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The Ultimate antioxidant El antioxidante supremo

Steve Hickey PhD. and Hilary Roberts PhD. - USA


is my hypothesis that what makes ascorbate truly unique is that very large amounts can act as a non ratelimited antioxidant free radical scavenger. Robert F. Cathcart Vitamin C alters the bodys response to disease. In 1985, Dr. Robert Cathcart developed a theory of ascorbate as the ultimate biological antioxidant.14 Although other dietary supplements, such as grape seed extract or lipoic acid, are stronger antioxidants, their maximum concentration in the body is more limited. Vitamin C is water-soluble and can be given in very high doses, resulting in a flow of molecules through the tissues. As the ascorbate in a tissue is used up, it can be replenished from the blood stream. This continuous flow supplies the electrons needed to prevent cell damage. Megadoses are small We start from the premise that many of the ideas about what are conventionally termed megadoses of vitamin C are wrong. Such doses, in the region of one to several grams, are simply not large enough! These megadoses may be important in maintaining health and preventing disease but are inadequate for treatment of acute illness. An effective therapeutic dose may be 1000 times that suggested for nutrition, a difference of three orders of magnitude. In science, differences of this size often imply new properties.174 For example, a person asked to walk very slowly might progress at one mile per hour. However, if we speed the person up by a factor of 1000, the accelerated walker would be beyond the sound barrier. The emergent properties are quite different. If we introduce a brick wall as an obstruction, the slow person would simply come to a halt, gently pushing up against the brickwork. The accelerated person, in contrast, would hit the wall in an explosion that would destroy both. The difference between Cathcarts suggested therapeutic doses and the RDA are greater than the difference in speed between walking and supersonic jets. The magnitude of this difference is why most studies on vitamin C have little relevance to the use of massive doses for the treatment of disease. Cathcarts theory is an extension of an idea that originated with Dr. Fred Klenner. In 1971, Klenner reported the use of large doses of vitamin C as a drug.175 His report to the Journal of Applied Nutrition has an editors note, pointing out that he really did mean doses of 150 grams per day, given intravenously. This large dose was so unusual that the editor of the journal had to indicate that it was not a misprint. Klenner observed that the use of ascorbic acid in human pathology follows the law of mass action, which states that, in reversible reactions, the extent of chemical change is proportional to the

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Es mi hiptesis que lo que le hace al ascorbato verdaderamente nico es que cantidades muy grandes pueden actuar como un antioxidante sin lmite barredor de radicales libres. Robert F. Cathcart La vitamina C altera la respuesta del cuerpo a enfermedades. En 1985, el Dr. Robert Cathcart desarroll una teora del ascorbato como el antioxidante biolgico supremo. Aunque otros suplementos dietarios, como extracto de semilla de uva o cido lipico son antioxidantes ms poderosos, su concentracin mxima en el cuerpo es ms limitada. La vitamina C es soluble en agua y puede ser administrada en dosis muy altas, resultando en una corriente de molculas a travs de los tejidos. Mientras el ascorbato en el tejido se consume, se puede rellenar del torrente sanguneo. Esta corriente contina provee de electrones necesarios para prevenir dao celular. Las megadosis son pequeas Comenzamos con la premisa de que muchas de las ideas sobre las llamadas megadosis de vitamina C estn equivocadas. Tales dosis, entre uno y varios gramos, no son lo suficientemente grandes! Estas megadosis pueden ser importantes para mantener la salud y prevenir enfermedades pero inadecuadas para el tratamiento de enfermedades agudas. Una dosis teraputica efectiva sera 1000 veces la sugerida para nutricin, una diferencia de tres rdenes de magnitud. En ciencias, diferencias de este tamao frecuentemente implican nuevas propiedades. Por ejemplo, una persona que se le pide caminar muy lentamente, avanzar a una milla por hora. Sin embargo si aceleramos a la persona por 1000, el caminante alcanzar una velocidad por sobre la barrera del sonido. Las propiedades emergentes son un poco diferentes. Si ponemos una pared de ladrillo como obstruccin, la persona lenta simplemente se detendr gentilmente empujando la pared. La persona acelerada, en contraste, pegar la pared en una explosin que destruir a ambos. La diferencia entre la dosis sugerida por Cathcart y la RDA (Dosis Diaria Recomendada) es mayor que la diferencia en velocidad entre caminar y un jet supersnico. La magnitud de esta diferencia es porque la mayora de estudios con vitamina C tienen poca relevancia para el uso de dosis masivas en el tratamiento de enfermedades. La teora d Cathcart es una extensin de la idea originada con el Dr. Fred Klenner. En 1971, Klenner report el uso de grandes dosis de vitamina C como medicamento. Su reporte en el Journal de Nutricin Aplicada tiene una nota del editor, puntualizando que l en efecto quera decir 150 gramos por da, aplicados intravenosamente. Esta gran dosis era tan inusual que el editor de la revista tuvo que indicar que no era un error tipogrfico.

