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Society committee meeting Minutes of a meeting Date: Friday 13 July 2012 Venue: MBs residence From: 17.

15 To: 19.45 Committee meeting number: 001

1.0 Members of the meeting 1.1 Present Laura Jones (LJ) (Chair) Mark Bircumshaw (MB) (Treasurer) 1.3 Absent without apologies N/A 1.2 Absent with apologies Colin Laing (CL) (Secretary)

1.4 Others in attendance N/A

2.0 Welcomes and notes from the chair LJ welcomed MB to the first committee meeting of the academic year. Pleasantries were exchanged and LJ thanked MB for hosting the meeting. 3.0 Minutes of the last meeting Noted: being that this is the first meeting since the change in committee and that committee meetings are being held under a new structure, there were no minutes to read and approve. 4.0 Matters arising from the last meeting Noted: being that this is the first meeting since the change in committee and that committee meetings are being held under a new structure, there were no matters arising or action points to consider. 5.0 Committee member updates Noted: being that this is the first meeting since the change in committee and that committee meetings are being held under a new structure, there were no committee member updates to hear. 6.0 Committee discussion Noted: the substantial discussion of all committee meetings will be noted under the committee discussion heading. 6.1 Provision of materials 1|Page

LJ stated that during the recovery of materials from the previous society committee, a number of known items of society property were missing. LJ noted that due to a successful Society Support Fund request, a cost effective solution was found and that the society now had a not inconsiderable amount of material at its disposal. LJ further noted that she was awaiting the results of a subsequent Society Support Fund request and inquired as to what the priorities for the funding (if successful) would be. The consensus of the meeting was that the following was priority in terms of materials the society needed (in priority order first): The further required materials to edit the societys banner ready for the new semester in September; An actualisation of the societies logo termed the cuddly wolf both as an ice-breaker tool and as a symbol of the society (this in the stead of noted previous societies such as the UWSU Japanese Society and St John Links); Other ice breaker materials such as rainbow wool; Items for semester based meetings such as microwavable popcorn (LJ noting that the UWSU Japanese Society was willing to share provisions of hot beverages); Materials for further campaigns (such as art materials for the Ally Week Art Project).

Action. LJ to liaise with the Students Union to find out the results of the subsequent Society Support Fund request. 6.2 Wolverhampton & Black Country Pride LJ Noted that Wolverhampton & Black Country Pride was due to take place at the end of the month and plans were in place for the student group to march in the parade alongside the staff group. MB queried the date of pride to which the response was 29 July 2012. LJ expressed concerns over the number of students that would actually be present to march in the parade. Action. MB to post on the facebook group requesting students to march in the parade. Action. MB to photograph students marching in the parade and send them to LJ. 6.3 Freshers activities 2012 LJ noted that the Freshers Fayre events were to be held at Walsall Campus on Wednesday 19th September and on City Campus on Thursday 20th September, both events would be open to the public from 11am till 3pm. The consensus reached was that with the society having a presence at


both events, between 2-4 people would be needed to oversee the stall and member sign-ups. As 2-4 people were already forthcoming, no further action would be necessary. LJ informed that she had been contacted by Dave Anson (Students Union, Student Representation Assistant) requesting societies to demonstrate an activity associated with the society and queried if MB had any ideas regarding this. MB suggested using iconic imagery in a fun manner, examples including: Using links with local nightclubs and peers to have an iconic drag artist style act which could be sponsored; A society inspired rendition of YMCA involving members of the crowd in attendance; A society inspired rendition of the Court Of King Caractacus.

LJ suggested the second to be the easiest to perform would be the rendition of YMCA due to its need only for four persons; the widely known dance moves and its symbolism of the gaycommunity amongst the hetero-normative community. Action. LJ to organise a Freshers Fayre performance. MB queried as to the plans for a social activity during Freshers week. The consensus was reached that the social activity would be from the following: A cinema trip; A ten-pin bowling trip; A meal.

