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Ingles Did you know that the life originated in the water?

Did you know that most of the planet this covered with water? Did you know that 70% of our body is constituted by water? Did you know that without water we would die and would the animals and the plants die... that is to say... would the life finish?

Probably if... but he/she wanted to sound deep... XD

Because the water serves for: 1. To stay alive (not to die for dehydration) 2. To water the cultivations that we eat for alive manternos 3. To prepare allowances 4. To stay clean to ourselves, our clothes and homes 5. so that in her aquatic species live (fish, cetaceans, mollusks) 6. To refresh of the heat 7. It also serves as energy source 8. To delight with beautiful landscapes (cascades, clouds, lakes, rivers, seas) 9. It is indispensable for industrial ends, those that offer us a better quality of life. 10. It is good to regulate the climate of the earth and to maintain appropriate temperatures.

In conclusion the water is life... Espaol

Saba usted que la vida se origin en el agua? Saba usted que la mayor parte del planeta est cubierto de agua? Saba usted que el 70% de nuestro cuerpo est constituido por agua? Saba usted que sin agua nos iba a morir y morir a los animales y las decir... que la vida termine? Probablemente si... pero l / ella quera un sonido ms profundo. XD porque el agua sirve para: 1. para seguir con vida (no a morir por deshidratacin) 2. Para regar los cultivos que comemos para maternos vivos

3. Para preparar las asignaciones 4. Para mantenerse limpio para nosotros mismos, nuestras ropas y casas 5. Para que en sus especies acuticas viven (peces, cetceos, moluscos) 6. Para refrescar el calor 7. Tambin sirve como fuente de energa 8. Para deleitarse con hermosos paisajes (cascadas, nubes, lagos, ros, mares) 9. Es indispensable para fines industriales, los que nos ofrecen una mejor calidad de vida. 10. es bueno a regular el clima de la tierra y para mantener las temperaturas adecuadas. En conclusin, el agua es vida...

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