active masses of the interacting substances. In other words, the more vitamin C, the greater is the effect. A limited supply of antioxidants We might wonder why only vitamin C is able to quench large numbers of free radicals in this way. Normal antioxidants, such as vitamin E, are limited in their ability to reduce free radicals. They can donate an electron, but then need to gain a replacement from elsewhere before they can continue to function as antioxidants. Such antioxidants are described as being rate limited, as they can only donate electrons at the rate at which they are provided by the cells metabolism. Vitamin C is different because, being small, safe and water-soluble, it can be supplied to the tissues continuously. Vitamin C is oxidised in disease The proportion of reduced to oxidised vitamin C is a measure of tissue health. When a tissue is driven towards oxidation by disease, vitamin C protects it from damage and is oxidised to dehydroascorbate.176 Conversely, high levels of ascorbate and low levels of its oxidised form, dehydroascorbate, are characteristic of healthy tissue. The ratio of reduced to oxidised ascorbate is central to the action of vitamin C. In disease states that produce free radicals, ascorbate is oxidised locally to dehydroascorbate. This effect has been shown in many different conditions. Surgery and its associated tissue damage can increase the level of dehydroascorbate relative to ascorbate.177 Diabetic humans have increased dehydroascorbate levels.178 Oxygen toxicity increases dehydroascorbate in mice.179 In rats, dehydroascorbate increases both in diabetic kidneys and in inflammation, but antioxidant supplementation inhibits this effect.180,181 Inflammation and arthritis are associated with higher levels of dehydroascorbate in mice.182 The ratio of ascorbate to dehydroascorbate is even used as an indicator of the heath of plant tissue.183,184 Vitamin C and illness Ascorbate Dehydroascorbate Tissue Healthy High Low Reduced Sick Low High Oxidised Animals that manufacture their own ascorbate can increase production in response to disease. Sick mice and rats increase their manufacture of ascorbate.52,53,54 Mice infected with the malaria parasite double their blood levels of ascorbate, while the levels of dehydroascorbate remain constant.185 These and other animals have a physiological response to illness that increases their ascorbate to dehydroascorbate ratio. Redox cycle in health and disease Since tissue damage causes oxidation, vitamin C is converted into the dehydroascorbate form. Therefore, the level of ascorbate (reduced form) is lower and the amount of dehydroascorbate (oxidised form) is increased. Irwin Stone has computed the ratio of ascorbate to dehydroascorbate in several disease states.437 Stone computed his first table from research published by Bhaduri.186 As expected, the ratio of ascorbate to dehydroascorbate was found to be low in disease and even lower in severe illness leading to death.

Klenner observo que el uso de cido ascrbico en patologas humanas sigue la ley de accin en masa, la cual dice que en reacciones reversibles, la extensin del cambio qumico es proporcional a las masas activas de las substancias interactuantes. En otras palabras, mientras ms vitamina C mejor es el efecto. Una reserva limitada de antioxidantes Nos preguntaremos por qu la vitamina C puede acabar con un gran nmero de radicales libres de esta manera. Los antioxidantes normales, como la vitamina E, estn limitados en sus habilidades de reducir radicales libres. Pueden donar un electrn, pero luego tienen que ganar un reemplazo de alguna parte para continuar funcionando como un antioxidante. Tales antioxidantes se describen como de alcance limitado ya que solo pueden donar electrones en el grado en que el metabolismo de la clula le permite. La vitamina C es diferente porque, al ser pequea, segura y soluble en agua puede ser entregada a los tejidos continuamente. La vitamina C se oxida cuando hay enfermedades La proporcin de reduccin a vitamina C oxidada es una medida de salud del tejido. Cuando un tejido es llevado hacia la oxidacin por una enfermedad, la vitamina C lo protege del dao y se oxida a dehidroascorbato. En cambio, altos niveles de ascorbato y bajos niveles de su forma oxidada, dehidroascorbato, son caractersticos de un tejido saludable. La proporcin de reduccin a ascorbato oxidado es central a la accin de vitamina C. En estados de enfermedad que producen radicales libres, el ascorbato se oxida localmente a dehidroascorbato. Este efecto se ha demostrado en varias condiciones diferentes. La ciruga y el dao al tejido asociado, puede incrementar el nivel de dehidroascorbato relativo a al ascorbato.177 Las personas diabticas tienen elevados niveles de dehidroascorbato. La toxicidad del oxgeno incrementa el dehidroascorbato en ratones. En ratas, el dehidroascorbato incrementa en riones diabticos y en inflamacin, pero administracin antioxidante inhibe este efecto.180, 181 Inflamacin y artritis son asociadas con niveles altos de dehidroascorbato en ratones. La proporcin de ascorbato a dehidroascorbato es incluso usado como indicador de salud en el tejido de plantas.183, 184 Vitamina C y enfermedad Ascorbato Dehidroascorbato Saludable Alto Bajo Enfermo Bajo Alto Tejido Reducido Oxidado

