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Transceiver Model SL40 vHFcoMM

Manual lnstallation

June2008 Rev 560-0956-03 C


@ 2004-2008 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries. rightsreserved. All Printedin the U.S.A. Garminlnternational, [nc., 1200Eastl5 [" Strect, OlatheKansas66062,U.S.A. Tel: 9 131397 .8200, 888/606 .5482 Garmin(Europe) Ltd.,LibertyHouse, Bull CopseRoad,Hounsclown Business Park, +44 Southanrpton, SO409RB, UK, Telcphone: (0) 870 850 1243 Ga r m inAT. Inc.,2345 TumerRoad. .8 . ,S a le m, R 9 7 3 0 2 , S . A .T e l: t J 0 0 / 5 8 1 . 8 1 0 1 S O U. F ax:5 0 3 /36 4.2138 Canada Tel: 800/65 3 4 1 5I n t e rn a t io n a le l: 5 0 3 1 3 9 3 4 1 | 4. T .1

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HrsronYoF RnvrsroNs
Revision Descrintion t2 i l 8 t9 6 lnitial release. v30t97 Modifiedselectivitv valueto 7 kHz. 3il4t97 Chance recommended coaxfrom RG-58to RG-142B 6126t98 New softwareversion pins 9t22t99 Addednew connector andcrimpinstools t0nt02 Updatedship kit informationand changedII Morrow to Garmrn A T. Date

00A -01 -02 -02a -03

- 0 3a


Comnanv name change



Addedlicense and requirement conrment removed Apollo. Added BTSOinformation updated loso. ancJ

IrrponrANT NorE
"The conditionsand tests requiredfbr TSOiETSO approvalof this articlc are minimum performance standards. is thc responsibility thosedesiringto installthis articlc on or It of within a specific typeor class aircraftto detcnnine of that theaircraftoperating conditions are withirrTSO/ETSOstandards. The articlemay bc installcdonly if furtherevaluatiorr the by user/installer documetrts acccptablc an and installation is approved the Adrninistrator." by Source: 1'-AAT,\O-C37d. TSO-C38d.and TSO-C128 arul EASA ETSO-2C37e, ETSO-2C38a, I untl E7'SO-2C 28.

To receive copicsof this publication, additional Rev C,,SL40 VHF orderpart # 560-0956-03 COMM Installation Manual.


Tahleof Contents

SECTTONI - INTRODUCTION ............. Asou r THrsMaNUA L Apo r - loS L40DpscRrprroN FEa r u RE s R ncu le roRv CovplrA NCE ......... rHe UNp a cr uNc E eurpHaE NT..... . . . . . . Pa cr a cp CoNrpNrs MRrpRre1s...... . . . . . . . . . . Or HsnRE eurnpo Sp scr a lTools Ruqurnno. RrqurneveNTs ........... Lr ce NsE SEC TION 2- INS TA LLA TION lNt PRe - lNsralLA TroN oRtr,rarroN . . . . . . . . . . . . . INsr RllarroNOvsRvrE w........... INsr a llarton CoNsroE RA TroNS. . MouNrrNc Eeu r p vE Nr EL p cr RrcRrCoNnscrroNs......... . I ........................ ...........I.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I . . . . .......... I ..........2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ....................4 ............4 ........5 . . . . . . . . . . .5. . . . . . . . . . .5. . 5 ......... . . . . . .5 . .........7

AN r l N N n INsrallarroN A ND CoNNrrc lro NS. . . . . . . . . . . .. CHrrcrcour Posr INsraLLA TroN .. SECT|ON 3 - S P E CTFTCA TIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . ELe cr Rrce1................ PHysr cal.. ENvr Ro NvtrNTA L....... P REcsr vER E RponvaNCts........ . . . TRa NsvrrruR snnoRMA NCrl P ........... INr EncovP eRronnaRNCE Co Nr Ro rlNpurs ReeurnenasNrs........ . . . ANTSN NR SeRr a lINrE nracE R Ea n CoNNpcroRP rNour SECTION 4 - LIMITATIONS.. ........... INsr a L L RrroN Op Ena trctNA L............. APPEN DIX A -TROUB LE S HOOT I NG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE FacroRv roR AssrsrANCts ........ CoNracrtNG

. . .. . . . . . . .8. . . .. . . . . . . . . l 2 . . . . .l s . . .. . . 1 5 ......l-5 . . . . . . . .1 5 . .. . . . . . .1 6 . . . . .. . . . . . .1 6 .. ........l7 ...............l7 . . . . . . .1 1 . .............17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.8. . . 19 ....... . . . . . . .1 9 . ....,.19 . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 2 r 2l

SL40Installation Manual

Table of Contents APPENDIX B - PERIODIC MAINTENANCE E qu tl l alNr Cat-rsRanoN............. r P C l Ea Nr Nc HEFRoNT ansl....... A PPENDIX C - E NV IRONME NTA L Q UA L I F I CA T I O NS . . APPENDIX E - SERIAL INTERI.'ACESPECIFICATIONS ...............

..................23 . . . .. . . 2 3 ........23 .............25 ...............,27

R S- 2 3 2 l N pu rs R S- 2 3O u r pu rs 2

...........27 ...............29

T a Br - E Pn crncu CclNreNts I 2 P T RSLE Co NNt'c'roRtNor,r'r' ............ . . . T aslE 3 Tn o uB r-E S HoorrNG Guroe..... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 3 l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 2 1

F r cu n sI SL 40FRorr P RNgI F r cuRt' M ouN'rrNc 2 FRanas ssgn,tB r . y A F r cu Rs C nULE 3 RourrNc... F tcu Rr4 C oax CoNNr'c.roR ' A ssE nrB r -y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F r cuRr ,5SL 40S raNoRloNr' WrRrNc; n c n a v Dr F tcu n e6 SL 40Typrc'nr- uoro P nNelCo NNrrc rrr)NS . . . . . . . . . . . . A Fr cu Rt, U nrr DrHat:NsroNS 7 .............. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . 9 . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . 1 0 l . . . . . . . . . . . ..I. . . . . . . . . . .... . . . .. I . .6



SncuoN I - IxrnoDUCTroN
Asour Trtrs Ml.Nu.q.r
This manualdescribes installation the SL40 Comm. It is intendedfor use by persons the of (FAA) to install aircraftnavigationdevices. certifiedby the Federal Aviation Administration It includesinstallation and checkoutprocedures the SL40 unit to standards for described in FAA advisorycircularAC 20-618. Provides introduction to the SL40 unit. TSO certification an informationis also included thissec t io n . in

|SectilZ F."tt"e

Includes procedures. installation checkout and Includes complete specifications.

limitationsfbr thc equipment installation. and |Sectt"rr4l Includes


Includes troubleshooting infortnation

periodicma in t c n a n c e q u ire mc n t s . rc B lApp endix l Includes the qualificationform. C lAppendix I lncludes environmental


Includes serialdataspecifications.