Action. LJ to liaise with the Lighthouse Cinema, Re: their screenings on Freshers week. 6.4 Out On Campus LJ noted that the magazine Out On Campus had requested the information to run a piece on the universitys LGBT+ community in its Freshers week edition. LJ further noted that the writing of the article would be shared between herself and the chair of the staff network but would primarily focus on student engagement. Pictures would be from the Equal Marriage Campaign and possibly Wolverhampton pride (depending on whether MB could meet the deadline for forwarding pictures). Action. LJ to write the students half of the article and to liaise with Martin Evans (Chair of the staff network) to create a full article to forward to Out On Campus. 6.5 Structure of the semester


The structure of the semester was debated based on previous running and requests for an alternative to the drinks culture historically associated with the society. The following consensus was reached: *Week 1-A get to know you style ice-breaker/nominations for committee elections opening; *Week 2-Society elections; Week 3-A gay drinking establishment visit (rotating between the local night clubs, i.e. Gorgeous, Divine, The White Hart and The Greyhound); *Week 4-A movie night showcasing either an LGBT+ themed movie or a popular blockbuster (venue licenses permitting); Week 5- A gay drinking establishment visit (rotating between the local night clubs, i.e. Gorgeous, Divine, The White Hart and The Greyhound); *Week 6-A visit/talk/performance from a local organisation (suggested: Gender Matters; Terrence Higgins Trust et al); Week 7- A gay drinking establishment visit (rotating between the local night clubs, i.e. Gorgeous, Divine, The White Hart and The Greyhound); *Week 8-A games night; Week 9- A gay drinking establishment visit (rotating between the local night clubs, i.e. Gorgeous, Divine, The White Hart and The Greyhound); *Week 10-A visit to another university society or member of the Wolverhampton LGBT network; Week 11- A members slot whereby any member of the society could suggest an appropriate activity; *Week 12-The Christmas party/event in collaboration with any other interested societies (LJ suggested her traditional society format).

*indicates an intention to informally move the meeting to a local establishment (the Lady Wulfrun historically being the establishment of choice). It was noted that the order of these events could be subject to change depending on venue/activity availability. LJ informed that on the non-gay drinking establishment visit weeks, society meetings were likely to be placed upon a Tuesday or Wednesday evening from 17.00 onwards. This however shall be confirmed once semester timetables are published. MB suggested (and was given consensus on the fact) that no visits to gay drinking establishments should be conducted on weeks in which local pub-crawls were in effect (i.e. Boom bar crawl).


MB further suggested that events to the Birmingham/Stafford/Leicester gay night club scene could be undertaken due to their local proximity. LJ suggested (and was given consensus on the fact) that the University Chaplain (Revd Eddie Wynn MBE) be allowed as per an informal request to attend a society meeting and introduce himself and the Chaplaincy service. The possibility of attending the Shrewsbury film festival was discussed. MB suggested that the society could hold its own film festival inviting in other LGBT orientated societies. Action. LJ to work out semester dates; prepare materials and issue a document via the society facebook group detailing the societys activities for semester 1. 6.6 Union Council LJ suggested due to the difficulty with which it had been possible to pass policy directly affecting LGBT+ students, she would recommend and promote Students Union elections for Union Council positions. MB questioned who would take the role of LGBT+ Rep on the council. LJ agreed to be recommended for co-option as LGBT+ Rep until the elections and to consider running in them. LJ further announced an intention to bring forward motions to correct policy concerning access to liberations/sections conferences (including NUS LGBT Conference) as well as other policy (TBC). Action. LJ to attempt cooption onto Union Council as LGBT+ Rep in the new semester and to recommend that society members run not only to represent their individual roles interest but to be able to speak with one consolidated voice on LGBT+ issues coming before the council. 6.7 Society campaigns LJ informed that there was an informal agreement in place to share campaigns with the Staff LGBT Network. MB suggested that all further campaigns were to be brought under the ALL EQUAL umbrella and that this should be established as the campaigning arm of the society. This (it was suggested) could then be operated via a Wikia or Google pages as a collaborative students lobbying group. Action. LJ to liaise with Pliny Soocoormanee with the intention of using the ALL EQUAL umbrella as the campaigning arm of the society. 6.7.1 The equal marriage campaign 5|Page

