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2012 DURATION: 5 HOURS WEEKLY SCHOOL YEAR: 2012-2013 GRADE MOTTO: Building up my independence, strengthening my understanding and my relationships with others by contributing to the environment and atmosphere at school, at home and in the natural world. CONTENT: UNIT 1: MATTER 1.1 States of matter 1.2 Changes in the states of matter: condensation, solidification, evaporation, fusion and boiling. 1.3 Contamination by solids, liquids and gases. 1.4 Energy and its conservation Problem situations in Science associated with: Recycling and caring of water in the city of Cali. Area Project: Environmental impact in our city (recycling and caring of water). Reading: Poem States of matter by Waste Connections. PURPOSE: Taking into account that the second grade students last year had an introduction and worked around reducing, reusing and recycling, we will start off by watching the SOLID RESIDUES MANAGEMENT PROJECT presentation, which will be reinforced by the homeroom teachers. In order to develop an environmental conscience, the students will review and do different activities which will lead them to a clear understanding of what matter is, its structure, changes and characteristics, as well as the importance of recycling and caring for water in Cali. Through these activities, the students will make a direct observation of matter and its changes. We will also discuss some physical and chemical properties of objects and materials that they encounter on a daily basis. We will have experiments in the classroom or the Science Lab, where they will observe and manipulate objects. The students will recognize and describe the differences between solids, liquids, gases and plasma, as well as the contamination caused by them. Throughout the marking period we will work on the Little Scientist method (which consists of having roles assigned in a team). Class related materials, relevant information, workshops, conferences, guides and reinforcement activities will be posted

in the schools platform (VirtualBerch) and in the Second Grade Science Blog created by the teacher. All the students will be invited to make part of the Recycling Captains Team. DIDACTIC: INSTRUCTION: I understand what matter is, its structure, characteristics, changes, and some physical and chemical properties. I will start the week by doing different diagnostic activities. Before having any class, topic-related activity or give any explanations of the topics for this marking period, I will explain and discuss the Solid Residues Management Project with the students. We will watch videos and PowerPoint presentations. The students will answer questions like: What is matter? Does matter exist in different forms? As an introduction, different examples of what matter is will be given in class to the students (I will refer to objects we observe in and outside of the classroom) and afterward an activity will be done before giving a definition (I will go over the objects seen and will ask them to give a short description of each and I will place it in the correct state). The students will be asked to stand up by their desks, then I will partially explain what a molecule and an atom are, and what matter is and its states. We will do an activity in which they will represent molecules transitioning through different states of matter. I will explain that when I call out a state of matter, I want them to move like the molecules at that state. For example: When I call out a state of matter, such as SOLID. Students should walk very slowly around the room and so on. 1.1 States of matter: Once done with the exercise, I will move on to tell them that matter is almost everything around them. The students will write down simple definitions based on what they have come up with and my guidance. They will be told that all things, living and nonliving are made up of matter and it takes up space. They will also be explained that matter exists in four states or phases: solids, liquids, gases and plasma, and it can come in many shapes and sizes. Video clips will be shown as well as PowerPoint presentations to reinforce the topic, where the students can see how the molecules move in each state of matter and the characteristics of each phase. Examples will be used in the classroom and a simple concept map will be done together with the students for a better understanding of the three states of matter. Once the students do a concept map with the teacher, we will create one together to strengthen its design and then later on they will be asked to create different ones. Example:

su n


star s

tabl e

SOLI D penci l water


GAS air


smok e

At this point I will go on to show the students the structure of matter (atoms and molecules) and here I will tell them that all matter is composed of atoms. Therefore, the atom is considered to be the basic building block of matter. However, atoms are almost always grouped together with other atoms to form what is called a molecule. I will clarify to them that atoms are very small and they cannot be seen through a microscope. Here I will show the students different videos and powerpoint presentations to clarify the concept of atom and molecule. Different activities like drawings and manual art craft will be done with the students for them to represent this topic. Properties of matter: I will explain to the students that all substances have properties that we can use to identify them. For example we can identify a person by their face, their voice, height, finger prints, etc The more of these properties we can identify, the better we know the person. In a similar way matter has properties and there are many of them. There are two basic types of properties that we can associate with matter. These properties are called Physical properties and Chemical properties. The more properties we can identify for a substance, the better we know the nature of that substance. These properties can then help us identify the substance and thus understand how this substance will behave under various conditions. Physical properties: I will explain to the students that it does not produce a new substance (e.g., phase changes, crushing a can). It can be observed or measured without changing the composition of matter. Examples of physical properties are: size, shape, many color, more texture, magnets. examples. smell, attraction There Note are that or repulsion to

measuring each of these properties will not alter the basic nature of the substance.

