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1, FEBRUARY 2012


Adaptive Opportunistic Routing for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

Abhijeet A. Bhorkar, Mohammad Naghshvar, Student Member, IEEE, Tara Javidi, Member, IEEE, and Bhaskar D. Rao, Fellow, IEEE
destination. This distance is shown to be computable in a distributed manner and with low complexity using the probabilistic description of wireless links. The study in [1] and [6] provided a unifying framework for almost all versions of opportunistic routing such as SDF [2], Geographic Random Forwarding (GeRaF) [3], and ExOR [4], where the variations in [2][4] are due to the authors choices of cost measures to optimize. For instance, an optimal route in the context of ExOR [4] is computed so as to minimize the expected number of transmissions (ETX), while GeRaF [3] uses the smallest geographical distance from the destination as a criterion for selecting the Index TermsOpportunistic routing, reward maximization, next-hop. wireless ad hoc networks. The opportunistic algorithms proposed in [1][6] depend on a precise probabilistic model of wireless connections and local I. INTRODUCTION topology of the network. In a practical setting, however, these probabilistic models have to be learned and maintained. In PPORTUNISTIC routing for multihop wireless ad hoc other words, a comprehensive study and evaluation of any opnetworks has seen recent research interest to overcome portunistic routing scheme requires an integrated approach to deciencies of conventional routing [1][6] as applied in the issue of probability estimation. Authors in [8] provide a senwireless setting. Motivated by classical routing solutions in the sitivity analysis for the opportunistic routing algorithm given in Internet, conventional routing in ad hoc networks attempts to [6]. However, by and large, the question of learning/estimating nd a xed path along which the packets are forwarded [7]. channel statistics in conjunction with opportunistic routing reSuch xed-path schemes fail to take advantage of broadcast mains unexplored. nature and opportunities provided by the wireless medium and In this paper, we rst investigate the problem of opportunisresult in unnecessary packet retransmissions. The opportunistic tically routing packets in a wireless multihop network when routing decisions, in contrast, are made in an online manner zero or erroneous knowledge of transmission success probaby choosing the next relay based on the actual transmission bilities and network topology is available. Using a reinforceoutcomes as well as a rank ordering of neighboring nodes. Op- ment learning framework, we propose a distributed adaptive opportunistic routing mitigates the impact of poor wireless links portunistic routing algorithm (d-AdaptOR) that minimizes the by exploiting the broadcast nature of wireless transmissions expected average per-packet cost for routing a packet from a and the path diversity. source node to a destination. This is achieved by both sufThe authors in [1] and [6] provided a Markov decision the- ciently exploring the network using data packets and exploiting oretic formulation for opportunistic routing. In particular, it is the best routing opportunities. shown that the optimal routing decision at any epoch is to seOur proposed reinforcement learning framework allows for lect the next relay node based on a distance-vector summa- a low-complexity, low-overhead, distributed asynchronous imrizing the expected-cost-to-forward from the neighbors to the plementation. The signicant characteristics of d-AdaptOR are that it is oblivious to the initial knowledge about the network, it is distributed, and it is asynchronous. Manuscript received June 27, 2009; revised February 09, 2010; August 25, 2010; and February 28, 2011; approved by IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON The main contribution of this paper is to provide an opporNETWORKING Editor C. Westphal; accepted May 17, 2011. Date of publication tunistic routing algorithm that: 1) assumes no knowledge about July 18, 2011; date of current version February 15, 2012. This work was the channel statistics and network, but 2) uses a reinforcement supported in part by UC Discovery Grant #com07-10241, Ericsson, Intel Corporation, QUALCOMM, Inc., Texas Instruments, Inc., CWC at UCSD, and learning framework in order to enable the nodes to adapt their NSF CAREER Award CNS-0533035. routing strategies, and 3) optimally exploits the statistical opThe authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Enportunities and receiver diversity. In doing so, we build on the gineering, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093 USA (e-mail:;;; Markov decision formulation in [6] and an important theorem in Q-learning proved in [9]. There are many learning-based routing Color versions of one or more of the gures in this paper are available online solutions (both heuristic or analytically driven) for conventional at routing in wireless or wired networks [10][15]. None of these Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TNET.2011.2159844
AbstractA distributed adaptive opportunistic routing scheme for multihop wireless ad hoc networks is proposed. The proposed scheme utilizes a reinforcement learning framework to opportunistically route the packets even in the absence of reliable knowledge about channel statistics and network model. This scheme is shown to be optimal with respect to an expected average per-packet reward criterion. The proposed routing scheme jointly addresses the issues of learning and routing in an opportunistic context, where the network structure is characterized by the transmission success probabilities. In particular, this learning framework leads to a stochastic routing scheme that optimally explores and exploits the opportunities in the network.

