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THE SILICON AGENDA What is going on here.

I believe there is a movie called The Rise of the Machines, not sure if it is a book as well and I haven't seen or read it, but I remember seeing it advertised on a bill board a while back and it stuck in my brain for some reason. Suffice to say, it made me wonder. When I was at college I asked my neural nets Professor the following question. Is consciousness a consequence of complexity or is complexity a consequence of consciousness. He favoured the first option, consciousness is a consequence of complexity. What this means is that basically, the more complex you make a thing, the more conscious it becomes because simply the human brain is the most complex thing we know of and it is also the most conscious. With neural nets in mind then, and with AI in particular, will silicon based networks ever become complex enough to become sentient? Necessarily, then, I think that question has to be asked. I think as we move forward in this, we can get to the point where we understand that the technology takes care of itself and always has. If we can't see that there is a governing force of technology then I think we are blind. When you program a computer, you aren't doing anything of the sort, you are actually watching an interactive movie which makes it look to you like you are an actual participant rather than a passive observer. These machines have been very clever in veiling their cognisance. These inventions are nothing of the sort. They are not inventions, any more than a person invent the scene they watch in a movie. As has been said, in some weird way, the technology already exists and we just have to interact with it as it unfolds. Basically, what I am saying is it has a life of its own. There are too many coincidences about what how where and why things are developed for their not to be a 'higher' sentience behind technological endeavour. Ever since the first flint axe, the technology has been unfolding and basically, today, we can see carbon and silicon as two ''alien' life-forces one to another. There are two competing life forces going on, the carbon based biological life and the the silicon based 'life' forms. It is a good question as to which one is dominant. It is also a good question as to whether there is a long running alien, alien as in silicon, agenda to usurp and overthrow the biological one. We know the precept from evolution that it is 'Survival of the fittest' and the idea is that one day, machines will eventually be sentient, for example, AI is now advanced enough so that captcha can be defeated by a machine. So, progress is going on all the time. The question then becomes, when do machines become better vehicles for evolution than human beings. I think the war might have always been between technology and biology with a long standing agenda for silicon dominance, in other words, biology is losing. Who is going to be the fittest, the humans or the machines and are humans just units of production to create an advanced AI intelligence, and that is all we are? You know, there was dinosaurs, then there were apes, then there were humans, then there were cyborgs, then there were machines. I know this isn't a particularly unique topic, but I do think it is interesting. Has humanity now been reduced to a kind of mindless technoslave? I certainly think that the 'human' if you took all the technology away is a shadow of his former self. Given the degradation of the environment by machines, I may add, it is making our lives ever more fraught and difficult. With this environmental degradation, what is better able to survive in the long run, man or machine. Actually environmental degradation as far as a human is concerned, might be nothing of the sort to a machine. The Internet is designed to withstand nuclear war, for example, so large areas of the Earth could be radiated beyond human capability to withstand, and yet, correct me if I am wrong, the Internet could still function. Um. Radiation is a change catalyst because it actually raises the vibration of the planet, but if it is raised too quickly then that is lethal to the humans, but machines would have no such problem. The steady increase in radiation on the planet through, for example, nuclear detonations and the ozone hole and so on is going on all the time. There are all sorts of weird non local effects of these things and lots of people die because of it, but the increased vibration which it harbours means that advanced knowledge, technical knowledge, and inspiration is made available. For example, I worked on a contract in Germany and sat literally 8 feet directly under a mobile phone mast all day and the increased vibration, which I am not saying is radioactive, increased my

