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COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY COIMBATORE - 402 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ACADEMIC YEAR -2012-2013 QUESTION BANK Subject: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE UNIT I Introduction and Problem Solving I Artificial Intelligence: Definition-Turing Test-Relation with other Disciplines-History of AIApplicationsAgent: Intelligent Agent-Rational Agent - Nature of Environments- Structure of Agent.-Problem Solving Agent - Problems: Toy Problems and Real-world Problems-Uninformed Search Strategies: BFS, DFS, DLS, IDS, Bidirectional Search - comparison of uninformed search strategies. Part-A 1. Define AI. 2. What is a rational agent? 3. State the factors that make up rationality. 4. What is a task environment? Specify the task environment for any two agents. 5. What are the different types of environment agent percepts and reacts? 6. What is agent program and agent architecture? 7. List the different types of agents. 8. What is a software agent? 9. Give the steps adopted by a problem solving agent. 10. What is a fringe? 11. What are the various searching strategies adopted by agent programs? 12. Give the problem types for searching based on partial information. Part-B 1. a. Elaborate the approaches for AI with eg. b. How is a task environment specified? 2. a. Describe the various properties of the task environment. b. Write PEAS description for at least four agent types. 3. a. Explain in detail Utility based reflex agent. b. Explain in detail Learning agent. 4. Explain how solutions are searched by a problem solving agent. 5. Write short notes on the following uniform cost search and Iterative deepening depth first search. 6. Explain Simplex reflex and model based agent and compare each of them with respective to their behavior. 7. What are the procedures to formulate the problem and goal for any toy problem? 8. List the different uninformed searches and explain with an example where Breadth first search is better than Depth first search. 9. Explain Iterative Depth Limited search with an example(limit =4) and uniform cost search. 10. Explain Bidirectional search and compare all the uninformed search strategies based on their performance. 11. How searching is used to provide solutions and also describe some real world problems? Class / Sem : IV CSE / VII

UNIT II Problem Solving II Informed Search Strategies-Greedy best-first search-A* search-Heuristic functions-Local search Algorithms and Optimization problems - Online Search Agent-Constraint Satisfaction ProblemsBacktracking Search for CSPs Local Search for Constraint Satisfaction Problems-Structure of Problems -Adversarial Search-Optimal Decision in Games-Alpha-Beta Pruning-Imperfect Real Time DecisionsGames that Include an Element of Chance. Part A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. What is the use of heuristic functions? What is the difference between informed and uninformed searches? How does one characterize the quality of heuristic? What is use of local search algorithms? What is the advantage of memory bounded search techniques? How to improve the effectiveness of search-based problem-solving techniques? What is constraint satisfaction problem? How does the operation of offline search differ from an online search? List some drawbacks of hill climbing process. List some properties of SMA* search. State the monotonicity property in A* search.

Part B 1. Write A* algorithm and show how A* algorithm can be used to find minimal-cost over all path or simply any path as quickly as possible 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Explain Min-Max procedure. Describe alpha-beta pruning and its effectiveness. Explain Hill climbing and Simulated Annealing algorithms. Explain Genetic algorithm with example. What is constraint satisfaction problem and explain how information is propagated through constraints? 7. How intelligent back tracking is achieved in a CSP? UNIT III Knowledge Representation First-Order Logic-Syntax and Semantics of First-Order-Logic-Using First-Order-Logic-Knowledge Engineering in First-Order-Logic.- Inference in First-Order-Logic- Inference rules-Unification and Lifting-Forward Chaining-Backward Chaining-Resolution. Part A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How does a logical agent perform in its environment? What is meant by logical equivalence? Write the Modus Ponens rule. What is meant by a term and using term frame an atomic sentence? What are the different quantifiers in a First Order Logic?

6. What is skolemization? 7. Give an example in conjunctive normal form. 8. Translate the following FOL into English : a. x y ( x y ) b. y x (x y)

9. Write down the logical representations for the following sentences: a.Some students took French in Spring 2001. b.No one buys an expensive policy. Part B 1. Explain the syntax and semantics of first order logic. 2. Explain the difference between forward and backward chaining and under what conditions each would be best to use for a given set of problems. 3. Consider the following sentences John likes all kinds of food Apples are food Chicken is food Anything anyone eats and isnt killed by its food Bill eats peanuts and is still alive Sue eats everything Bill eats (a) Translate these sentences into formulas in predicate logic (b) Prove that John likes peanuts using backward chaining (c) Convert the formulas of part a into clause form (d) Prove that John likes peanut using resolution (e) Use resolution to answer the question, what food does Sue eat?

UNIT IV Learning Learning from Observations- Forms of Learning-Learning Decision Ensemble Learning - A Logical Formulation of Learning-Knowledge in Learning-Explanation Based Learning-Learning using Relevance Information-Inductive Logic Programming. Part A 1. List the advantages of Decision Trees. What is the function of Decision Trees? 2. Differentiate between Passive learner and Active learner 3. State the design issues that affect the learning element 4. Differentiate between supervised learning & unsupervised learning. 5. What is memoization? 6. Define Ockhams razor. 7. List the various Components of the performance element 8. Draw a decision tree for the problem of deciding whether to move forward at a road intersection, given that the green lights are on.

Part B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Explain Explanation Based Learning process and the ways to improve the efficiency. Explain learning using relevance information. Explain a Top-Down inductive learning method that uses a generalization of decision tree methods. Explain inductive learning with inverse deduction based on inverting a resolution proof. Explain why computational learning theory is important and the use of PAC algorithm. List the forms of learning and explain how decision trees are used as performance elements. Explain Decision tree algorithm and assess the performance of the algorithm.

8. Explain ADABOOST algorithm for ensemble learning. UNIT V Applications Communication Communication as action -A formal grammar for a fragment of English Syntactic Analysis Augmented Grammars Semantic Interpretation Ambiguity and Disambiguation Discourse Understanding Grammar Induction.Perception Image Formation Early Image Processing Operations Extracting Three Dimensional Information Object Recognition Using Vision for Manipulation and Navigation. Part A 1. Why ambiguity is considered to be an important problem in natural language understanding? 2. What is the use of a DCG? 3. What is pragmatic interpretation? 4. What is a language discourse and give the structure of coherent discourse? 5. How to learn a grammar from a given data? 6. State Lamberts cosine law. 7. How to measure optical flow from one time frame to the next? 8. What is the relation between disparity and depth in stereopsis? 9. What are the different kinds of line labeling and give examples? 10. How does vision provide information for manipulating objects? 11. List the models used for representing knowledge. Part B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Explain the component steps of communication. Explain top down and bottom up parsing with an example. Explain with an example the semantics of an English fragment. Parse a tree for the sentence Every agent smells a wumpus showing both syntactic and semantic interpretations. Explain the use of verb subcategorization to augment grammars. Explain the formation of an image. Explain edge detection and segmentation that are used as early image processing operations. How to recover 3-D information from an image and explain the extraction of texture gradients and shading? What are the approaches for object recognition? Explain each of them.

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