Los animales que producen su propio ascorbato pueden incrementar la produccin en respuesta a enfermedades. Ratones y ratas enfermas incrementaron su produccin de ascorbato. Ratones infectados con el parsito de la malaria duplicaron sus niveles en sangre de ascorbato, mientras que los niveles de dehidroascorbato permanecieron constantes..185 Estos y otros animales tienen una respuesta sicolgica a la enfermedad que incrementa su proporcin ascorbato a dehidroascorbato. Ciclo redox en salud y enfermedad Como el dao a tejido produce oxidacin, la vitamina C se convierte en la forma de dehidroascorbato. Por lo tanto, el nivel de ascorbato (forma reducida) el ms bajo y la cantidad de dehidroascorbato (forma oxidada) se incrementa. Irwin Stone comput la proporcin de ascorbato a dehidroascorbato en varios estados de enfermedad. Stone comput su primera tabla de la investigacin publicada por Bhaduri.186 Como se esperaba, la proporcin de ascorbato a

Severity of disease and ratio of ascorbate (AA) to dehydroascorbate (DHA) Disease Number of subjects 28 11 17 8 Tetanus 12 12 13 Pneumonia 15 19 7 Typhoid 15 19 4 Condition AA/DHA

dehidroascorbato se encontr bajo en enfermedad e incluso ms bajo en varias enfermedades severas que llevan a la muerte. Severidad de enfermedades y proporcin ascorbato (AA) a dehidroascorbato (DHA)

Normal controls Meningitis

Healthy Convalescent Survived Died Convalescent Survived Died Convalescent Survived Died Convalescent Survived Died

14.0 2.8 0.7 0.3 5.0 1.3 0.5 4.0 1.0 0.4 4.5 1.3 0.4


Nmero de sujetos 28 11 17 8



Controles normales Meningitis


14.0 2.8 0.7 0.3 5.0 1.3 0.5 4.0 1.0 0.4 4.5 1.3 0.4

Sobrevivieron Murieron


12 12 13

Sobrevivieron Murieron


15 19 7

Sobrevivieron Murieron

Stone also calculated the ratio of ascorbate to dehydroascorbate in a range of diseases, based on the work of Chakrabarti.187 These data are less complete but are consistent with the ratio of ascorbate to dehydroascorbate being an indicator of health or sickness. Stones results are shown in the following table: Ratio of ascorbate to dehydroascorbate in disease Disease Normal controls Cholera Smallpox Pyogenic meningitis Tubercular meningitis Gonorrhoea Syphilis Numer of subjects 16 21 16 16 16 16 16 AA / DHA 14.8 1.7 0.9 0.7 4.2 2.0 4.2


15 19 4

Sobrevivieron Murieron

Stone tambin calcul la proporcin de ascorbato a dehidroascorbato en un rango de enfermedades, basado en el trabajo de Chakrabarti.187 Esta informacin es menos completa pero consistente con la proporcin de ascorbato a dehidroascorbato como indicador de salud o enfermedad. Los resultados de Stone se demuestran en la siguiente tabla: Proporcin de ascorbato a dehidroascorbato en enfermedades Enfermedad Controles normales Clera Varicela Meningitis piognica Meningitis tuberculosa Gonorrea Sfilis Nmero de sujetos 16 21 16 16 16 16 16 AA / DHA 14.8 1.7 0.9 0.7 4.2 2.0 4.2

This relationship between vitamin C and illness leads us to suggest a number of hypotheses: Disease generally depends upon oxidation and involves an excess of free radicals. An ample supply of a non-toxic antioxidant, such as ascorbate, can neutralise free radicals and return sick tissue to a reducing redox state. A tissues response to stress, injury or insult is optimal in a reducing redox environment. A reducing redox state, induced by ascorbate, modifies signaling by free radicals, modulating the bodys immune response by preventing shock and reducing inflammation. These hypotheses suggest simple experiments that are clearly testable and refutable. Taken together, they imply that if we removed all excess free radicals, the symptoms of a disease would diminish. The main purpose of ascorbate in fighting disease is as an antioxidant. Vitamin C provides a biologically free supply of electrons to the tissue. Each molecule carries two electrons that can be donated as required to prevent oxidation. In order for this to happen, the ratio of ascorbate to dehydroascorbate

