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The White House Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release April 28, 2012

WEEKLY ADDRESS: Helping our Veterans and Service members Make Informed Decisions about Higher Education
WASHINGTON, DC In this weeks address, President Obama told the American people about a new Executive Order he signed on Friday to crack down on bad actors that prey on our veterans and service members considering higher education. Unfortunately these brave men and women are often bombarded by schools that provide false or misleading information about things like interest rates on loans, credit transfers, and job placement programs. The Presidents new Executive Order makes it easier for veterans and service members to make informed decisions about financial aid and paying for college and also takes a number of steps to fight deceptive practices by some institutions. President Obama will always make sure that those who serve this country get every opportunity they deserve. The audio of the address and video of the address will be available online at at 6:00 a.m. ET, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address The White House Saturday April 28, 2012 On Friday, I traveled to Ft. Stewart in Georgia to meet with soldiers from the Third Infantry Division. These men and women have fought with bravery and honor in some of the most dangerous places on the planet. Some of them didnt make it back. But those who did are now fighting a different kind of battle here at home. Theyre looking for new jobs, new opportunities, and new ways to serve. For many, that means going back to school and America has a long tradition of making sure our veterans and our men and women in uniform can afford to do that. After World War II, we helped a generation of Americans including my grandfather go to school on the GI Bill. Now, thanks to the 9/11 GI Bill and the Tuition Assistance program, last year we supported

more than half a million veterans and over 300,000 service members who are pursuing a higher education. Thats progress. But its not enough to just help our veterans and service members afford school we need to make sure they have all the tools they need to make an informed decision when it comes to picking the right program. The sad truth is that there are people out there who are less interested in helping our men and women in uniform get ahead and more interested in making a buck. They bombard potential students with emails and pressure them into making a quick decision. Some of them steer recruits towards high-interest loans and mislead them about credit transfers and job placement programs. One of the worst examples was a college recruiter who visited a Marine barracks and enrolled Marines with brain injuries so severe that some of them couldnt recall what courses the recruiter had signed them up for. Thats appalling. Its disgraceful. And even though the vast majority of schools do the right thing, we need to guard against the bad actors who dont. Thats why, on Friday, I signed an Executive Order making life a whole lot more secure for our service members, veterans and their families and a whole lot tougher for anyone who tries to prey on them. Were making sure veterans and service members get a simple fact sheet called Know Before You Owe that lays out all the information they need about financial aid and paying for college. Were requiring schools to offer counseling to help students finish their degree even if they have to move or deploy. And were stepping up our efforts to fight dishonest recruiters by strengthening rules about who can come on base and making it easier to file complaints. When our men and women in uniform succeed, our country succeeds. They have our back now its our turn to have theirs. And as long as Im President, Im going to make sure that anyone who serves this country gets every opportunity they deserve. Thank you, and have a great weekend.


[ Old English e, earlier se < Indo-European] [ Old English hs < Germanic]

The White House

[14th century. < late Latin secretarius "confidential officer" < secretus (see secret)]

Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release April 28, 2012 1help \'help; Southern often 'hep also 'hep\ vb [ME, fr. OE helpan; akin to OHG helfan to help, and perh. to Lith elpti] vt(bef. 12c) 1 : to give assistance or support to ~ a child with homework 2 a : to make more pleasant or bearable : improve relieve bright curtains will ~ the room took an aspirin to ~ her headache b archaic: rescue save 3 a : to be of use to : benefit b : to further the advancement of : promote
[14th century. < Latin relaxare "loosen" < laxus "loose"]

WEEKLY ADDRESS: Helping our Veterans and Service members Make Informed Decisions about Higher Education
de cide \di-'sd, d-\ vb, de ed de ing [ME, fr. L cid cid decidere, lit., to cut off, fr. de- + caedere to cut] vt(14c) 1 a : to make a final choice or judgment about ~ what to do b : to select as a course of action used with an infinitive decided to go c : to infer on the basis of evidence : conclude they decided that he was right 2 : to bring to a definitive end one blow decided the fight
[14th century. Via French < Latin informare "give form to" < forma "shape"]

[15th century. < Latin educat, past participle of educare "bring up, rear," related to educere "lead out" < ducere "lead"]


[w shingtn, w wshingtn] state in the northwestern United States, bordered by British Columbia, Idaho, Oregon, and the Pacific Ocean. Capital: Olympia Population: 6,468,424 (2007 estimate) Area: 184,666 sq km/71,300 sq mi [wshing tnee n],

-Washingtonian adjective


Microsoft Encarta 2009. 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights WASHINGTON, DC In this weeks address, President Obama told the American people reserved. about a new Executive Order he signed on Friday to crack down on bad actors that prey on our

veterans and service members considering higher education.