The SL40 is a 760 chanr.rel VHF Cornm transceiver. is one memberof the slimline series, lt which includes SL40 Comm,the SL50 GPS,and the SL60 GPS/Comm. the

The fbatures the SL40 Comm include: of o 760 channels o Frequency range 118.000 136.975MH2 of to o Active and standby frequency display o l6 character high-intensity alphanumeric LED display o Automatic display intensity o Back-litbuttons o Transmitstatus indicator

Frequency memoryand recallfunctions


Introduction fiorn remotesource eight lastr:sed eight userstored Weather channels Frequency monitor function Built-ininlcrconr function Stucknrictime-out Two microphorrc inputs Irrternal mcmory- no battery non-volatile required Full range inputsupplyvoltage l2 watt audioanrplif-ier

a a a a a a a a

Active Frequency

Transmit Standby Standby Large,Outer Small,Inner Annunciator Symbol Frequency Knob Knob

. =. 4 IC . .


Iu.-l l :].l


l|4ON RCL ||llE|l|l

Power/Volu me/Sq uelch

Store Memory

Flip/Flop Emergency Frequency Frequency Channel M o n ito r

Figure 1 SL40 Front Panel

RnculnroRY ConnPLTANCE
Thc SL40 is desisncdand testcdto mecr Ine f( ll tn TS II u Iol tow

ETSOs ETSO ETSO-2C37e ETSO-2C38e E T S O -2 C2 8 I

Description Transmit Receive (stuckmic) Transmission Unintentional

TSO TSO-C37d T S O -C3 8 d

TSO- Cr 28

The SL40 complies with the FCC requirements in: specified CFR 47, Part87, Aviation Services. Subpart TechnicalRequirelnents D, CFR 47, Part 15,RadioFrequency Devices, B, Subpart Unintentional Radiators The SL40 software designed tested RTCA/DO-I 78B/ED128,level C. is and to

SL40 Installation Manual

Introduction The SL40 meets the additional standardsas detailed in the Declarationof Conformity included page31. on Note: Unauthorizedchangesor modificationsto the SL40 may void the complianceto agencies authorization continued and requiredregulatory for equipment usage.

THE UN{pncKrNG EqurnnrENT

Visually inspectthe packagecontentsfor any evidenceof Carefully unpackthe equipment. is and materialin casereshipment Retainall shippingcontainers packaging shippingdamage. necessary.

Pncx,q.cE CoNTENTS
As shippedfiom the Garmin AT, Inc. factory, the SL40 packageincludesmost necessary otherthan supplies at shop,suchas itemsfor installation normallyavailable the installation The itcms includedin the wire and cable ties, and requiredinput and outpnt equipment. package listedin Table l. are Table I Package Contents
ParI # Cornrnunit D e s c ri p ti on SL40 Cornrrr'l-ransceiver Qtv I


Kit. I'art # 424-2006-2xx SL40 Installrrtion | 5 p i n d s u bconnector 162-0100or shel l

162-1515 I 62- I 008 202-000I 204-2t00 22t-0400 224-0404 245-0022 or' 245-0021 3r0-5181-01 310-51u7-01

Right anf.Ile coax Dlr,rs

C a b l eti e S h o u l d e b ushi ns r 4-40x l/4 SS nan hcadI'hillios rnachinc screwwith lock washer 4-10x ll4 SS flat headPhillinsmachine screw Crirnpcontactfirr dsub,20 Io 24 awg wire Mounlins fi'anrc Connector rnountinsolate 3/32hex driver
Edge Rromrlet

2 2




Kit, SL40 Manr.ral Part # >64-0064-2xx 560-0954-xx 560-0956-xx SL .l 0 U s e r' srnanual SL40 lnstallation manual

SL40 Installation Manual


The SL40 is intendedfbr use with standardaviation accessories. The followins items are required the installation: for . commantenna with cables o a microphonc . a speaker headphone or Theseitcms may be installed dedicated the SL40 cornm or by connections an audio to to panel.

SpEcrnl Toor-s REqlrInrn

Crimp Tool A crimp tool mcetingMIL spccification M2252011-01 a positioncr/locater required and are to rcliablccrimp contact ensurcconsistcnt, connectiorrs the rear d-subconncctors. fbr Thesctools arc available from: For pirr pln 245-0022 Astro'['oolCorp. 21 6 1 5S W l'V Ilighway Beavcrton, 97006 OR Crimp tool: Positioncr: For pin pln 245-0027 ITT Clannon I u5I E. Deere Avc. Santa Ana, CA 92705-6500 Irrsertion tool: Regular clutyCrimp tool: Rcgular duty Locator tool: Heavyduty Crimp tool: Heavyduty Locator tool: (5 P h o n c 0 3 )6 4 2 -9 8 5 3 F a x (5 0 3 )5 9 1 -7 7 6 6

AstroTool part#6 | 5701t AstroT'oolpart#616356

Phonc (7 14\26 1-5300 Fax (7 | 4\ 575-8324

(Dcsc.CItsT-20HD) ITT part# 274-7006-000 (Desc.M22520/l-01 lT'l' part#995-0001-5ti5 ) (Dcsc.TH25) ITT part#995-000l-244 (Desc.M2252012-01) ITT part#995-0001-5t34 ITT part#995-000l-604 sc. M2252012-08) (De

An aircraftradio stationlicense required operation the transmitter is fbr of once installed in the aircrati.An application nrustbe subnrittcd FCC Fonn 404, which may be obtained on from the FCC in Washington, DC, or any of its ficld ofl-iccs. Procedures applications for are in CFR 47, Part87, AviationSeruices, Subpart Applications Licenses. aircraftnot B, and For registered the UnitedStates, in please follow your localprocedures.

