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____________________ Signature of Evaluator



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Q1 Explain with the help of specific examples, four different ways in which positive non verbal communication can create a better work environment.

Answer: 1. Proxemics Proxemics is derived from the word proximity or closeness and is the communication term for personal space and distance. The space and distance which we choose to keep from people is also part of non-verbal communication. Each of us has our own inner and outer circles, which differ for different people. Our inner most circle is an intimate space, into which we generally admit only select people such as family and close friends. Next comes a personal space which might include other friends and colleagues or coworkers. These two spaces involve communication of an informal nature. Most of us also have a social and public space, which includes official or workplace relationships, where the communication is of a more formal nature. In a business context, it is more relevant to understand the concept of fixed space and semi-fixed space. Fixed space means that the physical features of the work environment such as furniture, room size and seating arrangement are permanent. This conveys an impression of formality. On the other hand, semi -fixed space means that certain elements of the environment can be changed for example, the seating arrangement could be changed and this conveys an impression of informality. Sometimes, use of space at the workplace can determine leadership positions. For example, seating at the head of the table conveys leadership or authority. A round table meeting, however, conveys the idea of equality, since no one can be seated at the head of the table! All points of a circle are the same. That is why when heads of

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state meet (as in UN Security Council meetings), it is always a round table discussion, since all heads are equal. Space should therefore be used carefully in a work environment, so as to convey the right impressions. 2. Time Language This refers to the meaning or importance attached to time and varies between different people. One person may value time more than another. Similarly, time language also varies across cultures. In most western cultures for example, punctuality is considered to be important. Arriving late for a business meeting is inexcusable. In other cultures, it is more relaxed and time is not given that much importance. We convey messages to others through the time we spend on a work related activity or by the importance that we give to time. Arriving early at work or for a job interview shows interest, involvement and seriousness. Spending time with an employee and giving him suggestions on how to improve his performance shows interest and involvement in his career growth. 3. Paralanguage Para means like or similar to, therefore paralanguage means like language. Of all the forms of non-verbal communication, paralanguage is closest to verbal communication. It refers to the tone of voice with which something is said. In other words, it is how something is said, and not what is said. The tone of voice includes the pitch (high or low pitch), the pace (slow or fast) the emphasis on words and the volume (soft or loud) and can convey different moods and emotions. Example: The statement I practice good business communication can be understood in different ways, depending on the emphasis on certain words. Saying I practice good business communication means that I alone practice it above anyone else. On the other hand, saying I practice good business communication could be interpreted to mean that you communicate particularly well in a business context, rather than in a general context. The important point to keep in mind regarding tone of voice is to avoid mixed signals that is, making sure that what you say is consistent with how you say it.

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4. Physical Context This refers to the physical environment or surroundings within which we communicate and includes two aspects 1) color and layout and 2) design. Colors are known for their symbolic meaning and have associations with different feelings. For example, colors like black and grey are associated with death, mourning and negative feelings. Yellow and green are associated with more positive feelings. Of course, these can also vary across cultures. The point to remember is that you can make the right impressions with use of the right colors. Layout in a work environment refers to the size of an office, or the arrangement of furniture. Design refers to the type of chairs, desks or carpeting. All these can convey status, formality or informality. We have seen how the types of non-verbal communication outnumber the types of verbal communication. Non-verbal communication is an important supplement to verbal communication and can enhance verbal communication, if used in a positive way. The sender should use the right non-verbal cues to convey a positive message, while the receiver should learn to look for unintended messages conveyed by non-verbal communication.

Q 2. Explain the difference between corporate and product advertising. Give two examples of corporate advertising with two different objectives.

Answer: Advertisements in the mass media such as magazines, newspapers and television are used by organizations to communicate with prospective customers, both about the organization, as well as its products. Advertising may therefore be categorized into two broad types corporate advertising and product advertising.

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Corporate advertising may be defined as advertising that sells the organization to its various publics. In this case, the organization is the product. Corporate advertising is more a public relations activity than a form of advertising, since it has no commercial purpose. Its aim is merely to inform and to build a positive image of the organization. Product advertising on the other hand, aims to persuade prospective customers to buy the organizations products or services. Its ultimate purpose is to sell the organizations products. Difference between corporate and product advertising:Corporate Advertising 1. Corporate advertising is defined as advertising that sells the organization to its various publics. In this case, the organization is the product. 2. Corporate advertising is more a public relations activity than a form of advertising, since it has no commercial purpose. Its aim is merely to inform and to build a positive image of the organization 3. Corporate advertising is expensive, since it has to be done in a sustained manner. For example, Birla, Indias leading industrial house has been doing corporate advertising since it first started as a trading company. Product Advertising Product advertising on the other hand, aims to persuade prospective customers to buy the organizations products or services. Its ultimate purpose is to sell the organizations products. In product advertising, the message must be persuasive enough to convince people to buy the product, or at least try it out once.

Product Advertising is less expensive rather than Corporate advertising for example, An advertisement for Heinekin, a famous brand of beer, features a visual of the product with a single line caption that says When you make a great beer, you dont have to make a great fuss. The message conveyed is that the product speaks for itself and that words are not required to

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describe its qualities.