1063-6692/$26.00 2011 IEEE



denotes the number of packets terminated up to where time and the expectation is taken over the events of transmission decisions, successful packet receptions, and packet generation times. Problem : Choose a sequence of relay nodes in the absence of knowledge about the network topology such that is maximized as . II. SYSTEM MODEL In Section III, we propose the d-AdaptOR algorithm, which . The nature of the algorithm allows nodes to We consider the problem of routing packets from a source solves Problem make routing decisions in distributed, asynchronous, and adapnode 0 to a destination node in a wireless ad hoc network of nodes denoted by the set . The time is tive manner. Remark 1: The problem of opportunistic routing for multiple slotted and indexed by (this assumption is not technically sourcedestination pairs, without loss of generality, can be decritical and is only assumed for ease of exposition). A packet composed to the single sourcedestination problem described indexed by is generated at the source node 0 at time above [Problem is solved for each distinct ow]. according to an arbitrary distribution with rate . We assume a xed transmission cost is incurred upon III. DISTRIBUTED ALGORITHM a transmission from node . Transmission cost can be considBefore we proceed with the description of d-AdaptOR, we ered to model the amount of energy used for transmission, the denote the set of expected time to transmit a given packet, or the hop count when provide the following notations. Let denote the the cost is set to unity. We consider an opportunistic routing set- neighbors of node including node itself. Let ting with no duplicate copies of the packets. In other words, at set of potential reception outcomes due to a transmission from , i.e., . We refer to a given time only one node is responsible for routing any given node as the state space for node s transmission. Furthermore, let packet. Given a successful packet transmission from node to . Let denote the space of all althe set of neighbor nodes , the next (possibly randomized) routing decision includes: 1) retransmission by node ; 2) re- lowable actions available to node upon successful reception at laying the packet by a node ; or 3) dropping the packet nodes in . Finally, for each node , we dene a reward function and potential decisions as altogether. If node is selected as a relay, then it transmits the on states packet at the next slot, while other nodes , expunge that packet. if We dene the termination event for packet to be the event if and that packet is either received at the destination or is dropped if but by a relay before reaching the destination. We denote this termination action by . We dene termination time to be the A. Overview of d-AdaptOR stopping time when packet is terminated. We discriminate As discussed before, the routing decision at any given time 1The delay and congestion are highly time-varying quantities. is made based on the reception outcome and involves retrans2Here, we note that unlike congestion or instantaneous delay, the expected mission, choosing the next relay, or termination. Our proposed
delay under a stable and stationary routing algorithm is indeed time-invariant, and allow for similar mathematically sound treatment.

solutions exploits the receiver diversity gain in the context of opportunistic routing. However, for the sake of completeness, we provide a brief overview of the existing approaches. The authors in [10][14] focus on heuristic routing algorithms that adaptively identify the least congested path in a wired network. If the network congestion, hence delay, were to be replaced by time-invariant quantities,1 the heuristics in [10][14] would become a special case of d-AdaptOR in a network with deterministic channels and with no receiver diversity. In this light, Theorem 1 in Section IV provides analytic guarantees for the heuristics obtained in [10][14]. In [15], analytic results for ant routing are obtained in wired networks without opportunism. Ant routing uses ant-like probes to nd paths of optimal costs such as expected hop count, expected delay, and packet loss probability.2 This dependence on ant-like probing represents a stark difference with our approach where d-AdaptOR relies solely on data packet for exploration. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we discuss the system model and formulate the problem. Section III formally introduces our proposed adaptive routing algorithm, d-AdaptOR. We then state and prove the optimality theorem for d-AdaptOR in Section IV. In Section V, we present the implementation details and practical issues of d-AdaptOR. We perform simulation study of d-AdaptOR in Section VI. Finally, we conclude the paper and discuss future work in Section VII.

among the termination events as follows. We assume that upon the termination of a packet at the destination (successful delivery of a packet to the destination), a xed and given positive delivery reward is obtained, while no reward is obtained if the packet is terminated before it reaches the destination. Let denote this random reward obtained at the termination time , i.e., either zero if the packet is dropped prior to reaching the destination node or if the packet is received at the destination. Let denote the index of the node which at time transmits packet , and accordingly let denote the cost of transmission (equal to zero if at time packet is not transmitted). The routing scheme can be viewed as selecting a (random) sequence of nodes for relaying packets .3 As such, the expected average per-packet reward associated with routing packets along a sequence of up to time is


are indexed according to the termination order.




Fig. 1. Flow of the algorithm. The algorithm follows a four-stage procedure: transmission, acknowledgment, relay, and update.

(small) time after the start of th slot and to denote some (small) time before the end of th slot such that scheme makes such decisions in a distributed manner via the fol. lowing three-way handshake between node and its neighbors 0) Initialization: . For all , initialize 1) At time , node transmits a packet. , while 2) The set of nodes who have successfully received the . packet from node , transmit acknowledgment (ACK) 1) Transmission Stage: packets to node . In addition to the nodes identity, the Transmission stage occurs at time in which node transacknowledgment packet of node includes a control mits if it has a packet. message known as estimated best score (EBS) and denoted 2) Reception and acknowledgment Stage: by . Let denote the (random) set of nodes that have re3) Node announces node as the next transmitter or ceived the packet transmitted by node . In the reception announces the termination decision in a forwarding (FO) and acknowledgment stage, successful reception of the packet. packet transmitted by node is acknowledged to it by The routing decision of node at time is based on an adapall the nodes in . We assume that the delay for the tive (stored) score vector . The score vector acknowledgment stage is small enough (not more than the lies in space , where , and is updated duration of the time slot) such that node infers by obtained from neighby node using the EBS messages time . bors . Furthermore, node uses a set of counting variFor all nodes , the ACK packet of node to node ables and and a sequence of positive scalars includes the EBS message . to update its score vector at time . The counting variUpon reception and acknowledgment, the counting able is equal to the number of times neighbors random variable is incremented as follows: have received (and acknowledged) the packets transmitted from node and routing decision has been made up to time . Similarly, is equal to the number of times the if set of nodes has received (and acknowledged) packets transif mitted from node up to time . Lastly, is a xed 3) Relay Stage: sequence of numbers available at all nodes. Node selects a routing action according Table I provides notations used in the description of the algoto the following (randomized) rule parameterized by rithm, while Fig. 1 gives an overview of the components of the . algorithm. Next, we present further details. With probability B. Detailed Description of d-AdaptOR The operation of d-AdaptOR can be described in terms of initialization and four stages of transmission, reception and acknowledgment, relay, and adaptive computation as shown in Fig. 1. For simplicity of presentation, we assume a sequential timing for each of the stages. We use to denote some