SL40 Instal lation Manttal


SncrroN2 - IxsreLLATroN
This section describesthe installationof the SL40 including mounting, wirin-e, and procedure included the endof this section. at is check-out A connections. postinstallation

PnE.IxSTALLATION INFORMATION (AC) per installation practices FAAAdvisory Circulars 43.13good follow avionics Always
revisions these docuntents. of or and I A, 43.13-2A, AC 20-67B, laterFAA approvcd installation. procedure this section it is presented a successful lbr in as Follow the installation checkprocedurc. the post installation Perform the Readthe entircscctionbefbrebeginning problems occur. out beforeclosingthe work areain case



A successful installation should start with careful planning irrcluding dctcrrnination of to mounting location for the SL40, antcllta nrounting, connc'ctiorrs microphones,speakers, Once thc mounting locatiotr cable routing, and otlicr required mociiflcations. and headphones, preparethc mounting framc fbr may be easierto complete has becn dctcrminecl, {i'arnebcfbre installing the the wiring harncss and attach thc conncctors to the ntcrurrting mounting fiamc.

lx s rnll A T r o N C o x s t n E R AT Io NS
M o u N rl N c C o N slo E R A T IoNS panclwithin instrumcnt irr to stack thc aircralt The SL40is designed mountin theavionics
packageincludcsa nrountirtgfianrc fbr easeof easy vicw and reach of thc pilot. Thc stanclard and scrvicc of tltc unit. Allow an additional onc inclt clcaranceto tlte mounting, conncctiorrs, and cablcs. rear of the mounting fiame fbr ct'urncctors thc For typical installertrons, SL40 does not require cxternal cooling. Whcrr rnounting thc of SL40, leave a clear:.rncc l/tl to ll4 inch betweenaviotricsto allow fbr circulation.

SvsrsnlCoNnrcuRATToN MrNrnaunr
to The SL40 requiresconnections thc fbllowing cquipnrcntas a mitrimunt: o powcr input . speakeror hcadphoncoutput . microplronciltpul . an antcnrla

lrave been made, attach the 15 pin dsub and coaxial cable Once the cable assemblies to connectors the rear connectormountirrgplate and the mounting frame as illustratedin The rear connectorplate 2 and Figure 3. Routc the wiring bundle as appropriate. Figure panel. to shouldbe attached the mountingframe beforeinstallingthe frame in the instrument plate can be usedto tie down the cableassemblies. Connectthe shield Tlie rear connector plate. rnounting groundsdirectlyto the connector


MovnLtnq Frame


(4xI 444 x lA Sccan 4-4O x 3/6 Flat f'ead Screw (6x)

ConnecLor Mounttn4 6racket Edqe Guard ur

| 5-?n D-5ub

RA Coax ?l uq

S houl der' bvshtnq

Edqe Gvard

Fig u r e2 Mounting Frame A ssemb ly

s \.\-

/ -\

Coax ConnectorE Eo Float Freely

' C abl e Te

/' ConnecL Shtelds to Frame' 'fhe >held ptqtatb musl beles s Lhan 1". 25 t nc hes , lhe shorter the beLter.

Figure 3 Cable Routing Once the cable assemblies completeand the comectors are attachedto the moullting are frame,installthe mountingfiame assembly the instrument panel.Be sureto use low profile in headscrewsso the unit will slide in and out freely.Attach the front of the mountingframeto the instrument panel.Use supportbrackets attachthe rearof the frameto the aircraft. to

SL40 Installation Munual

Installation headscrewsso the unit will slide in and out freely.Attach the front of the mountingframe to the instrument panel.Use supportbrackets attachthe rear of the frameto the aircraft. to

To installthe unit in thc mountingframe,makesurcthe canrlock is rotatc6 therear partis so up, then slide the unit into thc frame and tighten with the 3132hex tool. The unit will be pulledinto the franre thecanrlock and tlie connectclrs fully engage. by will To removethc unit from the ntountingframe, use the hex tool and turn the tool CCW. The ullit will be pushed of the fianreby the cam lock assembly. special out No cxtraction toolsare rcquired.

The SL40 installation includ c s l5 p in d s u bs h e lla n d c rin rpc o n t a c t s . h c c rimpc o n t a c t s kit a T are specified lbr 20 t<t24 AWG wire. Make thc crirnp connections with a crimp tool as specitied the Special in Tools Required section page4. All wiresshouldlre 20 to 24 AWG on unless otherwise spccificd. wiring diagram includcd Figure5. A is as

The SI-40is internally fuscdat 7 amps.A scparatc arnp(maximum) 5 circuitbrcaker fuse or should be installedfor downlirreovcrload or short circuit protection.Make t6c powcr conncctions the SL40 using20 awg wire. to Note: Circuils.tlrould lta ytntlaclael ucc:orelunce guidalincs in1lC 43.t-i-lA, chaptt:r II. in v,ith section2, parugruph 429. Sp e a xnR A ND HE A DpuoNE O u t ' p u . r' s Clonnect spcaker headphones the outputpinsclnthc rcarcopncctor. thc ancl to M TcRopHONE lNpurs Microphone inputcontlcctions shor-rld nradcusinga twistecl be pair shicldccl cable. Attachthe signalgroundto the nlic groundpin on thc rcar conncctor and connect shieldto the rear thc cclnnector plate.

Tn,qNsN.{rr lxpur KEy

Thc TxKcy input on the rcar connector must be pulled low to grould to cnablc the transmittcr.This input sltould be conncctcd to a nricrophouc or yokc rnountcclmomentary push button switch.

This i s an optional connection.

IxrrRcoM SEI-ECToR SwtrcH The SL40 includes intercom an function thatcanbe enabled an external by controlswitch.

When makingconnection the intercom fbr selection, connect intercom the selection input to a remotemoutttecl normallyopenswitclt.A niomentary toggleor alternate actionswitch can be used.Conltectthe other terminalof the switch to ground.The intercomfunction is enabled when the inputis pulledlow to ground.

