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same library and research facility as their counterparts in

more traditional university settings. Yet, the quality of

their work is equivalent to that I have observed in major
_______________________________________ universities and colleges back in the United States.
SUNDAY MAGAZINE, October 11, 1998 Our Maryland students are shown to be a
constellation of bright stars in higher education: some
went to work as Presidential Management Interns (PMI
Teaching is the Best Way to Learn as is a prestigious assignment in the federal government)
Our Forces Lead the Way and analysts in private and nongovernmental institutions;
others find post-military, second careers as teachers and
By Patrick Mendis managers; and others elect to stay with the military
Be Our Guest Columnist service.
Our students represent diversity within diversity. I
Teaching has traditionally been a noble profession. have had the opportunity to teach and to work with an
During the early years, educators like Socrates and Plato assortment of nationalities and racial groups in the Army,
pass on their know-what and know-how to Navy, Marine, and Air Force as well as NATO civilian
the next generation of pupils. In this post- students in Germany, England, and Spain. Increasingly,
modern society, education has become a I have come to value their differing perspectives in
business, which has weakened the classroom discussions – especially in public policy and
importance of its traditional worth as a foreign affairs – because such diversity is positive to our
sacred profession. Yet education is still an learning experience and to the workplace to which we
esteemed occupation because it has the equalizing power are preparing them to be leaders.
within and among race, gender, and socioeconomic
strata. For tomorrow’s marketplace, we all must become a
tribe of global learning to enhance our skills. Donald
In the technological age, the combination of data Langenberg, chancellor of the University System of
and information is rapidly available but the domain of Maryland, writes that “these skills include initiative,
knowledge and wisdom is not. Using information, we persistence, integrity and the ability to communicate
can develop knowledge collectively to gain insights into effectively with others to solve problems.” Our
the realm of wisdom. Thus, the monopoly of knowledge classroom discussions, debates and simulations go
that used to be vested in teachers or gurus is no longer beyond the textbooks and lectures to address real issues
valid, especially with adult learning in the social in the changing world. Thus, education becomes fun,
sciences. meaningful, and relevant to the real world problems.
As an educator, I find that best learning comes from The recent sex scandals, racial discrimination,
teaching and by doing. Learning then consists of the quality of military doctors and lethargy of DODDS
three gradual processes: learning to know, teaching to teachers have tarnished the military image. These
understand, and doing to internalize. I encourage our problems are not confined to our military alone. They
graduate military students, who are mostly officers, to are an extension of our society. The military has been a
fully internalize the subject matter in public leader in finding solution to our national and global
administration or international relations. Thus, education problems.
becomes a collective and conscious process for the
common good, not an end in itself. The strength of our military is self-discipline. It is a
civic virtue that builds individual character and the fluid
It is a privilege to work with the military functioning our democracy. I am proud of my students
community’s dedicated adult learners as they deal with whose service in not only limited to the American people
daily challenges. Their primary responsibilities are to back home but to those who were victimized by natural
serve our nation and to nurture their families in a foreign disasters in Italy and human-caused misery in the
land while pursuing their educational goals. This is not Balkans; hence, they are our best ambassadors. Our
easy when crises in the former Yugoslavia or Iraq military students and their families are not only my
demand American and NATO intervention. On many heroes but also they truly represent our nation and our
occasions, our students were called upon to help ideals to make democracy safe for diversity as President
earthquake victims in Italy while others were required to John Kennedy and Woodrow Wilson echoed before our
brief officials in Washington or Brussels on Pentagon time.
matters. Others need to care of a family emergency
back home or a broken car window or a flat tire because Patrick Mendis teaches graduate-level government and
anti-American sentiments are at work in their economics courses for the University of Maryland’s
neighborhoods. Moreover, our students do not enjoy the European Division.

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