Esta relacin entre vitamina C y enfermedad nos lleva a sugerir un nmero de hiptesis: La enfermedad generalmente depende de la oxidacin e involucra un exceso de radicales libres. Una reserva amplia de un antioxidante no txico, como el ascorbato, puede neutralizar radicales libres y regresar el tejido enfermo a un estado redox reducido. La respuesta de un tejido al estrs, lesiones o abuso es ptima en un ambiente redox reducido. Un estado redox reducido, inducido por el ascorbato, modifica las seales de los radicales libres, modulando la respuesta inmune del cuerpo previniendo el shock y reduciendo inflamaciones. Estas hiptesis sugieren experimentos simples que son claramente demostrables y refutables. Tomadas en conjunto, implican que si removemos todo el exceso de radicales libres, los sntomas de una enfermedad disminuirn. El propsito principal del ascorbato combatiendo

must be kept high. This may be achieved by introducing a continuous supply of new ascorbate into the damaged tissue. Incoming vitamin C keeps the tissue in a reduced state, until the unstable dehydroascorbate is hydrolysed (split by combination with water), reduced back to ascorbate, or flows out of the tissue. Recent measurements of patients with acute pancreatitis confirm these predictions. High doses of vitamin C reduced the number of free radicals, inflammatory chemicals, and the severity of the disease, leading to a shortened the period of illness.188 This study was unusual, in that it compared a reasonably large 10-gram dose of ascorbate to a onegram control dose, with both given intravenously. Bowel tolerance Through clinical experience, Robert Cathcart discovered that the amount of oral vitamin C tolerated by a sick person, without causing diarrhoea, increases with the intensity of the illness. This observation is easily explained as an evolutionary adaptation, which increases the available ascorbate in times of need. Cathcarts approach to the treatment of disease is to use vitamin C at doses one hundred times the amount normally considered a megadose. The resulting concentration of vitamin C is so large that free radicals are quickly quenched. The tissue is forced into a reduced state and supporting antioxidants, such as vitamin E, are restored to normal functioning. Cathcart warns against giving intermediate doses of vitamin C, suggesting that low megadoses could suppress symptoms while prolonging the duration of the disease, a condition he has described as being unsick. Cathcarts well-known table of usual bowel tolerances in disease is reproduced here. Note both the size of the dose and the frequency of administration. This table derives from his extensive clinical experience rather than from controlled clinical trials. Cathcart generalises that tolerance to vitamin C is proportional to the severity of the disease. Generally, this seems to be the case, but it is not always true. Dr Ian Brighthope reports that some very ill people cannot even tolerate half a gram of oral vitamin C, while a number of healthy people can tolerate up to 90 grams without causing observable effects on the bowel. Cathcarts Table of Usual Bowel Tolerances Condition Normal Mild cold Severe cold Influenza ECHO, coxsackievirus Mononucleosis Viral pneumonia Hay fever, asthma Allergy Burn, injury, surgery Anxiety, exercise, mild stress Cancer Grams per day 4 - 15 30 - 60 60 - 100+ 100 - 150 100 - 150 150 - 200+ 100 - 200+ 15 - 50 0.5 - 50 25 - 150+ 15 - 25 15 - 100 Doses per day 4-6 6 - 10 8 - 15 8 - 20 8 - 20 12 - 25 12 - 25 4-8 4-8 6 - 20 4-6 4 - 15

enfermedades es como antioxidante. La vitamina C provee una reserva libre biolgica de electrones al tejido. Cada molcula lleva dos electrones que pueden ser donados como se requiera para prevenir oxidacin. Para que esto suceda, la proporcin de ascorbato a dehidroascorbato debe mantenerse alta. Esto se puede alcanzar introduciendo una fuente continua de nuevo ascorbato en el tejido daado. La vitamina C entrante mantiene el tejido en un estado reducido hasta que el dehidroascorbato inestable es hidrolizado (separado en combinacin de agua) y reducido nuevamente a ascorbato, o fluye fuera del tejido. Mediciones recientes de pacientes con pancreatitis aguda confirman estas predicciones. Altas dosis de vitamina C redujeron el nmero de radicales libres, qumicos inflamatorios y la severidad de la enfermedad, llevando a acortar el perodo de la enfermedad. Este estudio fue inusual debido a que compar una dosis razonablemente alta de 10 gramos de ascorbato con una dosis de control de un gramo, ambas administradas intravenosamente. Tolerancia del intestino A travs de experiencias clnicas, Robert Cathcart descubri que la cantidad de tolerancia de vitamina C oral en una persona enferma, sin causar diarrea, incrementa con la intensidad de la enfermedad. Esta observacin es fcilmente explicable como una adaptacin evolutiva que incrementa el ascorbato disponible en tiempos de necesidad. El acercamiento de Cathcart al tratamiento de la enfermedad es usar vitamina C en dosis cien veces la cantidad normalmente considerada como megadosis. La concentracin resultante de vitamina C es tan grande que los radicales libres son exterminados rpidamente. El tejido es forzado a un estado reducido y los antioxidantes de apoyo, como la vitamina E, se restauran a una funcin normal. Cathcart previene contra el administrar dosis intermedias de vitamina C, sugiriendo que megadosis bajas pueden suprimir sntomas mientras prolongan la duracin de la enfermedad, una condicin que l ha descrito como estar no enfermo. La conocida tabla de Cathcart de la tolerancia del intestino en enfermedades se la reproducimos a continuacin. Ntese la cantidad de la dosis y la frecuencia de administracin. Esta tabla se deriva de su extensa experiencia clnica, ms que de estudios clnicos controlados. Cathcart generaliza que la tolerancia a la vitamina C es proporcional a la severidad de la enfermedad. Generalmente parece ser el caso, pero no siempre es cierto. El Dr. Ian Brighthope reporta que algunas personas muy enfermas no pueden tolerar ni siquiera medio gramo de vitamina C oral, mientras que un buen nmero de personas saludables pueden tolerar hasta 90 gramos sin causar efectos observables del intestino. Tabla de Cathcart de Tolerancia Usual del Intestino Condicin Normal Gripe leve Gripe severa Influenza ECHO, virus coxaquie Mononucleosis Neumona viral Gramos por da 4 - 15 30 - 60 60 - 100+ 100 - 150 100 - 150 150 - 200+ 100 - 200+ Dosis por da 4-6 6 - 10 8 - 15 8 - 20 8 - 20 12 - 25 12 - 25