SL40 I nstallation Manual


SBRIll IxrrRRecn
The SL40 includesan RS232 serial port, which can be used for inputtrng frequencyand function controlcommands outpurting and transceiver status. This is an optional connection. When rnaking serialconrtections the SL40,Lrse shiclded to a thrccconductor cable.Make the RxD, TxD, andgrouncl connections the l5 pin conncctor. on Connect shieldto the rearof the fiameon the connector plate. the mounting The SL40 can bc connected the ItS-232 scrial data outputson the 200lGPS (requires to software version or latcr),thc SL50,SL60,GX50, GX5-5, 5.1 for GX60, or the 360 Map/GPS receivingrertrote fiequcncyinfbnnationliom the GPS navigation data basc. Rcf-er thc to installation manuals thoscunitsfilr conncctions scrialdataoutputselcctious. lbr and Coruplete serialintcrface spccifications includccl AppendixB. are in

A Nrn, Nx AI N S T A L L A T T oA NDCo NNo cr r o Ns N

The SL40 requires a standard 50Q vcrtically polarized antcnna. Follorv thc antcnna manufactut'er's nstal lation irtstructions nrounti thc antcrrna. i tbr ng Thc antcttnashcluldbe lnountcd on a mctal surfaccor a ground planc r,vitha minimurn arca of I t3 x lli inches. The antcnna should bc rnountcd a minirnunr of' 24 inchcs away fiom GPS antcnnas. The cottrm antcttnashould also bc mountcd as f'ar apart as practical fiorn the L,L'f antenna, prcf-erablyonc olr top and tlrc otlrcr orr thc bottorn of tlrc aircraft flselagc. Solne ELTs have exhibitcd rc-radiation problcnrs gcncrating harrnonicsthat nray interf-erc with CiPS signals. This can l-ritppcrr wltcn thc conrnr (SL40 or any othcr cclnrnr) is trausnritting orr certain fiequencics such as l2l.l,5 or l2l.l75 MlJz, which nray causc thc trLT output circuit tcr oscillatefiom the signal conting in on thc ELT antcnnacoax. The antcnna coax cable should bc madc ot'I{Ci-142B or a comparablecluality 50f) coax. Asscmbly irtstructions thc rear coa\ conncctorare includcd in FigLrre fbr 4.

SL40In.;lallatiun Mantral


Cla mp N ut


- Slideclampnut overcoax. - Stripcoaxas illustratcd. - C uttw o l /4" sl i tsi n j acket180 apart. degrccs


Braid Clamp

b lll\\j 1l''ca p - \

\ r i/mnr I I il\\\\i fl n

Slidc braid clamp ovcr cnd of coax and undcr the braid.



- Inscrt coax with braid clamp into conncctorand tightcn clarnp nut sccurcly. - Soldcr thc ccntcr conductorof thc coax to thc contactas illustrated. - Attach thc cap and sccurctightly.

Assembly instructions for right angle con n e c t o r p a r t # 1 6 2 - l 0 0 t l

Figure 4 Coax ConnectorAssembly


5 amFfuse or-hreaker .{\'-'
\_/ T


Ground 9 Reserved 2 Speaker 6 Headphone t4 Audio Ground 13 8

Avionics Power

Headphone Jack

Headphone Jack

sL40 COM



Mic2 l5
Mic Ground TxKey 7 4

Mic Jack
Mic Jack

., otr.-..l Intercom J
Selector Switch (optional)


Yoke mount transmit buttons

Intercom t2


RxD Serial Ground

l0 ll

RS-232 Serial lnterface




l. Connect cable shields to the rear of the mounting frarne, with pigtails < 1.25 inches. 2. Use shielded cable for the microphone connections. 3. Use shielded cable for the RS-232 serial interface connections. 4. Connect shields to chassisground at both ends ofcables.

Figure 5 SL40 StandaloneWiring Diagram


SL40 lnstallation Manuol


Ground Reserved

Speaker Headphone Audio Ground 13 8 ComAudio In Audio Ground Com Mic Audio Mic Ground

sL40 COM

Mic I

Mic2 l 5
Mic Ground TxKey 4
Cbssis Ground

Com Mic Key

Intercom 1 2

Serial Ground

l0 l1

I . Connect cable shields to the rear of the mounting frame, witb pigtails < 1.25 inches. 2. Use shielded cable for the microphone connections. 3. Use shielded cable for the RS-232 serial interface connections. 4. Connect shields to chassisground at both ends ofcables. 5. The audio ground and mic ground connections may use a common point at the audio panel.

Figure 6 SL40 Typical Audio PanelConnections

SL40 Installation Manual



Posr IrusrarlATloN Curcxour

Once the unit is installed, completethe checkoutprocedure verify properoperation. to Refer to the User'sGuidefor operatirrg instructions. M ou n ti ng / W iring Check Verify that all cablesare properly sccuredand shieldsare connected the rear of thc to mounting frame. Chcck tlre movementof thc aircrafi controls to verify that there is no interf-erence. / Receivcr TransnritterOperation Tunc the unit to a local ficqucncy and verily thc receivcroutput produces clear and a audiooutput. understandable Verify the transrnittcr contacting another by station andgetting a r ep o r t l-r cliablc o ctlrnrtturricatiorrs . AntennaCheck VSWR catr bc checkedusing an inline watt nretcrin thc antenrra The antenna coax using near fr eq u e n cics bothcndsof the ban d . h e V S WR s h o u ld e < 2 : 1 , a n d is n o t t o e x c c e d 1 . T b 3: A VSWR of 2:l will causea drop in output power of approxirnately l2o/o. and 3:l causes a approxinrately 26'%drop. InterfercnccCheck thc Checkthe SL40 while operating othcr avionicsand elcotrical systems thc aircraftto on vcrify that no significantintcrt'ercttce cxists,and that tlre SL40 does not causesignificant with other systcms. Pcrlbrmance interl'erencc shouldbe checkedusing low, high, and nrid Repcatduring the flight test fbr equipnicntthat is not checkedon the band fiequencics. ground. SidctoneLevcl Adjustmcnt volumc was presctat the factoryto what shouldbe an acceptablc The sidctonc lcvcl. The levelcanbc acljustcd the Systcm in Functions thc modc.To adjust sidetone levcl: l. Pressand hold the MttN br-rtton about two seconds. for This will access the System Functions modc. the knob to displaythe SroeroNB 2. Rotatc t-Rncrr Lvt. page. knotrto changethc lcvel nunrbcr. The rangcof thc numberis 000 to 3. Rotatcthe Sn,lnt.l with l2tSprodLrcing half of full ratcdoutput.A setting 000 slaves levelto onc 25-5, of the the Volurneknob. Functions 4. Prcss any kcy to exit thc Setup modc. fieqLrency, thc transmitter, key and talk into the microphonc to 5. Selcctan appropriatc chcckthe level. ReceiverSquelchAdjustment squelch levelmay be pertbnned usingthe Rcvn Sgalcn page Adjustments the receiver to by may be adjusted in the TestMode.Values betrveen and 100. 25 l. Press and hold the<> and Rcl keyswhile switching unit on. the 2. Turn thc LeRcr knob to theRcvn SqucH page. (the 3. Press <+ key to startselection nurnber the will flash). the 4. Turn the Svall knob to change value.Press MEv to storethe value. 5. Turn the unit off to exit the TestMode.


