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Cover: Keith Arnatt Sef'Burial (leln s on Intnfrenre Pmjr) r969 (detail of fig.29) Frontispiere: Vctor Burgin Possession 1976 (detail of fig.54) rsrx r 85437 4 385 A cataloguerecord for this book is available from the British Library Published by order of Tlte tustees byTate Publishing, a division of Tate Enterprises Ltd Millbank, London swlP 4RG
tL/ I ete 2002

ForPeter Knin and

All righ* reserved. PaulWood has assertedhis motal right to be identified as the author of this work Cover designedby Slatter-Anderson, London. Book designedby IsambardThomas. Printed in Hong Kong by South Sea International PressLtd.

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AppnoncHGorcrpruru rNG Anr

As befits an art of the mind,'Conceptual art'posesproblems right from the start.What was it?When was it? (Is it still around or is it'history'?)Where was 'X' ir ?Who made it ? (Are we to consider a Conceptualartist or not?)And of course,the umbrella-question: whyl Why produce a form of visual art premised on undercutting the two principal characteristicsof art as it has come down to us inWestern culture, namely the production of objects to look at, and the act of contemplative looking itself (fig.r)? This is not just a rhetorical device with which to open a book on the subject. These are real questions. It is not at all clear where the boundaries of 'Conceptual art' areto be drawn, which artists and which works to include. Looked at in one way, Conceptual art gets to be like Lewis Carroll's Cheshire cat, dissolving awayuntil nothing is left but a grin: a handful of works made over a few short yearsby a small number of artists, the most important of whom soon went on to do other things. Then again,regardedunder a different aspect,Conceptual art can seemlike nothing lessthan the hinge around which the past turned into the present: the modernist past of painting as thefine art, the canon from C6zanneto Rothko, versusthe postmodernist present where contemporary exhibition spacesare full of anything and everlthing, from sharks to photographs, piles of rubbish to multi-screen videos - full, it seems, of everything exceptmodernist painting. Moreover, Conceptual artt legacy is exceptionally argumentative.Most of the major players are still living, and matters of status and priority are jealously guarded.In the mid-r99os, members and ex-membersof the English group Art & Languageconducted a war of words in print about the history of their

uerfrsnu pue Jatrur aqr lq paloydrua tsJUuaag aleq ol tno suJnt,tre tdaruo3, asuqd aqt tng '.rry pnrdaruo3 go pu.rno{ aq1,'Surptaq-gns ?qt re^or '596rur osyy'696r slr uo parntealaSan?uuT-lty letrpouad rl{t Jo rnssl tsry llt slq ur put L96r w,uv Intderuo3 rtrv pnrdaruo3 uo saru?tuas, lyruonbasqns uo sqder8rrrd, srq paqsrTqnd rrr,4&a'IIoS lsnre ueruaruv *lI'usIIErIpEr prnrlod put IrJnllnr SursearlurJo arerurll E uI 'Jrtlto oqt uo ruslurapotrAl Jo uortntrtsul aqr qrl^{ puq auo aqt uo sarrtrerd,lruJo;-ItrrE,snoIJEA PUElrE lEurrurtrI Jo uorsrllof, aq] ruoS lno-llJ Jo Pull E :solll^IltrePasEg -ssarord pur -lqdr.rSoroqd '-a8en8url go ',r ot rgar ot arurt llt tE prsn Surag'6ua;rnr Flrrotsrq perl turet aqa'sol,6r pur so96rrtEI aqt ur p?qsrrnog ot,trr yrntdaruo3, leqr arrtre;d apreS-tuerre tuJo; Iruolsrq e ot JaJaJ Jo asuqd aqt pasn trpea4e a^rq I'rualgo.rd e;o Surqtaruossluasardarueullt ua^E srlirvN 'l.rorsrq rre Jo r)grpr ll) otur pare^al ag leru r.repnrdaruo3 Jo tunol paqsru5 {1n3 e tpg,u uror3 lurod ueparurrlrrv ?qt patetrol stq loog luasa.rdeqt tqt arunsseot ollu rg plno^r tr s^raraSurtsr.rtuor qlns Jo DEJ rqt uI'suortntrtsur IrJntlnJ go anbrlrD e seru arrtrr:d,tsrpntdaruor, rlgrsugrp lluo agr 'qogtrng.roglasald pursnpur-lsod 'pua8eueu str ur usryelrdf,uJatsal\Jo saJn]rnJlsaq1SuuoJnu se 'sr lql ',uorteJtsrurupE rrlaqlsar rrt, urql ssalSunpou ag ot sJauortrrrerdSurpeal Jo s, yentdaruo) Jo auos tsal lE Jo ryo,n arll pa8pnl rloglng unue(uag 'tred srq roJ 'ltrrtrrltrtu rnq Sunltlur a.rraruapuadrpur rrtaqtsar pur lrrurapour ue 'ulg roC'aruepuedapur prrtur s,trJo spuno.r8 Fnos qtr^r tuarua8r8ua ?qt Jo uortliluJo;-ar f.lrssarau r sEtnq ',bru.rapourIrrf,os qtr,&{ luarua8r8ua -ar E Jo atueu aqt ur saldnuud tsrurapour >learge se ]ou'dno.r8 a8en8uel uosrrreH srlrerl3 E ]rV llt Jo >lro.{rarlt ll.relnrrued'ue pnrdaruo3 spreSa.r uer.rotsrgpu frtrr) eq1'ra.uod ufrJeruv Jo sarntfnJls Japr.treqr ot tuar]J tr1a?rc1aq plaq Jlrstr 'usrurrpour Jo sloroto.rd Suruguor pur rrterf,ntarnq or oqt Jo aeg >le?rqot 'stsrtJuetrrJarsvuD-I put uauro,r lg rsraytou 'suoga sp.reddrl'snsuosuof e JoJo llor.rers po8rauraa,rer1 Jo las r papruoJqtr podso.rta.r Irrlt tre pnrdaruo3 Jo stunorr Irrrotsrqeqr'sarndsrpqlns ol uortrppe uI 'lrraJa^roq,u suerJotsnl llpasoddns lll Jou 'eJ-aql Jo s.&arlJraoaartetrJoqrne arJ^roq.{{ asorll Jo sarJoruaur Jeqlrau palsnJl aqs ltl{f 6urlu^r 'aJuetJodrxr aqt slr urrldxa or dn panonb ^rou oq.&{ asoql uo rrq8rr ra.l tas Jlasrrrl p.reddll 'aprs 'so55r agt ;o(eur e uo palernr ag or ue8aguE Inldaruo),lerJrotsl{, uar1.u 'pauaddeg llpntre tq.&r ur 'r?rBIgen141 Jo,, e uqt arour ?ptrl ul patlnsar ter{t ,tllJJpeq Jo )te ,we ' ,,{tetfrgr, pue ,8ursn;uor, st,tr lunof,f,Es p.reddrl 'Jauqrog rog 'pouad atlt 7o Surpealatlt'uwofily 3o sa8edarp ur uoltturuapuol qrurg pue toor e qr;'t 'sn^xts looq ntqu zL6r or 996r uro;; l.rr Fntdatuo] ur sluaudolalap anSoprer or tduranr spreddrl ,{tnltyt:. arp paroar8rrurllog IatrI rsrrru)rraruv arlt'f L6r sefy.rea sy'uouaurouaqd ^rau r tou sr stt1tpuv 'sur8uo s,tuaur?oru aqt ur alor srq 8ur'frspg jo Jo wtqpesn:opeq qolqrng raUE serqpue rlo1llng urureluag utlrotsry eqt pasnll qtnso) qdaso{ tsrtrt arlt 'uouaurouaqd Itrrrotsnl E s tr FntdlluoJ la.Lrns ot uortrgrqxa ro(rur ts.rgillt 'suEd ur noprduro6 artual at4tte prydatuol ua.I ot:nSoptrr 696r arp u1 'sol,6r-pnu aqt ur sartrlrtrr