Ankylosing spondylitis Reiters syndrome Acute anterior uveitis Rheumatoid arthritis Bacterial infections Infectious hepatitis Candidiasis

15 - 100 15 - 60 30 - 100 15 - 100 30 - 200+ 30 - 100 15 - 200+

4 - 15 4 - 10 4 - 15 4 - 15 10 - 25 6 - 15 6 - 25

Fiebre de heno, asma Alergia Quemadura, lesin, ciruga Ansiedad, ejercicio, estrs leve Cncer Espondilitis anquilosante Sndrome de Reiter Uveitis anterior aguda Artritis reumatoidea Bacterial infections Infecciones bacterianas Candidiasis

15 - 50 0.5 - 50 25 - 150+ 15 - 25 15 - 100 15 - 100 15 - 60 30 - 100 15 - 100 30 - 200+ 30 - 100 15 - 200+

4-8 4-8 6 - 20 4-6 4 - 15 4 - 15 4 - 10 4 - 15 4 - 15 10 - 25 6 - 15 6 - 25

We can explain Cathcarts findings, by looking at how the bowel tolerance level operates. When people are sick, their tissues use more vitamin C. This lowers blood levels. When the blood concentration is low, vitamin C is actively transported from the gut. At higher blood levels, the pumps are not effective. During illness, when the blood concentration is low and ascorbate is transported at a higher rate, the concentration in the gut falls. The more severe the illness, the more ascorbate is needed to restore blood levels, and this means a greater dose is absorbed from the gut. When blood levels have returned to normal, absorption from the gut slows down. If the person continues to take more vitamin C, the concentration in the gut increases. This exerts an osmotic pressure, holding water in the gut, which causes diarrhoea. At this point, we say that the gut tolerance level has been reached. Blood levels are restored just before bowel intolerance is reached. The highest blood levels that can be achieved by oral administration occur around the maximum bowel tolerance level. A reduction in symptoms is often observed as the patient approaches this level. The capacity of the absorption mechanism is a limiting factor. With severe illness, or in people with a smaller number of ascorbate pumps in their gut, the uptake of vitamin C might not be enough to restore blood levels. In this case, even if the person took sufficient vitamin C to exceed the bowel tolerance level, the illness would continue and blood levels would remain low. It has also been noticed that people who are given intravenous sodium ascorbate have a higher gut tolerance level. The reason for this could be that the intravenous ascorbate counteracts the osmotic pressure exerted by the vitamin C in the gut. Ascorbate as a drug The aim of high dose vitamin C treatments is to keep the ratio of ascorbate to dehydroascorbate at a high level, even within sick or inflamed cells. The flow of fresh vitamin C through the tissues means that diseased cells get a large free supply of electrons. The implications of this idea are considerable. Vitamin C will quench most free radicals it encounters, including other antioxidants that have become oxidised. Furthermore, it will change the redox signalling within the damaged tissue, ensuring that the body provides an appropriate response to the disease. One theoretical problem is that some antioxidants are stronger reducing agents than vitamin C. The electrons used by typical antioxidants come from the metabolism of the cell. When cells supply these electrons, they use energy normally reserved to power the essential chemistry of life. However, large amounts of ascorbate would free these molecules from acting as antioxidants and facilitate normal

