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Online learning Online learning is a new education concept by using the Internet technology, it deliveries the digital content,

provides a learner-orient environment for the teachers and students. The e-learning promotes the construction of life-long learning opinions and learning society. A few years ago, online education was unthinkable; now it is a reality and it has expanded beyond imagination. The Internet has allowed us to cross boundaries that took a long time to cross; technology has allowed us to learn and grow with people from around the world. Advantages of online or computer-based learning

Class work can be scheduled around work and family Reduces travel time and travel costs for off-campus students Students may have the option to select learning materials that meets their level of knowledge and interest

Students can study anywhere they have access to a computer and Internet connection

Self-paced learning modules allow students to work at their own pace Flexibility to join discussions in the bulletin board threaded discussion areas at any hour, or visit with classmates and instructors remotely in chat rooms

Instructors and students both report eLearning fosters more interaction among students and instructors than in large lecture courses

eLearning can accommodate different learning styles and facilitate learning through a variety of activities

Develops knowledge of the Internet and computers skills that will help learners throughout their lives and careers

Successfully completing online or computer-based courses builds self-knowledge and self-confidence and encourages students to take responsibility for their learning

Learners can test out of or skim over materials already mastered and concentrate efforts in mastering areas containing new information and/or skills

Disadvantages of online or computer-based learning

Learners with low motivation or bad study habits may fall behind Without the routine structures of a traditional class, students may get lost or confused about course activities and deadlines

Students may feel isolated from the instructor and classmates Instructor may not always be available when students are studying or need help Slow Internet connections or older computers may make accessing course materials frustrating

Managing computer files and online learning software can sometimes seem complex for students with beginner-level computer skills

Hands-on or lab work is difficult to simulate in a virtual classroom Advantages of Online Education Following is a listing of many of the benefits of online learning: 1. Retaining your job while attending school. Potential students who are fulltime employees have been reluctant to attend college or graduate school because of lost earnings and lost seniority. With online learning, they can do both.

2. Spending time with family while learning. The potential for disrupting family life has kept some potential students from commitment to a campus-based degree program. Online classes offer a solution because many classes can be taken at any time, after the children are asleep or while they are working on their own assignments. Spousal support may also be a consideration.

3. Online interactive classes tend to adopt new concepts and changes more quickly. Whereas it may take years for a traditional class to change and even a new text adopted, online courses can change very quickly, an advantage for students whose course of study is currently evolving as quickly as it is learned. New findings from anywhere in the world can be brought in quickly and easily.

4. Student interaction is increased. Unless a student in a traditional class has time to chat with other students in a student area or nearby coffee shop, he or she may never really get to network outside of class. In an interactive class, these students may share their views and ask questions of other learners all around the globe. And these other learners may prove to be valuable contacts outside of school. The very act of exchanging information in this manner may be relevant at work later on, giving students a level of comfort with such exchanges.

5. Faculty are more likely to be known experts in their fields. Perhaps you have heard of a leading researcher in another country whose class you could only dream of attending. With the facility of online learning, you can study with such experts who are giving an online course anywhere in the world.

6. Learning at your own pace. Whether you are an average, fast, or slow learner, you can work at your own pace when you take an online class. If English is your second language, you have the opportunity to review the material more than once to be certain you understood everything. If you learn very quickly and are normally bored waiting for other students to catch up, you are now free to move as quickly as you like. Classes are usually open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Some schools will allow you to complete a typical 2-year MBA program, for example, in less time if you double up in classes.

7. You can more likely handle personal and business emergencies without having to drop a class. When something happens that requires extra time of you, you may have had to drop a class if you were attending a class at a college campus. Online learning offers more flexibility because you can log on any time of the day or night. Because most classes require an 8-12 hour commitment per week, this offers quite a bit of flexibility in a pinch.

8. Completion of some online programs is based on demonstration of your competence in an area rather than on classes taken. These schools offer a personalized approach because students earn credits by demonstrating their competence via an assessment. For example, someone who is self-taught in a programming language and can pass the final exam for that course will receive credit for it.

9. Physically handicapped students benefit from the advantages of college courses without the disadvantages of making their way across the campus and in and out of buildings.

10. Ageism is unlikely to exist. Other students do not know your age and are not likely to think of you as too old or too young to be knowledgeable.

11. Money is saved that would otherwise be spent on gas, parking, lodging, and meals. You can meet online with experts and students worldwide without leaving your home or office to attend class physically.

12. You save time on lecture notes and organizing your materials. Instead, you have the opportunity to concentrate on the material online and to find what you need without running errands physically. E-mail takes the place of traveling to meet with other students.

13. If you are a supervisor or manager, you are able to learn online without having to miss days of work and depend on others to cover for you. Because of the advantages of distance learning, you may be more at ease while you study and not have to worry about what is happening back at the office. In

addition, your superiors can see that you can handle your tasks and, by taking the course(s), can prepare yourself for advancement and more responsibility at the same time.

