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Claflin University School of Education - - - EDUC 323 Reflective Lesson Plan Model Name: Jessica McCrea PART I: PLANNING Date: October 22, 2012

Title of Lesson

How do families celebrate in Autumn?

Is this lesson original idea? If not, from what source did I borrow this lesson?


This is an original lesson plan that was created with the guidance of the OWL curriculum.

Subject Area (s) Grade Level

English Language Arts Pre-K

SE-4K-1.1 Describe characteristics of self and others. Curriculum Standard(s) ELA-4K-3.4 Begin understanding how print is used to bring meaning. ELA-4K-1.2 Make relevant comments or appropriate responses to story events or characters.
What will students experience during the lesson? What is the agenda for the lesson? What is the content to be taught?

Description and Background Information

The teacher will introduce the lesson by making connections with students previous experiences with celebrating Autumn holidays and symbols. Vocabulary context cards will be used throughout the lesson. Through reading the chosen literature, Its the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, students will engage in discussions and questioning about the book. Students will complete a guided practice activity as a whole class. Students will assist teacher in pumpkin demonstration activity. Students will complete a Things I do to celebrate Halloween handout as homework. What will I need to teach this lesson? What do students need to participate? Teacher: Its the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, handout assignments, large paper, pumpkin, carving/cutting utensil, cleaning supplies, construction paper, markers, stapler. Student: paper, pencil, work folder What will students be able to do at the conclusion of this lesson? Write measurable objective(s).


Lesson Objectives

Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of Autumn holidays through building vocabulary and completing worksheets on the subject matter. After instruction is given, students will be able to make meaning of the text, make connections to the texts and list ways that different people celebrate Autumn holidays. After a week of instruction on Autumn holidays. Students should be able to complete all assignments with a 70% proficiency rate or higher. How will I vary these objectives for students who do not understand the material? How will I vary these objectives for students who have already mastered the concept? How will I vary these objectives for students who are presently learning English?

Varying Objectives for

Individuals Needs

To help students who need extra assistance, I will use peer cooperative learning and scaffolding to help them master the content. For students whove mastered the content, I will engage them in critical thinking activities that correspond to the content that was taught, or I will let them assist some of the students who are having difficulty grasping the content. For English Language Learners, I will utilize the services of TESOL faculty within the school that is usually provided through the school district to help ELLs understand the content better. If TESOL services arent available, I will pair the ELLs with English speaking students to increase comprehension.


How will I find out what students already know about this topic? To find out what students already know, the class as a whole will create a list of holidays that their families celebrate in Autumn on a large sheet of paper that will be posted on the white board throughout the reading. What will I do to make a connection between students and this lesson? I will show students the cover of the reading Its the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, and ask them what do pumpkins symbolize. This will get their minds running about pumpkins and Autumn holidays. What will I say to explain the importance of learning this lesson? This lesson is important because it not only illustrates what families celebrate in Autumn; it also tells students the history of how some of the Autumn holidays began. What will I do to show students what is expected? I will model what is expected by giving examples of things families do to celebrate Autumn holidays, such as go trick-or-treating or apple picking.



Statement of Purpose

Teacher Modeling or Demonstration

What will we do together as they learn how to succeed at the new task? As I read the text aloud to the class, I will pause during significant parts of the story to let students discuss similarities in the ways they celebrate Autumn. I will also use questioning techniques. What will I ask to know if students understand so far? List questions. What will I do throughout the lesson to determine if students understand the information? List activities/techniques or describe the strategies that you plan to use. (The students will already have knowledge of what Autumn is and other key vocabulary through working previously with the vocabulary cards for this lesson.) Questions: 1. What Autumn holiday was celebrated in the reading? 2. What was the main idea of the reading? 3. Do your family and Charlie Brown celebrate Autumn holidays the same way? Throughout the lesson, I will continue to question students and probe for extended responses.

Guided Practice

Checking for Understanding

What will students do to internalize the knowledge? Students will make a flip book using construction paper to illustrate the main events of the story and its characters. (Teacher will demonstrate how to make a flip book.) What will students do to demonstrate what they learned during the lesson? If an assessment is used, attach a copy. If using an authentic assessment, attach a copy of the scoring rubric.

Independent Practice


Students will complete a handout on the story and Autumn holidays. This assessment will be matching that will include pictures and lesson vocabulary. How will I conclude the lesson and relate it to future experiences? Students will share their flip books with each other and say how they will celebrate Autumn holidays this year.


Extension Activities

What can students do at home or in the classroom to apply the knowledge or skills? What will you do to connect the lesson with the home, community and community agencies? Students will assist the teacher in carving a pumpkin to make a Halloween jack-olantern and create a story about it. Students can talk about what foods they eat at home that includes pumpkins (ex: pumpkin pie). If time permits, take a mini-trip to the local pumpkin patch. How is technology meaningful to this lesson? How do you plan to use implement student used technology during the lesson?

Technology Connections Across the Curriculum

The students and I will use the internet to research how some of the Autumn holidays began. What activities do you plan to implement to connect your lesson across the curriculum to all 6 content areas? Math- estimate how many pumpkin seeds are in a pumpkin, then count the pumpkin seeds Science- how pumpkins grow Social Studies-how Thanksgiving and Halloween began Art- students create pictures in the stories that they will write about a jack-o-lantern PE- students will dance to a song about Halloween Music- students will be broken down into groups to create a song about a Autumn holiday of their choice


What worked for you during the lesson? What did not work? What changes would you make when you teach this lesson again to make it more effective? I believe that my use of technology really engaged and motivated the students in lesson. I think that I do the lesson after snack time so distractions with hungry students wont take up instructional time. To make this lesson more effective, I would focus on one Autumn holiday at a time versus teaching Halloween and Thanksgiving in the same day.


Content Vocabulary

Halloween Thanksgiving pumpkin turkey

candy costumes

Pilgrims Native Americans



Autumn celebrate


Things I do to celebrate Autumn holidays

Name ______________________________________

Date _________________________

Circle what you do to CELEBRATE each Autumn holiday.











Name ____________________________ Date _______________

My favorite part of the story..

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