SL40 InstalIation Manual

Installation Mic Level Adjustment Thoseunitswith audioboardpln415-7008-01, later,havethe ability to ntakeadjustments or to microphone sensitivity using the Mtc I LEvul and Mrc 2 Luvut pagesin the Test by Mode. l. Press andhold the <> and Rcl keyswhile switching unit on. the 2. Turn the Lnncs knob to the Mrc I Lsvur- and Mrc:2Luvutpages. 3. Press e key to startsclection the (thenumber will t)ash). 4. Turn the Snlnll knobto change value.Press the Mel,t to storethe value. -5. Turn the unit ofTto exit the TestMocle. DisplayTest It is possibleto performa sinrplctest to observcall scgnrcnts thc display for a clr,rick of checkout thc displayfunctions. of l. Press hold thc <+ and Rc : r- c y swh ilc s wit c lrin gh c u n ito n . and k t 2. Turn thc Lnnc;sknob to thc DISPLAY T'EST pagc. 3. PressMt'nl to pcrformthc test.A sericsof "#" syntbols will advancc across display the tcstirrg eachLBD. 4. Turn thc unit off to exit the Tcst Moclc. Nlic Squclch Adjustrncnts thc squclclr to lcvclsfirr Micl and Mic2 are availablc thc SystemFunctions in modc.To adjLrst Micropltonc the Scluelch lcvcl: l. Prcssand hold thc Mtllt button tbr irbouttwo seconcls. This will accesstlrc Systenr l-unctions ntode. 2. Rotate LARGtT thc knobto displaythc Mrc I oH Mrc'2Ser.cru pagcs. 3. Rotatethc Sptnll knob to change thc level nurnbcr. Thc rangcof tlre numbcris 000 to 127. 4. Press any kcy to exit thc SctupFunctions modc. l}equerrcy, kcy the transrnittcr, ancitalk into the microphone to -5. Sclcct an appropr-iatc chcckthe level. Tr an smit Mic Thc TransmitMicrophonepage allows you to control wliich microphone permittedto is tr a r r slnit.ou ntaychoosc Y Mic I . 2 . o r b o t h .T o a d ju s t lt c J ' ra n s n rit c o n t ro l: Mic l. Pressand hold thc Motl button fbr about two seconds. This will acccssthc Svstcn-r Functions nrodc 2. Rotate laRc;cknob to displaythc Trr.RNsrvlrl pagc. thc Mrc 3 . Rotate S Hanllknobto sclc c tMI C I , MI C2 , o r MI C l+ MlC2 . the 4. Prcss any key to exit the SetupFunctions modc. 5. Sclcct an appropriatc fiequency,key the transmitter. and talk into tlre microphones to checkfbr the intcnded operation. Flight Tcst Check A fltght test is reconrmended a final installation as verification. The perfbrmance may be verifiedby contacting groundstationat a rangeof at least50 nm while maintaining a an appropriate altitude and over all nornralflight attitudes. Perfbrntance shouldbe checked using lorv,high, and mid bandfrequencies.






SL40Installation Manual


SEcrroN3 - SppcrFrcATroNS
This section includes detailed electrical, physical, environmental, and performance specifications the SL40. for

Inp u tvoItage.............. Inp u tcurrent.............. . . . . . . l0 v DC t o 4 0 v DC, re v e rs e o la rit y ro t e c t e d . p p . . . . . . . 2 1 0 rA t y p ic a l, -5 0 ma x .a t 1 3 . 7 5 DC, re c e i v e n 3 mA V 140rnA typical,900 mA 27.5VDC, receive 2 . lA t y p ic a l, 3 . 2 A , x .a t 1 3 . 7 5 DC, t ra n s m i t ma V 1 . 0A t y p ic a l,|. 4 A ma x .a t 2 7 . 5V DC, t ra n s m i t Note: receive full receive audio.transnrit nrax. at90(% modulation l000Hz at . . . . . . . 4 t t st y p ic a l, c e iv e wa re 2ll w:rtts typical.lransnrit 7 a mpf a s tb lo w, s o ld c rc d b o a rd in . P u llc dlo w t o t u n ru n it O N; f -lo a t in(h ig h )f b r u n i t O F F g

In p u tpower............... Inter nal fuse........... Powe rcotrtrol connection

He ig ht Wid th D ep th Weig ht(with nrounting tiame) (3 . 1 . 3 0in c h e s . 3 0c m) ( . . (t . 2 5in c h c s 1 5 . 8 8 n r) c (2 . . 1 1 . 4 5 2 c h c s 9 . 0 () m) b e h in d a n e l, c l u d i n g in c p in rtrounting tianteandcclnncctors 1 . 2 . 1 lb . (0 . 9 -5k g )

The SL40 unit is designcd and tested nrcctappropriatc to catcgorics ol'RTCA/DO-t60C.The Environmental Fomris included AppendixC. in Qualification Op e r ating tcnrpcraturc........... . . . . . Stor a ge tenrperature ................ Te n r p erature varialion Humidity... Maximumaltitude Cooling -2 0 " C1 * _ 5 -5 " C to -, 5 5 " Co +t l5 ' C t 2 " C p c r rn in u t e 95t% 50"C fbr 6 hours(Z daycycle) at 35.000 f-eet Not required

SL40 I nstallation Manual



1 .Ug i -I -


11.452 t4.42 0 Mountrng f1o{e (6x)

I r.03E

: .2t9



t ::ii

"'] -I-----r r!)l






-f _t

'i' _t|.Gz5l



Figure 7 Unit Dimcnsions


C l ass F- r eq u cn cy ran9e......... Sensitivity Selectivity audiooutputlevel.......... Speaker l2 wattsinto 4(), 8 wattsinto 8f) ............ . . . . . . . . . . D I lli. 0 0 0t o 1 3 6 . 9 7 5 Ml-lz ,7 6 0 c h a n n c ls lptV (2prVhard)fbr 6 dts S+N/N with 30% nroclulation I000H2 at

audiooutputlevel.......... . . . . . . . . 2 t 1 0 mWl0 0 f ), l2 0 mW in t o 5 0 0 f ) He a d p h o ne in t o Distortion AGC characteristics l00mV input,15o/o 90'%modulation to Squclch control .....Autonratic squelch with manual override

