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Agenda 21 Advocacy Resources

2012 Freeman Truth Syndicate. All rights reserved

American Policy Center Website (Tom Dewees): The American Policy Center (APC), located in suburban Washington, D.C., is a privately funded, nonprofit, 501 c (4), tax-exempt grassroots action and education foundation dedicated to the promotion of free enterprise and limited government regulations over commerce and individuals. APC believes that the free market, through its inherent system of checks and balances, including private ownership of property, is the best method yet devised for creating individual wealth, full employment, goods and services, and protecting the natural environment. Democrats Against U.N. Agenda 21 (Rosa Koire): Rosa Koire and Kay Tokerud, are registered Democrats, life-long, who have become aware of the United Nations Agenda 21 negative impacts on our local, state, and national government. We are civil rights advocates, pro-choice, and pro-gay marriage, who until recently considered ourselves 'progressive Democrats. We are university educated, middle income professionals who seek to make common cause with others in the United States who share our concerns. Agenda 21 Today: Freedom Advocates Freedom Advocates represents a cross-section of people from all political parties and backgrounds who are united in the principles of individual liberty, equal justice and the constitutional administration of government. People are born with unalienable rights and government exists to protect those rights. Rather than bureaucrats mandating indoctrination programs,
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parents should direct the terms of their childs education. Rather than bureaucrats taking the use of private property, the ideals of private property should be protected by government. Post Sustainablity Institute

The Post Sustainability Institute was established to study the impacts that United Nations Agenda 21/Sustainable Development and Communitarianism have on liberty. Our intent is to track the progression of the Sustainability movement and to forecast the most likely outcomes if it proceeds unchecked. We are a non-partisan, non-governmental think tank based in the United States. It is our intention to provide a clearing house for information on United Nations' alliances with non-governmental and governmental groups seeking to erect Communitarianism as the dominant form of world governance, and to serve as a rallying point for those who oppose the dismantling of liberty. We welcome your participation and assistance. Stop Agenda 21 in Texas The United Nations Agenda 21 A place for politicians to educate themselves on policies levied on their constituents

The UN's Agenda 21 Campaign for Liberty Campaign for Liberty focuses on individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a noninterventionist foreign policy.

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Center for Public Integrity The Center for Public Integrity produces original investigative journalism about and is dedicated to making institutional power more transparent and accountable. Freeman Truth Syndicate Agenda 21 Sustainable Development advocate tools, downloads, information, and news agregate. Prarie Advocate Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt's book website. the deliberate dumbing down of america A chronological history of the past 100+ years of education reform. Each chapter takes a period of history and recounts the significant events, including important geopolitical and societal contextual information. Property Rights Foundation of America, Inc. Oklahomans for Sovereignty and Free Enterprise, Incorporated (OK-SAFE, Inc.) is a non-profit 501(c)4 Oklahoma Corporation made up of individuals and coalition groups dedicated to the Principles of American Free Enterprise and the Constitutional Sovereignty of Oklahoma and the United States of America.

Independent News Websites

2012 Freeman Truth Syndicate. All rights reserved G. Edward Griffin investigates the truth behind diverse topics including chemtrails, cancer cures, and the Federal Reserve. Info Wars is the publication site of activist and radio host, Alex Jones, who exposes critical information about the global domination agenda. Also see it's companion website David Icke publishes articles on a regular basis ranging from global governance, to microchipping, to mind control. Amped Status is 100% reader-funded. Kansans For Liberty has set up a statewide blog to facilitate the dissemination of vital conservative news information from across the state. The objective is greater communication of information, reduction of duplication, increased impact on state issues. This website was created by a Cuban born American Citizen. This site is packed with a lot of great information about issues facing America including in depth coverage of Agenda 21. John Bush is a Texas patriot that has argued against Agenda 21 on a consistent basis. So much so they have banned him from meetings for 1 yr. This is gonna get good folks! And he is young. Exposing the truth about Agenda 21, globalism, and sustainable development Top "agenda 21" talk radio podcasts
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Defeating unconstitutional Legislation, protecting our future and the future of our children and grandchildren

