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Daar-ut-Tawheed (Upon you is Tawheed & Sunnah) www.daaruttawheed.


Tawasul explained by Ash-Shaikh Slih bin Sad As-Suhaym [Hafidhahul-Lh]1


Shaikhul-Islm Ibn Taimiyyah (May Allah have mercy upon him) said, Love of the companions all together (without exception) is for me my school of doctrine **** and love of the nearest one (Ahlul-Bayt) do I seek as a means of nearness (to Allh)


This was taken from the explanation of the Lmiyyah of Shaikhul-Islm Ibn Taimiyyah made by the noble Shaikh (May Allh preserve him) in the Prophets Mosque in Madeenah. Audio can be found here:

Daar-ut-Tawheed (Upon you is Tawheed & Sunnah)

From the well-known matters in the legislation (of Allh), is that from amongst the types of legislated Tawasul is At-Tawasul (drawing nearness to Allh) with righteous actions because Tawasul May Allh have mercy upon us and you is of three types. The first of them is drawing nearness to Allah with his Asm & Sift (names and attributes) as the Messenger of Allh (May the peace, blessings & protection of Allh be upon him) use to say,

"...." Oh the ever-living, the ever-existing, by your mercy assist and aid us
The second type of Tawasul , is drawing nearness to Allh through righteous actions like the statement of Allah (the all-high and the supreme) speaking on behalf of the Hawriyn (disciples of Isaa):

Oh our Lord, we have believed and followed the messenger, so write us amongst the witnesses [Surah Al-Midah: 83] And the statement of the Messenger of Allh (May the peace, blessings & protection of Allh be upon him) when he heard someone supplicating and saying:

Daar-ut-Tawheed (Upon you is Tawheed & Sunnah)

Oh Allah, I bear witness that you are Allah, none worthy of worship except for you, the only one, the self-sufficient master, the one that begets not, neither was he begotten and there is no-one comparable unto him

The Messenger of Allh (May the peace, blessings & protection of Allh be upon him) replied by saying:

Indeed he called upon Allh with the greatest of his names, that whereby if he is asked he gives and if he is called upon, he answers. There have come together in this supplication; drawing nearness to Allh through his Asm & Sift (names and attributes) and drawing nearness to Allah through righteous actions. Righteous actions cannot be done except with two conditions: 1. Ikhls: Sincerely for the sake of Allh 2. Al-Mutbaah : Must be in accordance to the guidance of the Messenger of Allh (May the peace, blessings & protection of Allh be upon him) The third type is drawing nearness to Allah through the supplication of the; Muslim, pious and able to make du (supplication). Just as it occurred in the that the Sahbah came to do Istisq (seeking of rain) through the supplication of

Daar-ut-Tawheed (Upon you is Tawheed & Sunnah)

Umar bin Al-Khatb (May Allh be pleased with him) and in the Hadth of the Messenger of Allah as it occurs in the Sahhain (Sahh Bukhri and Sahh Muslim) whereby a man came to the Messenger of Allh and said,

Oh Messenger of Allh, the wealth have been destroyed and the roads have been cordoned and cut off, so call upon Allah to rescue, assist and aid us and other than that from the proof of drawing nearness to Allh through the pious Muslim. Also in the time of the Messenger of Allh they use to draw nearness to Allh through he (May the peace, blessings & protection of Allh be upon him) and after his death they would choose someone who they would go to in times of need so they would request du (supplication) to be made for them in times of Istisq (seeking of rain) and other than it. They never draw nearness to Allh through him after his death (May the peace, blessings & protection of Allh be upon him) due to them having knowledge that this position is a position of worship (and seeking aid of the dead whomever it may be is Shirk).

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