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theSun | MONDAY JANUARY 19 2009 9

news without borders

laration of independence, not just in our to do more with my life,” said Will Moore, 22,
nation, but in our own lives – from ideology as he stood with his two-year-old niece.
and small thinking, prejudice and bigotry “It’s just a joy for everybody. It’s about
– an appeal not to our easy instincts but to time that we needed change ... He (Obama) is
our better angels.” showing us we can do whatever we put our
Exuberant supporters gathered to glimpse minds to. Just keep on trying, never give up.”
the ceremonial train, dubbed the Inaugural There were signs of overt security. Police
Express. cars and officers along the route patrolled
“Hallelujah, we did it!” read one poster crowds and areas of scrubby woodland, and
held up by a supporter, while another de- a Chinook helicopter hovered protectively
clared “Hail to the Chief” as Obama’s train overhead while black-clad sharpshooters
did a “slow roll” through the Delaware town perched on city rooftops.
of Claymont. In Wilmington, Obama stepped off the
A beaming Obama stood at the back of train to be greeted by his vice president-to-be
a 1930s Pullman caboose, waving to the Joseph Biden, before the pair fired up a large
crowds, recalling the “whistle stop” campaign crowd in the station parking lot.
tours used by the presidents of yesteryear. “At our most difficult moments, our na-
Dyone Watson, 20, waited for hours to see tion has always chosen a leader that times
Obama in a war memorial plaza in frigid demand, and I believe that’s why this nation
Baltimore. “I’m starving, cold and my feet has turned to Barack Obama,” Biden told a
are numb,” said Watson. “But it’s definitely big crowd which had earlier sung “Happy
worth it.” Birthday” to the next US First Lady Michelle
“It’s just beautiful. It just makes me want Obama, who turned 45 on Saturday. – AFP

M Organizers are expecting record crowds to INAUGURATION PROGRAMME 12.00pm: Obama takes
descend on Washington DC for the inauguration Barack Obama attends oath of office using President
of the country’s first African-American president, morning worship – tradition Abraham Lincoln’s
with estimates of up to two million on the streets that began with Franklin inaugural Bible. He then
for a parade and outdoor swearing-in ceremony D. Roosevelt in 1933 gives inaugural address
Obama and President Obama escorts President
George W. Bush meet at Bush to departure ceremony
White House before going Obama, Biden and their
together to U.S. Capitol families attend luncheon in
10.00am: Festivities begin Statuary Hall of U.S. Capitol
on west front of U.S. Capitol. 2.30pm: 56th Inaugural
Musical selections include Parade travels down
singer Aretha Franklin, Pennsylvania Avenue to
composer John Williams, White House
and violinist Itzhak Perlman Obama and wife Michelle
Vehicle access restricted to residents Checkpoints 11.30am: Vice president- attend 10 official inaugural Is demo-
Closed to vehicles without police escort for public elect Joe Biden sworn in balls throughout city
Pennsylvania Avenue: Parade lasts over two hours
and includes 15,000 participants and 240 horses essen-
tial for
Finish develop-
White ment?
pg 15

Lincoln U.S.
Memorial Capitol

0.5 mile
800 metres
POTOMAC National Mall: Up to two million
RIVER expected to watch inauguration
on large TV screens
SECURITY Constitution Avenue
Some 4,000 city police All 240,000 ticket National Gallery
Pe Swearing-in
officers and 4,000 others holders attending nns (East Wing) U.S.
from 96 law enforcement swearing-in ceremony a A Capitol
agencies across country to be screened by v enu
to be deployed walk-through or
Mall standing area

About 7,500 active duty hand-held metal


U.S. military and about detectors


10,000 National Guard Ticket areas standing

personnel, Standing area
plus Secret
FBI and Gates for nue
Capitol ticket holders Ave
Police National ryl U.S. Botanic
also on Museum of the Garden
duty American Indian Independence Avenue
Sources: Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, District of Columbia Government Picture: Getty Images © GRAPHIC NEWS

Obama look-alike shoots

to fame in Indonesia
JAKARTA: Indonesian photog- Obama’s Kenyan father. said he feels lucky to resemble
rapher Ilham Anas won’t be at “When Obama won, my col- Obama.
US President Barack Obama’s leagues played a practical joke “I never thought I would be
inauguration tomorrow. Instead on me – they made me wear a star in a commercial, then this
he’ll be starring as an Obama a suit, a tie, and took pictures happened. It’s very fortunate,”
look-alike on Indonesian TV. of me posing as Obama,” said Anas said.
Anas, 34, who from some Anas on Saturday. “I was in the airport in
angles bears a resemblance to “The pictures spread very Malaysia in transit and a man
the new US president, shot to quickly on the internet. It was approached me and asked: ‘Are
fame in Jakarta after Obama, 47, phenomenal. Then TV stations you Obama?’. I was very sur-
won the election in November, and an advertising agency got prised when he asked to take
and is now earning income as in touch with me.” a picture together and bought
an Obama double. That led to an appearance me a meal,” said Anas, flashing
Many Indonesians have a in a pharmaceuticals advertise- a broad smile.
keen interest in Obama, who ment in the Philippines where If he ever gets the chance
lived in Jakarta for four years he played Obama, who is due to meet Obama, Anas said he
after his American mother, to be sworn in as the 44th US would ask the US president to
Ann Dunham, married Muslim president tomorrow. take a firm stance in dealing
Indonesian Lolo Soetoro follow- Anas, who was born and with the conflict between Israel
ing the end of her marriage to raised in Bandung, West Java, and Palestine. – Reuters

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