C 1a ss.,....... Outputpower ....... . . . . . . 4 ........8 wattsminimumcarrier >l2VDC input, at 6 wattsminimumat l0VDC input (transmitis lockedout below 9 volts input) l 1 8 . 0 0 0o 1 3 6 . 9 7 5 t MHz , 7 6 0 c h a n n e ls ........ . . . . . . . . + l5 p f io m -2 0 ' C t o + 7 0 o C pm

Fr eq u e n cy range......... Fr eq u e n cy tolerance


SL40Installation Manual

Specifications Microphoneinput . Trvo inputs,standard carbonor dynamicmic with preampprovidingminimum 70mv rms integrated into 10000 load tl5% with lOOrnv 1000mv to rms microphone input a t 1 0 0 0Hz ...< l0% at tt5%niodulation 350 to 2500Hz at nrodulation Carricrnoisclcvcl output....... Sid e tone Duty cycle Stu ckmic tintc-out.............. > 3-5 down dB in u p t o 2 l3 0 n rW t o 1 0 0 Q ,l2 0 mW in t o 5 0 0 f J 100"/o . . .3 -5 e c o n dimc -o u trc v e rt s o re c c iv e s t . t

Modulation capability Audio fiequency distortion.. Audio fiequency rcsponsc

input Microphonc . Two inputs, standard carbon dynarnic nricwith or prearnp providing intcgratcd minimum70mv rms in t o 1 0 0 0 () a d lo

IJe a dphonc audiooutput1cvc1. . . . . ........... 2 u 0 mW in t o 1 0 0 O ,1 2 0n rW in t o 5 0 0 f ) ACC c haractcristic < o u t p u tv u rie s 3 d B wit h in p u to f lO O n rv st o rnr l000rnvrnrs

Tr an snrit key............ Intercont select I n p u tp u llc dlo w t o g ro u n dt o e rra b lelrct ra n s m i t t e r t .....Inputpullcdlow to groundto cnable intcrcom thc function

A Nr nN n A R E e U T R E M E NT S
The SL40 requires antL-nna an mc-eting fbllowingspccifications. the polariz e d n t c n n a lra V S WR < 2 . 5 : 1 . Standard vcrtically wit a -50f)

RS-232..... Deflncdin AppendixE - SerialIntert-ace Specifications

SL40 InstaIlation Manual



PrNour RnanCoNxBcroR
Table 2 ConnectorPinout

Pi n #
., 3

UO Connection
Power* Reserved

mai n D C oow eri nput Do not connect R S l S l seri al dutaotrtput key, pulled low to transrnil transrnit enable
Do nol connect s o e a k c r t e r r n i n a lt r t i t o u l c rnicronhtlncinnut ururrrnd onncclion





() l0

1 8

M i e s ro u n d Mic I
['ower ground


RxD Serialcround
Intercorl select Ar-rdioground


i nout# I rni cronhone rnainnower sroundinout ItS 232seri al datai noul ILS 232 snalsround si {unctionselcct. intercorn oulled low to turn on the intercom lirnction
spcaker and heaclnhuneground connection headphone terminal outpr-rl


t4 t5

M ic

i nput#2 nri cropl rone


,,r 1 !,1 i ,]
r ' I r,5r , i

Viewed fiorl rear of unit


SL40 Installatiott Manual


SEcrroN4 - LturTATroNs
ffi.#TJJi"::. OpnRarIoNAL
fi:"fiffJt radiostation license is required rransmitting. for prease fbrow your rocal

bemade accordance in withAC 20-678 other or appropriare FAA

SL4 0 lns taIIationl4a nu aI





SL40Installation Manual


A AppExDrx - TnouBLEsHoorrNG
This appendix provides information to assist troubleshootingif problems occur after tlre in completing installation. Table3 to assist troubleshooting. Use 'tatrle3 Troubleshooting Guide Problem
The SL40 doesnot poweron. T he un i t d o e sn o t l ra n s rn i l .

Caus e
T h e uni t i s not getti ngpow er.

S o lu t io n

Mic Se ns it iv ily v ar ies Thc sicletoneand intercorn le ve ls a r e t c lo low or high. Th e in t er c or n does n' t t ir nc t ion.

breakers. Checkpowerconnections, and mai n avi oni cs i tch. sw l -h c TxK ey i nputi s not bci ngpul l ed C heckthe' l ' xK ey(mi c key) input , Io w . pullcd low fcrrtransnrit. A w eather lhe i Selccta dillbrentfrequency, unit channel s scl ected. w i l l ncl ttransrnion a w eath er t channcl . 'l'hc i nprrt tagci s too l ow . vol l ncreasenputsuppl yvol tage > 9 i 1o vol ts D C . M ic L e v e l s n e c d a d j u s t r r r e n l Seethe Mic Level Adjustment on page | 3 Wrong type of hcadsets, level Level Adjustment or Seethe Sidctone n e e cl adi Lrstrnent. s on na[c | 2. Conl r o l i n o u t n o t c o n n e c t e d . The intercorn selectinput rnustbe pulledto groundto turn on the i nterccl nrrncti on. li
No vo i c e a c l i v a l i o l r . c l r h u v e l o t a l k too lclucl.

(' hangcl he i ntcrcom uel ch scl threslrolcl usingthe setupfirnction i descri bedn the uscr' smanu al.

Con'rncrrNcruE Fncrony FoRAssrsrnNcE

If the SL40 unit fails to operatedespitetroubleshooting cffbrts. contactthe Gannin AT fbctoryfbr zrssisteutcc. G ARMIN lntcmational. lnc. I 200 HastI 5 l'' S trcct Olathc.KS 66062-3426 US A (913)397-8200 Phone: (9t3\ 397 8282 FAX: garm n.conr lrttp://www. i to Be prepared offer the tbllowing infbrn-ration aboutthc installation: o Installation (accessories, configuration antenna, ...) . Modcl nurnber, partnunrber nrodlevels, and serialnumber with o Software version o Description problem of r E,fforts madeto isolatethe problem

SL4() I nstallat it trt Alantrul





SL40 Installation Manual

Periodic Maintenance


EeurpruENT CaLrsRATroN
The SL40 designrequires very few adjustments calibration be made.In fact,thereare no or to internalmanualadjustments. Re pnne NCE OScILLAToR The reference oscillatorfrequencyshould be checkedapproximately every 3 to 5 years to ensure unitstransmit the frequency within allowable is tolerance. The oscillatorfiequencycan be checkcdby connccting the transmitter output througlran appropriate load to a calibrated fiequencycounter.The transmitfrequencyshouldbe within l5ppnr of the sclectedchannel tiequency.Contact the Garnrin AT, Inc. f-actoryfor instructions adjusting fiequencyif required. on the