Two Examples of corporate advertising with two different objectives:While the overall objective of corporate advertising is to project a positive image of the organization as a whole, some of the specific objectives include the following 1) To create positive attitudes towards the organization Sometimes, consumers may have negative perceptions towards an organization, based on the belief that the organization is not a responsible corporate citizen. For example, they may believe that that the organization is responsible for environmental pollution, or destruction of forests and other natural resources. In such a situation, corporate advertising aims to create a more positive attitude towards the organization, by correcting these beliefs. Example There was a negative perception among consumers that Nike was using child labor in some of its factories, to manufacture sports shoes. Corporate advertising helped to overcome these perceptions. 2) To project the personality, culture and values of an organization The Tatas and the Birlas have been the oldest and the most frequent users of corporate advertising, to communicate about their entrepreneurial ability, culture and values, as Indias leading industrial groups. Even countries may use this form of advertising to achieve similar objectives. Example Dubai advertises to project an image of itself as a land of investment, sports and investment opportunities.


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Q3. You have been asked to make a presentation on Edunxt, the technology enabled learning platform, to prospective students. Develop an outline of a presentation, explaining your choice of visual aids and your style of delivery.

Answer: EduNxtTM is the next generation learning system that fully integrates technology with modern teaching techniques to create a virtual classroom where students sitting at different geographies can learn from distinguished faculty and each other EduNxtTM was launched by SMU-DE in May 2009 by Steve Ballmer, CEO Microsoft Corp. USA and Anand Sudarshan, CEO Manipal Education to fulfill the following objectivesObjectives:

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Take the fruits of online learning to all the Distance Education students of SMU-DE spread across various geographies. Impart quality education through cutting edge technology Create a sense of togetherness among the members and different stakeholders of the huge SMU community within the platform Benefits: Easy to use delivery system. Enables a collaborative and interactive environment for learning including small group mentoring, virtual classrooms, simulation, self-study content, recorded presentations and shared browsing. EduNxtTM functions on the principle of 3As + 4Cs. (The 3 as of Affordability, Accessibility and Appropriateness are the guideline to scaling up EduNxtTM across distributed learning. The 4Cs of Content, Collaboration, Communication and Computing are the basis of developing EduNxtTM into a means of disseminating education among the not-so-privileged or the infrastructure challenged) Edunxt supports all courses offered by SMU-DE. The Edunxt Edge First of its kind learning environment in India: innovation from Manipal Education thus shifts the education paradigm from being faculty-centric to a learnercentric environment. Manipal Education is partnering with Microsoft, BSNL and netbook OEM suppliers, thus infusing technology into both teaching delivery and learning enablement. Edunxt empowers students with anywhere, anytime access. Students will now experience a portable campus, carry along mentors and will have access to over one million online books and journals all at their fingertips! We see this innovation providing significant impetus to the higher education enrolment rate, employability and positively influence the economy of our

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country. Manipal Education is partnering with Microsoft, BSNL and netbook OEM suppliers in an effort to provide quality affordable education coupled with computer access and connectivity, enabling an enriching personalized learning experience for all its students.

Highlights: Self-Learning Material (SLMs) * Assignments * Project Guidelines * Course Guide * Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) * Lecture Session Presentations * Case Studies & Case lets * Discussion Groups on specific topics * Contact faculty members at SMU DDE

Important Links Log on to EduNxtTM at: Experience EduNxtTM at: YouTube channel at:


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Q4. Imagine that you have bought a pack of ready to eat food manufactured and marketed by a well-known Fast Moving Consumer Goods multi-national, during your regular weekly visit to a neighboring supermarket. On opening the pack, you find to your dismay that the contents are spoilt and are not in a condition to be eaten. Write a routine claim letter to the Vice President, Marketing of the company, asking for an adjustment or some kind of action.

Answer: To, 2010. The Vice President (Marketing) Fast Moving Consumer Goods New Delhi Dear Sir, Subject: Inferior quality of Ready to eat food
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30th November

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This is to inform that I am regular customer of Fast moving consumer goods which is multinational brand. I am writing this in regard of my experience with super market of Fast moving consumer goods at M.G. Road Bangalore. I had purchase ready for eat food from super market yesterday. But after opening the packet we found that the contents of the food were spoiled and not in a position to eat. It was expired and then also it was available for sale. This type of stale food is harmful for health and we are not happy with the service provided by your staff. I served the food for my guest which let me down as it was stale food. I would kindly request you to take appropriate action against that food and beverages department. I would request you to refund my money. I am really upset with it as I had lot of faith in Fast moving Consumer goods. This experience will force to think about it in a negative way about the supermarket. I kindly request you to give high priority to our complaint and take appropriate action which would be useful for consumer. Wishing a kind cooperation from you. Sincerely, Ramkumar G 001, Human Nagar.

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Q5. As a student of management, write a report to the Director of your institute, suggesting how the library facilities and procedures may be improved.

