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ATC Seismic evaluation and retrofit of concrete buildings Volume 1 OTC Applied Technology Council CALIFORNIA SEISMIC SAFETY COMMISSION Proposition 122 Seismic Retrofit Practices Improvement Program Report SSC 96-01 Applied Technology Council ‘The Applied Technology Council (ATC) is a non: profit, vax-exempt corporation established in 1971 throogh the efforts of the Structural Engineers Asso- ciation of California, ATC i guided by a Board of Directors consisting of representatives appointed by the American Society of Civil Engineers. the Strue- tural Engineers Association of California, the Western States Council of Structural Engineers Assceiations, And four at-large representatives concerned with the practice of siriciural engineering. Fach director serves a three-year term. ‘The purpose of ATC is to assist the design practitio. ner in structural engineering (and related design spe- cialty fields such a5 seils, wind, and carthquake) in the task of keeping abreast of and effectively using technological developments. ATC also identifies 22d encourages needed research and develops consenstis pinions on structural engineering isqucs in a nenpro- prictery format, ATC thereby fulfills a unique role in funded information transfer Project management and administration are carried ‘out by a full-time Executive Director and support staf. Project work is conducted by 2 wide range of Inighly qualified consuhing professionals, thus incor- ‘porating the experience of many individuals from ‘academia, research, and professional practice who ‘would not be available from any single organization. Funding for ATC projects is obtained from govern ‘meat agencies and fram the private sector im the forrn of tax-deductible contributions. 1996-1997 Board of Directors John ©, Theiss, President ©. Mark Saunders, Vice Presiden [Bijan Moh Sectetary/Treasurer Edwin 7. Horton. Past Presicent Amthor NL. Chit don M. Coil Edwin T, Dean Robert G, Dean Douglas A. Foutch James R. Libby Kenneth A. Luraell Andrew T. Merovich Sea A. Stedman Jonathan. Shipp ‘Charles Thornton California Seismic Safety Commission ‘The California Seismic Safeiy Commission consists of fifteen members appointed by the Governor sn ‘(wo members representing the State Senate and Sue Assembly. Disesplines represented on the Commis sion include seismology. engineering, geology. fire protecnon, emergency services, public utilities, insur. ance, social services, ocal government, building code enforcement, planning and archivecture As @ nonpartisan, single-purpose body. the mission of the Commission i to improve the well being of the people of Califoria through costeffective measures that lower earthquake risks 19 life and property. It sponsors legislation and advocates building code changes to improve buildings and other facilities, provides « foram for representatives ofall public and private interests and academic disciplines related to ‘earthquakes, and publishes reports, poliey recommen dations, and guides to improve public safety in earth- guakes. |i. works toward Jong-term improvements inal arcas affecting seismic safety by: encouraging and assisting local governments, state agencies, and businesses 10 implement mitigation measures 10 make sure that they will be able to operate after earthquakes: establishing priorities for action 1o reduce earthquake risks; identi- Tying needs for eanhquake education, research. and legislation: and reviewing emergency response, re covery, and reconstruction efferts after damaging ccarthquakes s0 that lessons learned can be applied 10 future earthquakes. Current (1996) Commission Members Lloyd 8. Clu. Chairman James E Slosson, View Chairman “Alfed E. Alquist State Senator Dominic L, Corese, State Assemblyman Hal Bernson erry © Chang, oben Downer Frederick M. Herman Jeffrey Fohoson Corie Lee Gary L. MeGavin ame! Shapire Lowell E, Shields Pawicis Snyder Keitter M, Wheeler H.Roben Wise Disclamer While the information presented in this report is betieved to be correc. the Applied Technology Council and the California Seismic Safery Commission assume no responsibil for its accuracy or for the opinions expressed herein, The material presented in this publication should noi be used or relied upon for any specific application without competent examination and verification ofits accu racy. suitability. and applicability by qualified professionals, Users of information fom this publi cation assume all Hability arising from such use. Cover Mutation: Sta OMe Bldg, 12nd N Ss, Sacramenc. CA. provided by Chas Amp ATc-40 Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Concrete Buildings Volume 1 by APPLIED TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL 555 Twin Dolphin Drive, Suite $50 Redwood City, California 94065 SEISMIC SAFETY COMMISSION State of California Products 1.2 and 1.3 of the Proposition 122 Seismic Retrofit Practices Improvement Program PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Craig D. Comartin CO-PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR PROJECT DIRECTOR Richard W. Niewiarowski SENIOR ADVISOR Christopher Rojaha Report No, SSC 96-01 ‘November 1996

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