14. Potentially an easy way to take the additional classes or get the certification needed for on-the-job advancement. Working professionals are often torn between taking time from work and other priorities in order to attend a campus-based course or enroll in a program. Although employers want to see members of the workforce show initiative by enhancing their knowledge, they may also want to see them on the job, keeping abreast of company initiatives. Virtual learning provides a solution because individuals can remain on the job and obtain certification or degrees at the same time. Both are winners.

15. No residency requirements for most online schools. Whereas students formerly had to obtain residence in a state prior to attending a state school or pay high non-resident fees, this is usually not required with online schools although a visit to the campus for a personal conference may be required for some degree programs at some online schools.

16. Financial aid is also available to online students. 17. Online classes may be more equitable, ensuring that all students are treated equally. If a student believes he or she is not often called on or his or her input not valued because of personal appearance or a speech impediment, virtual learning is the great equalizer.

18. Geographic and socioeconomic disadvantages are minimized. Students in rural areas can take classes online, as long as they can get to a computer with internet access. Likewise, with financial aid and scholarships available through online colleges and travel and lodging expenses eliminated, classes and degree programs are within the reach of more of the population.

19. Students research and writing capabilities improve quickly, according to Dr. Jerry Ice and Dr. Paul Edelson, authors of the Complete Book of Distance Learning Schools. This advantage should carry over to the workplace, helping the student to perform well.

20. Also, according to Drs. Ice and Edelson, students participation in classes increases.

21. One advantage of the online approach is the written record of class contributions by teacher(s) and students. This information is available for student and teacher review, not lost forever due to faulty note taking during a traditional lecture. (Drs. Ice and Edelson)

22. Guests can be included easily, giving students the opportunity to learn from and interact with experts they may never have a chance to learn from otherwise.

23. Excellent training for the work world. The types of interaction and projects that students participate in often model closely the work world. Online students who become comfortable with this type of interaction may adapt more quickly to a business environment.

Disadvantages of Online Education Disadvantages of virtual learning are listed below: 1. You must be able to organize your time and to do the work of the course. If you typically depend on class peers to motivate you, online education may be tough for you because are, in some ways, on your own.

2. Do you thrive on personal attention? If you enjoy listening to teachers and other students, the more visual style required for online learning may not work for you.

3. If eye contact with the teacher and with other students is necessary in order for you to keep your focus, virtual learning a regular classroom may be the better choice for you. Or, try an online class that is not a critical one for you and see whether you adapt well to the online learning environment.

4. If you know that your appearance, voice, or style of interaction has helped you win in the past, online learning may nullify these advantages, leaving you with a learning curve to succeed.

5. To make online education or virtual learning as easy as possible, a student must be comfortable using a computer and the internet. Someone who has to master these skills will likely experience a learning curve and have to work doubly hard at first to keep up with the class and assignments.

6. Those who prefer to listen only in lectures and class will find that online learning requires a record of their participation. Silently following along no longer works; each student is expected to make an online contribution and, possibly, to participate in team or group projects with others. Active learning is the key to success in online education.

Face to face learning Definition A face-to-face session is one in which participants, instructors, and facilitators meet together in the same place and at the same time. Advantages: 1. Through face to face communication, additional information is available such as that deduced through body language, tone, volume and modulation of voice. Altogether, face to face communication offers a greater richness of information. 2. Technology often does not facilitate the right type or quantity of information being shared or exchanged. This means that learning potential can be limited. 3. sometimes can gain access to on-campus resources and departments more easily than online learners. 4. Students on campus may find it easier to get immediate feedback from a professor in class or by dropping by a professors office, club meeting, or off-campus location during unofficial office hours. While many distance education universities encourage student-to-student collaboration online, student feedback can also be more valuable and gratifying coming from classroom settings, after hours study groups, spontaneous debates and general discussions fueled by a campus community. 5. In addition to receiving extra academic-focused attention and feedback, traditional, on campus students benefit from non-academic social interaction, from athletic programs to clubs to Greek life to community service to dorm life. While distance learning students may have an active social life of their own, extracurricular activities, like the online learning, must be pursued individually. Finding a social club or volunteering opportunity that satisfies your particular social, professional and physical needs can be done on your own, but it is more overwhelming than going through a student affairs, career development, or student activities office devoted to providing these outlets just for students.

Students may easily assume a passive role during the lesson, in a form of dependence on the teacher. Thus, they might become inactive in classes and not being able to assimilate much knowledge.

As time passes by, some might lack behind in their studies and would not be able to reach the necessary level of expertise to pass the exams.

Depending on the level of interaction in the classroom setting, shy students may be allowed to attend classes without providing alternative ways to communicate ideas. Forcing students to learn by vocal exchange with a professor may limit their ability to learn.