Research If you remember some months ago a city in Iowa was fighting to stop the City Council from putting lock boxes on businesses and rental properties. Those people lost that fight and the ICC is what was used to implement this invasion of privacy by business owners and renters. Just another thing to drive home the point that we are no longer a sovereign country we have been sold to the New World Order of global governance. Tom DeWeese Newsletter Archives This site contains the entire Agenda 21 document. Most interesting is Sec. III Chapter 28 but don't just read that keep reading. They don't hide their objective and clearly state it must be introduced under smoke screen so there is no rebellion. For a list of US cities and counties that are members of ICLEI use this site. If you city/county is listed you are in trouble and need to get involved to stop them ASAP!!! This site will also provide information about ICLEI. Agenda 21 info found on this site is very interesting. Global Research covers a diverse range of topics. The Cato Institute is a public policy research organization a think tank dedicated to the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets and peace.

2012 Freeman Truth Syndicate. All rights reserved

American Deception Those controlling the media are the same individuals who have been running the world for hundreds to thousands of years. That's why nothing historical is ever attached to the daily happenings. We're not being informed we're being misinformed and conditioned on a daily basis. Dr. Stanley Monteith has a radio show and this website has everything you need to know about Agenda 21 and a lot of great preparedness information. It is treasure chest of assorted information. Great info about all facets of Agenda 21 This website has some good information about every aspect of Agenda 21. John Casey is a NASA Research Scientist and has beeb working for years to prove the sun controls the climate not human activity. CERN just recently confirmed his findings. John Casey is the author of "Cold Sun". The Heritage has great articles and information about Agenda 21 and its associated programs. The Research tab will take you to many great articles to download, share and print. This is an AWESOME activist website. Although the focus of this group is not Agenda 21 it is a great website about many of the issues facing us today. Charles Battig, MD from a VA Tea Party created this site and has been researching the environment for years. Dr. Battig is a member of the famous VA Tea Party that fought to remove ICLEI from Albamarle County, VA.

2012 Freeman Truth Syndicate. All rights reserved This is were the movement REALLY started back in 1968. This was a group dedicated to de-population and eugenics. Many of the people that were/are in The Club of Rome are also involved with Agenda 21. They go hand in hand. North Western Research Center. This website has a wealth of information about Agenda 21, ICLEI and other related topics. This is the CA based boots on the ground. Founder Rosa Koire. Rosa also is the founder of Democrats Against UN Agenda 21 Radio Hostess Maggie Roddin has dedicated years researching Agenda 21 and its many tentacles. Her radio show covers these topics and can be accessed from this website. It airs at 11am. Lots of good info on this site as well. Here past interviews with experts on Agenda 21/Sustainable Development/Wildlands Project etc. This website has great information about Agenda 21 and some excellent trifolds and booklets on the subject. Search for Agenda 21 on the site. Sovereign Citizens United. Ruth Miller is a patriot from Montgomery County PA. She has been successful in stopping Agenda 21 in her county and works to stop Agenda 21 throughout Pennsylvania.

Agenda 21 The Delphi Technique

2012 Freeman Truth Syndicate. All rights reserved

Heart of the Matter Ingram Gets His Day In Court - Three Weeks Late New American Revolution: The Constitutional Overthrow of the United States Government

Bill to Ban Sustainability and Climate Change Action Fails in Arizona Pennsylvania Welder Fights Eminent Domain Monday, May 23, 2011 ICLEI, UN Agenda 21 - Private Property Rights - #2923 - Another Victory: Spartanburg (SC) Votes to Get Out of ICLEI Gainesville GRU Customers Bullied off Public property by City Manager, Mayor and City Commission

Raw milk advocate James Stewart seized by armed bounty hunters driving unmarked vehicles with no plates

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65-year-old California 'milk man' subjected to extreme torture, hypothermia, raw sewage in LA County jail US woman arrested over dry lawn Oregon criminalizes permaculture; claims state ownership over all rainwater - ponds and swales restricted - jail time for violators l