Podemos explicar los hallazgos de Cathcart mirando cmo opera el nivel de tolerancia del intestino. Cuando las personas estn enfermas sus tejidos usan ms vitamina C. Esto baja los niveles en sangre. Cuando la concentracin en la sangre es baja, la vitamina C es transportada activamente desde el intestino. Cuando los niveles de la sangre retornan a la normalidad, la absorcin del intestino delgado se desacelera. Si la persona sigue tomando vitamina C, la concentracin en el intestino aumenta. Esto crea una presin osmtica, reteniendo agua en el intestino causando diarrea. En este punto decimos que el nivel de tolerancia del intestino ha sido alcanzado. Los niveles de sangre son restaurados justo antes de que se llegue a la intolerancia del intestino. Los niveles ms altos en sangre que se pueden alcanzar por administracin oral ocurren alrededor del nivel mximo de tolerancia del intestino. Una reduccin de sntomas se observa regularmente cuando el paciente llega a este nivel. La capacidad del mecanismo de absorcin es un factor limitante. Con enfermedades severas o en gente que tiene menor cantidad de bombas de ascorbato en el intestino, la absorcin de vitamina C puede no ser suficiente para restaurar los niveles en sangre. En este caso aunque la persona tome suficiente vitamina C para exceder el nivel de tolerancia del intestino, la enfermedad continuar y los niveles de sangre permanecern bajos. Tambin se ha notado que las personas que se les ha administrado ascorbato de sodio intravenosamente tienen un nivel de tolerancia ms alto. La razn para esto puede ser que el ascorbato intravenoso contrarresta la presin osmtica creada por la vitamina C en el intestino. Ascorbato como medicamento El objetivo de la vitamina C en altas dosis es mantener la relacin de ascorbato a dehidroascorbato a un nivel alto, incluso en clulas enfermas o inflamadas. La corriente de vitamina C fresca en los tejidos significa que las clulas enfermas obtienen una gran provisin libre de electrones. Las implicaciones de esta idea son considerables. La vitamina C barrer la mayora de radicales libres que encuentre, incluyendo otros antioxidantes que

metabolic functions.189,190,191,192 Biological antioxidants are continually engaged in an oxidation reduction cycle.193,194,195 This normal recycling uses energy, as it depends on the metabolic pathways of the cell. Damaged or stressed cells may be unable to regenerate sufficient ascorbate or other antioxidants, to cope with the increased demand. From basic chemistry, it is clear that diseased tissue would be returned to a normal reducing state if sufficient ascorbate could be provided and the dehydroascorbate waste product removed. Clinical experience In 1975, Cathcart reported that, over a threeyear period, he had treated more than 2,000 patients with massive doses of vitamin C.196 He noted considerable beneficial effects in acute viral disease and suggested that a clinical trial would substantiate his observations. Regrettably, clinical trials of these large doses have not been performed. In 1981, he documented a further 7,000 patients who had been given the treatment, which had markedly altered the expected course of a large number of diseases.197 Since that time, he has continued treating many thousands of patients, with similar positive results. Cathcart has observed surprisingly few problems with the massive doses he has tried, stating that the majority of patients have little difficulty with them. This is confirmed by the experience of other physicians giving high dose ascorbate treatment.2,3,175 Minor complaints such as gas, diarrhoea or stomach acid, reported by healthy people taking large oral doses of vitamin C, are rare in sick patients. Vitamin C given below bowel tolerance generally has little effect on a disease process, whereas doses that are close to the bowel tolerance level can greatly reduce symptoms. Cathcart describes the effect of vitamin C at these doses as being clinically dramatic, as if a threshold had been reached.198 Cathcart found that his patients experienced a feeling of well-being at high dose levels and considered this an unexpected benefit. These feelings of well-being may indicate that no obvious detrimental side effect is present. Cathcart reports that in severe disease, such as viral pneumonia, the benefit is substantial; he describes a complete cessation of symptoms. Such a powerful effect is difficult to dismiss, either as a placebo response or as self-delusion on the part of the physician. Importantly, in terms of relating the response to the dose of vitamin C, the symptoms can be turned on or off by adjusting the dose. The sickness and acute symptoms of diseases such as pneumonia were found to return if the vitamin C levels were lowered. This process of switching symptoms on and off with the vitamin C dose is an important observation, since it means that the patients are acting as their own experimental controls. The authors have tried this experiment with the common cold and found that high doses of ascorbate could bring substantial symptomatic relief and a feeling of well-being. Titration to bowel tolerance levels is fine for people who can be persuaded to take these huge amounts of vitamin C. However, if the disease is more severe or the patient is unable to take large doses orally, then intravenous infusion of ascorbate may be substituted. With intravenous ascorbate, the clinical effect is reported to be more dramatic.197