CLEnNINGTHE F norur PINBIThe fiont bezel,keypad,and display can be clcanedwith a soft cotton cloth dampcrrecl with clean water. DO NOT use any chcrnicalclcaningagents. Care should be taken to avoid scratching surface thedisplay. the of

SL40 I nstallat ion Manual


Periodic Maintenance



SL40 Installation Manual

Enviro nmentaI Qualifications

AppnxDrxC - ExvTnoNMENTAL QueuFrcATroNS

The SL40 hasbeentested the follorving per to environmental categories procedures in defined RTCA/DO-I6OC. E nviro n n re n t aO u a lif ic a t io n o rm l F Nomenclature: SL40 Manuf'acturer: PartNo.: 430-6040-200 AT, Inc. Garnrin TSO No.: TS O-C37d. O-C38da n d TS . 2345TurnerRoadSE TSO- C128 Salem, Orcgon 97302 ETSONo.: E TS O-2C37e.TS O-2 C3 8 . E and ETSO-2C:128. Conditions of Tests Section l)escription Conducted
'l'cmpr:raturc and Altitude In -l'light Lt r s s ol' ( oolir r g, Altitu de Ovcrorcsslrrc

V T c nr pe ru ttrrea ri u ito n I lur nidi ty

C)perationalShocks and Clrash Sal'cty V ibra tirl n E.xnlosionProtlfltess Watcrpr ooljr c s s

4.0 4.5.4 4.6.1 4.6.3 5.0 6.0 7

testcd (i atcgory l w i th to lrcl Lti prncnt C Ncr :ool i ngrequi red i tesl ed 3-5,000 to l eel [rc1upment lilr' [:.qu inrncnttestccl overpressurc []Ll ui pr11en tcsted to Clalegory(1. 2"[]/rnin tcsted[o CatcgoryA, standard humidity Ecpril.rrncnt
c l l V l r o l t l l l c t]t

ti .0 9.0 o I

I-tpriprnenttestcclfirr both opcralional and crash saf-ely ope slrocks. ([lc;uil"rrrrent ratcclnorrnally afier the crash sat'ety s h o c k s .) nt [:cluiprne tcstcclrvitlrorrtslrock nlounts to Categclrics[], M,

I r t u i n r ) l c l l l i t l c r r l i l l c r l : r s ( 'r r l e u o r v X . r r o l c s t r c r r r r i r e d id F.tlr-riprnenlcrrlilied as (iategory X, no testrequired l : i q r r i p r r c r r i d c n t i e d a s C i a l e g o l yX , n o c s t r r 'q u i r e d t L i q u i p r n e r r itr l en t i f i e d a s ( 'a t c g o r y X , n o c s t r c q u i r c d

FluidsS L rs c e b i l i t n ti S andan d l )u s 1 F uns us l c s i s ta rrc c l

Salt Sn rav Mlunc-tic Ilflc'et

) 3
4.0 .5.0 6.0 7.0 I8.0 19.0

i as X nnrcrrldcrrl i l l ecl C ' atesorv . no c s l r c q u red identifled as ClategorvX, ncl est rcqLrrecl DqLril-rnrcnl

I '. q u i D r t r c nils [ ] l a s s Z

I ) owerI n o u t V olt as eS n i k e Audio Frequency Cionductccl S us c en ti b i l i tvPo w e rIn n u ts lndt r c etl i u n rrl rrs c c o ti b i l i tv S S RadioFreqLrency SLrscepti l i ty b (ltadiatcdanclConduclecl Ernission RadioFrequency ol' Enersv
Lig htn ing I ndLr c ed' l' r ans ienl SLrsce nlibililv Liu htn inu Dir ec t El' lec ls lcin s Remarks:

tested flategoricsA & ll to HerriDnrent

Equipnrcnl tcstcd to Categorv A

testecl fiategories & Il tcl A I'.qtriprnent

tesleclto (latcgorv Z Ilqr,riDment

20 2l 22.0

lestecl CategoryV lbr conducled. to F,quipnrent CategoryU l i rr rl cl i atcd.

lesled to CiategoryZ Fiquiprnc-nl tcsted to C--ategories and 82. E,qLripnrc'nt A3 R S - 2 l l i n p u t i o r , r t p uttc s l e d t o A 3 a n d I l l . E q u i n r n e n l i c l e n t i l l e Ju s C a t e g o r v X , n o t e s t r e q u i r e d irlcntitlctl us C'ategoryX. no test required F,qr,riprncnt



SL40Installation Manuol


E nviro nment I Qualifi cations a



SL40 InstalIation Manual

SeriaI Da tctSpec/ica Iions i

AppnxDrxE - SEruer ITTERFAcE SpEcrFrcATroNS

inclLrdes interface the for This appendix specifications the RS-232serialport. The RS-232 port can be usedto input activeand standbyfrequencies, is usedto input frequencies from and The interface a remotesource. suchas the SL50 and 2001GPS. formatconfbtmsto NMEA lbrrnatspecifi cations. 0 I 83 message The formatof theRS-232 serialport is as follows: Baudratc D atabits Stopbits.... Parity . . . . . .9 6 0 0 . . . . . . . .8 . ........ . . . . . . . . . .I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n.o n e . .

Thc datafbrrnatis as follows: $ PMRRC<msg_id><nrsg_data><chksunr><cD' The checksum cornputed arr 8 bit additionof thc msg id and msg_data is by clraractcrs. is by ignorinucarry if any. Thc resulting8 bit checksum converted two ascii characters to taking the uppcr and lower nibblcs,adding 30h tcl each,and placingthe most significant first character in thc datarncssage.