Henry Flynt ase:irlyas196rin the conrextof activities associated wjth the Fluxus grorrp in NewYork.In an essay subsequer.rtlv published ir.rthe Fluxtrs Anthologl1961'), Flynt wrote that "'Concept Art" is first of all an art of which the materialis "colrcepts"', going on to mrke the point that,'since"conce;rts" areclosely bound up with lalrguage, conceptart is a kind of llt of rolrich the r.naterial lar.rguage'. as central a figrrreas Lucy Lippard has commented is Yet, flatly that Flynts Fluxus-inspired sense of'Concept Art'had ljtrlc ro clo wirh what sheunderstood as the key activities of tlre Conceptrral art r':rngrrar.l in 'few NewYork in the mid- to late-r96os: of the artists with whorn I ir',rs

1 Josph Kosuth ldea [Meaning] 196T )

119.4 119.4 x t,47 47) x Thelveni Colection,

involvedknew about it, and in any case wasa differentkird of "cr,trcc1-.. it The point here is rol that a discussionof antecedents should be exclu.{,:.1 tion.r a study of Concel'tualart, brrt that, in wriring histories :rrt,ne h;u.' r,r L'c of wary of making plausible-soun.ling historicalconnections art rhar mar harc had lessimpact on the actualmakino of art acrhc trmc rh-rLr rctr..'L.ccrrvc genealogists would like. It is with srrchissuesin mincl that we haveto be awareof a thircl rerm rhar 'conceptu:ilisn'. hascone into increasing currency. The term is and ir hasrnore than one inllection. On the hand, rhere is a use of this word f:rvour.t'.1 L'r'

2 fhzimirMalevich

PnrconomoNs PrnsPEcnvEs nno

The relationship between Conceptual art and modernism is a fraught issue. What we can say with some certainty is that modernism in the dominant form it had come to take in the Anglo-American world at least, that is to say as theorised by the critic Clement Greenberg and frequently dignified with a 'IVl, capital went into deep, arguably terminal, crisis in the late r96os.This was a spectacularfall. But it was not the first. The modern movement underwent an earlier crisis, from which it recovered,and from which modernism in the so'Greenberqian called senseemergedto become dominant. We need to establish a view of this M/modernism, tf,. b.m.. to comprehend Conceptual artt challengeto it. In doing so, we also need to encounter early modernismt'other': the historical avant-garde(a distinction I owe to the German historian Peter Brlrger).

BlackSquare1915 Oiloncanvas 80 x 80 (31% 31%) x Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Early modernism was transcultural and transhistorical in its sweep.The Bloomsbury critics Clive Bell and Roger Fry famously isolated the essential featureof art as'form':'significant form'for Bell,'expressive form'for Fry. For Bell and Fry and others, modern art as it had been establishedby Ctzanneheld out the promise of escapingfrom the weight of academictradition through this emphasison pictorial form.This, it was clairned, could affect the emotions of the sensitivespectator in away comparableto the effectsof sound in music; that is, independently of what the forms may happen to depict. It is easyto seehow this kind of thinking coincided with practical movestowards a fully abstract

to slualgord tlrl]Blp l rnuatod Poo,!\ Ptre a.rl,4t 'PrtoqPrEtr 'Ieraru Jo Dafqo uDIgoJo uE sPrur PErlre^eoq { .ro urltBf rruIIPE]A'osstlld olqd sruo 'reqr s.'l'l ar{I'txaluof, IJE lle :lxaluol u3rle u3 olw asnJo lxaluotr rrulou llaql ulog ruaqt tueldsu"rt ot pur 's8uqr urrerrpn dreulpro slng'srafqo ue st aptur uaaq lltuuo rou peg regr sna(qo aler or urBag druegrnq't16r selyrta sy .DSrN0C ',sapeulpra.r,arp :r:e pudaruo3 arp go s.rossarapard st passeawr

llapur uaaq arurs aatq uoDsanbut sryo r aqf Jlalr uortlt$sqe go erurS::ur: aqt quu dlsnoawrlmurs 'p:lg8rlq8rq llarnre durerpng larwyq ra.p rualqord Jo PuDI sqr $ rI T1 sfaluoP or Perr qsnrq t dg aPPuId tnDt ,3uEuIEd, tlrsge uE ra^o plrll 3wre,u olur rnur e 3uryul jo a1o[ lsrprc3-lurae l1.rea arua11'uoodue1;o3 adu ruarsls t ,{1:ta1c oslt s ,,huorpneprlrrrtr aql uo lu:puadap uarsls y ')ulJf, uE aqt dlpslurod arour ro 'lsrtJE aql Jo PJo,4{ 01 u,4{oPalutr srql 3rp r.rrue:d u; aosop or sle1rrlJlpJl-l^r :o -,llrplol ruaqlset, ue ',luoruwrl r IEIUTOJr s.tntnsuor srnolor PUE sadals 3o uonern8guor :tprrued e ;aqraq,u&s or lrrroqtnr 3ql serloql6'a)uolsrx? slr lnoq8norgl ]ft Derrsq Paruneqa^q urErrrJl,,lr :eq: sra8uep'sr;8uep '.r3^3^1oq 'luoPaaS sql P3urr 'llB uo sluransuotr IuoIlIPE:Il ruog ruoPaag lwlrurotruotr r Pu 'atruassa e.1oelods Jruourd.royq:.rcas uon-rer.rsqy paroldxa pw pJreJoqeJJ 'padola,rapaq uaqr uer grrq,r 'a8en8uey,neu e ur p:o,,!l tsrg ar{t rll Surqlaruosse spwls uanbgyqg a,qt 'leu srp ur papr8aa 'stuauoduror 3o las lre.nsqe dla.rnua ue ruog Suuurtd e dn Supynq ;o rnq 'p1;o,u aqr ;o e8eurr ue urog a.rnDrd e u.aop Suqeo:q '6{rqlssqd 3ql or dr:I e,meurStur ue sEpaquf,s?paq lluo uEt 'slsrlrc 3o rou qtog roJ rpaAoIIoJ t"ql!\.pFo.{1 3prs]no alqe .rrsqo uE 01 aruaJajalJo uroqs 'u rcurrsqe/1ry e;o 6{lglnod aqt qs{gets. ot se { la^e^torl'3uop a^qor uaas saop tr rtqlA e;rl ]lns puE alnlrct;od ':derspuel serpns sa:ua8ur paroo; rls rnq 'frrpar ruorglarrr.rrsqE, lr ur ur Sunlnsar 'JEJ luo^{ l1uo srslpur pnsr.r 3o os ssaro:d srqt lng's8unultd:taqt uro.r;p]ro,,!r Jo samta;alqesruSorar aqt &,tt rr.nsgr ot un8:g ptg'ir /tr6r noqe ytun zr/t6r punote t qt { sratunolua tsJU ruog 'pur rusrqn3 lg aptru Suruado aqr uo pazFs peq uupuotrAl pue qtrr,ralEtl qtog '(z BU) 516rraqurarag ur pe.rSoaadw pairqrgxatlobbs {rrlg s,qtrl^.JIi\l 'olsajrrreur 'tJ tJErlsge p1:o,,[aqr uado nursE) sE,& r fnsr^ Jo PuDJ al{ Jo 'ttradsortar w'teqt )ro,,!raql',trrsnul pnsu, t ayl.roltr*ds p?.ltpap a^qot sruaas eql uo Sunre pue 'saruEal a^ndlDsap Jo a^nrrreu Jo, tre ue lur