is selected.4

case of ambiguity, node with the smallest index is chosen.



With probability

to the genie-aided or greedy-based schemes such as ExOR or SR. IV. ANALYTIC OPTIMALITY OF D-ADAPTOR

We will now state the main result establishing the optimality of the proposed d-AdaptOR algorithm under the assumptions of a time-invariant model of packet reception and reliable control packets. More precisely, we have the following assumptions. Assumption 1: The probability of successful reception of a packet transmitted by node at set of nodes is , independent of time and all other routing decisions. The probabilities in Assumption 1 characterize a packet reception model that we refer to as local broadcast model. Note that for all , successful reception at and are mutually exclusive and . Furif thermore, logically node is always a recipient of its own if transmission, i.e., iff . Assumption 2: The successful reception at set due to trans4) Adaptive Computation Stage: At time , after being done with transmission and mission from node is acknowledged perfectly to node . Remark 2: Assumption 1 is in line with the experimenrelaying, node updates score vector as follows. tally tested state of the art routing protocols MORE [17] and For ExOR [4]. These studies seem to indicate that reasonably simple probabilistic models provide good abstractions of media (2) access control (MAC) and physical (PHY) layers at the routing layer. Remark 3: In practice, Assumption 2 is hard to satisfy. But Otherwise as we will see in Section VI, when the rates and power of the (3) control packets are set to maximize the reliability, the impact of violating this assumption can be kept extremely low. for Furthermore, node updates its EBS message Remark 4: In Section VI, we address the severity as well as future acknowledgments as the implications of Assumptions 1 and 2. In particular, via a set of QualNet simulations, we will show that d-AdaptOR exhibits many of its desirable properties in a realistic setup despite the relaxation of the analytical assumptions. Given Assumptions 1 and 2, we are almost ready to C. Computational Issues present Theorem 1 regarding the optimality of d-AdaptOR The computational complexity and control overhead of among the class of policies that are oblivious to the network topology and/or channel statistics. More precisely, let d-AdaptOR is low. 1) Complexity: To execute stochastic recursion (2), the a distributed routing policy be a collection , where denumber of computations required per packet is order of of routing decisions taken at nodes for at each time slot. The space complexity notes a sequence of random actions is said to be (P)-admissible if for all of d-AdaptOR is exponential in the number of neighbors, i.e., node . The policy , the event belongs for each node. The reduction in storage nodes generated by the observations at node , requirement using approximation techniques in [16] is left as to the -eld i.e., . Let denote the future work. -admissible policies. Theorem 1 states that 2) Control Overhead: The number of acknowledgments per set of such , is an optimal -admissible packet is order of , independent of network d-AdaptOR, denoted by policy. size. Theorem 1: Suppose and 3) Exploration Overhead: The adaptation to the optimal performance in the network is guaranteed via a controlled random- Assumptions 1 and 2 hold. Then, for all ized routing strategy that can be viewed as cost of exploration. The cost of exploration is proportional to the total number of packets whose routes deviates from the optimal path. In proof of Theorem 1, we show that this cost increases sublinearly with the number of delivered packets, hence the per-packet exploration cost diminishes as the number of delivered packets grows. Additionally, communication of adds a very modest overhead

is selected uniformly with probability . Node transmits FO, a control packet that contains information about routing decision at some time strictly between and . If , then node prepares for forwarding in the next time slot, while nodes expunge the packet. If termination action is chosen, i.e., , all nodes in expunge the packet. Upon selection of routing action, the counting variable is updated



where and are the expectations taken with respect to policies and , respectively.5 Next, we prove the optimality of d-AdaptOR in two steps. In the rst step, we show that converges in an almost sure sense. In the second step, we use this convergence result to show that d-AdaptOR is optimal for Problem . A. Convergence of Let that be an operator on vector such

centralized policies. This Auxiliary Problem ( ) has been extensively studied in [1], [6], and [19], where a Markov decision formulation provides the following important result. Fact 1 [6, Theorem 2.1]: Consider the unique solution to the following xed-point equation: (6) (7) There exists an optimal topology-aware and centralized admissible policy such that

(4) Let denote the xed point of operator ,6 i.e.,

(8) Lemma 2 states the relationship between the solution of Problem ( ) and that of the Auxiliary Problem ( ). More specically, Lemma 2 shows that is an upper bound for the solution to Problem ( ). Lemma 2: For any (P)-admissible policy for Problem ( ) and for all


