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Introduction My friends, in todays Gospel we hear that even Jesus needed to get away from those placing demands

on him. But when the crowd followed him to his deserted place of rest, he pitied them because they were like sheep without a shepherd. Let us pray today for those called to leadership, those who are in positions of authority, and for all of us, that we may rely on God to provide the energy and resources we need when w are tired and feel we can do no more.

Mass Intentions
Sat. 21 6:00 p.m. Parishioners of St. Patricks Sun. 22 9:00 a.m. Antonio Maduro Gary Martin Gilbert Lewis 11:00 a.m. Deceased Members & Friends of the Squire Family Mon. 23 8:00 a.m. Intentions of Jim & Lyco Kelly Tues. 24 8:00 a.m. Victor Moniz Manuel & Arminda Garrafa Wed. 25 8:00 a.m. Mariano Simas Thurs.26 8:00 a.m. Susan Hall Fri. 27 8:00 a.m. Frank Cabral Sat. 28 6:00 p.m. John & Rosa Rocha Ernest Mello Christopher Alves Sun. 29 9:00 a.m. Intentions of Fr. Jerry Kroetsch, CR 11:00 a.m. Parishioners of St. Patricks

Stewardship Treasure Mass Offering last week: Poor Box:

$3,657.00 $ 268.00

Weekly Stewardship Thought If we accept the challenge of putting God first in our time and treasure, our attitudes, priorities and spiritual lives will definitely change.

Reflection Question Can I recognize the compassion of Jesus, the Good Shepherd, with me? Am I willing to take the risk to be truly compassionate (to suffer) with those in my life? Will I think of the Good Shepherd the next time I am tempted to say, I know how you feel? Can I bring the truth and love of Jesus to others? Am I willing to be a (Good) shepherd?

Welcome! We are happy to welcome Miguel Lennox Leite, son of Victor and Lara, in the sacrament of Baptism this weekend. Please keep little Miguel, his parents and godparents in your prayers. Scholarship Awards Presented This Weekend The St. Patricks Education Trust Awards will be presented to fifteen students at the 11:00 a.m. Mass this Sunday, July 22. Please keep these young men and women in your prayers. CCD Fees are Now Past Due! Parents, please submit your payment of $135 per child (cheques payable to St. Patricks Church) and forms to Mrs. Maria Pacheco or drop off at the Rectory as soon as possible. Alternatively, forms and payment may be delivered directly to Mrs. Essie Hans at the Diocesan Centre on Laffan Street. Have You Collected Your Confirmation Pictures? Mrs. Essie Hans would like to remind our recent Confirmation candidates and families that their Confirmation photographs are ready for pick-up from the Diocesan Religious Education Office, Laffan Street. Please call Mrs. Hans at 292-1981 to set up a time to collect. Rev. Jerry Kroetsch, C.R. Please continue to remember Fr. Jerry in your prayers as he struggles with Lou Gehrigs disease. This is also the year of his 50th Anniversary of Ordination to Priesthood, which he will celebrate with four other priests on August 17 in Waterloo. Fr. Jerrys address is: Resurrection Manor, 265 Westmount Road, North, Waterloo ON Canada N2L 3G7, E-mail: He would love to hear from his former parishioners during this difficult period in his life. Resurrectionist Website The Congregation of the Resurrection, whose members serve our parish, would like to remind you to visit their website: for a weekly reflection on the Sunday scripture readings. You can also place requests for prayer for those in need and the CRs will pray daily for them. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Patricks Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament normally held each Thursday evening in the Church has been suspended until further notice. Banns of Marriage (First) The Banns of Marriage between Mr. Florence Bosco Borges (single) and Miss Jessica Irene Pereira (single) both of Goa, India, is being proclaimed for the first time. A serious obligation rests on everyone of this Parish to reveal to Fr. Paul Voisin, CR, of any known impediment to this proposed marriage. Caritas House of Prayer (236-5877)
Caritas House of Prayer is closed until September 12. If anyone has a suggestion of some prayer form or spiritual instruction he/she would like to see offered at Caritas, please e-mail the Sisters of Charity at The Sisters pray that all have a safe, happy summer, filled with Gods peace and special blessings. Sister Mary Francis has taken very seriously ill and your prayers are requested for her at this time.

Prayers for the Sick If you would like to include the name of a loved one for immediate special prayer, please contact the office at 236-9866 and renew your request by the first week of each additional month. St. Vincent de Paul Society -- Calling All Men! As most people are aware, the Loaves & Fishes Project sponsored by the St. Vincent de Paul Society has been an amazing success for the SVDP Society, but more importantly for members of the Roman Catholic Diocese and the greater Community here in Bermuda and the guests we serve. The St. Vincent de Paul feed an average of 70 80 needy people each Sunday from 5:30-6:60pm. The guests are all ages, races, ethnicities, and genders children and adults. The St. Vincent de Paul are grateful to everyone who is already a part of this programme. However, they need ADULT MALE VOLUNTEERS. They would be very pleased if a Few Good Men would examine their hearts from within and consider donating their time. There are 8 teams scheduled over an 8-week period. As each team consists predominantly of women, St. Vincent de Paul would like to add some men to each team. Every person would have a turn once every 8 weeks. If interested, please contact Joanne Judd at 295-3354 or to discuss further. Are You Thinking of Becoming a Catholic? R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a series of weekly meeting for prayer, study, and discussion. If you, or someone you know are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, R.C.I.A. sessions this year begin in mid-September. Please arrange to meet with Fr. Paul to discuss enrollment into the program by calling the Rectory at 236-9866. Summer Vacations and Departures If you or someone you know will be leaving the Parish (or the Island), please contact the Rectory office so that we can amend our records. Also, remember, that your church still needs your support even when you are away for summer vacation! Alcoholic Anonymous Meetings St. Patricks Parish is the site of Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) meetings every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 7:30 8:30 p.m. in the Rectory basement. Meetings are offered in both English and Portuguese and are open to anyone wanting to stop by. Catholic Questions and Answers
Question Why does the Catholic Church allow Protestant ministers who have converted to Catholicism to become priests if they are married and have children? It would seem that their family would be their priority rather than the Church and the parishioners Answer The Church makes a pastoral provision for the priestly ordination of former Protestant ministers because it seems prudent to allow those who have served as ministers to continue to pursue the calling to ministry that they feel, that they have trained for, and that they have exercised throughout their careers. The prudence of this pastoral provision is especially obvious in the case of Anglican ministers who desire to become Catholic along with their parishes. In such cases, the minister has a special relationship with his parishioners that facilitates the full communion of the entire group. However, in other cases it is true that a minister with a family would have difficulty serving as the pastor of a Catholic parish. In these cases they are not assigned as pastors but serve in another capacity.

Smile for the Day!

--When my daughter was about four years old, she still had a hard time grasping the concept of marriage. So, I got out our wedding album, thinking visual images would help, and explained the entire service to her. Once finished, I asked if she had any questions, and she replied, "Oh. I see. Is that when Mommy came to work for us?"

--A Sunday School teacher decided to have her 2nd grade class memorize Psalm 23, one of the most quoted passages in the Bible. She gave the children a month to learn the chapter. One little boy was excited about the task, but he just couldn't memorize the Psalm. Although he practiced and practiced, he could hardly get past the first line. The day came for the children to recite Psalm 23 before the congregation. The little boy was nervous. When his turn came, he stepped up to the microphone and proudly said, "The Lord is my Shepherd and that's all I need to know!

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