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11550 44 Street SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2Z 4A2 Phone 403-278-3700 info@thephoenixcoaching.


40-Day Prosperity Program

The 40-Day Prosperity Program is designed to reinstate the truth about your abundant nature. It will dissolve limiting unconscious beliefs you have adopted about yourself and your worth, which are undoubtedly playing out in your life. Wealth is actually the natural state of a spiritually awakened being. For some, wealth may include financial freedom (money). For others, wealth is about being certain that the authentic desires which arise within themselves as a result of their need to fulfill their destiny will always be met. Whichever feels truer for you, this program will reset your prosperity button and further you towards your goal. Financial freedom is, in fact, one of the secondary goals this 40day mind-reprogramming offers. Certainty in the Divines constant and abiding presence and Its ability to effortlessly meet all your authentic desires is the primary goal of this program. The truth is, God is our Source, Substance, and Supply! The program (saying one statement with emotion repeatedly throughout the day) must be done consecutively for 40 days without interruption, to begin to experience lasting change in your life.
Repeat each statement morning and night and whenever feelings of scarcity arise. State with emotion and joy in your heart the statements for Day 1 through 10, four times, equalling 40 days. If you miss a day, you must start again at Day 1. Begin the program by filling in the statement below. Place the commencement date and your name in the space provided

Committed to being the change we want to see in the world.

The Phoenix Coaching and Transformation Corporation

40-Day Prosperity Statements Program

On this day (date) ____________________, I (name) _______________________, affirm the truth of who I am as an abundant child of GOD. I know that it is my Creators Will that I reflect and demonstrate my identity as an abundant child of this loving Creator. In truth, I am an abundant and loving Spirit. I know that I am surrounded by abundance in nature and that it is my inherited right to express my prosperity and generosity effortlessly. I recognize that I have fallen asleep to my ability to effortlessly create money and prosperity in my life. I realize that I have misplaced my power. I now ask the Holy Spirit to undo all consequences and effects of my sleeping, separated, and mistaken identity as ego, restoring to me the truth and inheritance of my authentic nature. I am NOW one with the Creator and invite the union of our Mind to manifest into my life, my inheritance, and to reclaim my authorship as the master of my life experiences. I now depart from thoughts of scarcity, lack, and need that my sleeping (ego) mind wishes to manifest. I simply move away from the belief in scarcity, lack, and need that exists in the world. I now move away from the belief that scarcity is required in my life experience. I now fully accept this change. I realize that I do not receive money from work, people, places, or conditions, but rather recognize that these things reflect my beliefs and thoughts about myself and my worthiness. I now accept my worthiness as God willed it to be. I now invite God to be my source and my supply. I now reprogram my mind in truth. My life experiences will now begin to effortlessly reflect my identity as a prosperous Spirit with a healed and Holy Mind. I release this affirmation in perfect faith and trust in God. And So It IS!

On Day 1, 11, 21, 31

SAY: I am as God created me. My mind is one with God. I do not have separated thoughts. God is lavish, unfailing abundance. I, too, am this abundance, and it now flows effortlessly into my experience.

On Day 2, 12, 22, 32

SAY: God is my supply. I am at one with this supply. I am constantly pulsing with prosperity. As I am eternal, so is my supply. As I manifest abundance in my mind, all those I know also increase in prosperity. I am prosperity.

On Day 3, 13, 23, 33,

SAY: Constantly I am creating through thought. My thoughts are reflected in my life. God is reflected in me, through me, and in this reflection, the poverty consciousness of the world is healed. As my mind awakens and thus expresses its God-given Power, the world is healed.

The Phoenix Coaching and Transformation Corporation

40-Day Prosperity Statements Program On Day 4, 14, 24, 34,

SAY: I am as God created me. God Wills my happiness. My thoughts are whole and prosperous. God has individualized me. We are co-creators of love and prosperity. I have all. I am all. God is my Source and Supply.

On Day 5, 15, 25, 35,

SAY: Within me is the truth of my identity. I am a Holy Child of God. I need nothing, as I was created abundant and complete. My life reflects that completeness. God is my Source and Supply. God is lavish, God is prosperity, and I am the reflection of this truth.

On Day 6, 16, 26, 36,

SAY: I am always exactly where I should be. Gods intelligence moves within me and attracts to me the opportunities to accept and share wealth. There are no mistakes, but rather opportunities for me to demonstrate my abundant Holy Mind. My life reflects my truthful abundant thoughts.

On Day 7, 17, 27, 37

SAY: I am as God created me. I am the manifestation of love and prosperity. I was created to create with my Creator. I do this now in all areas in my life. My thoughts reflect my true Identity as whole, abundant, and complete. I am in need of nothing. My wholeness and abundant being are reflected effortlessly.

On Day 8, 18, 28, 38,

SAY: As I awaken the Truth of Gods Will for me, I emerge as prosperity. I demonstrate the Will of my Creator. I need do nothing, but know that God is my Source and my Supply. I have, and therefore give from that fullness.

On Day 9, 19, 29, 39

SAY: God is always in me. God is unfailing and is always happy to reflect in me and through me the truth of who I am. I am at peace with this truth. God now replenishes me for previous years during which I blocked my prosperity.

On Day 10, 20, 30, 40

SAY: I am the manifestation of God. I am worthy. I am Spirit. God is wise and knows what belongs to me, and it will be given to me as I am ready to receive. I will then share from my fullness. I am now ready to be restored and reminded of my authentic Identity. I am ready, and I am grateful to receive my inheritance.

The Phoenix Coaching and Transformation Corporation

Prosperity Prayer Dear God, Thank you for the gift of my Being. Thank you for the truth of my abundant nature. Thank you for being my Source, Substance, and Supply. Thank you for giving me a Brilliant Gifta talent or an ability to shine, and in so doing, giving others the permission to do the same. Thank you for giving all people a gift with which they can heal humanity, as I can. Thank you for my life and the struggles that I do not understand, but which always reveal my capacity to survive, grow, evolve in wisdom and grace, and succeed. Thank you for restoring my Mind to the perfection You Willed it to have. Thank you for the Light and Power my Mind holds, and its ability to undo fear, and to restore the truth. Thank you for my Abundant Spirit. Thank you for knowing and creating me as a Brilliant, Abundant, Loving Being. Thank you for my Life!

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