The following lemma establishes the convergence of recursion (2) to the xed point of . Lemma 1: Let: J1) for all ; J2) . Then, the sequence obtained by the stochastic recursion (2) http://ieeexploreprojects.blogspot.comAppendix-B. Intuitively, the result holds The proof is given in converges to almost surely. because the set of (P)-admissible policies is a subset of (AP)The proof uses known results on the convergence of a . certain recursive stochastic process as presented by Fact 2 in admissible policies, i.e., Lemma 3 gives the achievability proof by showing that the Appendix-A. expected average per-packet reward of d-AdaptOR is lowerbounded by . B. Proof of Optimality Lemma 3: For any Using the convergence of , we show that the expected average per-packet reward under d-AdaptOR is equal to the optimal expected average per-packet reward obtained for a genieaided system where the local broadcast model is known perfectly. In other words, we take cue from known results assoThe proof is given in Appendix-C. Lemmas 2 and 3 imply ciated with a closely related Auxiliary Problem ( ). In this that [which is (P)-admissible by construction] is an optimal Auxiliary Problem ( ), there exists a centralized controller policy under which with full knowledge of the local broadcast model as well as the transmission outcomes across the network [1], [6]. The objective in the Auxiliary Problem ( ) is a single-packet variation of that in Problem ( ): the reward exists and is equal to establishing the proof of Theorem 1. Corollary 1: When , the network is connected, and is greater than the worst-case routing cost,7 d-AdaptOR minimizes (9) the expected per-packet delivery time as .

for routing a single packet from the source to the destination is maximized over a set of (AP)-admissible policies, where this set of (AP)-admissible policies is a superset of (P)-admissible policies that also includes all topology-aware and
5This is a strong notion of optimality and implies that the proposed algorithms expected average reward is greater than the best-case performance of all policies [18, p. 344]. 6Existence

and uniqueness of

is provided in Appendix-A.

7The worst-case routing cost can be determined by taking supremum over ETX metrics for all sourcedestination pairs.



This is because when network is connected

is sufciently large, and the

V. PROTOCOL DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES In this section, we describe an 802.11 compatible implementation for d-AdaptOR. A. 802.11 Compatible Implementation The implementation of d-AdaptOR, analogous to any opportunistic routing scheme, involves the selection of a relay node Fig. 2. Frame structure of the data packets, acknowledgment packets, and FO packets. among the candidate set of nodes that have received and acknowledged a packet successfully. One of the major challenges in the implementation of an opportunistic routing algorithm in the candidate set in priority order, the payload, and the 802.11 general, and the d-AdaptOR algorithm in particular, is the deFrame Check Sequence. The acknowledgment frame includes sign of an 802.11 compatible acknowledgment mechanism at the data frame senders address and the feedback EBS . the MAC layer. We propose a practical and simple way to imThe FO packet is exactly the same as a standard 802.11 short plement acknowledgment architecture. control frame that uses different subtype value. The transmission at any node is done according to an 802.11 CSMA/CA mechanism. Specially, before any transmission, transmitter performs channel sensing and starts transmission B. d-AdaptOR in a Realistic Setting after the backoff counter is decremented to zero. For each neighbor node , the transmitter node then reserves 1) Loss of ACK and FO Packets: Interference or low a virtual time slot of duration , where is signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) can cause loss of ACK and FO the duration of the acknowledgment packet and is the packets. Loss of an ACK packet results in an incorrect estimaduration of Short InterFrame Space (SIFS) [20]. Transmitter tion of nodes that have received the packet, and thus affects the then piggybacks a priority ordering of nodes with each performance of the algorithm. Loss of FO packet negatively data packet transmitted. The priority ordering determines the impacts the throughput performance of the network. In particvirtual time slot in which the candidate nodes transmit their ular, loss of an FO packet can result in the drop of data packets acknowledgment. Nodes in the set that have successfully at all the potential relays, reducing the throughput performance. received the packet then transmit acknowledgment packets Hence, in our design, FO packets are transmitted at lower rates sequentially in the order determined by the transmitter node. to ensure a reliable transmission. After a waiting time of during 2) Increased Overhead: As it is the case with any opporwhich each node in the set has had a chance to send an ACK, tunistic scheme, d-AdaptOR adds a modest additional overhead node transmits a FOrwarding control packet (FO). The FO to the standard 802.11 due to the added acknowledgment/handpackets contain the identity of the next forwarder, which may shake structure. This overhead increases linearly with the be node again or any node . If expires and no number of neighbors. Assuming a 802.11b physical layer operFO packet is received (FO packet reception is unsuccessful), ating at 11 Mb/s with an SIFS time of 10 s, preamble duration then the corresponding candidate nodes drop the received data of 20 s, Physical Layer Convergence Protocol (PLCP) header packet. If the transmitter does not receive any acknowledg- duration of 4 s, and 512-B frame payloads, Table II compares ment, node retransmits the packet. The backoff window is the overhead in the data packet due to piggybacking and the doubled after every retransmission. Furthermore, the packet is control overhead due to ACK and FO packets for unicast dropped if the retry limit (set to 7) is reached. 802.11, genie-aided opportunistic scheme, and d-AdaptOR. In addition to the acknowledgment scheme, d-AdaptOR d-AdaptOR requires communication overhead of 4 extra bytes requires modications to the 802.11 MAC frame format. (for EBS) per ACK packet compared to the genie-aided opFig. 2 shows the modied MAC frame formats required by portunistic scheme, while unicast 802.11 does not require such d-AdaptOR. The reserved bits in the type/subtype elds of the overhead. frame control eld of the 802.11 MAC specication are used Note that the overhead cost can be reduced by restricting to indicate whether the rest of the frame is a d-AdaptOR data the number of nodes in the candidate list of MAC header to frame, a d-AdaptOR ACK, or a, FO.8 The data frame contains a given number, MAX-NEIGHBOUR. The unique ordering
8This enables the d-AdaptOR to communicate and be fully compatible with other 802.11 devices.

