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Uses of Ser 1. To identify or describe a subject. Henry Cisneros es un poltico hispano. 2.

To indicate origin, ownership or the material of which something is made. Esas mesas antiguas son de Espaa. Son de madera. 3. To describe basic characteristics of people, animals, or objects. Sandra Cisneros es una poeta contempornea. Es morena. 4. To indicate time, dates and seasons. Hoy es jueves. Son las ocho de la maana. Es otoo. 5. To indicate the time or location of an event. La fiesta de los estudiantes hispanos es en casa de la maestra. 6. To form certain impersonal expressions. Es importante recordar que los chicanos constituyen una gran parte de la poblacin americana. Uses of Estar 1. To indicate location. Mis abuelos son de Mxico; pero ahora estn en Texas. 2. With the present participle (-ndo verb ending) to form the present progressive. La poblacin de chicanos en Texas est creciendo cada da. 3. With an adjective to describe temporary state or conditions. Emilio est triste hoy porque su novia est peleando con l. 4. With the past participle (-ado ido verb form) to indicate the condition that results from other action. The past participle acts as an adjective and must agree in number and gender with the noun. Pablo escribi una carta. Mam cort las manzanas. La carta est escrita. Las manzanas estn cortadas.

Ser and Estar with Adjectives Some adjectives convey different meanings depending on whether they are used with SER or ESTAR. SER aburrido (boring) bueno (good) interesado (selfish) limpio (tidy) listo (smart) loco (insane) malo (evil) rico (rich with money) verde (green, color) vivo (lively) ESTAR aburrido (bored) bueno (a specific food is good) interesado (interested) limpio (clean) listo (ready) loco (crazy, frantic) mal (sick) rico (food is good) verde (green, not ripe) vivo (alert)

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