LJ informed that the total signature count on the online petition for the equal marriage campaign was 11,648 (exceeding initial expectations) and that no further action was required except using it as a benchmark for future campaigns. 6.7.2 NUS National Demo LJ informed (and was given consensus on the fact) that the NUS National demo was on 21 November 2012 and that should the new Executive Committee of the Students Union decide not to participate, she would propose the organisation of a society trip to peacefully demonstrate students frustrations concerning Higher Education. Action. LJ to request information of the incoming Executive Committee of the Students Union on whether or not they plan to participate in the NUS National Demo. 6.7.3 Ally Week LJ suggested (and was given consensus on the fact) that as the last previous tangible campaign of the society, Ally Week should be the next campaign for the society to undertake. The campaign was decided to take place in October 2012. LJ further suggested that the focus for this campaign should a communal piece of art, celebrating the pledge card system previously used in the Ally Week campaign. MB suggested (and was given consensus on the fact) that further input as to the rest of the activities of the campaign should be taken when the extended society committee is elected. Action. LJ to contact the American wing of the Ally Week campaign to request matierals. 6.7.4 LGBT+ History Month LJ informed that traditionally this had worked better with a communal effort between staff and students. LJ further informed (and was given consensus on the fact) that the campaign was to be undertaken in February 2013. LJ suggested the main activity of the campaign should be a public panel utilising links with Peter Tatchell and one of the organisers of the original pride movement Jeff Hardy MB suggested (and was given consensus on the fact) that the panel could be advertised to other societies with an LGBT+ orientation and should be open to public invitees. LJ suggested that the society should aim big by inviting in gay icons such as Stephen Fry; Sir Ian Mckellan and Sandi Toksvig as well as the Staff Network and the committee of NUS LGBT. 6|Page

MB suggested utilising previous proposed links to include Lembit pik in the activities. MB further suggested adding either to the panel event or as a separate event, a side-campaign challenging the issues of cyber-bullying and homophobia/transphobia. This could involve: Moving the discussion panel to the Performance Hub on Walsall campus; allowing for a performance on the issues of homophobia/transphobia to be utilised; A talk/panel addition of Adrienne Katz (; A talk/panel addition of PC Claire Yeomans (twitter @wvstudentsafety); A talk/panel addition of Jonathan Charlesworth (Educational Action Challenging Homophobia via; Post the panel, a visit to the Students Union space for an informal gathering and discursive discussion; A survey/series of focus groups of students and/or staff on the issue of cyber-bullying and homophobia/transphobia to feed into the university management group with the intentions of the university establishing a targeted policy on cyber bullying.

LJ suggested that as a side project, the society could undertake to decipher its own history back to origin (as little is currently known by the Students Union and the society committee prior to 2007). LJ suggested that as a side campaign, the campaign to challenge the issues of cyber-bullying and homophobia/transphobia could be included in the Its ok to be gay at WLV campaign cooperative effort. LJ Suggested that due to its timing (February) that is may be possible to reignite the equal marriage campaign for a coordinated march with the Wolverhampton LGBT Network on St. Valentines Day. The consensus was reached that this would be further discussed when the extended society committee is elected. 6.7.5 Its ok to be gay at WLV LJ suggested the design of an anonymised poster campaign utilising a black bar across the face of a person with a slogan written across. This could in-turn be utilised for its shock value to stamp out homophobic/transphobic language. 6.7.6 World Aids Day MB suggested that the society host an event for World Aids Day in December. LJ suggested that this should be further discussed when the extended society committee is elected as well as the new Welfare Vice President (Iwuese Nyager) of the Students Union starting work. This is due in part due to the information that the Students Union plans to hold a day on disability 7|Page