Answer: Business Report To, The Director Human Business school People Road, Human Nagar. Date: 30th November 2010. All students of MBA would require effective usage of library facilities from time to time till the completion of Management Programme. Since we all are working professional, I take this opportunity to give some service improvement plan for improvement in our library system which would be beneficial for students in learning the concept and preparation of audit and reports. Online access to library needs to be introduced which would enable student to have free access to latest edition of books available one the database library with details explanations. Library Timings The library needs to be open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on all the working days, and from 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays, Sundays and other holidays.
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Membership Any person above 18 years of age, should become the member of the Library. Separate membership is necessary for Reading Room and Lending Section. For membership one has to apply on prescribed forms. The membership will be provided under certain conditions. Applications for any kind of membership must be accompanied with two passport size photographs (4.5cm x 3.5cm). Two books can be borrowed at a time for a period of 14 days, which can be extended for another 14 days either by phone, or by post or by personal visit. Membership of the Lending division is free, but the borrower has to deposit the amount equal to one and half time of the price of the book. A fine of 10 Rupees per day is charged per book per day for late return. When the borrower wishes to cancel the membership, he/she gets back the money, through a cheque, without any deduction. We need more computers, and video equipment for the students to be able to create active reports. The Library needs a budget to purchase current, updated reference books for the students to use for research. Library catalogue with Author, title and subject for readers. Online access to e-books and publications. Permanent membership card for students for taking books at home for reading. Regular updates of books on Technology, Management, Engineering and Finance section. Audio/Video recorded lectures on DVD. Seminar/webinar on latest technology. In-house availability of online, foreign journals and periodic journals. Newsletter of library needs to be published every month. Improve Services
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Improve study and research environment Easier use for faculty, students Improve teaching services Lengthen hours of opening Improve access to technology-based collections and services. Involve faculty and students in developing alternatives Consultation Focus Groups Survey Other

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Q6. Case Study The Power of Nonverbal Communication Soon after I graduated from engineering college, I accepted a position with the Sundaram Foundry, a medium-sized firm located in a small town in Tamil Nadu. It was a good position, since I was the assistant to Mr.Vishwanath, the General Manager and president of this family owned company, although there were many technical problems, the work was extremely interesting and I soon learnt all about the foundry business.

The foundry workers were mostly older men and were a closely knit team. Many of them were related and had been in the foundry for several years. Therefore, they felt that they knew the business in and out and that a technical education had no value. In fact, Mr.Vishwanath had mentioned to me even at the time of my joining, that I was the only engineer ever to be employed in the foundry. He also let me know that the foundry workers, although a good group, were very clannish, since they had been working together for several years. Therefore, it would probably take them some time to accept me. I introduced myself to the group of foundry workers, a few days after my joining. As I went around in turn, I felt them eyeing me coldly. As I went down the main aisle of the foundry, I heard them talking to each other in low voices and laughing. I found their behaviour to be very childish and felt that it was best to ignore these signs of hostility. I thought that if I ignored them, they would automatically stop these antics. A few weeks after this incident, I happened to visit the enamel shop. As I entered, I noticed a worker cleaning the floor with a hose, from which water flowed at high pressure. I was aware that it was the practice to clean the shop at least once a week. I turned my back on the worker and was busy near a dipping tank, when I suddenly felt the force of a stream of water hitting me. I was almost knocked down by the pressure and slipped on the wet floor. When I turned around, the worker looked
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away in the other direction, as if he had not noticed this happening. However, I was pretty sure that he had intentionally turned the hose on me.

1. What message did the foundry workers and the new engineer convey to each other through their non-verbal behavior? Answer::: The foundry workers were not happy with new engineer working with them. The foundry workers were laughing at new engineer as there was age difference between the foundry workers and engineers. The foundry workers are creating an atmosphere where new engineer should immediately leave the job. There were lot of technical issues since it was a family business the foundry workers were not willing to understand that new engineer can resolve the technical issues. The foundry workers were mostly older men and were a closely knit team. Many of them were related and had been in the foundry for several years. Therefore, they felt that they knew the business in and out and that a technical education had no value. In fact, Mr.Vishwanath had mentioned to him even at the time of my joining, that he was the only engineer ever to be employed in the foundry. He also let me know that the foundry workers, although a good group, were very clannish, since they had been working together for several years. Therefore, it would probably take them some time to accept him. 2. What do you suggest that the engineer should do, after the hosing incident? Answer::: It relates to engineer visit to enamel shop where he found that worker cleaning the floor with a hose from which water flowed from a high pressure since he was busy in dipping tank suddenly he notice that force of stream of water hitting him and he felt down but then also when he looked at the worker he was looked somewhere else nothing happened. It was done intentionally by the workers. It is a sign of insecurity by workers as they feel new engineer might trouble them or take their jobs, this happens in many organizations when you are new to the organization none of the old employees would talk properly as it is a matter of concern for them. My suggestion would be new engineer should not react to such situation and he
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should speak to Vishwanath about the incidents. As he had said it will take some time for them to accept the new engineer. He should keep his cool and should behave in normal way with foundry workers as nothing has happened.


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