1bad \'bad\ adj, worse \'wrs\ worst \'wrst\ [ME] (14c) 1 a : failing to reach an acceptable standard : poor a ~ repair job b : unfavorable make a ~ impression c : not fresh : spoiled ~ fish d : not sound : dilapidated the house was in ~ condition 2 a : morally objectionable : evil ~ men b : mischievous disobedient a ~ dog 3 : inadequate or unsuited to a purpose a ~ plan ~ lighting 4 : disagreeable unpleasant ~ news 5 a : injurious harmful a ~ influence b : serious severe in ~ trouble a ~ cough 6 : incorrect faulty ~ grammar 7 a : suffering pain or distress felt generally ~ b : unhealthy diseased ~ teeth 8 : sorrowful sorry feels ~ about forgetting to call 9 a : invalid void a ~ check b : not able to be collected a ~ debt 10 bad derbad destslanga : good great b : tough mean bad ness n

[Pre-12th century. Via French < Latin servitium "servitude" < servus "slave"]

[15th century. Via French < Italian bravo "bold" or Spanish bravo "brave, savage," < Latin barbarus (see barbarous)]

Unfortunately these brave men and women are often bombarded by schools that provide false or misleading information about things like interest rates on loans, credit transfers, and job placement programs.
1. act of placing or being placed: the act of placing or arranging something in a position or location, or the fact of being placed or arranged in this way2. arranging of job or housing: the task of arranging employment or accommodations for somebody, or an instance of this. 1in est \'in-t(-)rst; 'in-t-"rest, -"trest; ter 'in-trst\ n [ME, prob. alter. of earlier interesse, fr. AF & ML; AF, fr. ML, fr. L, to be between, make a difference, concern, fr. inter+ esse to be more at is] (15c) 1 a (1): right, title, or legal share in something (2): participation in advantage and responsibility b : business company 2 a : a charge for borrowed money generally a percentage of the amount borrowed b : the profit in goods or money that is made on invested capital c : an excess above what is due or expected returned the insults with ~

[14th century. Via French < Latin praesident- < present participle of praesidere (see preside)]

The Presidents new Executive Order makes it easier for veterans and service members to make informed decisions about financial aid and paying for college and also takes a number of steps to fight deceptive practices by some institutions. President Obama will always make sure that those who serve this country get every opportunity they deserve.

pre side \pri-'zd\ vi, pre ed pre ing [L sid sid praesidre to guard, preside over, fr. prae- + in tu sti tion \"in(t)-st-'t-shn, -'ty-\ n (14c) sedre to sit more at sit] (1608) 1 : an act of instituting : establishment 1 : to exercise guidance, direction, or control 2 a : a significant practice, relationship, or organization 2 a : to occupy the place of authority : act as in a society or culture the ~ of marriage ; also: president, chairman, or moderator b : to something or someone firmly associated with a place or occupy a position similar to that of a thing she has become an ~ in the theater b : an president or chairman established organization or corporation (as a bank or 3 : to occupy a position of featured university) esp. of a public character ; also: asylum 4 instrumental performer usu. used with at presided at The audio of the address and video of the address will be available onlineat the organ sid at 6:00 a.m. ET, Saturday, April 28, 2012. pre er n
[Late 16th century. < French remarquer < marquer "to mark"]

Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address The White House Saturday April 28, 2012
war [wawr] noun (plural wars)

pre side \pri-'zd\ vi, pre ed pre ing [L sid sid praesidre to guard, preside over, fr. prae- + sedre to sit more at sit] (1608) 1 : to exercise guidance, direction, or control 2 a : to occupy the place of authority : act as president, chairman, or moderator b : to occupy a position similar to that of a president or chairman 3 : to occupy a position of featured instrumental performer usu. used with at presided at the organ pre er n sid

1. armed fighting between groups: a period of hostile relations between countries, states, or factions that leads to fighting between armed forces, especially in land, air, or sea battles The two countries are at war. 2. period of armed fighting: a period of armed conflict between countries or groups during the Vietnam War 3. methods of warfare: the techniques or the study of the techniques of armed conflict 4. conflict: a serious struggle, argument, or conflict between people The candidates are at war.

On Friday, I traveled to Ft. Stewart in Georgia to meet with soldiers from the Third Infantry Division. These men and women have fought with bravery and honor in some of the most dangerous places on the planet. Some of them didnt make it back. But those who did are now fighting a different kind of battle here at home. Theyre looking for new jobs, new opportunities, and new ways to serve. For many, that means going back to school and America has a long tradition of making sure our veterans and our men and women in uniform can afford to do that. After World War II, we helped a generation of Americans including my grandfather go to school on the GI Bill. Now, thanks to the 9/11 GI Bill and the Tuition Assistance program, last year we supported more than half a million veterans and over 300,000 service members who are pursuing a higher education. Thats progress. But its not enough to just help our veterans and service members afford school we need to make sure they have all the tools they need to make an informed decision when it comes to picking the right program. The sad truth is that there are people out there who are less interested in helping our men and women in uniform get ahead and more interested in making a buck. They bombard potential students with emails and pressure them into making a quick decision. Some of them steer recruits towards high-interest loans and mislead them about credit transfers and job placement programs. One of the worst examples was a college recruiter who visited a Marine barracks and enrolled Marines with brain injuries so severe that some of them couldnt recall what courses the recruiter had signed them up for. Thats appalling. Its disgraceful. And even though the vast majority of schools do the right thing, we need to guard against the bad actors who dont. Thats why, on Friday, I signed an Executive Order making life a whole lot more secure for our service members, veterans and their families and a whole lot tougher for anyone who tries to prey on them. Were making sure veterans and service members get a simple fact sheet called Know Before You Owe that lays out all the information they need about financial aid and paying for college. Were requiring schools to offer counseling to help students finish their degree even if they have to move or deploy. And were stepping up our efforts to fight dishonest recruiters by strengthening rules about who can come on base and making it easier to file complaints. When our men and women in uniform succeed, our country succeeds. They have our back now its our turn to have theirs. And as long as Im President, Im going to make sure that anyone who serves this country gets every opportunity they deserve. Thank you, and have a great weekend.


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