for the nodes in the candidate set is determined by prioritizing the nodes with respect to and then



Our simulations are performed in QualNet. We consider two sets of topologies in our experimental study. 1) Grid Topology: In Section VI-B, we study a grid topology consisting of 16 indoor nodes such that the nearest neighbors are separated by distance meters. If unspecied, is chosen to be 25 m. The source and the destination are chosen at the maximal distance (on diagonal) from each other. 2) Random Topology: In Section VI-C, we study a random topology consisting of 36 indoor nodes placed in an area choosing the MAX-NEIGHBOUR highest priority nodes.9 of 150 150 m . Here, we investigate the performance Such a limitation will sacrice the diversity gain and, hence, under a multisource multidestination setting as the number the performance of any opportunistic routing algorithm for of ows in the network is varied and each ow is specied lower overhead. In practice, we have seen that limiting the via a randomly selected pair of source and destination. neighbor set to 4 provides most of the diversity gain. The nodes are equipped with 802.11b radios placed in indoor environment transmitting at 11 Mb/s with transmission power VI. SIMULATIONS 15 dBm. Note that the choice of indoor environment is moIn this section, we provide simulation studies in realistic wiretivated by the ndings in [22], where opportunistic routing less settings where the theoretical assumptions of our study do is found to provide signicant diversity gains. The wireless not hold. These simulations not only demonstrate a robust permedium model includes Rician fading with K-factor of 4 formance gain under d-AdaptOR in a realistic network, but also and log-normal shadowing with mean 4 dB. The path loss provide signicant insight in the appropriate choice of the defollows the two-ray model in [23] with path exponent of 3. sign parameters such as damping sequence , delivery reThe acknowledgment packets are short packets of length 24 B ward , etc. We rst investigate the performance of d-AdaptOR transmitted at 11 Mb/s, while FO packets are of length 20 B with respect to the design parameters and network parameters in and transmitted at a lower rate of 1 Mb/s to ensure reliability. a grid topology of 16 nodes. We then use a realistic topology of If unspecied, packets are generated according to a constant 36 nodes with random placement to demonstrate robustness of bit rate (CBR) source with rate 20 packets/s. The packets are d-Adaptor to the violation of the analytic Assumptions 1 and 2. assumed to be of length 512 B equipped with simple cyclic redundancy check (CRC) error detection. The cost of transmisA. Simulation Setup sion is assumed to be one unit, and the reward is set to 40. In Sections VI-B and VI-C, using the appropriate choice We have chosen as the exploration parameter of of the design parameters, we compare the performance of choice. d-AdaptOR against suitably chosen candidates. As a benchmark, when appropriate, we have compared the performance B. Effects of Design and Network Parameters against a genie-aided policy that relies on full network topology Here, we investigate the role and criticality of various design information when selecting routes. This is nothing but dis- parameters of d-AdaptOR with respect to the expected number cussed in Section IV-B. We also compare against Stochastic of transmission criterion. Let us start with design parameters Routing (SR) [1] (SR is the distributed implementation of and policy ) and ExOR [4] (an opportunistic routing policy with 1) Exploration Parameter Sequence : The convergence ETX metric) in which the empirical probabilistic structure rate of stochastic recursion (2) depends strongly on the choice of of the network is used to implement opportunistic routing sequence . Convergence is slower with a faster decreasing algorithms. As a result, their performance will be highly de- sequence and results in less variance in the estimates of pendent on the precision of empirical probability associated , while with a slow decreasing sequence of , converwith link . To provide a fair comparison, we have considered gence is fast but results in large variance in the estimates of simple greedy versions of SR and ExOR. These algorithms . In Fig. 3, we have plotted the effect of the choice of adapt to the history of packet reception outcomes and rely sequence by comparing two sequences and on the updates to make routing decisions assuming error-free . Note that under sequence , . We have also compared our performance against a cond-AdaptOR is slower to adapt to the optimal performance while ventional routing SRCR [21] with full knowledge of topology. it shows a slightly smaller variance. This is because the choice In this setting, a conventional route is selected with perfect of controls the rate with which greedy versus (randomly knowledge of link success probability at any given node. This chosen) exploration actions are utilized. The optimization of the comparison in effect provides a simple benchmark for all choice of is an interesting topic of study in stochastic aplearning-based conventional routing policies in the literature proximation [24], [25], far beyond the scope of this work. such as Q-routing [10] and predictive Q-routing [12] when 2) Per-Packet Delivery Reward : To ensure an acceptable congestion is taken to be small enough (such that nding least performance of d-AdaptOR, the value of delivery reward, , congested paths coincides with nding the path with minimum must be chosen sufciently high. This would ensure the exisexpected number of transmissions). tence of routes under which the value of delivering a packet 9In case of ambiguity, the node with the smallest index is chosen. (as represented in ) is worth (i.e., larger than) the cost of



Fig. 5. Delivery ratio as

is varied.