:uose irbout its identitl'.There was no precedentfor such a thing being regarded as a r.vorkof :rrt.With benefit of hindsight, it is easyto seehere how a crucial slippage canoccur betweer.r t'stablishrng i,,lenriq: ron,ethrnga' a work of the of , r r . , c c o r d i ntg 1 1 . o . : c r s r u . r i - , r n t o P rt essentialformal guality',and the vell opposite of that: treating it as art not because its ineluctably of right 'essence' formal to which we all assent, bcc:ruse contingcnt but of contextual factors, such as beir-rg in displayed an art exhil,itionor product'dbv someone uIon w'hom 'artisr' the idcntitl' hrs :r]rc;r.{r, been confcrrc.l. I)rrcharnl'-s6rst 'Unassiste d Rc;r.i rr as a urct:rl bottlerack(lig.3,'. Dcspit.'his clairn that the sclectiorr arbitrarr,, rvls onc cannotbllt;lssulnchc chosc somcthinglust.los.' cntrughto th.' krn.l' of rhinqsth.rr*.rt bc!'innrn,'
to !'1Ilcrgc .ls sctr11.tt113l aonstrLlatrons. lcllll force thtto issrreof l hat * ls 1n,.1 lvasn't art, of rr'lrcrcthc rcalrn of the:resthetic an.l * here Lrtilio began. Thc rcal rausr rlllt ceme a few \'.itrs l:rtcr n ith L)uchamp'-s Io,,ta,r

3 MafcelDuchamp Batuerack 1914, r e p l i c1 9 6 4 a Metal Editon e ghtrep cas of e a c h 4 . 2( 2 s r ) h g h 6 MarceiDuchamp Schwarz Edillons, lan M

4 Marcel Duchamp repica 1964 3 8x 4 8x 6 1 (15x19x24) Tate

Th" .to.), i. well knou,n. .fic.+1. Drrcharnp, with his identity asa \';urgLr:uLl artist well established, was on rhe st-le ction comnittee for an ol-.cnsculptrire exhibitior.rin New \brk. He bought a urinal from a t l l u r , l ' .r s . l r " p a n d. t ' h n r i t t cid r . r scrrlpture, crudelysignedwith the 'R. l M u t t . I I r "w , ' r u a ' k 1 ' . ', r J o n r n rejected the jLrrv despite bv the srr;'posecl oper.ness the exhil,ition of to ar.r1,one had paid their lrc who arid wasnot exhibired.Duchanp proceeded run rings round thc to jtrdgcs'published reasonsfbr 'immoral', excluding udnal: that it wassomehow the that it u,as'merel)/ plunbing, and so or.r.Thc point wasm:rde evenmore seriouslvfunny bl thtactuallyvery closeformal resemblance between urinal:rnd Constantrn the Branctsi'.s organicallvshapecl abstractsculptures,some of whicb haclalrcadv beenexhibitecl rhe United States. in

5 Jean-L6on G66me 0 Pti Cien7902 0 i o nc a n v a s 87x66(34%x26)

pasrrsalof pu sund 'ryo.u s drueqrnq u1 '(5'3y) p le ,l:e, seurq lq paararuor aug:ag uo91-uea{ :arured rruapery-qlt aqr lq e8t p1o rou ssrpqnop se,4{ srq ur patJnrtsuol u8rs-doqsSuruund aga'etr.rtdas ppoar sts:r:d q3n1alp req,n :eqt:3ot;: dueqrnq 'srurpourruor l:eurpro 3o e8uery q8no.rqr,rre w s lErl,r Ienruros aqt, PaIIe] A>lsurPuE) Jo uoDEurlrluol srq sEI]4,4{ oPuanuur lrruorsr,r ;o a1o.r lyoq .ro .raas pa;rdsurlpruururoX Fnxas stq qlly]oo; ar1:;o stsr:relq uoudrunsseaqt *.u rusru:aporul1:ta 3o sarttsodwod er.p3o au6 '8uryspu xasJo sgreg aqr qrr^{ rolpne rusnr eqr Jo pue uoutl aql 'soro, ,l Jsa,:'so-r.r) l,rrya5 aso;X Jo senuouos orlt qJrnsp p asaql'(,a;rl s,trql "r,x 'o8r :atp apua; u,no sq JoJp3uro) ,r{ srutu l{t pue l/.u1,ro1,! poq)Elsnur ^{ou nv prrt atsrrp-aJuo aqr Suruonder (,sse*r1e lo? s,ar1s,1w ynutpv ,ll, alrT spunospnol rno pea.r qrrqar) DOOH1, arll snql'sund (1rypearp 3r :o) :aaap arour Jo sarrrs ritl,lr 3uq:a3 :ygrgaur 3o plro^{ aqt traJur

ol sr,usar8atrrssdrueqrnq '.Fsro^run, 'lErnlru arou.r Jo auo aroru 'sPro?[ uEq] ffu.urEPury aJoulr{oqauos seP3^ratruol
eJ? JellI 3s3rl urJJerI,4{ 'uouorua pue 8urle:;: 3o araqds ole,llrd e spre,tol 'aarte:.rtu pue

