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Benjamin Franklin

Charles Cornwallis

Thomas Gage

George Mason

George Washington

John Adams

John Hancock

John Dickinson

One of the most celebrated of Americas Founding Fathers Inventor, scientist, printer, politician, diplomat Helped draft the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution First drafted the unsuccessful Albany Plan Delegate to the Second Continental Congress Lieutenant-general of British forces Surrendered in the last major conflict of the American Revolution Became the Governor-general of India in 1786 Last Royal Governor of Massachusetts Commander-in-Chief of British forces in America Tried to enforce the Intolerable Acts in the colonies His actions were the most immediate causes of the American Revolution One of the most important delegates to the Constitutional Convention One of the most prominent Founding Fathers Elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses Led the fight AGAINST the ratification of the Constitution Commander of the Continental Army during the American Revolution 1st President of the United States Crossed the Delaware River to attack the British army 1 of only 2 signers of the Declaration of Independence to later become President Lawyer and supporter of the American Revolution Drafted the Treaty of Paris that ended the American Revolution A president of the 1st Continental Congress Leader of colonial resistance in Boston Risked his life by agreeing to be the only known signer of the Declaration of Independence Lawyer and legislator in Philadelphia Delegate to the 1st Continental Congress Refused to sign the Declaration of Independence Helped draft the Articles of Confederation Author of Letters from a Pennsylvania

King George III

Lord North

Farmer King of Britain and Ireland from 1760-1820 Flawed ruler who appointed incompetent men to serve on his council Sparked multiple conflicts with American colonists Prime Minister of Britain from 1770-1781 Resigned after the British were defeated at Yorktown

Marquis de Lafayette

Mercy Otis Warren

Nathanael Greene

Paul Revere

Samuel Adams

Henry Clinton

French general and political leader Supported the American Revolution Was appointed as Major General before France even officially enter the American Revolution as an ally Co-led the successful attack on Cornwallis at Yorktown American poet, historian and dramatist Her brother was an important activists in the American Revolution Published essays representing female support for the war effort Urged equal rights for women to be included in the Constitution General in the American Revolution Known as the fighting Quaker since he combined military skill and peaceful faith Reduced British control in the South Silversmith and colonial activist in Boston Led anti-British movement after the Stamp Act was passed Early member of the Sons of Liberty He was a legend for making his midnight ride to Lexington and Concord to warn the Patriots there of the British advance from Boston Political leader in the American Revolution Colonial activist: protested the Stamp Act Wrote a Circular Letter against the Townshend Acts (taxation without representation!) Formed the Sons of Liberty and the Committees of Correspondence British general in the American Revolution Very good at military strategy Eventually became the supreme commander in America One of the Founding Fathers of the USA



Thomas Paine

Drafted the Declaration of Independence Elected governor of Virginia 3rd President of the USA Helped to found the Virginia Committee of Correspondence Radical writer Published Common Sense, an influential letter that convinced colonists to break away from British rule

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