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Asking for and giving opinions a la (ltima) moda adems barato(a) caro(a) costar (ue) Es un robo!

ese(a) este(a) feo(a) la ganga pasado(a) de moda pequeo(a) quedar bien/mal tener razn in (the latest) style besides inexpensive expensive to cost It's a rip-off! that this ugly bargain out of style small to fit well/badly to be right

Colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .See p. 273 Asking for and offering help in a store el abrigo la blusa la bolsa las botas los calcetines la camisa la camiseta cerrar (ie) la chaqueta el/la cliente de algodn/lana/seda el/la dependiente devolver (ue) En qu le puedo servir? Nada ms estoy mirando. la falda llevar Me gustara... (over)coat blouse purse boots socks shirt T-shirt to close jacket client, customer (made of) cotton/wool/silk salesclerk to return something How can I help you? Im just looking. skirt to wear I would like . . .

el nmero un par de... el saco las sandalias el sombrero el suter la talla la tienda de ropa el traje de bao usar el vestido los zapatos (de tenis)

(shoe) size a pair of . . . jacket, sports coat sandals hat sweater (clothing) size clothing store swimsuit to use, to wear dress (tennis) shoes

los pantalones (cortos/vaqueros) pants (shorts/jeans) para hombres/mujeres/nios for men/women/children

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