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Risk for injury (complications) related to: h y p e r m e t a b o l i c s t a t e impaired immunologic defenses s t r e s s Risk for posttrauma syndrome related to perception

of eventand sudden, unexpected injury Trigeminal neuralgia Acute pain related to disorder of the fifth cranial nerveAnxiety related to threat to healthIneffective coping related to inadequate level of perception of control Tuberculosis Deficient knowledge (disease process) related to lack of expo-sure to informationIneffective airway clearance related to tracheobronchialobstruction or secretionsIneffective breathing pattern related to decreased energyor fatigueRisk for infection related to altered primary defensesSocial isolation related to fear of spreading disease Ulcerative colitis Anxiety related to change in health statusDiarrhea related to inflammation of colonFatigue related to loss of fluids and diarrheaImbalanced nutrition: Less than body requirements relat-ed to inability to absorb nutrientsIneffective role performance related to frequent diarrhea Urinary tract infection Acute pain related to inflammation and muscle spasmsDeficient knowledge (disease process) related to lack of expo-sure to informationImpaired urinary elimination related to obstruction Urolithiasis A c u t e p a i n r e l a t e d t o : i n c i s i o n passage of calculus fra Impaired urinary elimination: Dysuria, oliguria, pyuria, or fre-quency related to: calculus fragment passage h e m a t u r i a i n f e c t i o n o b s t r u c t i o n Uterine cancer Acute pain related to cancerImbalanced nutrition: Less than body requirements related tocancerSpiritual distress related to chronic illness Uterine prolapse Anxiety related to change in health statusDisturbed body image related to biophysical factorsStress urinary incontinence related to weak pelvic musculature Valvular heart disease Activity intolerance related to fatigue and dyspnea on exertionAnxiety related to change in health statusDecreased cardiac output related to mechanical disruptionIneffective breathing pattern related to decreased energy and fa-tigue Vascular retinopathy Disturbed sensory perception (visual) related to disturbedblood supply to the eyeIneffective coping related to chronic illnessRisk for injury related to loss of vision Vasculitis Disturbed body image related to illnessImbalanced nutrition: Less than body requirements related toanorexia of disease processIneffective tissue perfusion (cerebral,

cardiopulmonary, gastro-intestinal, renal, peripheral) related to inflamed vessels causingimpaired blood flow to nearby organsRisk for infection related to impaired defenses Vulvovaginitis Acute pain related to inflammationIneffective sexuality patterns related to vaginal inflammation,itching, and irritationRisk for infection related to inadequate primary defenses 50 NURSING DIAGNOSES BY MEDICAL DISORDER Wounds Acute pain related to trauma to nerve endingsImpaired skin integrity related to penetration of skinRisk for contamination related to detrimental home environ-mental factorsRisk for deficient fluid volume related to active loss from traumaRisk for infection related to inadequate primary defenses 51 NURSING DIAGNOSES BY MEDICAL DISORDER Patients withwounds are at risk forimpaired skinintegrity. Carefulwound care can helpprevent it.

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