Ignore individual learning differences between students

Classrooms environments tend to group students together in large number often making it difficult for instructors to isolate learning deficiencies and provide the necessary close attention that individuals may need to learn. Online classes allow for a more individual persepective from the professors standpoint due to most of the communication being easily handled through email and chat.

Neglect problem solving, critical thinking, and higher order learning skills
The classroom setting can also hinder ones ability to learn by allowing other, more vocal, students to dominate the bulk of the discussion environments. Quieter personalities are limited in their communication options for exchanging ideas and information.

western food such as fast food is one of those subjects that seems to provoke a lot of debate in people those who eat it and those who advise us against it. But the industry is booming, and there doesnt seem to be any shortage of new fast food outlets it cant be all bad, can it?

The Advantages Of western Food

Well, the obvious advantages of fast food are its speed and its cost. If youve had a hard day at work, and worked late, the last thing you might feel like doing is throwing together a meal from scratch, no matter how the TV chefs wax lyrical about the advantages of fresh ingredients. So it can feel like a Godsend to be able to throw a ready meal in the oven, dial a pizza or pick up a chicken bucket on your way home. No, its not ideal but it meets a need! The cost can also be one of the advantages. If you live alone, its often cheaper to buy a meal for one at the supermarket, where they are often on special offer, or order a takeaway. Burgers and fries from a fast food restaurant are notoriously cheap. If you have a family, of course, existing on fast food could prove to be one of the disadvantages, as it would be rather more expensive to feed a whole family. Some fast food isnt bad for your health at all either. Frozen meals can come additive-free and be available as healthier options. There are more and more healthy options available on fast food menus for health conscious consumers to choose from. Even a takeaway can have healthy menu options if you know how to work the menu and go for steamed rice instead of fried, plenty of vegetables, pizza with less fatty meat and cheese etc.

The Disadvantages Of western Food

The disadvantages of junk food and ready meals are screamed at us on a daily basis by the media. Obviously, if you are looking after your health, you need to be aware that fast food as a rule contains more fat, salt and calories that you really should be taking in on a regular basis. The occasional treat wont hurt at all, and eating fast food in moderation is not a problem, but moderation can be difficult when faced with super sizing and deals that encourage you to buy more than you initially intended just to get a few pounds shaved off of the bill. Dont be tempted into the buy one get one free pizza deals most people neither want or need extra portions. Super sizing seems to have gone the way of advertising to kids in fast food restaurants, but beware the portion sizes in takeaway food that you order in. The containers of rice and noodles that you get from a Chinese or an Indian takeaway are enough for two to three people to share, so if you eat one all by yourself youll take in a massive amount of fat and calories ...and probably give yourself indigestion too. Family meal deals can also be a problem, as you usually end up with more food than you need and theres always someone there happy to finish it off. Give the extra large pizzas or chicken buckets a miss and only order what you really need.

Traditional Food Today with the ongoing development of food technology, food prepared in many different forms. Many people eat fast food because of some advantages it offers, but many people still eat the traditional foods. According to my opinion, the fast food and traditional food has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of traditional foods for humans. First, the traditional foods we use while still in its natural form has not been through chemical processing, oil, processing technology. This will help limit the adverse effects on health. Second, using traditional foods are generally cheaper than fast food. Due to fast food to go through many stages of processing and handling to its higher cost. Finally, using traditional foods will limit cause environmental pollution than fast food. Because traditional foods are usually processed and used in crude form, while the basic fast food is processed through many stages of processing can waste gas, waste water pollution into the environment. The advantages of fast food in modern life. Even in the name of fast food is for us to see the clear advantages is the fast food use will save more time, more convenient. Especially in today's modern life as very precious time for everyone. Besides, fast food is also useful to help many housewives cooking is not good, many boys do not know cooking. Finally, fast foods has also contributed to a richer source of food for people, help people have more choices in eating more. In summary, traditional food or fast food has its advantages and disadvantages for certain people. It is important that we must know how to use the appropriate level to have a good health.

Indoor Vs. Outdoor Games

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Indoor games and outdoor games both have their advantages and disadvantages. There are several indoor games that challenge a persons intellect making them smarter, other indoor games offer some light hearted adventure and fun. Some even bring family together. There are over a thousand board games available today. Most prominent disadvantage of indoor games are that most of them are sedentary games with little or no exercise involved, which leads to cramps and muscle wastage. Some indoor games like computer video games cause eye problems and can even lead to computer game addiction. Outdoor games on the other hand are only limited by your imagination, hide and seek, tic tack toe, throw, base ball, ice hockey, football, soccer are just some of the many examples of outdoor games. Outdoor games offer many advantages such as fresh air, a good body work out and amazing training. They also tend to sharp your brains up because some outdoor sports and games require you to think on your feet and strategize like ice hockey and basketball. There are almost no ill effects of playing outdoors. It enhances the metabolism of your child; thus leaving him hungry and fit and healthy. Outdoor games are also great antidepressants.

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