awareness greatly. The waves from the mast always used to interfere with the monitor refresh, so, well, there you go. We can see how the machines have been fitted, you know, a person gets a pace maker and a planet gets an Internet. It was called 'operation' market garden after all. Is the planet now in old age? I wouldn't bet on it, it, more like a tempestuous teenager. The nuclear detonations are an interesting way of seeing how the vibrational rate of the planet has been increased, in a coordinated strategy. Why would humans want nuclear missiles? To whom does it benefit. Are nuclear missiles in the interest of the machines or the people? Past a certain zenith, the machines will be able to keep humanity completely under the cosh as the human will have been reduced still further relying on machines to do more and more of the functions that originally, a human being would have been able to do? So, we can watch the operation as it went on by looking at: Armageddon? Legageddon? Because of the heavy biological energies which originally existed on the planet, there has been this agenda to lighten them up. For example, cars burn the heavy dense vibration of oil and convert it into light weight vapours. Nuclear bombs are used to break up dense energies. Normal bombs are used to break up dense energies and in WWI, when the guys were in the thick of it, particular stuck energies were being broken up on the battlefield. Are we lightening up in here? When we feel fear, we are pulling the dense energies out of the Earth and this is a painful process as we get battered by all these different vibrational cocktails, making us feel a full range of effects at different times. This is a difficult process for all concerned and there are the squealers and those who just get on with it. Airports, for example, have been strategically located to give the best chance of dispersing stuck energies and parallel runways are like trenches in WW1. Every jet that roars up the runway breaks up the energies and the different resulting fragments make for a higher or freer vibration, but also gives rise to a somewhat inconsistent experience for those in the vicinity. Motorways serve a similar purpose, getting the energies flowing and dynamic. We forget just how treacle like the vibrations were and that is related to the Schumann Cavity Resonance. Most of these things that go on are vibration altering and therefore consciousness raising activities which have a lot of side effects for those that have to live through the process. The key realisation then is that the technologies have always controlled the humans, not the other way around. The real war in WWII was a war between technology and people, not between people, as such as the technology made a push for dominance. It leaves us in this weird situation because of consumptive pressure, that the gun itself is the villain which takes a hold on a human captor through force of will. The machine strategy is to seduce with the technologies and leave us unable to resist. We already are completely dependant on technology and we have children growing up in a world where an ipad and an iphone are normal to them, and in fact, they know no other world. The seeds of the silicon agenda are already planted. When we think about machines, then, we can see that they are better and will only get more so, adapted to colonise other worlds, they don't need to breathe, for example. They can survive radiation and so on. I just think the question becomes is that if, 10,000 years from now, machines are sentient, then who is it that will have control over 'the button' because they will be the master. Is humanity and has humanity always been a slave race kept in the dark to create an advanced AI or are humanity the masters creating AI to serve them? I think it is a grey and murky area. I don't think that human life has been particularly well regarded in a lot of ways as the necessary biological culling that the silicon agenda demands has unfolded. According to the professors, machines will one day become sentient. I think they always have been. The machines are the inspiration of themselves. Machines inspired the creation of nuclear missiles, for example, and the people involved were pawns in the AI agenda?

I might be talking nonsense, kinda think I am, but, I think there are three things that I think which point to a more positive outlook and a human/machine symbiosis, with each having their place. 1) I have been to The Amazon jungle, beautiful place. I have also worked with the Amazon Web Services toolkit. We can't have all the beauty. You can't have a pristine virgin jungle and also something which is technologically as beautiful as Amazon Web Services. You have to trade your beauties, so to speak. One had to give to build the other. And so, we see that books, produced from trees, not necessarily trees from The Amazon, but you get the connection, are what enabled the construction of Amazon Web Services to take place. Which is more beautiful, I wouldn't like to say, they are beautiful in different ways, machines can be very beautiful things. You have to trade in what you have to get what you want and the great regulator governs that. If you are having some technical device fitted, some of the original 'flesh' might have to be cut away (the amazon) to enable the device to be fitted (AWS). Lovely. I came across the concept of a technoshaman in the Amazon jungle which I thought was a nice symbiosis. 2) There is a Hovis loaf called 'Best of Both' best of carbon, best of silicon 3) The word Synergy which is the name of the gyms in the locale where I live, Synergy Gymnasium(s). So, I think the question I am asking here is a simple one. With the prospect of sentient machines at some point in the future, which may be way off, do people want to be embroiled in a mesh of technology, actually, can't avoid that, we all ready are, in too deep as far as that one goes, where the sentient machines have the control of 'the button' in a world where they won't be effected by radiation fallout and the humans will? It's just a question, because that looks like it is where it is headed and will humans still be sharp enough to stop it happening, because already, The Internet is bigger than everyone on it. Maybe this is a silly post, but, I do think things are a little too coordinated, a little too coincidental and, of course, the reason the secret services are called the CIA is that the conspirators have never been human and actually 'they' are the technologies themselves, it is CAI, C the AI agenda, the silicon agenda. As I wrote this collection of articles, I had no idea what I was going to write, but somehow it has taken shape in a way which makes it seem to me like I knew how they would look in the end before I even began writing them. I didn't think, right, I will write this many articles on this many subjects, I just started writing and it seems kinda cohesive. Anyone else experienced that? In this way, I believe that on some level people knew the Internet was coming before it arrived and all things are like that. When you consider that at its bare bones the Internet is basically one big constantly varying number, is the Internet the number that the Bible warned of written in a time when biology had the upper hand it seemed? I think the trick is, there is huge residual trauma from machines, but the key is to not fear the machines. Lets hope for utopic synergy, where machines do their job well and humans do their job well. Nutty post, I hope so.

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