Fig. 3. Comparison for

. Fig. 6. d-AdaptOR performance as packet length is varied.

Fig. 4. Expected number of transmissions versus time as is varied.

relaying and routing that packet. A reasonable choice of is any value larger than the worst-case expected transmission cost. Increasing beyond such a value does not affect the asymptotic optimality of the algorithm. Next, we study the performance of d-AdaptOR with respect to the convergence rate and delivery ratio. Fig. 4 plots the expected number of transmissions rate as time progresses for various values of . As seen in Fig. 4, if increases beyond a threshold (in the example provided here, this threshold is 18, but in general it depends on the network diameter), the expected number of transmissions per packet achieve the optimal value of . In contrast, for , the expected number of transmissions approaches zero as the packets not worth obtaining routing reward are dropped.10 Fig. 4 also shows that the convergence rate of the expected number of transmissions for routing per packet under d-AdaptOR decreases as increases. The slow convergence for for large is due to the exibility of exploring longer paths. The slow convergence to zero for near is attributed to the fact that it takes a longer time for d-AdaptOR to realize that the packet is not worth relaying. Fig. 5 plots the delivery ratio as is varied. Fig. 5 shows that as increases beyond a threshold , the delivery ratio remains xed. However, for sufciently small , nearly all the packets are dropped as the cost of transmission of the packet as well as relaying is not worth the obtained delivery reward. Due to very
10For , we have plotted negative of the expected per-packet reward as the expected number of transmissions.

Fig. 7. Performance of d-AdaptOR as CBR trafc is varied.

slow convergence rate around for , we observe that a nonnegligible number of packets is delivered in the duration of experiment. Next, we investigate the performance of d-AdaptOR with respect to other candidate protocols for the network parameters such as packet length, trafc rate, neighbor distance, and time-varying costs. 3) Packet Length: We have repeated our simulations for 1024-B packets. Fig. 6 plots the performance as the packet length is varied from 512 to 1024 B. Note that due to the decreasing packet transmission reliabilities, the expected routing cost per packet is increased with the packet size. However, the optimality of d-AdaptOR does not depend on the packet length. 4) Trafc Rate: Fig. 7 plots the mean number of transmissions versus CBR rate for candidate algorithms. Even though the performance gain for d-AdaptOR decreases somewhat with increase in the load, there is always a nonnegligible advantage over greedy solutions. 5) Average Hop Length : In an attempt to understand the performance gap between various opportunistic algorithms, specically the gap between d-AdaptOR versus learning-based conventional routing algorithms [10][13] whose performance is bounded by SRCR, one needs to gain insight about the diversity gain achieved by opportunistic routing. Fig. 8 compares the expected transmission cost for the three opportunistic routing algorithms (d-AdaptOR, ExOR, and SR) and SRCR as the



Fig. 8. Small hops provide signicant receiver diversity gain.

Fig. 10. Expected number of transmissions and average per-packet reward as function of operation time.

Fig. 9. Time-varying cost: Nodes go into sleep mode at time 300 s.

distance between the neighboring nodes in the grid topology, measured in meters, is varied from 10 to 30 m. Note that for high values of , the receiver diversity is low due to retransmission packet losses giving nearly similar performance for candidate protocols, while small corresponds to a network with large receiver diversity gain. As expected, when is small, all opportunistic routing schemes provide a signicant improvement over conventional routing, but perhaps what is more interesting is the performance gain of learning-based d-AdaptOR over the greedy-based solutions in medium ranges. 6) Time-Varying Cost: In our analytical setup, we assume the transmission costs are xed. Next, we discuss a simple scenario where the nodes have time-varying transmission costs. d-AdaptOR versus distributed SR, ExOR, and SRCR performance for Consider a network in which nodes may go into an energy- Fig. 11. ows. multiple saving mode when they do not participate in routing (e.g., to recharge their energy sources). Assume that upon entering the energy-saving mode, a node announces a high cost of trans- Fig. 10 shows that the d-AdaptOR algorithm outperforms the mission (100 instead of usual transmission cost of 1). Fig. 9 greedy opportunistic schemes given sufcient number of packet plots the expected average cost of d-AdaptOR when two nodes deliveries. This is because the greedy versions of SR and ExOR at the center of the grid move into an energy-saving mode. It fail to explore possible choices of routes and often result in shows that d-AdaptOR can track the genie-aided solution after strictly suboptimal routing policies. Fig. 10 also shows that the the nodes move into the energy-saving mode. randomized routing decisions employed by d-AdaptOR work as a double-edged sword. On the one hand, they form a mechanism C. Case Study: Random Network through which network opportunities are exhaustively explored Here, we study a random network scenario consisting of until the globally optimal decisions are constructed, resulting 36 wireless nodes placed randomly, with the remaining param- in an improved long-term performance while these randomized eters kept the same as the default parameters. decisions lead to a short-term performance loss. This, in fact, is Fig. 10 plots the expected number of transmissions and the reminiscent of the well-known exploration/exploitation tradeoff expected average per-packet reward for the candidate routing in stochastic control and learning literature. algorithms versus network operation time when a single ow Next, we study the performance of d-AdaptOR as the number is present in the random topology. We rst note that, as ex- of ows in the network is varied, where each ow is specied pected, SRCR performs poorly compared to the opportunistic via a randomly selected pair of source and destination. Fig. 11 schemes as it fails to utilize the receiver diversity gain. This plots the expected number of transmissions and expected underlines our contribution over all existing learning-based so- average reward for the candidate routing algorithms for the lutions [10][13] that ignore receiver diversity. Furthermore, random topology. As seen in Fig. 11, d-AdaptOR maintains an



