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Quality of teaching

I have no idea what I am doingwhy did you employ me?

I am not sure about

Information transfer is a central concept in my lessons.

I have one relevant idea about.

Multistructur al
I have several ideas about

I plan activities that independently address: Literacy Subject content Measurement of extent of learning

I plan activities that address more than one aspect. For example, I plan to support development of literacy skills in formative activities.

I have several ideas about I can link them to the big picture.

Activities are linked in order to address the overall aim of the lesson. I develop students understanding of the lessons big picture by helping students to understand how the activities and their content are related. My lessons are centred on developing deeper thinking and understanding of the subject; as a result my students make accelerated progress. Over time I develop skills that students will use outside of my lesson and in the future. I foster dialogue about learning with students and change what I do in order

Extended Abstract

I have several ideas about to maximise depth of learning, thinking I can link them to the big and understanding. As a result, I picture. respond quickly to students needs. I can look at these ideas in a new and different way.

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