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Making a good speech starts weeks before, through preparation

You should think about themes and points, noting down ideas and sources, crafting phrases and sentences.

Research some salient, accurate and up-date facts and figures

Since the best speeches tell the audience things they didnt know, therefore avoid repeating.


out of the box

Look at the subject differently, great speeches also give the audience insights they didn't have.

This will affect your delivery and how your speech is received. If you dont care about the topic of discussion the others wont pay attention to it.

Always convey a sense of enthusiasm for the subject

This will affect your delivery and how your speech is received. If you dont care about the topic of discussion the others wont pay attention to it.

This will affect your delivery and how your speech is received. If you dont care about the topic of discussion the others wont pay attention to it.

Be different from the previous speaker so you get your audience's attention quickly

If your style is the same as what they have just heard, they may tune out easily. Therefore, if possible, try to find out as much as you can about the speaker before you.

This will affect your delivery and how your speech is received. If you dont care about the topic of discussion the others wont pay attention to it.

Know what you want to achieve with your audience and aim for it

Remember to keep your message to the point, on target and focused. Do not attempt to try to tell your audience everything because that is impossible in a short speech. Pick the most important points always.

This will affect your delivery and how your speech is received. If you dont care about the topic of discussion the others wont pay attention to it.

Have a very

clear structure

A good structure is for the core message to be three linked points which can be subdivided as necessary.

This will affect your delivery and how your speech is received. If you dont care about the topic of discussion the others wont pay attention to it.

Make a dramatic opening

which seizes the attention with the very first words. You have no luxury of warming up your audience as you sometimes can do in a longer talk or a seminar. You must make the first impression the best.

Don't make a rambling opening

There is nothing worse than the speaker who starts with something like: "When I was asked to speak on this subject, I wondered what to say .."

This will affect your delivery and how your speech is received. If you dont care about the topic of discussion the others wont pay attention to it.

Be aware of covering the whole topic

Two or three ideas are the most that you can convey in one short speech. In some cases, you are better off to keep it to one idea with a couple of points. Trying to say too much will just make you have to talk really fast and still not get the topic covered.

This will affect your delivery and how your speech is received. If you dont care about the topic of discussion the others wont pay attention to it.

Finish with a strong, affirmative statement

Possibly referring back to the opening sentence or question (note how many film scripts end with a variation of a line from the beginning of the movie). Remember that is clearer to make circular speeches

This will affect your delivery and how your speech is received. If you dont care about the topic of discussion the others wont pay attention to it.


in mind your time limit

Practice first just the speech to see if it flows well. Then, repeat the process using a timing device (watch, clock).If the speech is too long, cut unnecessary words. If it is too short, add more material.

This will affect your delivery and how your speech is received. If you dont care about the topic of discussion the others wont pay attention to it.

Use a narrative or a story

Stories really engage listeners and give a speech direction and flow. For instance, you might be describing how you chose your career or enjoyed a holiday or how a company found success or came to change strategy. PD: Stories work but DONT use them always...

This will affect your delivery and how your speech is received. If you dont care about the topic of discussion the others wont pay attention to it.

Put the main verb early in the sentence

Especially if it is a long sentence. So, not: "When we have all the facts and we have considered all the options, we shall make our decision". But instead: "We shall make our decision, when we have all the facts and we have considered all the options"

This will affect your delivery and how your speech is received. If you dont care about the topic of discussion the others wont pay attention to it.

Use striking adjectives and adverbs.

Since they enrich the sentences. Not simply: "We face many challenges" but "We face many exciting challenges". Not simply: "We will work on our problems" but "We will work energetically on our problems".

This will affect your delivery and how your speech is received. If you dont care about the topic of discussion the others wont pay attention to it.

Consider the use of striking images in the form of metaphors or similes

Since they capture the attention of the audience and help you to transmit a message. Some of the greatest speakers did it, for example: "an iron curtain" (Winston Churchill, 1946), "a paper tiger" (Mao Zedong, 1946),"the axis of evil" (George Bush, 2002)

This will affect your delivery and how your speech is received. If you dont care about the topic of discussion the others wont pay attention to it.

Use contrasts

They are also very effective in conveying a message differently. For example: "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country" (John F Kennedy, inaugural address, 1961) or "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" (Martin Luther King, letter from jail, 1963).

This will affect your delivery and how your speech is received. If you dont care about the topic of discussion the others wont pay attention to it.

Use three-part lists

Technically this figure of speech is called a tricolon and it helps to convey ideas quickly in an organized and different way. For example: "Government of the people, by the people, and for the people" (Abraham Lincoln)

This will affect your delivery and how your speech is received. If you dont care about the topic of discussion the others wont pay attention to it.


can be very

Especially for recalling the main idea (and/or the key words) of your speech. Nevertheless be careful when you use repetition, because if you exceed in its use it seems like if you dont know what to say.

This will affect your delivery and how your speech is received. If you dont care about the topic of discussion the others wont pay attention to it.

When you are not using a microphone

Be aware of the need to speak sufficiently loudly that the furthest member of your audience can hear you clearly. Take the opportunity to move around a little which will help to command attention.

This will affect your delivery and how your speech is received. If you dont care about the topic of discussion the others wont pay attention to it.

If you are using a microphone

Speak at normal volume, but a little more slowly and distinctly than if you were not using amplification. Don't move around because you'll leave the microphone behind (unless it is fixed to you)

This will affect your delivery and how your speech is received. If you dont care about the topic of discussion the others wont pay attention to it.

Occasionally alter the pace and tone of your voice

Speaking slower or faster and quieter or louder and being more cheerful or more serious all adds dramatic effect and keeps the attention of your audience.

This will affect your delivery and how your speech is received. If you dont care about the topic of discussion the others wont pay attention to it.

Give yourself a time to pause

Specially before starting your delivery. If you are nervous as a speaker, it gives you time to take a few shallow breaths and calm those nerves. In any event, it gives the audience an opportunity to settle down and focus on you and your message. But it should be a few seconds only. Also make clever use of the pause. If you expect laughter or applause or you would like to create a sense of drama, pause for a couple of seconds, before continuing your speech.

This will affect your delivery and how your speech is received. If you dont care about the topic of discussion the others wont pay attention to it.

Sweep your eyes regularly

Left-centre-right and back and front-middlerear and back, so that you engage all members of your audience. Avoiding eye contact is considered rude (and renders you a suspicious character).

This will affect your delivery and how your speech is received. If you dont care about the topic of discussion the others wont pay attention to it.

Use your hands expressively

Hands can tell people youre absentminded. If you fuss with your clothing, repeatedly stroke your hair or brow, tap your fingers on the desk, or fidget with this and that, onlookers will be distracted by this unproductive (and usually distracting) activity. Make plans for hands.

This will affect your delivery and how your speech is received. If you dont care about the topic of discussion the others wont pay attention to it.

Don't try to impress with over-complicated terminology.

For example: When he was Labour's Shadow Chancellor, Gordon Brown famously praised "neoclassical endogenous growth theory and a symbiotic relationship between investment in people and infrastructure". In the introduction to his compilation "Speeches That Changed The World", Simon Sebag Montefiore states: "As a rule, simplicity of language marks superb speeechmaking".

I hope to see you this Saturday putting these tips into practice!

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