a8tnSwl pe.ra.1s uqte.r cqqnd yo e ruog leare 1rt u.rn1 o1 u:;q Prq uoBnlo^al s ursru.raPour Jo lftd 'laa; ot paag Suraqaro;aq &o:lp lq p:uor:rsod '1eadso: os 'sr :otet:ads ag1!l Jo >,t! :arunorua pue roreDads _,1io Fuonoul? arlt Jo surJal aql Suules 'aue:; 3o puDI e Jo tErlt sr tJE uJapou ot ?Stn8uel aqt ;o drqsuonela.r ;r st sr lr 'p:aua8 u1 'sa,lpsruaqrs:8e1or pue s8unured agr ur wodde dpuanba.r;,u'usrqn3 u1 'uon*.nsgr ;o d.roarp arp uo dysnordor :lo.r.n p llsurpur; lysslqpu uupuotr^{ tald 'rltrl,laletr l ;rurrse;1 a8rn8uey p.tunri sr rusrulopou 'asuas lq Jaqlout ut lng 'pasltuor:d 'prats str uI 'p:Sundxe sl 'Juo[ua^uo] aqt pu uorloura pw SurTaaJ 'a8en8ury qrrq,,rl ruo:; ureruop e ol dn ppr IeuoDer Jo suonetouuof, sl qlu{ 'alol^L sJnutr lsru.rapour ralrl sr 1o ,ala ,auo1tlq8tsa,{aor, qeadde teg: lre ue 3o usruJaPoy{ 'sa^Dtl.IuFltlqtq luatrouulraql Jo suoloN 'uonlauuof srlt s.rJ^es ptrt prrsseyrlylueururopa.rd sru.rar go pnsr,l ur Suuunora: aql uo 'JJntelJtrJ pw rrr 3o &nurxo;d :ql uo pa.uuer se,,lr pue 'pasuoaqrdlq8rg uaaq ptl1 ur rrurapery 'a8tnStrelgo ue pa8:nd prl usrufapou 'l?^sl auo tV 'snounJ sr r:e u.repou ol aSen8uel uonElar aqll:e 3o anbrlln t w aStnSuelpasn oqr Jo ?rl tnq 'Fuun E pue I3^or{s,,lrous 'prallog t glr,u srurod srq apwr dureqrnq t0v00Nrl

serjolrs olqr.stiol-lsabout * hcrerhc bound;uics art lar'. C)tht-r.rr'aLrt-gltlists conLinuccl pJ.r\rhc .r rl..rl \I.r11,, m'r.lcln aLr t,r ,rr srrlficirntly csLaLrlishc.l;rn.1 sLrlJicienth (selfl,) inrl-ort,rntto wilrr.lrirrts
or,vnrrrnning conunentlr\' fto1)r withir-rr]re r:rrrks. Thus thc f)'icl;iist Ilr:rncrs Picrbi:r pllvr.l r'itlr tlr. notion o1-l:rngulgt an.l vjsrral art as.listirct btrt rel:rte.l represent:rtionills\'stcnrslvhcn hc 1.r-,r.lrrccd pirnting m:1dcuf:ilDrost cnLirclt r of sign:iLLrlcs l-att'r, thc Srrlrcalist I{crt1 Magrirrc a l;rl lt.rchinq ifi-g.(r't. lncl rcllitr', l,oint lltoLrr r iso:il .tn.l vcrLralt-c;r-cscntrtior. abouf repr-escnr:rtion ,'.'This is lor r ll irlr his painting o1-a pipe c.rptionccl C,ii u tst yds ttn pipt I'11'.' Sirril:irh, in his painting of a hrr,,l rnirr,rr tlicre:rp;rclrs, insre.i.l o1-thc
,, i ,.,

rcllecriono1-l hrrrr.rnlro,,lr', thc cqLriralf linglrisric nt l\hris.,f rJrj l:t,tntt t Lt,,-:. \lrno rrrrh rhc L);rtlrisrs;ur.l Srrrrt.rlists. rll.cit in a .l i1l,'r'ct r',.in. Soviet n the (lorstructilists .lror. LhfoLLgh a criticlLrc thc ,icsrhcticrlh' o1nutot-tomous rvork of alt an.l th.' lbrn of lifi that Lurdd \vrot. ir. \\Iith tlicir rotion of Art inrcr Plocluction. thel' lbjrrre.l:rrt .rs:i svnrLrtor]r bolrrgcois of societl th;rt ha,.1 bc r.'pllcc.1 1'mcticrl to b,, corltribLltions thc clr]lstrllctio ol to socialisrr.l-hjs critiquc of botugroir in.lilitiulism rnirn.rtcdthc x\':rnt gar.lein l::isrlrtl \Vcst:rlikc, .lcsfitc r l r . d d c l r r ! l r j u l l l . L . u r arL .\ \ l r i . l . r Dldarsts,Srrn,..llisrs u.l Clonstrucriyists lirun.l thcrnsr-lvc.s.

In rhe crllr'.lccl.leso1- nlcnti, rhc ccDtLlr\' thcn, rrrodc tisnt ]t:r.l bccornccsL.rblisht.l ith rhc ii
echie\.cnrtnt of ltr lltl()lt()ltl()trs,

fLrllr:rL,str'.rct brrrbcirirrJrlrc .rrt,

rlpfirrcnf:iutlroritl ln.l sclflstrfhcrt'no lnrke.l ,r conccptual ilsrrLrilirr', lhiclr tlre ctitica] alirlr-qilrJes inrnrc.liutcl', highlightc.J. M.rr\'of tlrc r-ecrrr-r,r.nt th.-mr'sol-Lhc c:rr-]tirllr)t-g.lrde. snch .rsthc rJ,..rtitr of tlrt- rvolk o1-;rft, rh. lrlrtionship of :l t lncl Ilngrnge, thc r..l;rrionshrI ot rrr ro :r rlrrlJ o1: conrrro.ltt pro,.lucLionsct rgrinst rn i.leologl Lrl:in.1cpcr.l, sfrir.itn:r] lrhr('. irnd u,h,rt it rvrs thlt tlrr.:rrtist ,lal.can rll bc sccn ro prtligLrrc lltr.r (ionccpttr.rl rrt.\\'hit is is fcrhrps mosr the rrpiLlirr t,irlr r'hich rhc options w.r'(' fillo\r'.'.1 rhrougb. Lll thc Firsr \\irlLl \\'rr', r.r'ithrbstr':rctrr r ,rr thc onc hlnJ ;rnJ the |t'lr1\n.r.le on thc orhcr. titc cclrrct pru,rl Iirr jts ol l.oth csscntielisrD J contexruilisDr ] bccn skctchr.l. t\ fi.rv rt-ars l:ircr, a .rliclthcBolshoikllcnrlrrtiLrn.rhr-{,.,,r,,,,.,'r'',.ircrr-r11.crinq.rrr.r'such.

