 2 Likes F


Come & Take It 300 Million Guns...only 800,000 cops. Gonna suck to be a cop.
A LIKE REPLY 59 minutes ago 4 Likes F


this is expected. Perhaps we should ban fertilizer, diesel fuel, bats, knives, cars, heavy equipment, cell phones, swimming pools, .. should I go on? The best way to stop this type of problem is to completely arm the school personnel. Teachers, principals, kitchen and grounds help. Everyone. Then the perp would be popped off before he knew what hit him. BUT, if we ban all "LEGAL" guns, then only the criminals will have the guns. THEN WHAT!?
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 4 Likes F


The senseless killing today was the work of a madman. Similarly the senseless statements in the infuriating hours after this incident are the words of madmen. And tyrants. So-called "leaders" calling for action right now are playing on the emotions of people and are not letting a crisis go to waste in order to push for their restrictive agendas. But how many more god-given Constitutional rights are we prepared to cede to the government at the behest of these very flawed politicians?

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12/14/2012 5:43 PM

Boston Mayor Menino: Time For 'National Policy on Guns'

In the days and months to come cooler heads will prevail and we will properly mourn the innocent children and adults who lost their lives, and realize that we cannot restrict or legislate away madness. It is sadly part of our lives and something we will be forced to confront again and again as time goes by.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 3 Likes F


Education is the common thread in all these, liberal education, forty year, we are now in the second generation of liberal education and these kid cant handle some thing is life. And they snap, and the Demo-rate have to move you away from the real trouble, the problem is not the weapon, its the education. Track all shooting and youre see what I mean, VT,etc

Time for the Liberals to put up or shut up. I say have the US House to pass a bill and make the Dems to disarm the White House secret service agents, disarm the US Senator, the US House, no more armed cars for any elected office or staffer, no more armed guards for any Governor no more armed any thing.



1 hour ago



Mr. Mayor. We have a national policy on guns. It is called the Constitution! What we need is to have a national policy on putting mentally ill people back in the asylums. You liberals released them over 20 years ago. Now they are called "homeless" . You jerks never realize the unintended consequences of your feckless policies.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 5 Likes F


This is a case of mental illness not guns if the mentally ill wish to hurt large numbers of people they will find a way. Does Obama want to disarm all of us like he did the consulate in Benghazi; you see how that turned out.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 3 Likes F


More ignorant comments from a leftist political sloth. If there are automatic weapons in neighborhoods in America they are coming from Mexico and sold originally to the Mexican Drug Peddlers by none other than the current Attorney General, Eric Holder and his henchmen at the BATFE, through Fast and Furious. You can not buy an automatic weapon at a gun store or gun show unless you have a class three license both approved by the same BATFE who sold them to Mexico and has never been really held accountable and your state attorney general or State Police. Both Bloomberg and this twit are just spouting off nonsense for the cameras. The government in Washington and many cities and states are so corrupt that the American People would be insane to relinquish their Civil Right to gun ownership. It would be a huge step to complete serfdom.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 2 Likes F

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


Maybe we should also have knife control. People are the problem. I am sure they have gun control in China. If you want to do harm to people you will. How about all of the people who run down people. Do we ban them also. A knife-wielding man slashed 22 children and an adult at an elementary school in central China on Friday, state media reported, the latest in a series of attacks on schoolchildren in the country. The man attacked the children at the gate of a school in Chenpeng village in Henan province, the Xinhua news agency reported.

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12/14/2012 5:43 PM

Boston Mayor Menino: Time For 'National Policy on Guns'

Police arrested a 36-year-old man, identified as villager Min Yingjun, Xinhua said. It did not give further details of the extent of the injuries. There have been a series of attacks on schools and schoolchildren around China in recent years, some by people who have lost their jobs or felt left out of the country's economic boom. The rash of violence has prompted public calls for more measures to protect the young in a country where many couples only have one child. In 2010, a man slashed 28 children, two teachers and a security guard in a kindergarten in eastern China
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


These so called leaders are not suppose to come out and act on emotion. Leaders lead us no matter what happens. Not knee jerk opinions to push a political agenda. using a tragedy to promote your communist ways.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


Guns did not cause this incident. Mental illness did. Let's try to do something about that. I hope we don't find out this young man had been seeing a Dr. I am so afraid these incidents are being done with mind control. That scares the help out of me.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


Street gang guns first. Then we'll talk about it.

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


Liberalism caused this tragedy. It is time to take action to protect our children from the consequences of liberalism.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 3 Likes F


There is a national policy on firearms, it called the second amendment. Note how these incidents only occur in restrictive cc states or cities. The gun is an inanimate object the responsibility lies with the person and those around him. Boston another police zone where only the donut eaters are allowed self defense. And if you don't like the constitution and bill of rights your free to move to a palatial unarmed paradise like china or russia.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 2 Likes F


And when your ignorance about human nature fails you again what then do you blame...libs lie awake nights waiting to make another mess, that cost us all in more ways than imagined....
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." here ya go Lib Turd, the NATIONAL policy on guns.



1 hour ago



Exactly right.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Richard_Wiggler 2 Likes F


Typical left wing fool in charge of a bankrupt city.

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12/14/2012 5:43 PM

Boston Mayor Menino: Time For 'National Policy on Guns'



1 hour ago



The last thing anyone wants happened today. The irrational responses by politicians is the next to the last. Really, do we want governments to be the only entity with guns?
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 2 Likes F

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12 of 12

12/14/2012 5:43 PM

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