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Hi ________________, this is ____________________, an Agency Development Manager with Max New York Life. Do you have a moment to talk? _______, the purpose of my call is that my office in ______ is currently looking for good people in sales and sales managements. Over time, we have discovered that our best recruits come from recommendations by successful people like you, who come in contact with lots of people every day. ________, I would like to meet with you for 40-45 minutes to share some of the traits of the kind of people we are looking for. This will help you identify individuals youd like to help and recommend for a career with Max New York Life. With this in mind, I look forward to meeting with you, are mornings or evenings better?

Y/ N

Y/ N

Y/ N

Y/ N

Y/ N

Y/ N


______________, I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me today. As I mentioned to you on the phone, the reason I am here is because I am looking for good people in sales and sales management and I thought you might be able to help me. I have found that the majority of successful sales people I recruit have come from talking to individuals like you. Let me begin by telling you about Max New York Life. (Introduce the Art of Making Money presenter page 1 & 2) ______________, anyone you recommend will go through a very thorough selection process. Generally, I interview more than fifteen people in order to hire one. That person will receive state of the art training consisting of on-the-job training, classroom instruction, and one-on-one coaching. Thats why it is important that I hire individuals who meet a particular profile. (Flip thru the Art of making money presenter) The income these people can expect is dependent on their level of sales. However, I can tell you that I will not hire anyone unless I am confident in their ability to earn a good income. (Share the income calculations given in the Z-card) In summary ______________, Im asking you to help me with names of right people and at the same time allowing you to benefit the person with the right talent by introducing him to Max New York Life. These people come from all walks of life. They are bankers, business owners, housewives etc. They are young 25-26-27. They are mature 45-50. (Introduce MNYL ACES and share profile of successful MNYL agents) What I would like to do now is assist you in identifying who these individuals may be. (Use the CRS form to help the nominator think of more names)

Y/ N

Y/ N Y/ N Y/ N

Y/ N

Y/ N Y/ N Y/ N Y/ N Y/ N Y/ N Y/ N Y/ N


Is this regarding insurance policy? I dont need it. That is not the purpose of my call either. I work as Manager Sales with MNYL and the reason I am calling is to schedule a time to get together in the next couple of days. Historically our best agents come to us on the referral and recommendation of successful people such as you. Do you have any time next week when we could get together for 40-45 mins? Are mornings okay or evenings better?

I cant think of anyone. You may be trying to think too hard. Just think of one characteristic and who the first person that comes to your mind (Pause with pen ready to write. Use questions from the trigger sheet to help the Nominator think of names)

Is this a Commission only job? Commissions are the primary component of an agents compensation and these are supplemented by a variety of allowances depending on the circumstances and performance of an individual agent. We find that most candidates, once they learn more about the compensation and benefits provided, are highly motivated by the ability to grow their income based primarily upon their own performance. Do you know of someone who you would consider financially motivated?

Let me call them first. I really appreciate that, however, I have found in doing this type of networking on a routine basis, that asking you to call places will be a burden on you to answer questions about an opportunity that you dont have much information about. Let me explain what I plan to do when I call them. I will contact each of these individuals, and let them know you spoke highly of them.

I will discuss the career opportunity with them and they can choose to come in for an interview, or perhaps they might know of someone who might be interested in more information. In any circumstances, it is a win-win situation, and who knows you may really be helping one of these individuals find a wonderful and fulfilling career. I will follow up with you on the outcome of each call.

Give me some of your Business Cards I really appreciate that, however, I have found in doing this type of networking on a routine basis, that asking you to hand out my business card places a burden on you to answer questions about an opportunity that you dont have much information about. Let me explain what I plan to do when I call them: I will contact each of these individuals, and let them know you spoke highly of them. I will discuss the career opportunity with them and they can choose to come in for an interview, or perhaps they might know of someone who might be interested in more information. In any circumstances, it is a win-win situation, and who knows you may really be helping one of these individuals find a wonderful and fulfilling career. I will follow up with you on the outcome of each call.

I dont know anyone who needs a job I certainly understand, and we are not looking for people who need a job. Most of our candidates are successful in whatever they are doing; however, they are always open to consider a better opportunity where they can fulfill their potential.

Let me ask you, who do you know that is someone who you think we probably wouldnt be able to hire, but if we did, we would a great hit? I mean, who is the most successful person you know, regardless of their circumstances, that you feel we would never be able to interest in our opportunity.

We find that those individuals are great people to meet, and often they are a great source of referrals to other top quality people. Who comes to mind? I cant think of anyone. Insurance is tough business You are correct. It is a very challenging and very fulfilling career. That is why we seek out referrals to high quality candidates from other successful professionals, and we go through a rigorous interview and selection process to make sure that it is a good decision for both the candidate and Company. We find some of our best candidates are very competitive and performance oriented.