'os f,uoPr?,{rou 'rusr^!rnPo:rcl Pcrl tr Prnr JpEurlpt.l aql JrdsJC ltnuJlod sr II! drl Prsn J^trl ot Ptriluslul3Poru '.{ltrurtu) 'p.r8uaJItr[](Jr, ,uorrrpuor Flprorur.rd, fr]ool )q or JpErusr rit ltrir slr prlpr prul IJeq)rtr^l trq^\ J,\rq ot 'prprs;odns ,{1t:r8oy Jq or.:rrpro ur Jr sn sr oqr rJLpn l:ar sopreS-rut,re :yrq.,t'rruoroa8:q r1 p:qsl-r8uuxr :o ;,JrEurproqns 'Jlotl,{{ Jql uo lng 'Glsl,\llllulr^uoJ Put ruslltJlllls lrlurEutJJurslulJPoru aqr 'rronclorutstt uro:3 ln:u.rt,r tpr:q;o s:p.rcF-ru,\r Ierurrl Jqt -]o.deL1s ur ',sr:Llto,str pcq rusru.rrpoulsnououolry Jl.)sl Jo Put ur rFpr ytrrlt:: t stg oe pur rusr.:sr:g do:pytq r rsurcFy Juuu.rro.J go rrt rurpua.lapur 'drgs:orer:rp '::nt:unlteqt tr::srcp.r1r1 oor:sanb l:otr:dnutur: ut prlrtrl: ursruJJpoul lno -rr,rsur Jeru rr11'lrr: Lr.rrpour Jfnrerd orp:o; pr:pur s:rt1c{ayrtsorl -]o fta,r .lur:r:q ,uorsot^l puE urpJ[J .rlt .L )r,'\ nr5.(J1r'Jr.)ur.rd rs lurlx:) PJlrun Jqr Pur (uoPLro-l aclo:nE nssJI r ol 'sr.rt,1,i11tdrrutrcl) p:rdnr:oun - p::ur,rpt so!6r:qr sr orrds Surluur-1s ul pJtrllpuol r:
s fl111rq r'n rJ.\oJlour 'JtpqJl' JLI

qtrfqu Pl '!V urapon ^ia to le! qsq]o3s 0q1 leuo[eN l%12\ Ad 9q x U seAuPJ 0 u0 6a6t tantry staen o4l a]luBe guaU L

'prsrpr.rq,{q illeuorserro :rr1,,u:ulos 'suuoj J-rndrr.rlit ur struulrLrIos 'rusr1ta11 1elro5pue usrp:e8 tut,4.trulsrurJPoluJo suortrlo rqr lc1puclnSul:l]] urrq r^tLI
O I S L U J J \I . I f U I J I \ r ' L r r J O J J I l J P I J

srq: rLll'por.IJd :noqSno:q1 uo a?sn[] l]e.pleu0[eN (79'xx8s) 1 : e q p , 1 r r pS u n t r Bu r p J . \ r r n \p r L ) N LII X9 gNI onb snlt1srql 'rz f16r; 1o :;ntclnr 33eloO rLll J.Ut lng'!t6I pue s e ^ u eu o r 0 ! Iuurl PJ^losJl r tou sE,,!l. srsr.rf :626r ur urtSr: lz6t aleupacec teqt tta0,1 g3ueJl srsr::p.rSuoyord orur oE o1d1uo elqecld 'soz6rJrlt ur pJsrTrqetsiJ tr6r I sE,{r ol llede IIg reql ,\lllluJl qlLIJ.liulu J r ll u r o r j p J l u J r l u r u ' ' l . { s t . r l e r r J c . r r aq1'u:.1dr:q rou prp rusrTerlos t IeuoueurJtul rJPro PFod,,!{JLr ur Jnssrtou prp ftntu.rr qDrtua,nt,{Fta IP srsu: pruqod:qt 'tno pJurnt tr sV'uouentrsIEluotsrqstr lc1p:qro"-urnr.ur -1o f,JeJtrru Juo luE tE lrr ol alqepr,rr s8urutrur tr]qlssodJo e8uel Jqt pur '.rnrerd Foos rrJ ru sr lI uoDrrgru8rs;o uarsls ru:po:do;rurue ll.r.!u rou sr r.rE ttqt uouru8olJr E s.^lo^ur lJ,^rsu!aqlisol,6r :qr ur pul: 996r puoo.rr:1optarsut 'so?6r aql ul ro '816rpunorr Jsur l.rt puda:uo3 pa3p.H dlpjl t t,osaoplq,lr ',{1:r: os p:qsqqels:;raar rusrp;r8 tue^e pu? ursrul.poru;o s:1od rqt;1 q8uol os r>pl lrc pntda:uoJ prp lq.,r'puorrs ir^r^rns usrurf,pollr prp / oq 'ts.rrl'ruo Surn8ulur ue sr a,,!\ tr 'u:as tsnl J^ELI rrq,\{ ua^rB'oslEtng Ja.l{sutor :lqrssodun 'uor1s:nbllpsr srlr stduro;duous:nb rlcpop y la^a[auotV urrlt 31astr 'tuJurour Jl:llrolsrq aurrs ?ql l uonllrrtsap ol pJtsatput pJLIslJqttsa qroq'T:ads ot os's?^ru]slu];potrA]

srd 'noprdruoi s3aooe ar]!l - aurspo!\

Avnrur-enRDrsM Resumeo
The epochal political crisis of the r93osloomed over the modern movement 1n art and the possibilities availableremained circumscribed by it. Not until the reconfiguring of the world after the late rg4os,with the defeat of Fascism,the inception of the nuclear age,and the beginning of the ColdWar, did the by ground rules alter.After the initial period of post-war reconsrrucrion, the mid-r95ospictorial realismhad becomeidentified with artistic conservatism and repressive politics, while modernism spectacularlydrew breath and issued in the NewYork school. JacksonPollock, Clftrord Still, Barnett Newman, Mark Rothko and others produced abstract art on a scaleand with a confidence that seemedto per-it something new, something unavailableto Piet Mondrian, JoanMir6 and other European abstractartists.Modernist theory moreover becamehighly develop.d, -ort notably in the writings of Clement Greenberg and, later, Michael Fried. Another {actor to take into account is that, behind this intensified achievernentat the levels of both practice and theory, the institutional ground of modernism was burrressedin an expanding range of galleries,museums and publications. The relationship between modernist art and its institutional support is not straightforward, however.In the r94os and early r95os,the stanceof Pollock, Rothko and others was determinedly oppositional. Their art can hardly be said to havebeen made Jor the world that consumed it; if anything it was made despite ir, or as part of an attempt to survive it. Yet later historians have often blurred the distinction, reacting againstthe claims for artt independenceby associatingmodernist arr with American power. By the r96os,in the changedcircumstancesof opposirion