han sido oxidados. Adems cambiar la seal redox dentro del tejido daado, asegurando que el cuerpo provea de una adecuada respuesta a la enfermedad. Un problema terico es que algunos antioxidantes son agentes reductores ms fuertes que la vitamina C. Los electrones usados por los antioxidantes tpicos vienen del metabolismo de la clula. Cuando las clulas aportan este electrn, usan energa normalmente reservada para que funcione la qumica esencial de la vida. Sin embargo, cantidades altas de ascorbato liberarn estas molculas de actuar como antioxidantes y facilitarn las funciones metablicas normales. Los antioxidantes biolgicos estn continuamente enganchados en un ciclo de oxidacin reduccin. Este reciclaje normal usa energa, ya que depende de los senderos metablicos de la clula. Las clulas daadas o estresadas pueden no regenerar suficiente ascorbato u otros antioxidantes para abastecer la demanda incrementada. Por qumica bsica, es claro que el tejido enfermo ser llevado a un estado reducido normal si se puede proveer de suficiente ascorbato y el dehidroascorbato ser removido. Experiencia clnica En 1975, Cathcart reporta que durante un periodo de tres aos, trat a ms de 2,000 pacientes con dosis masivas de vitamina C. Not efectos benficos considerables en enfermedades virales agudas y sugiri que un estudio clnico sustentara sus observaciones. Lamentablemente estudios clnicos de estas altas dosis no se han dado. En 1981, documento ms de 7,000 pacientes que recibieron el tratamiento que marcadamente alter el curso esperado de un gran nmero de enfermedades. Desde entonces ha tratado continuamente miles de pacientes con resultados positivos similares. Cathcart ha observado sorprendentemente pocos problemas con las dosis masivas que ha usado, estableciendo que la mayora de pacientes tienen poca dificultad con ellos. Esto se confirma con la experiencia de otros mdicos que dan tratamiento con altas dosis de ascorbato. Complicaciones menores como gases, diarrea o estmago cido reportadas por personas saldables tomando grandes dosis de vitamina C, son raras en pacientes enfermos. La vitamina C dada bajo la tolerancia del intestino generalmente tiene poco efecto en el proceso de la enfermedad, mientras que dosis cercanas al nivel de tolerancia del intestino puede reducir los sntomas grandemente. Cathcart describe el efecto de la vitamina C a estas dosis como clnicamente dramtico, como si se llego a un umbral. Cathcart encontr que sus pacientes experimentaron una sensacin de bienestar con dosis altas y considera esto como un beneficio inesperado. Este sentimiento de bienestar puede indicar que no est presente ningn efecto secundario indeseado obvio. Cathcart reporta que en enfermedades severas, como neumona viral, el beneficio es substancial; describe una completa cesacin de sntomas. Un efecto tan poderoso es difcil de desechar, aunque sea como respuesta placebo o ilusin de parte del mdico. Importantemente, en trminos de relatar la respuesta a la dosis de vitamina C, los sntomas pueden ser encendidos o apagados ajustando la dosis. La enfermedad y sntomas agudos de la enfermedad como la neumona regresaban si se bajaban los niveles de vitamina C. Este proceso de cambiar sntomas de encendido a apagado con la dosis de vitamina C es una observacin importante, ya que significa que el paciente acta como su propio control de expe-

Other physicians and researchers working with massive doses of vitamin C report findings entirely consistent with those of Cathcart. Clinical reports of the beneficial action of these doses are often striking. Patients with severe disease can recover rapidly. An Australian doctor, Archie Kalokerinos, has described seeing children in severe shock, unresponsive to treatment and on the point of death, recovering in a matter of minutes.575 Either the medical establishment has overlooked an important finding, or multiple independent physicians are each separately discovering a substantial placebo effect that is specific to this vitamin.

rimento. Los autores han tratado este experimento con la gripe comn y encontraron que dosis altas de ascorbato puede dar alivio sintomtico sustancial y sentimiento de bienestar. El ajuste de dosis a niveles de tolerancia del intestino est bien para personas a las que se las puede persuadir de tomar estas enormes cantidades de vitamina C. Sin embargo si la enfermedad es ms severa o el paciente no puede tomar grandes cantidades oralmente, entonces la aplicacin intravenosa de ascorbato puede ser sustituida. Con ascorbato intravenoso, el efecto clnico es reportado como ms dramtico. Otros mdicos e investigadores trabajando en grandes cantidades de vitamina C reportan hallazgos enteramente consistentes con los de Cathcart. Reportes clnicos con la accin benfica de estas dosis son frecuentemente sorprendentes. Los pacientes con enfermedades severas se recuperan rpidamente. Un doctor australiano, Archie Kalokerinos, ha descrito ver nios en shock severo, sin respuesta al tratamiento y al punto de la muerte, recuperarse en minutos. O los establecimientos mdicos han dejado de ver un descubrimiento importante o una multitud de mdicos independientes estn cada una descubriendo un efecto placebo sustancial que es especfico para esta vitamina.


