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47th ASOCOPI Annual Conference

Classroom Encounters with Varieties of English October 11 - 13, 2012, Unidad Central del Valle del Cauca - UCEVA, Tulu

Thursday, October 11th
9:00 am 12:00 m Registration - ASOCOPI Table 12:00 m 2:00 pm Lunch Break 2:00 2:30 pm 2:30 3:30 pm 3:30 4:00 pm 4:00 4:45 pm Opening Ceremony and Keynote Speech lvaro Quintero - Universidad Distrital Francisco Jos de Caldas. ASOCOPI President Plenary Session 1 Classroom Encounters with Varieties of English: Constraints and Possibilities Carmen Helena Guerrero Nieto Universidad Distrital Francisco Jos de Caldas Coffee Break Concurrent Session 1

Auditorio Gustavo lvarez Gardeazabal

(Video Conference: Auditorios FACAEC & Derecho)

Auditorio Gustavo lvarez Gardeazabal

(Video Conference: Auditorios FACAEC & Derecho)

A: Academic, C: Commercial, D: Demonstration, L: Lecture, RR: Research Report, W: Workshop

Title Bilingual Education in Rural Areas: A Current Issue Our Discovery Island


Presenter/s - Institution Sandra Ximena Bonilla Medina and Ferney Cruz Arcila Universidad Distrital and Universidad de La Salle Martha Ramrez and Fressman Eduth Dvila Pearson Colombia

Room C 101 C 102

Sistemas Bloque C

Preparing for Classroom Encounters with EFL Interlanguage, the Variety of Orlando Chaves Universidad del Valle Varieties. The Case of Written Errors EFL Learners Voices about English Taught in their Undergraduate Luis Fernando Gmez and Alba Olaya Universidad L Programs Pedaggica Nacional and Universidad Distrital Jorge Andrs Meja and Andrs Hernndez Pontificia Are We Truly Helping Students Develop Their Communicative Universidad Javeriana and Universidad Nacional de L Competence? Colombia, sede Bogot Language Education Policy and its Connection to Educational Norbella Miranda Universidad de San Buenaventura, RR Management: Voices from Stakeholders Cali Student-Centered Technology in Rich Learning Environments: Heuristics RR Model Proposal for Teaching and Learning of English as a Foreign Rafael Hernndez - UCEVA Language

C 103 C 110 C 111 C 201

5:00 6:00 pm 6:00 pm

Ral A. Mora and Polina Golovtina-Mora Universidad C 202 Pontificia Bolivariana, Medelln Luis Carlos Lasso Montenegro and Nancy Lorena Meza C 203 Meneses Universidad Mariana Alicia Hidalgo Dvila and Magda Caicedo Vela W Designing Collaborative Tasks for the Development of Writing C 205 Universidad de Nario W Movement and Learning Diego Rico Universidad Libre, Pereira C 206 W Facebook: An Educational Tool for Teenage Students Laura Vernica Jimnez Guamn Universidad Distrital D 201 Mara Teresa Esteban Nez and Ana Milena Morales D 202 W Empowering Kids to Read the Word and the World Sossa UPTC and Universidad La Gran Colombia On Rethinking our Classrooms: Critical Pedagogy and Awareness-Raising Yolanda Samac Bohrquez Universidad Distrital C 207 W Educational Practices Francisco Jos de Caldas Auditorio Gustavo lvarez Gardeazabal Plenary Session 2 Six Abilities for Future ELT Professionals (Video Conference: Auditorios FACAEC & Jun Liu - Georgia State University (USA) Derecho) RR Opening Cocktail

A State of the Art on the Dimensions and Signifiers of Bilingualism in Colombia: Trends, Issues, and Extensions Implementing Problem-Based Learning as a Teaching Technique to RR Develop Oral Production Skills

