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Sherry TCSS12

CUPLS - Collaborative Unit Plan & Lesson Sequence

To practice implementing lessons which are part of an overarching unit and adapting them to students Big Questions: What are the characteristics of a good unit plan? What makes good ELA instruction?

During spring practicum, you will be teaching units (rather than single lessons) and teaching in a school context where collaboration with others is expected. For these reasons, we will plan and teach a unit together: Each of you will be responsible for teaching two lessons of that unit to your colleagues. This collaborative process will also model steps you take in individual unit planning.

1. Rationale Together we will decide on the focus of our unit: Which text(s) or topic(s) should we address? What guiding questions will shape the content and organization of the unit? What state and national standards need to be addressed? What formative and summative assessment(s) would address the guiding questions? By what criteria should we evaluate performance on these assessments? How can we present assessments as valuable and accessible to students? How will we conduct groupwork? Discussions? Classroom management? When should these routines be introduced? Repeated? Modified? You will be paired with a colleague; each week two pairs will plan and teach a lesson The following week, one pair from the previous lesson will plan and teach the next lesson Each time you teach, you must draw on the classs revision feedback (do this at the top of your plan) Groups that do not post on time or do not incorporate feedback will not teach In advance of the lesson (by Sunday 5pm), teachers post a lesson plan to the wiki In advance of the lesson (by Monday 5pm), the rest of the class responds to the plan After the lesson, the rest of the class responds to the teaching of the lesson 5. Revision Each week we will respond to the plan and to the implementation of a lesson

2. Assessment Together we will decide how to gauge what is learned during this unit:

3. Routines Together we will decide what regular activities we might use during this unit:

4. Lessons Each of you will be responsible for teaching two consecutive lessons of this unit:

Sherry TCSS12 How should I respond to the plan? to the teaching of the lesson? The class rubric contains categories relevant to both planning and teaching a good lesson/unit; please make sure to address all of these as they apply to the plan/enactment to which you respond: o Is it RELEVANT to students? to standards? to the discipline of ELA? o Is it DIVERSE with regard to backgrounds, learning styles, activities? o Is it SCAFFOLDED with regard to how activities/lessons relate and build on each other o Is it ALIGNED with lesson/unit goals and assessments? o What else stands out to you as important advice for teacher(s) to hear? As a responder, please make sure to o PRAISE (e.g., I liked how your activities ALIGNED with the final assessment by.) o QUESTION (e.g., I noticed that you did/didnt include __. What made you decide this?) o SUGGEST (e.g., I think it would have been more RELEVANT to students if you.) o RESPOND to at least 3 specific moments of the plan/instruction For models, please see our wiki at TEACHING




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