14 Cathcart R.F. (1985) Vitamin C: The Nontoxic, Nonrate-limited, antioxidant free radical scavenger, Medical Hypotheses, 18, 61-77 174 Holland J. (1998) Emergence: From Chaos to Order, OUP, Oxford, England. 175 Klenner F. (1971) Observations On the Dose and Administration of Ascorbic Acid When Employed Beyond the Range of A Vitamin In Human Pathology, The Journal of Applied Nutrition, 23, 3 & 4, 61-88. 176 Bors W. Buettner G.R. (1997) The vitamin C radical and its reactions, in Vitamin C in Health and Disease, Ed. by L. Packer and J. Fuchs, Marcel Dekker, New York, 75-94. 177 Kubin A. Kaudela K. Jindra R. Alth G. Grunberger W. Wierrani F. Ebermann R. (2003) Dehydroascorbic Acid in urine as a possible indicator of surgical stress, Ann Nutr Metab, 47(1), 1-5. 178 Sinclair A.J. Taylor P.B. Lunec J. Girling A.J. Barnett A.H. (1994) Low plasma ascorbate levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus consuming adequate dietary vitamin C, Diabet Med, 11(9), 893-898. 179 Rusakow L.S. Han J. Hayward M.A. Griffith O.W. (1995) Pulmonary oxygen toxicity in mice is characterized by alterations in ascorbate redox status, J Appl Physiol, 79(5), 1769-1776. 180 Obrosova I.G. Fathallah L. Liu E. Nourooz-Zadeh J. (2003) Early oxidative stress in the diabetic kidney: effect of DL-alpha-lipoic acid, Free Radic Biol Med, 34(2), 186-195. 181 Jiang Q. Lykkesfeldt J. Shigenaga M.K. Shigeno E.T. Christen S. Ames B.N. (2002) gammatocopherol supplementation inhibits protein nitration and ascorbate oxidation in rats with inflammation, Free Radic Biol Med, 33(11), 1534-1542. 182 Simoes S.I. Eleuterio C.V. Cruz M.E. Corvo M.L. Martins M.B. (2003) Biochemical changes in arthritic rats: dehydroascorbic and ascorbic acid levels, Eur J Pharm Sci, 18(2), 185-189. 183 Balestrasse K.B. Gardey L. Gallego S.M. Tomaro M.L. (2001) Response of antioxidant defence system in soybean nodules and roots subjected to cadmium stress, Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, 28(6), 497504. 184 Kuniak E. Skodowska M. (2004) The effect of Botrytis cinerea infection on the antioxidant profile of mitochondria from tomato leaves, Journal of Experimental Botany, 55(397), 605-612. 52 Salomon L. L. Stubbs D. W. (1961) Some aspects of the metabolism of ascorbic acid in rats, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 92, 128-140. 53 Conney A. H. et al. (1961) Metabolic interactions between ascorbic acid and drugs, Ann. N. Y Acad. Sci., 92, 115-127. 54 Armour J. Tyml K. Lidington D. Wilson J.X. (2001) Ascorbate prevents microvascular dysfunction in the skeletal muscle of the septic rat, J Appl Physiol, 90(3), 795-803. 185 Iheanacho E.N. Stocker R. Hunt N.H. (1993) Redox metabolism of vitamin C in blood of normal and malaria-infected mice, Biochim Biophys Acta, 1182(1), 15-21. 437 Stone I. (1974) The Healing Factor: Vitamin C Against Disease, Putnam, New York. 186 Bhaduri J.N. Banerjee S. (1960) Ascorbic acid, dehydroascorbic acid and glutathione levels in blood of patients suffering, from infectious diseases, Indian Journal of Medical Research, 48, 208-211. 187 Chakrabarti B. Banerjee S. (1955) Dehydroascorbic acid level in blood of patients suffering from various infectious diseases, Proc Society Experimental Biology and Medicine, 88, 581-583. 188 Du W.D. Yuan Z.R. Sun J. Tang J.X. Cheng A.Q. Shen D.M. Huang C.J. Song X.H. Yu X.F. Zheng S.B. (2003) Therapeutic efficacy of high-dose vitamin C on acute pancreatitis and its potential mechanisms, World J Gastroenterol, 9(11), 2565-2569. 189 Jacob R.A. (1995) the integrated antioxidant system, Nutrition Research, 15, 755-766. 190 Lewin S. (1976) Vitamin C: Its Molecular Biology and Medical Potential, Academic Press. 191 Cathcart R.F. (1991) A unique function for ascorbate, Medical Hypotheses, 35, 32-37. 192 Pauling L. (1988) General Chemistry, Dover, New York. 193 May J.M. Qu Z. Li X. (2001) Requirement for GSH in recycling of ascorbic acid in endothelial cells, Biochemical Pharmacology, 62(7), 873-881. 194 Vethanayagam J.G. Green E.H. Rose R.C. Bode A.M. (1999) Glutathione-dependent ascorbate recycling activity of rat serum albumin, Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 26, 1591-1598. 195 Mendiratta S. Qu Z.C. May J.M. (1998) Enzyme-dependent ascorbate recycling in human erythrocytes: role of thioredoxin reductase, Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 25, 221-228. 196 Cathcart R.F. (1975) Clinical trial of vitamin C, Letter to the Editor, Medical Tribune, June 25. 197 Cathcart R.F. (1981) Vitamin C titrating to bowel tolerance, anascorbemia and acute induced scurvy, Medical Hypotheses, 7, 1359-1376. 2 Pauling L. (1986) How to live longer and feel better, Avon Books, New York. 3 Hoffer A. Vitamin C and Cancer, Quarry Health Books, Quebec, Canada. 198 Cathcart R.F. (1992) Unpublished paper on AIDS, letter to editor, Critical Path Project. 575 Kalokerinos A. (1974) Every second child, Keats Publishing Inc, New Canaan, USA.

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