Friday, October 12th

9:00 10:00 am 10:00 10:30 am 10:30 11:15 am Plenary Session 3 Rethinking the Second/Foreign Language Dichotomy: Can We Still Talk about Auditorio Gustavo lvarez Gardeazabal Foreign Languages in Todays Language Ecologies? (Video Conference: Auditorios FACAEC & Derecho) Ral A. Mora Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medelln Coffee Break Concurrent Session 2 A: Academic, C: Commercial, D: Demonstration, L: Lecture, RR: Research Report, W: Workshop Type Title Presenter/s - Institution Room Mara Eugenia Lpez Hurtado Universidad Nacional de C 101 A A Link between Syllabus and Audience through e-Material Design Colombia, sede Bogot C Global Awareness Programme Andrew McEwen Neil Howard McEwen & Howard C 102 Information and Communication Technology on Screen for Colombian C Sergio Osejo Books Services Company C 103 Education C Building Bridges In Your Classroom Mara Consuelo Velasco University of Dayton Publishing C 110 Development of the Communicative Competence - Listening Skill - in Alexis Garca Ardila and Anglica Casallas Bautista Sistemas D Bloque C Foreign Language through a Self-Regulated B-Learning Environment Instituto Pedaggico Nacional

Encounters without Connection: Communicative Competence in Two EFL Classrooms Pronunciation Improvement of the Grammatical Morpheme {s} and the RR Sound [I] in Eleven Low-English-Proficiency-Level Students Implementation of the CIPP (Context, Input, Process and Product) RR Evaluation Model in a Foreign Language Reading Comprehension Program RR RR Pedagogical Experience: Approaching Teaching Practices RR Critical Literacy: A Possibility in a Literature Course W Deemphasizing Varieties of English in Pronunciation Teaching W W Sociocultural Competence and Critical Analysis of Media Texts

Teresa Benitez Universidad del Norte Andrs Valencia Mafla Universidad del Valle Nelly Sierra Ospina and Jaime Alberto Osorno Universidad de Antioquia Aura Mara Huertas - UPTC Mara Teresa Esteban Nez - UPTC Brock Brady TESOL International Margarita Vargas and Elizabeth Barragn Universidad Distrital Fitzroy Kennedy Martha Jeannette Vargas Universidad La Gran Colombia and Colegio Saludcoop Norte I.E.D. Deisy Baracaldo Guzmn Universidad Libre, Bogot

C 111 C 201 C 202 C 203 C 205 C 206 C 207 D 202 D 201

Rethinking Literature Teaching in the Colombian EFL Setting: Literary Techniques, Literary Elements and Literary Analysis W Developing Oral Communication Skills Jun Liu 11:30 am12:30 pm Panel 1 Classroom Encounters with Varieties of English Ral A. Mora Carmen Helena Guerrero 12:30 2:30 pm Lunch Break 2:30 3:30 pm 3:45 4:30 pm Plenary Session 4 Putting English in its Place Brock Brady TESOL International Concurrent Session 3

Auditorio Gustavo lvarez Gardeazabal

(Video Conference: Auditorios FACAEC & Derecho)

Auditorio Gustavo lvarez Gardeazabal

(Video Conference: Auditorios FACAEC & Derecho) A: Academic, C: Commercial, D: Demonstration, L: Lecture, RR: Research Report, W: Workshop


Title How to Publish in Professional Journals? Developing Critical and Independent English Language Learners through Online Tutoring Real Life: The Perfect Series that Makes English Enjoyable and Achievable for Teens Games in the Classroom: Fun and Meaningful

Presenter/s - Institution Jun Liu Georgia State University Mara Eugenia Lpez Hurtado Universidad Libre, Bogot Mauricio Rivera Pearson Colombia Oscar Garca Language Products Luz Mary Quintero and Julio Martnez Universidad Industrial de Santander Leidy Milena Flrez Fernndez and Mara Fernanda Camacho Posada Universidad Distrital

Room C 101 C 102 C 103 C 110 C 111 C 201

Bringing English Varieties to the Classroom through the Uses of Online Tools Boys and Girls Gendered Voices when Engaged in Debates in the English RR Class

RR Bilingualism in the Business Sector: A Reality or a Distant Dream? How to Read in English as a Foreign Language: Strengthen Reading Skills RR through the Use of Reading Strategies A Critical Discourse Analysis Of TV Commercials For Online English RR Courses: Deconstructing The Contents through a New View of Second Language Implementation of Genre Process Approach in EFL Classrooms to Improve RR Writing The Fluctuation of Power Relations through the Voices of High School RR Students W English Variety: Space for Reflection, Opportunity and Cultural Awareness W W Using YouTube to Raise Awareness of Varieties of English

