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Hace muchos aos, a finales del siglo pasado, cuando la regin de los Lagos de Montebello era nicamente conocida

por los dueos de las grandes fincas de esa zona y por los montaeses que tenan entre la selva virgen sus poblados, fue entonces cuando se not la prdida de ganado vacuno y caballar sin dejar rastro de ellos. Despus, vaqueros desaparecidos con todo y el caballo que montaban. por todo esto, algunas personas empezaron a sospechar que algo raro y sobrenatural estaba atacando a gente y animales.. y se pusieron de acuerdo para vigilar de da y de noche por toda la zona de los lagos. Un da cuando uno de los vaqueros haca su recorrido habitual a la orilla de uno de los hermosos Lagos de Colores, vio una vbora con cara de vaca y cuernos que abriendo sus espantosas fauces se tragaba a una res de tamao grande. El vaquero espole a su caballo el cual, dando grandes relinchos se alej a galope y, llegando a la casa grande (que as se le llamaba a la casa del patrn de la finca), cont lo sucedido.... pero fue tal el susto del vaquero que enferm y a los pocos meses muri. Como se deca, fue de espanto... y por as de las curas habituales en estos casos, falleci.. Desde entonces y con mucha precaucin, varios intrpidos empezaron a salir a la caza de este animal, pero nunca lo lograron porque nadie lo volvi a ver y, segn la leyenda se sumergi en lo ms profundo de los Lagos y es por eso que no se ha encontrado el cuerpo de muchas personas que se han ahogado en ellos; algunos han aparecido trabados en races, pero los que no han sido localizados, jams, dicen las personas ya muy viejas de esos lugares, que la serpiente infernal se los trag y que no se sabe en que lago est, porque todos tienen comunicacin en lo ms profundo de sus aguas.

Traduccin Many years ago, at the end of last century, when the region of the Lakes of Montebello was only known by the owners of the big properties of that area and for the mountaineers that had among the virgin forest its towns, it was then when the loss of bovine and horsy livestock was noticed without leaving rake of them. Then, missing jeans with everything and the horse that mounted. for all this, some people began to suspect that something strange and supernatural it was attacking people and animals.. and they came to an agreement to watch over by day and at night for the whole area of the lakes. One day when one of the jeans made their habitual journey on one of the beautiful Lakes of Colors, he/she did a viper with cow face and horns that opening their awful fauceses swallowed to a head of big size. The cowboy spurred his horse the one which, giving big neighs went away to gallop and, arriving at the big house (that was called this way to the house of the pattern of the property), it counted that happened.... but it was such the cowboy's fright that made sick and to the few months he died. As it was said, it was of fright... and for ace of the habitual cures in these cases, it died.. From then on and with a lot of caution, several intrepid they began to leave to the hunt of this animal, but they never achieved it because nobody saw it again and, according to the legend he/she dove in the deepest in the Lakes and it is for that reason that he/she has not been the body of many people that you/they have drowned in them; some have appeared begun in roots, but those that have not been located, never, people already say very old of those

places that the infernal snake swallowed them and that one doesn't know in that lake is, because all have communication in the deepest in their waters.

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