optimal performance. However, Fig. 11 also shows that the gap between d-AdaptOR and the greedy version of SR signicantly decreases with an increase in number of ows where the natural pattern of trafc ow renders the (randomized) exploration phase less critical. In other words, while Fig. 11 is consistent with the Remark 1 in Section II regarding the decomposition of multiple-ow scenario to multiple single-ow scenarios, it also suggests that a joint design in which the multiplicity of ows provide a natural (and greedy) exploration of the network might be benecial with regard to the transient/short-term performance measures of interest. VII. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK

components equal to 1 by . We also use the notation to represent the rst random elements of the random sequence . A. Proof of Lemma 1 Lemma 1: Let: J1) J2) Then, the sequence for all ; . obtained by the stochastic recursion (2)

almost surely. In this paper, we proposed d-AdaptOR, a distributed, adap- converges to To prove Lemma 1, we note that the adaptive computation tive, and opportunistic routing algorithm whose performance is shown to be optimal with zero knowledge regarding network given by (2) utilizes a stochastic approximation algorithm to ). To study the topology and channel statistics. More precisely, under idealized solve the MDP associated with Problem ( assumptions, d-AdaptOR is shown to achieve the performance convergence properties of this stochastic approximation, we apof an optimal routing with perfect and centralized knowledge peal to known results in the intersection of learning and stoabout network topology, where the performance is measured chastic approximation given below. In particular, consider a set of stochastic sequences on in terms of the expected per-packet reward. Furthermore, , denoted by , and the corresponding we show that d-AdaptOR allows for a practical distributed , i.e., the increasing -eld generated by and asynchronous 802.11 compatible implementation, whose ltration , satisfying the following recursive equation: performance was investigated via a detailed set of QualNet simulations under practical and realistic networks. Simulations show that d-AdaptOR consistently outperforms existing adaptive routing algorithms in practical settings. where is a mapping from into and The long-term average reward criterion investigated in this paper inherently ignores the short-term performance. To cap, is a vector of possibly delayed components ture the performance of various adaptive schemes, however, it of . If no information is outdated, then for all and is desirable to study the performance of the algorithms over a . The following important result on the convergence nite horizon. One popular way to study this is via measuring of is provided in [9]. the incurred regret over a nite horizon. Regret is a function Fact 2 [9, Theorem 2]: Assume and satof horizon that quanties the loss of the performance under isfy the following conditions. a given adaptive algorithm relative to the performance of the G1) For all and a.s.; topology-aware optimal one. More specically, our results so for a.s.; far implies that the optimal rate of growth of regret is strictly for a.s. sublinear in , but fails to provide a conclusive understanding G2) is a martingale difference with nite second of the short-term behavior of d-AdaptOR. An important area of moment, i.e., , and there exist future work comprises developing adaptive algorithms that enconstants and such that sure optimal growth rate of regret. . The design of routing protocols requires a consideration G3) There exists a positive vector , scalars and of congestion control along with the throughput perfor, such that mance [26], [27]. Our work, however, does not consider this closely related issue. Incorporating congestion control in opportunistic routing algorithms to minimize expected delay without the topology and the channel statistics knowledge is an G4) Mapping satises the following area of future research. properties. 1) is componentwise monotonically increasing. APPENDIX 2) is continuous. We start this section with a note on the notations used. On the 3) has a unique xed point . probability space , we use notation to 4) , denote the indicator random variable (with respect to ), such for any . that for all for all , and G5) For any as . for all . For a vector , Then, the sequence of random vectors converges to the xed we use to denote the th element of the vector. Let point almost surely. denote the weighted max-norm with positive weight vector , Let be the increasing -eld generated by random veci.e., . We denote the vector in with all tors . Let be the random vector of



dimension equation (2). Furthermore

, generated via recursive

Let be a random vector whose is constructed as follows:

th element

where , and is the most recent state visited by node . Now, we can rewrite (2) and (3) as in the form investigated in Fact 2, i.e.,

Thus Assumption (G2) of Fact 2 is satised. (G3): Let denote the set of states that contain the destination node . Moreover, let . Let be the hitting time associated with set and policy , i.e., . Policy is said to be proper if . Let us now x a proper deterministic stationary policy . Existence of such a policy is guaranteed from the connectivity between 0 and . Let be the termination state that is reached after taking the termination action . Let us dene a policy dependent operator