'(arr.ur 'saaJt o.4{t;o ildtrSoroqd auo iarr.atl'sra,{toqu?srg o.lrt :atrtl.l tuaprsa.rd 's8urppnq Sururng oar) ure8era^o pu .ra,ro 'Suqgnop pole:da.r3yosrr Jo tr aql q8noqr lpred 'sqde.rSoroqd3o uonr.rodrorur aql q8no.rgr trpwd'ue Jo >po^\ otll ;o ssauanbrunoqt 3o uonsanb rqt ssarppelyreap so.rnDrdrqf 'tsapour fla,trrtlar arr'II wulalI pur-I wnpa:I'suortrnpord r?tel sn{ Jo aruosJo sptepuets arp lg ',8urrurcd ad.,{r-ueruauv paller S;aguaarg rq.{ pue ltrurapour ufrraurv pal-Erparu'fsuarunsuo) 'uegrn ue uaa.&tagde8 arp turur a^eq ot sruaas qrlrl^t 'aJI pue tr uaaalag dt8 aqr ur ate.radoor rq8nos er{ 'spro.ll sS.raguaqlsnU 'sntrrtap aarlourotnr pue spuilur pjgnts Jo llarrc'r uI e Sulpnpur srra(qopaprersrp'sradeds,nau'sqde.rSoroqd :Sulturedtsrurrporx Surpu'so56r-pFuaqr ur,sSunured Jo lrPgnads-umrpeur ar{rra^o poqsgSno.r aurguror, Sunleur un8aq peq S.raguagrsneA'$lro.r xaldruor (6-g's8y) II whpal I P]o,e wwflI'arr,ut Surql aruEsaql slurrd llaterogrlaP Pur llsnoDsuor rH (op S.raguarpsnea uego1 og'3ur1aa3 aueld Iesraarun 3o e ot spuarsepur bua8urluor sadnsa 'anbrun put anlt os Suraglg llasoa.rd 'aluetsrun)rn .relnrrt.redleqt 01 asuodsarur Fnprlrpur reprrt:ed teqt Jo arJl ;elnrrtred reqr Jo lrur1n8urs aqr rqr uorlrrluor r :>lrtru rrqdr:8orne agr;o 'llrssarau arp 'frnrruaqtne tlg rr{t 'olqlo1 Jo uorllrluor rno uodn puadop il >lretrAl ua^a 'aurl) zurC lryog rlrqsrv'Suruoo;1 ap turllrlA'lln5 p.ro3d13 'llollod uosrye{'uortlerlsqe p.rnrsa8 Jo Iooqls r lgelruassa s,t{usrurrporx IIlrf,IrauIY.Ilt{-lsocl'uEIu^{rN llruJeg Jo uolloelxo rlglou sLIfqrUA

'tq8q agt otur uraqt Sur8urrg pu sturpalalur s1rSur.ra,rorsrp ssaro.rdaqr ur pue '(rusrptrder jaurnsuor lueqdurnur r pue) usrurepour turldrunrrt Jo oJ orlt ur saaourIerrtrJr u^ro str 8urryur uorlr.raua8terlt ueqt 'uorle;aua8.uau t Sur.rrdsur saprtS-tue.te aqt Jo ratttru E ssrl 'I[EJrdo'sEt{ ]J 'drur orll uo peg drutqrnq rnd'pue18ug ur uotlrrurH prflltl1 pue'rrrrruv ul o8e3 uqo{ pue S.raguagrsnU ilrgo1 'suqo{.radse{'so56r-pru arp;o apreS-tur,reluaS.raura fy.nau arlt lq snroy otur >lrtg rq8norq lyacrraga se.trdruerpnq ua^E'plro.{r Suqeods-gsl13ugarp ur u.4{orrTun lla.rrrua rurrt terlt le prureruar'rq8nogr rusrlllslog pue rusrparrns trqt pa>lJerurr Ielrlrn sry or slal ur.4{taqt ara.4{ lyssaypua pq oq.,!tpur 'stsrpnldaruor paSe8ua uaaq Jo uorte.rrua?e f,qpa>lo^ur 'so96raleyaqt ur uorttlsueJt str aJurs'srl ,uorrxpo.rdaX Flruq)aW;o a8y aqt ur trv Jo lro,{A., asoq,rt'urtur(urg rJtllA'.ue Surllrs-tsaq pu tsrurroJuof, .traur Jo stua8earue,rpe, pur ,rsedFrrlrl Jrlt jo sralrleJ, ag ot stsrtJetsrlearJns 'pa:ou8r se,er usrplrpr Ierruqlat s,tsurg xetr l pue 'tsure pa8pn( S.raguaa.rg 'ar:r.r8e141 se^rorrtrAJ rreltsge tsrurrpour e se p:p.re8:.r JurU pue r[ECI rope^Fs go l.ra8eurrurrrp aqt or sala rsruraporu ur polpur,!\p peq usrle?rrng 'rua.redde aruorrg rusrlrtrnJtsuo3 3o adors llt Jo asuasauos prp 'uawudxT luat3 aq1 slerg qpruea y z96r ur uouer{gnd arp yrun toN'pateratrlgo lldurrs alrnb sen p.ren8ue,r tar^os lll'Jpre8-tue^e aqt parrng pEq ,plor puE toq qtog ,sr,r 'araqertr aql'sartrlnre Jo alggnr rqf IDdaruoJ pa8pagl1p; e ;o spaas trc rgnads-runrparu-uou p '{etw ue ur aprrS-turle aqt Jo uorte rur8ar e aruer osl aJarlt'so56ragt ur rusruJapourJo afuatse.ropa aqt rltra lltuaJJnluoJ ::.trod Ief,rtrrf, Jo paurlp u*g tou peq tre lsrurrpour' str aterparururaqt ur tng 'uars rg ot rurJ s8urqr,noq rl teqt 're.,!r urtutarn aqt ol

But mole particularly, the narks of art itself are doubled in the repeateddaubs of Abstract Expressionrst painting. These :rretolersof spontaneity; authenticrty is placedir.rqrrotatior.r lnalks.The works'subjectn.ratter the institutionalisation is of spor-rtaneitr'. FdttwnI and Fdctum need eachother.The meaning of rhe work elnergcsin lI thc'sp:rce betwecn the two pictur-es, betweenthat spaceancla thir.l element: or the description, type,'gestural or abstract with sopainting'.B)i the laterr95os, Expressionism, strugglefol authentrcrty the called'second generation'Absffact h:rd becone a style. Four yearsearlier,Rauschenberg had taken a dilferent kind

::1. t.-r '

. .,,:

:;;, it i

,. ;rit

I tit! il: I

of .listancefron gesturalabstraction in the iconoclastic-Cra deKooning sed Drawirg( Rauschenberg obtained a drawing from de Kooning (with the latter's support be later said he chosea good one to make its erastrre dilicult) and then set to work laboriouslv rubbing it out. As a kind of critical symbol, the erasedde Kooning could hardlv be more economical:rrsinggestureto eiTacc gesture,using the samedeviceof meaning making to un-make one set of r-r-rear-rings institute xnorheri returning the achieved ar-rd aestheticunity of the finishc.-lwork of art to the primordial unity whence it came- the blank canvas or sheetof paper (albeit visibly r.r,orlr{.In their dillerent ways,both these

arrrrrua&age8 arp &ap8,{ llaraydruor :.,olrlqlqxa,rqr :r.tJ raao uretrnf anlg ural) FuorteuJrtul uE qdnoJqt passd'uorsello rqt JoJPaJrq pueg l.relpru e lg.paraa.r8'Suruado aqt ot srotrsrn'(pto,tr,{1-) aylArl paplt 'srred ur trtaye?uel3 srrl rrlt tE uortrgrqxa 956r s,qary qtl.{t errrer stroJta asaql 'a.rylg apeu s8unured :sorpog ;o pnldaruo3-orord tryealt lsoru rr{t Jo ruo pararus-lured-an1g srlert lq aprur s8urturrd jstunorue lueraglp ro; plos Jo rprqlt's8urlured aruo.rrpouoru(anyg urrry Ieuorteuratul sr palualed ruaur8rd arp) anlq Frrruapr Jo sarJas :sa.rua8 e JrtsrtJIeuortualuor Jo IelrlrJr sarntsa8 alge-redasur Jo srrrrsE prrenrul ulrD{ sr^A'a)ueJl ul'tg8notp pue uollre tuo-r1 Sururorag'Irn arp ur grT Ierlos qrr.u lprarrp aS.raru ppogs lre,(petsul 'leql E aql pue ,8ur1urqt Pue ltrrrrteaJf JoJrunlParu ssalasn st.u tJe InsI^,lql JaITag uo pasrtuerdaJe r serlrarlrerrtsrlle rraqt teqt rtor.{ JrtEI'sdnor8 qtog uI alrlle '{ ra8sy 'LS5t w lEuorteuratul lsruorturs aql pue 'gt6t w papuno; s.t{ dno.r8e.rgo3 ar{I'se^rterlrur Iraaes turod Surtrets arp papr,tord usrlerrns ro; go 6e8a1 aq1('adornE ot uaag peq Sraquaqrsne1pue suqo{ rpog 'paapul) 'lJE uJaPou ruaJlsureru suorlurauor aql o1 rPntrttE Jo IelrlrJJ Jo sPeaJr{l arp dn prd or Suruur8agosle ara^rrrlupv aql Jo eprsrer{to aqt uo,u srsrrrB'Si-l aqr ur S.raguarltrsnEu suqof ;o arrrre.rd aqr qlr.4tllsnoauerprur5 pue NVdVr ]dounf oNV

qtrurs ]senDeS pue asrno'l lpjequrau yB snou-ri{uoue uepue eseqcind aN IJoA/r UV ujopollro unssn!\l0l.ll \%98xy,79) 2 0 6x 6 ' s s l se ueS pelured uoreded pue su0Dcnp0.r00J 'cuqe] ladeds/r\au leded'uo^erJ'Iul ';ro:Burluredquo3 eur L96l il wnt?eJ yaqog fuequeqcsneg 6

u0Nall0c ezued aql'salaFuV sol 'uV {JeroduetuoJ eql ,0 urnosnn PAgtxy,tg) z'06 x 6'99tr seAuec palured uoJadsd pue suo[cnpuoer 'cuqej rodedsmeu 'Iul ledpd'uo^eJc 'l!o:tulluled lquoC au L96t I wnlce! Froquoqcsneu Uoqou 8

(ue roj asr arll rg ot osp tno surnt terp Jr ursrurapou o1 suaddegreq16'a8en8uel rpr,u lqd ar'rsarue8agr q8norqr 'suorlurluor Jo stasgo q8no.rrp arp 'parann lagr qrlq.,!rq slxeluor ar{t qtr.{r dn punog paxpord sr 8urueay41 sr spro^r ;o Sururaur arp des ot sr tql',asn aqt sr Suruearuar1t, :uratsua8rrr,11 31.upn1yo lqdosopqd rarel aql ruog pa^rrap SuruearuJo .der^e go rq8q arp ur tre ur >lro r pu lrr ot un8ag peq suqo{',a8en8uel ag ot Surtured Surrra4ag ur,I, runtrrp srq ur srql uorS le.ue palla^er] peq larp aruetsrp arlr dn paturuns suqof .radsrftsnr-.lrolle; pu puau; s.Sreguarpsnta 'uonualuor pue a8en8uel qlauag aJa.{ 1I se araqdse 'arrueu ueunq otur uol}ua^uot q8nolp Surtsrng se 'uolJe)Iunururor, Surlnlapun s uorssaJdxa,.tres l;oarp tsruJapotrl 'J?rpo ql? punor Suryr.rnllruapuadapralur srerunsuol pue srotngrrlsrp 'srarnpord qlur 'uortrnpord Surueau;o uarsls pasrFuortntrlsur u sepate.radosurJoJsnorJ stl ur tre lrertsg 'uorleryru8rs Jo srrstg aqt ol u^rop Surrra8pur aErSSeg 'uorrelprsrp pue uortngr:nd go lSoloapr pasreaqrr Ierntlnr agt Suruosrlla(3o -lle,.uaqt alrdsaq 'tuatsls se tJ;o Surpurts.IapunuB sE.r{ srusruJrporu a,lrDadsar rleql urog aluetsrp lefrlrJf ,suortelaua8rpog;uruorldar.rad Irluar aql'rel11plro1\]srrC aqt Jo r^r arlt uo duerpnq Sulrr; asorp ruou soJuetsurnrJrfluaragrp fta,r ur tragle 'usruJaporu puolag e Surlaas se^lasuaqt 'stsrtJeJo uorteJaua8 ta8unol e qlr.,lruJnt ul prterfosse ourfag 6e8a1 s,drueqrnq 'a8e3 uqo{ rasodruoJ lp r{tr,lt drqspuau; srq q8norgl 'sesuas aqt ot fiErqr ur ]re ue Jo suorttnu1 arp lg parog aruo)?g 3ur,u1 'punu llt Jo all^tas aqt ot tJe uJntal ol se&r Jarl.rtr l.rntuar-.ret.renbe sapeur{pea: aqt qtr.4{papuatur peq aq lerlr\ leql sof5r arp ur pa>lreuar peq durerpnq 'rrrsls^sotw PaSlPol arrrorag 'ralorJour pue 'peqreJueag sq uorssardxalenprlrpur Jo tnu{ aql aJuo,(uo oB or ^roH, uorrsanb aqr or sJa,r{sue SroguarpsneXlg sryo.u luasa.rda.r

Elsewhere, Grrtai grorrp in Japanembarkedon a seriesof performancethe tlpt' :rctivitiesin r955/56,inclrrding a walk along a white line and the collection of water ir.rthe depressions plastic strips Ioosely slung betrveentrees(fig.u). of journal that had printecl the Gutai mar.rifesto r956,CeijutstrShincho, The in also developedlinks with the ltalian avant-garde, lishing Piero Manzoni's essav put 'Free Dimelrsiori,in which he commented:'Expression, imagination, abstraction, are they not in thenselvesemptv ir.rl'entions)'. ltaly, Malrzoni L.r essayed transfbrnation of living peopleinto'works of art'bl signingther.n the

10 Roben Rauschen be Drawing 1953 Tncesofinkand crayon paperwiih on handlettercd label, ink n god]eafframe 6 4 . 1 x5 5 . 3 l25 tx,2I7) S a nF r a n c s c o u s e u m M offulodern Art, Purchased lhrough a gft of Phyis Wattis