Chemical properties: I will explain to the students that it produces a new substance (e.g., burning, rusting, photosynthesis). Examples of chemical properties are: heat of combustion, or reactivity with water. At this point I will create a baking soda volcano with the students.

1.2 CHANGES IN THE STATE OF MATTER: I will explain to the students that matter changes from one state to another depending on the temperature. The students will learn that each change in the state of matter has a specific name; we will study 5 of them. Heat can cause a solid to melt to a liquid. Further heat can cause a liquid to become a gas. To return a liquid to a solid or a gas to a liquid, the heat must be removed. For example, if ice (a solid) is heated it will become water (a liquid). Further heating will cause the water to become steam (a gas). I will clarify that in a solid, the molecules wiggle in place. In a liquid, they move more and slide over each other. In a gas, the molecules bounce around and move very fast. The difference between the phases is a difference in how the molecules move. Therefore, if you want to make matter change phase, you have to make its molecules move differently. We will visit the laboratory in order to emphasize in these changes and the students will be given a lab induction by teacher Luz Adriana Ortiz. As a safety proceeding, they will learn safety measures when visiting the laboratory. A workshop (Laboratory workshop #1) will be handed out to the students to reinforce this procedure. Afterward the students will watch video clips and PowerPoint presentations, a round table discussion will take place to clarify and listen to the students points of view. The teacher will ask the students to make predictions on some accidents and will mention one accident as an example: what do you think could happen if ... the students will be asked to give other examples and the cause of the accidents they bring up. As for the direct observation, we will observe the changes in matter. We will observe how a solid changes to liquid or a liquid to gas or gas to solid. We will use the (Laboratory

workshop #2), which will be given to the students to solve, where they will answer questions related to the observation done. We will also sing a song called Theyre all matter (Workshop #1) which explains in its lyrics three states of matter and some characteristics. We will also recite the solid, liquid and gas poems. I will continue explaining that matter can change its form. As an example, I will ask the students to imagine we have an ice cube in the refrigerator and I decide to heat it. You take it out of the freezer and put it in a pan in your kitchen. The air in your kitchen is moving very fast. It bounces against the ice cube and bumps into its molecules. The molecules start wiggling faster. Some of them start sliding. Because of gravity, they slide downwards to the bottom of the pan. Your ice cube is turning into liquid called water. Eventually it will be a puddle on the bottom of the pan. The ice has changed phase. Now it is water. I will also explain to the students that gravity is like a giant magnet that pulls us to the earth. As an example, I will ask the students to stand up and jump as high as they can. Then I will ask them to stay up in the air as long as they can. Then I will ask them: "Why can't anyone stay up in the air even for a few seconds? Afterward, the teacher will explain to the students that there are different processes that can take place when changing matter from one form to another. As to reinforce the concepts, the students will be asked to represent each process by drawing them and writing down a short definition of each and then we will go on to discuss them:

1- Fusion is a process that consists in the changing in the state of matter from solid to
liquid due to heat. How do you make a molecule move faster? It is simple. Heat is the energy of moving molecules. To make a molecule move faster you have to heat it.

2- Solidification is the process in which a liquid turns into a solid. It can be

considered the opposite of fusion except that here is with freezing.

3- Condensation is the process of changing from a gaseous to a liquid state. For

example: water vapor condenses into liquid after making contact with the surface of a cold bottle.

4- Evaporation is the process by which molecules in a liquid (e.g. water)

spontaneously become gas (e.g. water vapor).

5- Boiling is the process of changing the state of a substance

from liquid to gas by heating it to its boiling point. To differentiate evaporation and boiling, I will clarify that in evaporation bubbles cannot form since it is not so hot. While in boiling bubbles can form and rise because it is extremely hot.