Mara E. Salcedo Universidad EAN C 202 Miguel Durn Cruz and Jairo Enrique Castaeda Trujillo C 203 Universidad de San Buenaventura, Bogot Ral A. Mora and Rosa Muoz Luna Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana and Universidad de Mlaga Jennyfer Katherine Homez Sabogal and Ana Milena Morales Sossa Universidad La Gran Colombia Jonathan Alexander Delgado Ochoa Centro Colombo Americano, Bogot Johana Milena Rondn Gonzlez - UPTC Magda Barn and Johanna Carolina Gmez Centro Colombo Americano, Bogot Diana Carolina Vera Parra and Diana Mayerli Daz Benavides - UPTC C 205 C 206 C 207 D 202 D 201 D 105

4:30 5:00 pm 5:00 pm

Do Learners Differences Make Them Equal? Spotlights on Diverse Assessment in EFL Classrooms Coffee Break Cultural Activity Auditorio Gustavo lvarez Gardeazabal

Saturday, October 13th

9:00 10:00 am Plenary Session 5 Teachers Ways of Learning Julian Edge University of Manchester (UK) Auditorio Gustavo lvarez Gardeazabal
(Video Conference: Auditorios FACAEC & Derecho)

10:00 10:30 am Coffee Break Auditorio Gustavo lvarez Gardeazabal 10:30 11:30 am ASOCOPI General Assembly For ASOCOPI Affiliates only 11:45 am12:30 pm Concurrent Session 4 A: Academic, C: Commercial, D: Demonstration, L: Lecture, RR: Research Report, W: Workshop Type Title Presenter/s - Institution Room Melba Libia Crdenas B. and Mara Claudia Nieto A HOW Can We Participate in ASOCOPIs Journal? C 101 Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Bogot Awareness of WE to Enhance Teachers Intercultural Communicative Julio Csar Torres Rocha Universidad Libre, Bogot C 102 A Competence C D CLIL Content Learning Integrated Learning The Use of Clickers (Keypads, Handsets or Zappers) in the Foreign Language Classroom: A Practical Demonstration Harold Bratovich Greenwich ELT Francia E. Martnez V. University of Michigan C 103 C 110

Patterns that Come Out of Observing the Students Linguistic Interaction in Libardo Enrique Ospino Pinedo Universidad de C 111 the Language Room Cartagena Ral Yesid Pez Cubides Universidad Nacional de C 201 RR Developing Writing Skills in English through the Use of Webquests Colombia, sede Bogot Didactic Unit Designed Using Critical Thinking: A Way to Improve Your RR Angie Rojas and Fabin Poveda - UPTC C 202 Skills Martha Ferreira and Edgar Picn Universidad Pontificia RR Towards a Reflection on Formative Assessment Practices C 203 Bolivariana, Medelln and Universidad de Antioquia The Webquest Initiative at UPB-Medelln: New Issues, New Challenges, Juan Diego Martnez and Ral A. Mora Universidad C 205 RR New Possibilities Pontificia Bolivariana Colombias Caribbean Culture as a Means for Developing Cross-Cultural Nancy Grande Holloway Institute Ltda. C 206 RR Awareness with Russian Teenagers W Cooperative Development Julian Edge University of Manchester C 207 Patricia Lorena Bustos Gonzlez Universidad de Los D 201 W How Can I Create Better Tests? Andes Jos Luis Lpez Caraballo and Sergio Alberto Meza Communicative Competence in the Foreign Language Classroom: From D 202 W Padilla Centro Colombo Americano, Cartagena and Theory to Practice Unicolombo 12:30 m 2:30 pm Lunch Break Plenary Session 6 English and English Teaching in Colombia: A Brief Picture of the Present and the Auditorio Gustavo lvarez Gardeazabal Near Future 2:30 3:30 pm (Video Conference: Auditorios FACAEC & Derecho) Adriana Gonzlez Moncada Universidad de Antioquia 3:30 4:00 pm Coffee Break Brock Brady Auditorio Gustavo lvarez Gardeazabal 4:00 5:00 pm Panel 2 Classroom Encounters with Varieties of English Julian Edge (Video Conference: Auditorios FACAEC & Derecho) Adriana Gonzlez 5:00 5:30 pm Closing Ceremony L

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