Hello, my name is ________________, Agency Development Manager with Max New York life. I noticed how well you handled / the quality you portrayed / effectively you were able to etc. I am in the process of recruiting people for Sales and Sales Management positions for my company. I would like to discuss this opportunity with you. This would take around one and a half hour. Would you be able to visit my office this (day) at (time)?


How will giving these referrals affect me? By providing names you begin to qualify yourself as a candidate for Management. We refer to the managers in the office as the Management team because it truly is a team effort. By recommending agents to the business, you make over riding commission of 5% on your referee FYC, our relationship will become more important, and hopefully soon you too will be joining that team. In sum, it will make our relationship stronger. If I recommend more people, will I have less of your attention and support? Our offices management team coordinates to be sure that each new agent gets the training and supervision he or she needs. Part of my management responsibility that I take very seriously is to be sure all of my agents have the support they need. What if my friend gets rejected? The purpose of our recruitment process is to increase the odds of a new agent being successful. If a friend who is recommended fails to meet the MNYL Profile, you will have most likely saved him or her from an unsuccessful career move. Your recommendation, however, will most likely be taken as a compliment. Wont these new agents become competitors in the same market? Agents do not make their careers on their natural markets. The referral process from your natural market will probably lead you in different directions and into different markets. Hiring people with whom you have a good relationship will help provide you with support and camaraderie. Joint work is very common, and often two agents working together push each other to a higher level of performance. This is a unique career where you can have a significant hand in choosing your co-workers!


Hello, (first name), this is ______________. Im an Agency Development Manager with Max New York Life.

The reason Im calling is that a good friend of yours ____________, was recently telling me that you are someone who is very good at what you currently do. (pause)

(First name), I dont know if youre interested right now in considering a career change (or looking for a business opportunity), but Im looking for people who have already achieved some success in their work. From that foundation and using a comprehensive, state of art training programme, we equip them for a lucrative career in financial services. Thats the business Im in. (pause)

The first step is for us to get together for approximately 1.5 hours to discuss the career opportunity and your background. (pause)

Are you available to visit my office next Tuesday evening?

I will think about it. (Prospective Agents dont get back after they get to know the profile.)" I can understand that this opportunity has a lot to think about. This is one of the few professions that allow many different options to make an unlimited income. It allows you to be in business for yourself, BUT not by yourself. Lets get back together to discuss what you see as the challenges and opportunities.

My business is going well and I do not want to experiment with something new. I can understand that. Many business owners like you felt the same way when this opportunity was presented to them. However, when they fully understood the unlimited income they could make using their business skills, many decided that this presented a unique business like no other. You also get a chance to expand into another business with no investment.

I understand but, you know, I cant make it for the training which is too long. If you can find an alternative to this or shorten the training process, I will be willing to take things forward. Our training is rated number one in the insurance industry. Let me ask you a question: Would you consider investing 21 days of your time to give yourself a future that (insert what their dreams are)? Let me tell you this: there is no alternative if you want to be a success. That is what our training is all about.

I dont like the word agent, in fact sometimes I am embarrassed when I tell my friends that I am working as an agent. Our agents are proud of what they do to help families and the community. I can understand the way your friends and family react to agent. Many agents felt the same way before they understood why they do what they do and how they help families. Their belief is the key difference between the competition and MNYL.

I have never sold a single item in my life till date. And now you are asking me to sell insurance. I know that your training would provide me with help but I am still not sure if I can approach people and sell a product to them. I cant see myself going around and selling insurance to my friends. I can understand how you feel. Many people like you who never sold anything in their lives felt the same before we explored what it is that you are really doing. In our business, you help people make a buying decision. You help them look at where they are, where they want to be and the gap between the two. We are in the business of solving problem. MNYL is in the business of helping people have peace of mind while reaching their goals. You would be helping people and as you develop long-term relationships with your customers, you will become a part of their families. Let me show you what you would say and how our sales cycle works.

Selling life insurance requires a person to be thick skinned no matter how people treat you. Thats the impression I get from my life insurance agent. I dont think I have that in me.

I can understand the impression you may have received from your life insurance agent. However, I can tell you that when you approach people with their best interest in mind without just trying to sell a product, people recognize that. This is why we dedicate our training and development to help you first see things through your customers eyes. When you follow a process, objections and rejection are viewed differently by you. You realize that people are letting you know that they do not understand and want more information before they make an informed buying decision. Let me show you how we handle customer concerns and reactions (give some examples of common objections). Then ask: does this make sense to you?