(10) We then consider a Markov chain with states and with the following dynamics: From any state , we move to state , with probability . The remaining steps of the proof reduce to verifying stateThus, subsequent to the rst transition, we are always at a ments G1G5. This is veried in Lemma 4. state of the form , and the rst two components Lemma 4: satisfy conditions G1G5. of the state evolve according to policy . As is assumed Proof: proper, it follows that the system with states also to a proper policy. We construct a ma (G1): It is shown in Lemma 6 that algorithm d-AdaptOR evolves according guarantees that every state-action is attempted innitely trix with each entry corresponding to the transition from often (i.o.). Hence state to with value equal to for all for all . Since policy is proper, the maximum eigenvalue of matrix is strictly less than 1. As is a nonnegative matrix, Perron Frobenius theorem guarantees the existence of visited i.o. a positive vector with components and some such that However (11) From (11), we have a positive vector such that , where is the xed point of equation . From the denition of (4) and (10), we have . Using this and the triangle inequality, we obtain


establishing the validity of (G3). (G4): Assumption (G4) is satised by operator using the following fact: Fact 3 [19, Proposition 4.3.1]: is monotonically increasing, continuous, and satises



. of . From (5) and (6), we obtain

is a xed point

(12) Furthermore, using (5) and (12), for all


The existence of xed point follows from (13), while uniqueness of follows from uniqueness of (Fact 1). (G5): Suppose as . Therefore, there exists such that for all . This means that the number of times that node has transmitted a packet is bounded by . However, this contradicts Lemma 6, which says that each state-action pair is visited i.o. Therefore, B. Proof of Lemma 2 as for all , and condition (G5) holds. Thus, Assumptions (G1)(G5) are satised. Hence, from Lemma 2: For any (P)-admissible policy for Fact 2, our iterate (2) converges almost surely to , the unique Problem ( ) and for all xed point of . Lemma 5: If policy is followed, then action is selected i.o. if state is visited i.o. Proof: Dene the random variable for any . Let be the -eld generated by . Let for any Proof: To prove the lemma, we refer to the Auxil. iary Problem ( ). In this problem we have assumed the From the construction of the algorithm, it is clear that is existence of a centralized controller with full knowledge measurable. Now, it is clear that under policy is of the local broadcast model. Mathematically speaking, independent of given and . Dene let be the sample space of the random probability measures for the local broadcast model. Specically, is a nonsquare left stochastic matrix . for all Moreover, let be the trivial -eld generated by the if (sample point in ), i.e., (14) local broadcast model if .11 Recall that denotes the set of nodes that have received the packet due to transmission from node at time , while denotes the corresponding routing decision node takes at time .12 For Auxiliary Problem ( ), a routing policy is a collection of routing decisions taken for all for nodes at the centralized controller, where denotes a sequence of random actions for node . The routing policy is said to be (AP)-admissible for Auxiliary is visited i.o. Problem ( ) if the event belongs to the product -eld [29]. is visited i.o. From Fact 1, since is the optimal policy for one packet, for each packet and for any feasible policy is visited i.o. (15) The next step of the proof is based on the following fact. Fact 4 [28, Corollary 5.29] (Extended BorelCantelli Lemma): Let be an increasing sequence of -elds and let be -measurable. If , then . Thus, from Fact 4, is visited i.o. if is visited i.o.

Lemma 6: If policy is followed, then each state-action is visited innitely often. Proof: We say states communicate if there exists a sequence of actions such that probability of reaching state from state following the sequence of actions is greater than zero. Using Lemma 5, if state is visited i.o., then every action is chosen i.o. as the set is nite. Hence, states such that , are visited i.o. if is visited i.o. By Lemma 5, every action is also visited i.o. Following similar argument and repeated application of Lemma 5, every state that communicates with state and actions is visited i.o. Under the assumption of the packet generation process in Section II, a packet is generated i.o. at the source node 0. Thus, state is reached i.o. The construction of set is such that every state communicates with state . Thus, each is visited i.o. since is nite.

11 -eld captures the knowledge of the realization of local broadcast model and assumes a well-dened prior on these models. 12

if node does not transmit at time .



where the inequality follows from the fact that remaining steps are straightforward

. The

where is the set of nodes that have successfully received packet at time due to transmission from node . We call event a misrouting of order . For

Now for packets , let us consider the expected differential reward under policies and

C. Proof of Lemma 3 Lemma 3: For any

Proof: From (5), (6), and (12), we obtain the following equality for all : (16) Let

(17) (18) (19) maximum loss in the reward occurs if algorithm d-AdaptOR

Lemma 1 implies that, in an almost sure sense, there exists packet index such that for all decides to drop packet (no reward) while there exists a node in the set of potential forwarders such that . Thus, for all , the expected average per-packet reward under policy is bounded as


. Inequality (17) is obtained by noticing that

In other words, from time onwards, given any node and set , the probability that d-AdaptOR chooses an action such that is upper-bounded by . Furthermore, since (Lemma 6), for a given , with probability 1, there exists a packet index such that for all . Let . For all packets with index , the overall expected reward is upper-bounded by and lower-bounded by , hence their presence does not impact the expected average per-packet reward. Consequently, we only need to consider the routing decisions of policy for packets . Consider the th packet generated at the source. Let be an event for which there exist instances when d-AdaptOR routes packet differently from the possible set of optimal actions. Mathematically speaking, event occurs iff there exist instances such that for all

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank A. Plymoth and P. Johansson for the valuable discussions. They are grateful to the anonymous reviewers who provided thoughtful comments and constructive critique of the paper. REFERENCES
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