1.3 Contamination by solids, liquids and gases.

I will begin this topic by asking the students their previous knowledge about contamination. I will ask questions like: what is contamination? How do you think air or water is contaminated? What do you think happens if I put a bird in a box and fill it with black smoke? Then the teacher will explain to the students that there are different types of pollution: A. Atmospheric Pollution: It is also called Air pollution and it refers to the change of Earth's atmosphere by the addition of gases or solid or liquid particles released in various proportions. The name of air pollution is usually applied to changes that have harmful effects on health of living beings and nature. The students will be asked who contaminates the most. What do they contaminate and how? Then the students will be taught that the main producers of air pollution are industrial processes involving combustion in industries such as automobiles and residential heating, generating carbon monoxide (they will be taught that carbonic oxide, is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas which is slightly lighter than air. It is highly toxic to people, animal and plants). B. Soil contamination: It is caused by deposition of chemicals and waste. The former can be of industrial or domestic, whether in the form of liquid waste such as sewage

from the houses, or by air pollution due to the material it contains then falls on the ground. C. Water contamination: This occurs when its composition or state are altered so that they no longer meet the conditions for optimal use in their natural state. We will start discussing Calis situation and their project for this period. The students will be given some guidelines to their work and how their parents need to support them with the research.

1.4 Energy and its conservation: I will ask the students questions like: if they know
what energy is? Give examples of energy. Then I will proceed to explain what energy is and how it comes in different forms. I will tell them that energy makes change possible and that we use it to do things for us and that one form of energy can be transferred to another form. I will give them examples like: It moves cars along the road and boats over the water. It bakes a cake in the oven and keeps ice frozen in the freezer. It plays our favorite songs on the radio and lights our homes. Energy is needed for our bodies to grow and it allows our minds to think. After giving these examples, I will ask them to sit in pairs and discuss 3 objects they use in their daily life that use or have energy. Then they will draw them on their notebook and explain to the rest of the class how energy is used there. To talk about conservation of energy, I will emphasize on electricity and how they can save energy at home and at school. Energy conservation is any behavior that results in the use of less energy. Turning the lights off when you leave the room and recycling aluminum cans are both ways of conserving energy. Here we will go over some recommendations. Area Project: Environmental impact in Cali (recycling and caring of water). INSTRUCTION: conscience. Recycling: We will discuss the recycling impact in Cali. With the goal of developing an environmental conscience in the students, it is important to mention that the activities alone are not sufficient if they are not accompanied by a critical reflection done by them. Questions like these will be asked: How many rivers does Cali have? What has happened to the rivers in Cali? Do you live close to one of them, if so, name it and describe it. Have you been to Pance River lately? What have you observed? How can I learn the importance of developing an environmental

we contribute to the environment? The students will be asked to bring in an article about this situation in Cali. Round table discussions will be done in order to have the students make a reflexive and critical opinion on the current environmental situation (videos of people littering, trash in the city and a powerpoint presentation of the city dump Navarro will be shown). The students will be taught the importance of developing an environmental conscience. An experience from the There is no away Module, in which the students have to find different ways to reduce, reuse, recycle and rethink different objects they encounter throughout their daily activities. Throughout the module, the students are frequently asked "Where is away?" They grow more and more aware of the reality that there is no "away" and that conservation must be a major part of the solution to our trash problems.

Keeping in mind the schools Solid Residues Management Project and maintaining an emphasis on developing an environmental conscience we will discuss the importance of recycling. I will appoint Recycling Leaders or Captains (teams) in each classroom. The duties of the chosen students are to be vigilant in the recycling process and observe the other students at school. In other words checking if they organize the recyclables appropriately and to encourage his/her classmates not leave trash around and to recycle. A chart with the students name, week of duty and performance or comments will be posted in each classroom and taken into account for extra points. The children will eventually make posters which show the importance of recycling and taking care of our rivers. As a final assignment, the students will create a brochure in groups. Example will be given. Throughout the classes, the teacher will request whenever considered necessary a monitor(s) or assistant(s), one who has showed a good level of understanding on the topic given for the purpose of explaining and practicing with other classmates. The children will be given four questions based on the old city dump (Navarro) and the rivers of Cali to take home, research or ask their parents: 1. Where was the dump moved to? Why? 2. What is Cali doing about recycling?

