Fat Booth

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Qu aspecto tendras con unos kilos de ms? FatBooth es una divertida aplicacin que nos permitir importar nuestra propia foto y ver cmo estaramos con un buen puado de kilos adicionales. El programa bsicamente nos engordar la cara y nos pondr un importante sobrepeso con tan slo pulsar el botn correspondiente. Unos segundos y listo: engordados. FatBooth es una aplicacin entretenida, que si bien resulta bastante breve, tiene su gracia. How would you look with a few more pounds? FatBooth is a fun app that lets you import a picture of yourself and see how you would be with a good amount of additional weight. The program will basically fatten your face and put a layer of fat on you with just the push of a button. A few seconds later and boom: youre fat. Fatbooth is an entertaining app, that, although brief, is very charming.

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