Thank you for coming in today

As I mentioned on the phone, I wanted to meet you, and share with you some information about the opportunity we have available here at Max New York Life. The purpose Id like to use is, first, to find out a little bit more about you, your background and interests, and then, second, provide you with a brief summary of the carrier opportunity. At that point we can determine if there is continuing mutual interest and discuss the next steps. How does this sound? This will take about an hour and a half: does that fit into your schedule? (Ask question mentioned in the Agent Recruitment & Interview File under step1. If in the initial screening you find that the candidate having the basic requirements please move to step 2 and ask questions related to competencies. Discuss the Career opportunity, MNYL History & Selection Process) Now that you have told me about yourself let me take a few minutes and tell you more about our industry, the company and career. Over the years we have come to understand that most people are interested in finding out five basic things about a company before deciding that they should pursue investigating the opportunity further. The five things can be described as follows: People want to Know what the business is all about What will I have to do to earn an income? How will I be trained and does the training succeed? What level of income will I earn now and in future? Do you offer benefits? Is there an opportunity to advance? First lets talk about the industry. Lets talk about the industry Indian Life insurance industry is one of the fastest growing industry in India with a growth rate of 25%. The industry collected around Rs. 1,28,000 crore as premium during the year 2010 and was the largest investor in stock market. As you can see the opportunity is great! Now let me tell you a little more about my Company, the Max New York Life. Max New York life is a joint venture between Max India and New York Life. Max India is primarily into the business of life insurance and healthcare.

New York Life our joint venture partner is one of the oldest, largest and finest insurance companies in the world. New York Life was founded over 165 years ago, and has a long tradition of providing first rate products and customer service. They have had tremendous success in developing the insurance business in the U.S. and in many other Asian countries. Now lets talk about the opportunity. This is a unique business opportunity where you do not need to invest any money of your own. This is an opportunity which gives you a control of your own life. Here you are not only your own boss but at the same time, you make a positive difference in other peoples life while making a good living for yourself.

Now let us turn to money, "Person per Person New York Life sell more life insurance that any other company" Person per Person New York Life make more money than any other company . In India also we have demonstrated the same over these last 10 years. In fact at Max News York Life we enhance a persons professional net worth. We will talk about how a persons professional worth is enhanced in detail in our Career Seminar Well ___________name________________ there are really six major factors to consider. Lets take a quick look at them for now and then well explore them in greater depth later on. Introduce: The Six Differentiators (STAMPT)

Number One: Our selection process. It is designed to help both you and I make a decision that is in our best interest. This process involves an initial interview such as we are having now; after the interview you will have to appear for a Numerical Ability Test, then if we go forward you will attend a special seminar designed to answer some of the questions that you would have regarding the career in much greater detail; Post that you will have to do a project which will help you answer the question, is it right for me? and then if we both feel that it is useful, you will meet our office head for a final career interview. At each step you learn more about the career, and we learn more about you. Number Two: Our Training program. Max New York Life has the reputation for having the finest training program for agents in the industry. Our training program is designed to provide training and development for you throughout your career. Our training program consists of a full two-year formal classroom based program. We maintain two full time professional trainers in every office whose sole job is to train & guide our new agents. New York Life is widely recognized as the best that is available to the insurance industry. That superb program has been bought to India and customized for the Indian market. Ours is the finest training program available to anyone in the insurance industry and we don't just say that, we can prove it! In the United States the New York Life has had more members in the Million Dollar Round table, the worldwide organization of the top professionals in the insurance industry, for 50 consecutive years! Just to give an indication of their leadership. The person will receive state of training program consisting of on-the-job training, classroom instruction, and one-on-one coaching.

Number three: The Agent's contract. This contract is designed to attract good people and then to pay them so well that we keep these people. This contract is without a doubt the finest contract in the business. We have done everything we can to help you make a good income today plus build a secure retirement. I realize that money is a very important part of your decision process. Let me assure you that we are not interested in your taking a position with us if it does not hold the potential to markedly improve your long-term income prospects.

Number Four: Something we call Management Loyalties Our Managers at all levels are totally committed to your success and they do not have any conflicting goals. Quite frankly our Managers make a good living only if you make a good living.

Number Five: The Product Nobody can ever have the number one product in this industry for a long period of time. It is too easy to change the numbers. However, we take great pride in the fact that our products have always been rated amongst the very best in the industry and we design our products to suit a persons unique requirement. And finally, Number Six: Finally we are very committed to working in a High Tech environment. In fact the New York Life in the USA is noted for its leadership in using High Tech equipment to provide the very best in customer service and employee support. These same systems have been improved and transferred to India. We are able to illustrate our products in a very simple easy to understand manner for even the most complex situations. We provide top caliber service to our clients. We use state-of-the-art equipment for our agents to help sell in the most complex market situations. _________ (Name) I realize that there is probably much more that you would like to know about us. For this I would like to invite you for a career seminar that will happen on Friday at 4 Oclock. This will provide you a complete picture of what is in store for you in case you take this up as a career with us. Right now we need to see if this Career fits with your aptitude. For this we need to take few minutes to appear for a Numerical ability test. Can you come with me and we will get started.

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