RS-232 lxpurs
F-ormat Message PMRRC00mka<chksllnr><cr> $ 0 0....... rlcssagc id mk...... activcfiequency: nr - dcsirecl frcquency Mt-lz in lrexadccinral, whcre nr : desiredfiequency in 30h, with desircd q u e n c y ra n g co f ll8 t o 1 3 6MI lz , o r 1 6 2Mt lz . fic in + fiequency kHz wherck - (dcsired k - desired in ttequcncy 25 kHz.) 30h, with I frcquency rangcof 000 to975 kHz in 25kHz steps, desircd in or0 to 39. Iunction: a ......... trarrsccivcr reccivc N : nornral opcration : enable M monitorfu n c t io n 0 - no change ExampleMessage $PMRRC00G4N29--cr> to Setthe irctivcfiequency 1I 9.l00MHz, normalreceivemodc."G" - I l9d - 30h - 71h 30h:47h.or an ascii"Gr'' "4" : 1 0 0k Hz lZ 5 k Hz + 3 0 h : 4 + 3 0 h : 3 4 h , o ra n a s c i i" 4 . "

SL40 I nstullutiLtnll Iunuul


Serial Data Specifications

SBr SraxDBY FREeUENCY Format Message SPMRRC0I mka<chksspXsl) id 0 l .......message mk ...... standby fiequency: wherem: desired rn: desired frequency MHz in hexadecimal, in fiequency frequency range I I 8 to 136MHz, or 162MHz. in 30h , with desired of k : desircd fi'equency kHz wherek - (desired frequency 25 kHz) + 30h,with in / liequency rangeof 000 to975 kHz in 25kHz steps, desired in or0 to 39. a.......... trarrsccivcr function: N : norttral rcccivcoperation monitorfunction M : enable 0 : no change ExamplcMessage LF SPM RRCOI M40<cr> Setthc stanclby liequcnc,y 124.550 to functionselcctcd MH4 nronitor

Rnuors Innxr lNpur

is This messagc usedto iltputa ncw idcnt,and reset rcrnote the fiequerrcy inputpointer. Messagc Format PMRRCl04ti i.,-chksLlnr><cr-> ii $ 04 .......nrcssage id t ..........1ist , input I type i i i i ....... ident, fbur charactcr ascii l-xample Messurgc $ PMRRC04l SLE<space>99<cr> Sct thc remotcfi'equency idcrrtto "SLE."

[,rsr lNpur RnnrornFnnqunNCY

is fiequencies the remote This nressage usecl ir-rput to rccallfunction. to l0 fi'cquencies fbr Up are acceptcd. Mcssagc Format tfink<chk5s6Xg1) $PMRRC05 0,5 id .......mcssage t..........1ist input I type, frequency f .......... type: 0 : TWR, towcr lrcqucncy I - CND,ground li'cqucncy
23: 4: 5: ATS, for ATIS ATF, air traffic frequcncy APP,fbr approach ARR, for arrival

trafficadvisory frcquency 8 : CTF,cornmon : DEP,dcparturc 9

: (3Ah) : ; (3Bh) : < (3Ch) : : (3Dh): FSS.flight scrvicestatiorr RFS,for rcmoteflight servrcc station UNI, for unicom MF, mandarory frcquency


SL40Installation Manual

Seriul Data Spccilications 6: AWS,automatic weathcr station > (3Eh): notdefincd, notuse do : CLR,clcarancc/dclivery 7 ? (3Fh): undcfincd, othcrfrequency for types frequency: mk...... tn : desiredfiequencyin MHz in hexadecimal, where rl : desiredfrequency30h , with desired fiequency rangeof I l8 to 136MHz, or 162MHz. in k - dcsired fiequcncy kHz wherek : (desired in liequency 25 kHz) + 30h,with I dcsired frequency range 000 to 97,5 in of kHz in 25kHz steps, 0 to 39. or Ex amplcMcssage llT64<cr> $ P MRRC05l Inputa groundlieclucncy type, l2l .900MHz.

Rngunsr Ourpur Msssncr

This rncssagc uscdto rcqucst is dataoutputmessages. Messagc Format idda<clr Lun><cr> ks $ PMRRC06i 06 ,...... messagc id i i ........ rcqucstcd message n t : iclc 03 : softwareversionntessase dd ....... to 00 sct a...-..... to U sct Examplc Mcssagc $PMRRCO60300059<cr> T'liisnrcssagc rcqucsts soliwarc vcrsit'rn thc nrcssr.lgc bc output. to

RS-232 Ou'rpurs
TRnruscorvBR Slnrus
This message r-rscd outputtlrecurrcnttranscciver is to fiequerrcies status. and Message F'ormat PMRRC0I nrknrkas<clrksurn><cr> $ 0 l....... message id nrk...... activefiequency (first nrk): nr '- ficqucncy in MHz in hcxadecimal, where nr : frequency- 30h , with frequency range I l8 to 136MH4 or 162MHz. in of k : frequencyin kHz where k : (fiequcncy/ 25 kHz) + 30h, rvith fiequencyin rangcof 000 to 975 kHz in 25 kFIzsteps, 0 to 39. or mk...... (second standby frequency mk): m : fiequency irt MHz in hexadecimal, where m ,= frequency- 30h , with 1i'equency rangeof I I ti to 136MHz, or 162MHz. in k : frequencyin kHz where k : (frequency 25 kHz) + 30h, with frequencyin I rangeof 000 to 975 kHz in 25 kFlz steps, 0 to 39. or a ......... transceivcr status:

SL40 I n.stal kttiort Muttttul


Serial Data R: normalreceive M : monitorselected T : transmit enabled : stuckmic S s.......... squelch setting: test 0: automatic I : testselected ExampleMessage $ PM RRC0IG4LFR0FO<cr> The activefiequcncy I 19.100 is MHz, the standby frequency 124.550 is MH4 nonnal reccive function, automatic squelch selectecl. This message outputonce/second. is Son'rwnRE VERSToN is This message usedto outputthe conrs<lftware version. Message Format $ PMRRC03vvvv<chksLrm><cr> id 03 .......messagc vvvv ...soliware vcrsion Exa m pleMessage SPMRItC030l0024<cr> version 01.00. Thc softwarc is This rncssage outputonccat porvcrup and by rec';ucst. is


SL40Installation Manual

Declarationof Conformi
name: Manufacturer's address: Manufacturer's

Garmin AT, Inc. 2345 TumerRd.SE Salem, Oregon, 97302USA

declares that the.follow ng product: i Typeof cquipment: Product name: Partnumber: VHF Comm transceivcr aircraft for SL40Comm 430-6040-2xx

confbrms to theJbl[ov,ing Diractives antl Stundurds: Application ofCouncil Directives: Standards: 8913361F.EC. 93/68/EEC

EN-so0tt- I, EN-50082I I

QualityDepartment GanninAT, lnc.

SL40 Inslol lation Mcrnual



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