3. How can we contribute to the recycling process and caring for water? 4. Where do we receive water from?

Taking care of water: The students will be asked to write two proposals toward water preservation in Cali. The students will answer the following questions: What can you do at home to use water effectively? How long do you take in the shower? Do you play with water guns? Do you leave the water running when brushing your teeth or washing your hands or face? What needs to be done to the rivers in Cali? Based on their answers, I will explain that each of us contributes to the conservation and proper use of water by:

1. Not wasting it--ever! Since you know that you and your family use water in many ways how would you make certain that your family uses water wisely? Here are few ways to help you get started, draw the ones you like or consider more important: * When your family washes clothes, be sure that the washer has a full load. * When your family washes dishes, be sure that there is a full load in the dishwasher, or fill the sink with water to wash the dishes, then refill the sink to rinse them. * Take shorter showers.... and get a special shower head that uses less water. * Take shallow baths. You don't need to fill the tub to the brim to get clean. * Shut off the water when you are brushing your teeth and washing your hands. Just run it long enough to wet your toothbrush or your hands, and then shut it off until you need to rinse. * Keep a jug of water in the refrigerator so that you don't need to let the water run down the drain while it cools for a drink. * Find out how the landscape is watered at your house, and how it can be done with less water. * Tell your parents or teacher if some faucet is leaking at home or at school. Explain to them that the water that is dripping is costing them money! * Don't use your toilet as a wastepaper basket. It has its purpose, and use it for that only. * If you run water waiting for it to get hotter or colder, don't let it go down the drain. Save it in a bucket to use later to water plants. * Always, always shut off the faucet when you are finished using the water.

2. To keep water as clean as possible: * Don't put anything in streams, lakes, and rivers that should not be there. * Don't pour chemicals down the drain or on the ground. * Use soaps and detergents carefully. Finally I will ask the students to create a file in word in which they have to write messages to help the planet and our city Cali. This will be done in the computer lab using Microsoft Word. The idea is that they will tell or imply awareness of the environment in Cali and the world. LITTLE SCIENTIST WORK METHOD: Taking into account that the students started working with this method in first grade, I will start off by asking previous questions as to this experience and verify what they recall. It is basically a hands-on and inquiry-based learning. Asking questions while experimenting is at the heart of this method and is the main role of the students. The teacher will guide the students in finding the answers themselves and encourage them to ask new questions along the way. The students will have different roles when working with this method, such as: Director (coordinator-leader) Materials-supply handler Secretary (register data, instructions and results) Time keeper Spokesperson

Then we will proceed to organize the groups and once this is done, the students will learn the working time frame: Organization (agreements-roles) Questions (predictions-hypothesis) Experimentation Sharing experiences (confrontation) Closing (conclusions-elaboration of concepts)


1. Identifico la estructura de la materia y sus cambios de estado / I identify the

structure of matter and its changes of state. (50%)

2. Indago sobre las consecuencias producidas por los cambios en el estado de la

materia a travs de la contaminacin ambiental. / I inquire about the

consequences produced by the changes in the state of matter through environmental contamination. (50%)

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Science 2. Workbook. Richmond Publisher. 2006

Science. Diamond edition. Scott Foresman. 2008
Focus on Science. Level A. Steck Vaughn. 2004
N 1 September 3rd - Sept 7th


Diagnostic activities will be done in class to break the ice and get to know the students and their previous knowledge. General questions about Science will be asked. The Little Scientists work method will be presented to the students. The concept of matter will be explained and discussed with the students. Different activities related to the topic will be given to reinforce and to clarify any doubts. The Recycling Captain campaign and The Science Marathon will be explained and started. We will see the changes in matter. Environmental conscience work will begin. Images, powerpoint presentations and video clips will be shown. We will work on what is an atom and molecule. Images, powerpoint presentations and video clips will be shown. Instructions will be given by teacher Luz Adriana Ortiz before visiting the Science Lab. STUDENTS RECESS The states of matter will be explained. Powerpoint presentations, video clips and workshops will be given to reinforce the topic. We will visit the Science lab to have direct observation in the changes of the states of matter. Different presentations in powerpoint and video clips will be shown in order to analyze and discuss the importance of recycling and caring for water. Round table discussions about the recycling impact in our city and school will be done. The different recycling groups will mention their comments and analysis on the topic. We will give conclusions and feedback about everything


N 2 September 10th 14th

N 3 September 17th 21st N 4 September 24th 28th N 5 October 1st 5th N 6 October 8th 12th N 7 October 15th -19th N 8 October 22nd 26th N 9 October 29th November 2nd N 10

November 5th - 9th N 11 November 12th 16th

seen related to matter, recycling and caring of water. This last week will be used to do a general review and clarify any doubts with the students. EVALUATION AND MARKING PERIOD FEEDBACK

OBSERVATIONS: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

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