awareness in December and that World Aids Day is traditionally the prerogative of the Welfare Vice President. 6.8 Interaction with social media LJ informed that the changes to the name of the society had been updated on the societys facebook group and on the Students Union website. LJ further informed of her intention to edit the Students Union webpage, adding information and allocating permissions. LJ noted that the society email had been transferred to her. LJ noted the presence of a society twitter account. MB suggested (and was given consensus on the fact) that the twitter account be utilised to give society information to those who did not wish to formally join the society news feed either via the facebook group or the Students Union website and that to advertise this, specific micro pride style leaflets could be produced or printed ribbon could be produced. MB suggested (and was given consensus on the fact) that due to the amount of postings from local business on the facebook group that each new post should be contacted by a committee member stating the position that a donation to the society finances would be appreciated for the free publicity. Action. LJ to sort out the Students Union webpage by adding information and allocating permissions. Action. LJ to gain access to the societys twitter account and create micro pride style leaflets for Freshers Fayre. 6.9 Society Finances LJ stated that she believed there to be around 80 in the societys bank code. LJ stated that she would assume responsibility as chair for submitting all Society Support Fund applications in the name of the society. LJ discussed the possibility of approaching the Gorgeous night club for funding structured activities due to the perceived links between the society and Gorgeous. LJ suggested that the possibility should be considered when the extended society committee is elected that the society hold a for-profit stall at Birmingham Pride 2013.


Action. LJ and MB to approach local business and interested parties with the intention of securing sponsorship for the society. Action. LJ to bring an up-to-date total of the finances in the societys bank code to each committee meeting. 6.10 Miscellaneous LJ noted that the society had no formal written structure or rules outside of Students Union byelaws. LJ suggested (and was given consensus on the fact) that she would chair committee meetings and prepare relevant documentation (i.e. agenda and minutes). Action. LJ to consider the necessity of a society constitution detailing the purpose, structure and rules of the societys operation. MB suggested (and was given consensus on the fact) that the society should aim high when campaigning with the possibility of being nominated for both the internal Students Union awards and the NUS LGBT National Conference awards ceremonies towards the end of the academic year. LJ suggested (and was given consensus on the fact) that due to the high probability of CL not being able to continue the post of Secretary in semester 1 of the 2012/2013 academic year a new person to fulfil the role be should sought in committee elections. MB informed that he wished for a dedicated Walsall presence on the committee. LJ addressed this by stating that the committee make up will be as follows (noting that self-definition shall be decided on an individual basis and shall not be challenged): 1. Chair Any student who self-defines as LGBT+ (or variant) who has been elected to serve as chair of the society; 2. Secretary Any student who self-defines as LGBT+ (or variant) who has been elected to serve as secretary to the society; 3. Treasurer Any student who self-defines as LGBT+ (or variant) who has been elected to serve as treasurer of the society; 4. Lesbian Representative Any student who self defines as lesbian who has been elected to serve as the Lesbian Representative of the society; 9|Page

5. Gay Representative: Any student who self defines as gay who has been elected to serve as the Gay Representative of the society; 6. Bisexual Representative: Any student who self defines as bisexual who has been elected to serve as the Bisexual Representative of the society; 7. Trans Representative: Any student who self defines as Trans who has been elected to serve as the Trans Representative of the society; 8. Womens Representative: Any student who self defines as a woman who has been elected to serve as the Womens Representative of the society; 9. Walsall Representative: Any student who self defines as LGBT+ (or variant); is a student based primarily at Walsall Campus and has been elected to serve as the Walsall Representative of the society; LJ noted that unless a specific reason for it to be not so, committee meetings would be open to all who wished to attend, however only those who make up the committee would be eligible to vote on matters concerning the committee. LJ noted (and was given consensus on the fact) that unless a specific reason for it to be not so, society meetings would be open to all those who wished to attend; however only those who self define as LGBT+ (or variant) would be eligible to elect the society committee. LJ further noted (and was given consensus on the fact) that members who were unable to make the elections of the society committee would be able to still run and/or vote in the elections. MB questioned the access requirements of committee and society meetings. LJ responded that if an appropriate measure could be taken to meet an access requirement, it would be taken so as to make the society fully inclusive. 7.0 Any other business Noted: being that this is the first meeting since the change in committee and that committee meetings are being held under a new structure, there was no other business to discuss. There being no further business, LJ closed the committee meeting and thanked those in attendance.

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The next meeting is scheduled for TBC (one week post committee elections, or sooner, should another committee meeting be required-before September).

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