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January 18, 2007

Mark Wilson Marianna Bailey
Nelda Holder Bob Bowles
Sandra Bradbury Jerry Young
Mary Ellen Brown

Pat Garlinghouse, Executive Director

Robin Cape, City Council Liaison

Peter Brezny
Beth Lazer
Connie Bostic

Mark called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. Discussion ensued about the
agenda format.

Public Comment
There was no public comment.
Approve Minutes
Minutes were approved for the regular meeting of November 16, 2007, the
closed meeting of November 16, 2007, the special meeting of December 20,
2007, and the closed meeting of December 20, 2007.

Financial Report
Jerry said there is $244,000 in the checking/saving account. Total assets are
$424,521.00. We are one payment ($7,281) behind from the County.
Marianna said the County pays us when they get the last payment from
Charter. We just received payment for the third quarter of 2006 and we
should be getting the other one soon. There is a 3-month lag period.

Marianna felt we need to have finances done in-house. Our accountant,

Joan, is only doing payroll. Now that we have Pat, we need agreement to
bring Quick Books here for Pat to do them. Joan will still do payroll. Bob
asked Pat to present a recommendation to the Board regarding amounts of
checks to write, etc. This should eliminate vouchers.

President’s Report
Mark noted that all Board members had received an E-Mail from Frank
Goldsmith about taping meetings. The issue is still not clear. Mark had also
asked whether URTV can either tape meetings or be required to do it. Our
Policies & Procedures say we cannot produce programming.

Pat said there is open statute which allows taping of meetings as a record-
keeping device, but does not require that anything be broadcast. However, a
meeting might be taped and should it be broadcasted still requires a release
from anybody appearing on the tape. Nelda disagreed and said they do not
need a release for public meetings. Pat disagreed. Much discussion ensued.

Mark wanted to know if we would need a release. Robin and Nelda said we
would not need a release. Marianna noted that the City Attorney cited a
similar non-profit case and said we fall under the same laws. Mark’s only
concern was broadcasting the meeting and protecting people who do not
want to be on television.

Nelda said we voted if a member wants to tape us they can and can put on
the show on URTV. Pat said we are not a governmental agency. Nelda
replied that we are financed through funds that come from government.
Much more discussion ensued.

Nelda said she asked about this issue at the last state-wide Press Association
legal briefing. Their lawyers concurred with the City lawyer that we are
considered public and fall under open meetings law because it is a public
meeting. The meeting can be videoed and put on television.

Bob asked if we want to take control of the taping process and make sure it
is broadcast or allow members to tape as they choose. It becomes a program
if members do it. It was noted that nobody was taping tonight.

Mark recommended having a camera on during meetings. Bob wanted to try

it for the next six months. Pat said they would need to make staff and
equipment available. There was agreement to try to tape for next six months
at our meetings for documentation purposes.

Executive Director’s Report

Pat said she had been looking at the organization in terms of operational
flow for the past weeks. There are some subtle things and some are
glaringly obvious. She has been checking rules with all documents to make
sure forms we use are consistent with our rules. So far they are not quite up
to speed.

There are 120 staff hours available each week, but demand far exceeds those
hours. It is not smart to grow beyond one’s ability to take care of the
business. Some things have been missed. Pat likened public access to
gathering cats. You cannot make exceptions if you do not have specific

Pat said URTV has more people than can be handled productively. This
needs to be brought back under control, and all money transactions must be
done in person. This means no E-Mailing. We are paying a part-time
person to answer E-mails. This can be done better by using cash or check
only in the building.

Orientation to the facility is general and should be simple and open to the
public. It is not that way now. We should just let people show up. When
they become a producer orientation can be handled in the classes. Classes
are not long enough now. These items can be charted. No more E-mails and
pay for services in person.

Pat thought we could start doing group things easily. It is easy to put
categories on a form. The next day that information can be entered into
Facil. An enormous amount of time is spent now talking to people. We
have many important things to do; i.e., revenue streams and partnerships.
We need to treat the entire community equitably.

Pat has signed up for a conference in July, she is talking to local non-profits,
has set up meetings, and needs to get Facil running operationally. Presently
we cannot use reporting functions, and this is very powerful.

Robin asked Pat to explain about the conference. Pat said it is being put on
by the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development
Administration for non-profits and other organizations. Robin said she is on
many economic boards and offered to talk with Pat about that.

Pat noted that the Community Foundation is interested in URTV and there is
a good possibility they will pay for the Facil equipment. We would have to
wait until June before using their funds. Marianna asked what it would take.
Pat replied, not much at this point. We need good PC’s. Pat thinks they can
salvage Princeton even though it is not ideal or compatible with Facil. She
wants to spend the least amount of money possible.

Bob said we have had Facil since the beginning and wondered why it was
not compatible yet. Pat replied it would take time to get programming data

Robin said when a person calls URTV, they get a message not a human.
This message could direct them to the website. Pat replied that we are out of
phone lines. She gave an example that reservations for equipment use take
an hour. There is only one extension for reservations. These people can be
registered in Facil in ten seconds. All information can be done efficiently.
Pat agreed we could put much information on the answering machine, but
we have no money and no staff. We have to be realistic. Three staff people
work 120 hours a week. Pat wants to get a couple of couches for the lobby.

