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I am going to talk about Colima City. Maybe youll ask yourselves why? Well, I grew up there, my parents, siblings, and all my paternal family live in that city, and Id like you to know some of it. Colima is the capital of the state of the same name, it is in a fertile valley with good economic activity, based on agriculture, cattle and industry, located in the center west of Mexico, and bordered with the state of Jalisco to the east and the state of Michoacn to the southeast, near the Colima Volcano, which divides the small state from that of Jalisco. Also Known as the Volcan de Fuego is considered Mxicos most dangerous active volcano and could be poised for eruption. Several explosive events took place in 1999, and there were two small eruptions in November 2000. Periodic explosions and lava flows have continued to May 2005. Since 2005, there has been little activity. The Name Colima comes from the Nahuatl word Collimait where Colli means: ancestors or gods, and maitl: means domain of .This has been interpreted to mean: Dominion of the old god or god of fire referring to the volcano. Villa de Colima was founded on January 1527, with the name of Villa de San Sebastian. The city of Colima is known as the City of Palms, because of the large number of palm trees that adorn the streets. The seal of the city contains fields of red to symbolize the hot climates and local flora such as: bougainvilleas, pitayas, and palm trees. Blue appear to represent water on which appears an image of King Coliman. Includes an open book (to symbolize the education), the two volcanoes of the state, foliage called lambrequins and xoloitzcuintle dogs, finally we see a floating ribbon with the legend people proud of your people. It is the second largest municipality after Manzanillo by population. FDI Intelligence, a subsidiary of the Financial Times of London, ranked Colima first in small cities and tenth in Latin America as a place to live. It was evaluated under six categories: economic potential, human resources, cost-benefit ratio, quality of life, infrastructure and favorable business environment. THE HISTORIC CENTER. The colonial city was founded in 1527 and contains many historic buildings.

In the historic center of the city is a square the main zcalo called Jardn Libertad (Liberty Garden). It consists of a Kiosk in the center, brought from Belgium in 1891, surrounded by palms and leafy trees. It often hosts live music on weekends. The best known hotel is Hotel Cevallos, located just off the main square, behind a set of arches, has an area under and in front of the arches for outdoor dining. Here and in other restaurants in the city, one can try popular dishes such as: atole with milk, white pozole, white menudo, tatemado, enchiladas dulces, pipian mole, birria and sopes. Stands sell a local drink called bate, a prehispanic drink, which is tick and somewhat gray in color, made from a toasted seed called CHAN or CHIA which is an herb that grows wild among the corn, along with honey or piloncillo, another traditional drink sold on streets and parks is called tuba it is made from flower of a type of palm tree, with apple, cucumber and peanut bits added. On the side of the hotel there is a pedestrian street called Andador Constitucion, It retains traditional businesses such as ice cream, one can see street musicians and artists offering to paint or draw landscapes, people playing chess, and a handcraft store at the end of this street, which focuses on crafts, indigenous clothing and ceramic figures, especially xoloiszcuintle dogs. The cathedral constructed in the Neo-classical style in 1894, but since then it has been renovated various times, often due to earthquake damage. The state government palace is next to the cathedral, it is a building in French Neoclassical design, the facade contains a bell, which is a replica of the one Miguel Hidalgo rang in Dolores Hidalgo and a clock from Germany. On one side of Jardn Libertad is the Museo Regional de Historia or the Regional Museum for Colima, has a number of archeological pieces along with a replica of a shaft tomb, documents and other objects which narrates the history of the estate. On Sunday admission is free. The Piedra Lisa Park is named after a large smooth monolithic stone which was thrown here by the Colima volcano thousands of years ago. According to local legend, visitors to the city who slide down the smooth face of the stone three times are destined to stay or return. This park is also home to an Interactive Science Museum and the Distinguished Mens Roundabout. For some relaxation, you could go to the Metropolitan Regional Park with recreational facilities and zoo.

If you are interested in arts, visit Hidalgo Theatre, the citys main cultural centre. Nearby is the town of Comala, it is also called White Town of America because its constructions have white facades, finished off with red tile roofs that give a very picturesque aspect, is a wonderful little town on the way to the Colima Volcano, Comala has a great garden with an amazing church on one side and on another side is a series of outdoor cafes. The Los Portales brings out free food if you have drinks, and then the mariachis come out. Comala is a definitive visit if you go to Colima. ARCHEOLOGICAL ZONES. There are two archeological zones in the municipality. La Campana is a small archeological site on the outside of Colima that is slowly being restored. El Chanal over an area of 120 hectares, the site has evidence of the extensive use of obsidian and metals such as copper and gold contain many tombs, stairwells on pyramid bases often have glyphs similar to those found in central Mxico which many have a calendar functions. CLIMATE The climate is semi humid with rains in the summer, with average temperature of between 24 and 26C. The city is sometimes affected by hurricanes We have many celebrations throughout the year, when I was child I liked best the feast charro taurina, it occurs during two weeks in mid- February. It consists of daily Processions starting at 11 am from the zcalo in the center of Colima and it ends in Villa de Alvarez rodeo, the feast includes, mojigangos, which are human figures 4-5 meters tall, they are controlled by people within them, along the way they dance to live music and are accompanied by fireworks, folkloric dancers and charros on horseback. Upon arrival at the rodeo you can see a bullfight, followed by a popular festival with live music and food, all this is free. A large wooden bullring is assembled annually with no nails or metal parts called LA PETATERA. I hope you enjoyed this little review of Colima city, and you will visit it soon. Thank you.




el ao de 1986 el Cabildo de Colima convoc a un concurso para la seleccin del escudo oficial, adoptndose como tal el que result triunfante en ese certamen, y que presenta las siguientes caractersticas:

Los campos diestros y siniestros en gules (rojo) simbolizan el clima clido de la regin, lo vistoso de sus bugambilias y las pitahayas; las palmas se colocaron como smbolo de la agricultura del municipio y sus derivados (cocada, alfajor, tuba, etctera)El campo de la punta azur (azul) simboliza los ros y el cielo como marco a la imponente figura del rey de Collimn. El bordado est realizado en color oro por ser la ciudad de Colima el centro de la vida econmica, poltica y cultural de la entidad.

En la punta se coloc un libro abierto que simboliza la historia y la educacin en Colima, por contar con grandes figuras en la labor docente. Los ornamentos exteriores estn constituidos por el timbre que es una representacin alegrica de los cdices y de los lugares con elevaciones importantes, estos se refieren a los volcanes que estn estrechamente ligados con su historia y tradicin. Al centro de los volcanes aparece el holln nhuatl del movimiento, que simboliza los movimientos ssmicos del volcn de fuego.

A los lados del escudo penden lambrequines que simbolizan a la cultura espaola, que junto con la ya existente forjaron la base actual de Colima. Los lambrequines son de color verde, pues simbolizan la bondad de la tierra y la abundante vegetacin del municipio.

Los perros cebados que aparecen como soportes custodios, simbolizan la cermica precolombina que se elabor en la entidad y estn estrechamente relacionados con el sincretismo religioso de los antiguos pobladores de la regin. La piedra lisa forma parte del alma de la ciudad de Colima. Por ltimo en la punta del escudo se aprecia un listn flotante con la leyenda "PUEBLO ORGULLOSO DE SU ESTIRPE".

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