Important Videos
PIping Mad fighting agenda 21
Agenda 21 False Choices (For Elected Officials). This is an excellent presentation for elected officials. It is only 14 minutes long and has been very well received. Dr Michael Coffman - Agenda 21 The Race for Global Governance Agenda 21 Speaker Andrea Zinga April 9, 2012 - Part 1 Agenda 21 Speaker Andrea Zinga April 9, 2012 Part 2
2012 Freeman Truth Syndicate. All rights reserved Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). Obama is once again breaking another campaign promise by promoting TPP. TPP IS BAD FOR AMERICA which is precisely why he wants it passed. Anything to destroy the middle class in America is his real agenda. Please take the time to research TPP. Start with this video then research on your own for more information. But Obama is trying to sneak this through in the middle of the night. Confronting Agenda 21. This series of 3 videos from Henry Lamb will help you understand Agenda 21 and how it fits in with comprehensive plans being developed all over America. He also offers great insight into the visioning process and how to combat the process. Taking Liberty by Taking Property. This video is excellent. It is 42 minutes long but it could serve as all you need to show to your group, neighbors, family and friends.
False Choices - The Story of Agenda 21 for Citizens . This is an OUTSTANDING short voice over ppt transferred to you tube by one of our national coalition members John Anthony of NJ. I highly recommend the use of this presentation for your group, neighborhood tea party anytime you have the opportunity to educate even just one person. It is just 14 minutes long but it covers it all!!!
Wildlands Project Explained. This is a short very comprehensive explanation of the insanity of the Wildlands Project. v=YVTGK1uYqJo&feature=player_embedded
White House Rural Council - The TRUTH . This is a 26 minute You Tube uncovering the truth about The White House Rural Council. They are coming after our water and food. They already took our health care. Now they are coming for our water and food. Control

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the water, food and health care and you have control of the people. v=7U5_pD9hyv0&feature=player_embedded#!
Australian Farmer fights Agenda 21/Michael Shaw from America too . Just so we in America understand that A21 is a global assault. There are several parts to this video. MUST SEE VIDEO!!!
Agenda 21 - Depopulation Pt. 1 & 2 . Part 1 leads right into Part 2. It is written in black and white that part of Agenda 21 is to drastically reduce the population. This does not happen on its own. In order to destroy 90% of the population it will take help to make it happen. v=DCUe61hmqsA&playnext=1&list=PLE4E5140CF7AEC6C7
Bill Gates talks about using vaccines to sterilize women . This is a combo article with vide of Bill Gates speech about reducing CO2 to 0% (everything will die if this happens) and how to use vaccines to reduce the population. So if you are considering giving the HPV vaccine to your daughters think again folks. Teach your daughter moral and responsible behavior and they won't need a vaccine.
Agenda 21. Henry Lamb speaks about Agenda 21 and Biodivsersity.
Charlton Heston on the Mark Levin show . Mr. Heston's reading is spot on. Don't be fooled by those that are using the environment to destroy our economy and our country.
The Club of Rome. A video explaining the creation of The Club of Rome, its members and its mission. You can see how this fits in with Agenda 21/Wildlands Project.

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Alex Jones on The Club of Rome . Please listen to this carefully and several times. As Alex Jones states this stuff is all factual. Get his DVD END GAME. The CFR....who belongs.....Newt Gingrich, John McCain and others that would surprise you. END GAME must be watched by every American.
Gov. Rick Scott on Agenda 21 . Gov. Rick Scott is against Agenda 21 is in his state. This is an interview with Rick Scott covering many good things he is doing in his state. Take note.....he will require drug testing for welfare recipients. Lets hope the Tea Party keeps up the momentum with Gov. Scott so they can remove ICLEI and Agenda 21 from the state of FL. I just might move back if he does.
MA Against Agenda 21
Executive Order to Create WH Rural Council. This President and these corrupt politicians we have in DC will stop at nothing. Now that they know we are waking up to the Agenda 21 plan they are escalating the project. This video talks about the recent Executive Order from Obama to create a Rural Council. Now why doesn't Congress use their ability to override an EO. They have 60 days to override but they never use it.
Interview with Michael Shaw 1 of 4. Part 1 of a 4 part interview with Michael Shaw and Dr. Stan Monteith. Watch the other parts too.
HR 1146 to withdraw the US from the UN . Ron Paul is the only person in DC willing to stand up and let people know how corrupt the UN is and how corrupt most elected officials in DC really are. Democrat Communist stands up after Ron Paul proposes his bill and tells us how wonderful the corrupt Communist UN is. CALL YOUR REP AND ASK

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THEM TO CO-SPONSOR HR1146. We hope you enjoyed reading this resource for Agenda 21 Advocates - Freeman Truth Syndicate

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