Nelda said Peter sent her an E-mail about a $250 bill for Facil. Pat said that
is for tech support.
Pat said there are Community Foundation funds for a Camp for Kids at
URTV. We can use interns.

Pat proposes our hours of operation should be 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Wednesday through Saturday, and Tuesday 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Close
Sunday and Monday. There will have to be interns, and some are working
now. Pat is looking at UNCA. She also wants to make some changes in
Studio B (little things).

Pat will draft forms of programming and equipment contracts so they will be
more legally binding. We want everything spelled out as much as possible
to protect ourselves. People are responsible for the rules whether or not they
want to read them. All this is changeable according to our procedures.

Committee Reports

Policies and Procedures

Nelda said the committee had discussed the question of membership
renewals and recommends we use the member’s anniversary date for
renewal, provided we can get to Facil management. If not, we can move to
fiscal year renewals. We have until June to get to Facil.

Mark asked what we can expect as to how many of our members will renew.
Pat said generally three-quarters, but we have mostly members and not that
many producers. Maybe you can go up to 1,000 or 500-600 using Facil. It
will all level off. There are different problems with a member organization.
If someone is not producing, there is less of an incentive to stay a member.

Robin asked if we could run a banner to support URTV. Pat replied we

could probably do that only on the bulletin board. We can try it.

Nelda said the committee had decided it will not refund membership fees. A
member can simply choose not to rejoin.

There had been another question about a definition for commercial

programming. Pat said she had helpful information about what is or is not
advertising. She had sent sponsor guidelines and policy to Board members.
That information was from governmental documents. The P&P Committee
is looking at moving the Policy & Procedures document to use IRS words as
guidelines. Pat said she will reword that section to make it cleaner for the
producers to know what is or is not considered commercial. We can be a
little less restrictive in using commercial names; e.g., “Cooking Soup with
Kathy”, not “Cooking at the West End Bakery”. But Kathy can cook there
and say where she is. We cannot promote by saying, “Come to the West
End Bakery and buy my soup.” This opens us up a little more to be more
friendly with small businesses. Pat will have the rewording after our next

Nelda said the committee will go through the Policy & Procedures manual
with Pat. We are aiming to have this review done for Board action before
the annual meeting and distribute it at that time. Meetings have been
scheduled to work on that process.

There is no change right now in the policy manual. The only question the
committee needs agreement about is the member fee refund question. Mark
called the question and the Board approved not refunding member fees. Bob
noted this applies only to membership and not to classes.

Marianna recommended we reimburse Pat $1,000 for moving expenses.
Mark called the question and the recommendation was approved.

Marianna said there is a Board retreat scheduled on February 10 from 9:00

a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Bob’s place. She suggested designating a section of the
bulletin board in the hallway for Board information.

Bob said he had expected the newly appointed Board member (Hunter
Goosmann) to be a member of URTV. Robin said the City and the County
check qualifications for Board appointments. Nelda hoped we could get
comfortable with the fact that the City and County will do different things.
We need to make things smoother.

Nelda thought the City and County had not done the right thing by passing
some recent resolutions. Robin said she thought there had been contact with
the Board and she was surprised, too. She thought the Board was contacted.
Marianna said Jeff Richardson sent her an E-mail saying it was on the
agenda. Nelda did not understand why either the City or the County would
pass something that said the URTV Board had agreed to it when they have
not discussed it with us. Robin said there had been a lot of dialogue in the
community about it. She said she would bring it up in the upcoming retreat.

Marianna said we are now classified as an outside agency and have to go

through the budget process. Our management agreement says we will
negotiate with the City Manager to work up a budget. PEG money is what is
coming in. It will be different with the new legislation. Hopefully we will
be grandfathered in. We need to be able to have a voice about money.
Robin suggested we talk to Jeff and get clarification. She said budget is still
confusing to her. Robin encouraged a meeting with Gary Jackson, Wanda
Greene, Jeff Rebel and Judy Rhew.

Mary Ellen said the County appointed Hunter Goosmann to fill Katina’s
empty spot. We will have another opening when Marianna leaves. As
Immediate Past President, she will be on the Executive Committee.
Marianna’s vacancy will be filled by a membership member. We will post
the vacancy on the website. The rules will be the same as last year,
sponsorship from ten members, etc. Elections will be held in June.

Bob said for a past president to be part of the Executive Committee, that
person would have to be on the Board unless there is a by-laws change.

Robin felt we need an Advisory Committee. Mary Ellen said we should act
on that before the next meeting. Robin suggested getting a lawyer. Bob said
we have Frank Goldsmith, but the committee would need a lawyer to assist
with controversial issues and other policies and procedures.

Old Business
There was no old business.

New Business
Mary Ellen said Connie was ill, but she had called about the Diversity
Working Group. Connie is the only member of that group and she has
contacted the Director of the YMI Center. They are interested in sending
students to the Biltmore Archives to do research about how the YMI
developed. That could be videoed. This used to be the KIPP program.
Connie also contacted Mr. Holton, the principal at Randolph Academy.
They want to send a staff member and two kids over to develop a program.
The meeting adjourned at 7:43 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandra Bradbury
Secretary, URTV

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