11 Sadamasa otonoga l Water1956 Asreconstructed lorthe 1987Venice nnale Be (Akira Kamayama's theforeground befeath Watel

12 Pierc Manzoni 1961 [1eia andpaper 4 . 8x 6 . 5( 1 r lx 2 r ) Prlvate collecllon, an [4

(painting) and standingther.n portablcplinths (sculpture). r959,he on ln 'r'isuality' produced :r seriesof u'orks further challengingthc of visual art.The 'Lines'were producedon rolls of paperturning on:r machine, e:rch :rction havilrg a particular duration, and the completed drawing consistir.rg rhe of length of p:iper coveredbi' the line in tl.rattine. The rwist is that the lined scroll is then encased a cardboarclcylir.rder, in with a srnall section stuck to the outsideand henceactingasa label,amplifiedby a written clescription including the length of the line, tht' clate,t-tc.The drawing itself

'r.rtd ? aq ot ursruJapou pa^arTrq 'Jnsrue pu 'onb sruelse;o darlt qrrq,u ;o Frtrosqloq 1ef,nuf,sa^lasuraql ,sortrarre .raprsuolot papuol slsruo8rlord asor1,,n ,apre3-tut^t-o3u,Jo a8ue: snoauaSo;ataq ..rotu qf,nru E :oJ Jruara;ar a,lDe8au turod aqr paprao:d 3o :rrne;d put l.roaqr Jo :arsnJ) lpua.rrddesrgg per:1 pore.rSarur Iaqrrlll Jo >lro.r aqr lq llqerou tsolll 'papuJtxapuE potuaruayduroc st,t 8ur:r.r,u s,8.requ:ar9'so96r-prur :t1t u1 (!96r ur ur:og 3^nru5f,pur 8ur:radde pue 'zn4hJ pubuy tLrorJ pulrruo q8noLl ocyor p.l.oduror ur lltu13,3unwt4 tsrur.potrAL ' tsa^oqe'pu lo[rer:sqy dl.ralure6 tsod,',ursruorssa.rdxg ttrtrrsqV JrUV sqtrnsstxat .:rate1 p:grtdure lq 'r9or ur parradde tyw rmtf) luv q: s,S.raquaa:rg sr,u ly uonrolor desse Suuuttd stqt Suruurd:apunlloaqt ay) tal tkrlsslrllsmrol aq1'rlstryg sap{ 'srno.I srJJotr Pu PUEIoNqtauu.) l Surpnput'slsruorlrrrtsqe,lyr:tured -tsod, paler-os 3o uoue.r:ua8 ag: 3o >po,u 8ur8.rau;al1.uau u:tp ?ql lq auroq Suraqsen Sur,rour prs sr,4{ ursruJaPou lEqt turtP Jqt Jo rq8ra^\aqr so96rlp?a agr,,fqq8noqr 'uortrP"rl srqt Jo tueuro^anllE JsuJturlsour aql sluesa.rdar llgenSJt o{qrod T?l/,\trJo IJo 1 a.rntElu:qf ';o:et-:ads ur .r-ruor:.rdx: at1 :r:aqt<ce E pat.uuaf,uof, Jo uoutrnpold aql 'auols rE palure '('rlr 'lt.ul 'poo,,!{ 'rured) unrpaur aqr 1o sau:ado:d e,tssa.rdxa ;o uor:eroldxa aqt U ": . _ _ -: : r - r 'J L n ' OS rt' P1U r : (-r t :r - "r r . : d s _t_ -urnrp:ru uo sr,,n pasrura.rd tJ tsrurapow J]uanHur stl Jo tr{iraq.qt tr uaqt tusrulJpotu s,,!t aJarltpuBrl .uo ar{t uO 'trE ur uorsr,updaap r ol saynsat ,uaqt so96r aqt otul ulru JqI '(zr'39) p1o3ur sll tqBlo.4{ Jo tu3le rnba lauour aq: se,nrpq,u go alrd :aryelrr JrIt ,tn{s s, rrll Sulurctuotrsuet aya1,tr srg hauru.ws1ua,y qu,ur196rur auer tre Jo sntts pagrpouruot llSursEaJlw Jrf Jo uoltel?^ar aura.uxJ tsoru sruozuEl\l .ratteru Fa(qns slr Jo tlrd sltJllqlsl^ul slqt Jo ?apr ?qt papnpu snql,tre Jo );o,rJ

One of the most immediately obvious featuresof the range of avant-garde practicesbroadly opposedto modernism wastheir abrogationof medrumspecificiry. Allan Kaprow wrote:'The young artist of today needno longer say "I am a painter" or "a poet" or "a dancer".He is simply an "artist". A11of life will be open to himlThis kind of affitude tended to createa very open situation, quite distinct from the exclusivityof modernist art. That openness was exemplified by Fluxus. As we have alreadynoted, the first use of the term 'Concept Art'occurs in the writings of Henry Flynt in r95r. Flynt's article arose out of Fluxus activity in NewYork, but the group had a wider catchment, embracing artists from Asia and Europe, as well as the United States.Yoko Ono had taken up residencein NewYork and was involved in many Fluxus 'instrucrion activitiesboth there and in her nativeJapan. These rangedfrom

Yoko ono CutPiece7964 Photograph of performanceKyoto in

74 George Maciunas

-\ ::

Fluxus Manifesto7963 Offset paper on ( 2 0 . 3x 1 5 . 2 8 x 6 ) G i l b e r te i l a i l v e r m a n L S Fluxus Collection

(concrete paintings',to vocalisations at music' events, performances. to Some of these,in her use of her own bodp a,ndthe evocationof extremelyedgy male/female power relations, prefigure later more overtly feminist work. One resonant example was the Cut Piece which Ono knelt on sragewhile male in membersof the audienceone by one cut awaypiecesof her clothing wirh a largepair of scissors (fig.t;). The prevailing ethos of Fluxus was a mixture of sharp criticism and whimsy, capturedby Dick Higgins'remark that many arrisrsin the late r95osand early r96osbeganto believethatl'coffee cups can be more beautiful than fancy sculptures'.Thissense the potential beauty of the overlookedand the of ordinary chimes with a long tradition of avant-gardistactivity, keeping irs 'high distancefrom the pomp and protocols of cuhure',which it roundly identified with the bourgeoisie. photograph of 1963 A showsHenry Flynt and a

sursrapuv slao;a'(SI'8y) slnag qdeso{ st,ttluerurag uI sllxnlC uI pr^lo^ul lg lurog osp orl.4{ rsorlt Suoruv'srrrotrAl rxar t s]lJ^\ sE'rrrrd,tJV tdJluoJ, rI,. s,rudlg prurtuor y:rtu,u'Goptlt snxnlC all Jo rotlpr oslt 3uno1'sr"r.ro7g put 'o96t ',otq uorlrsodulo, ?og% PaFrlqnss.{L P3ltrt sr.n srqa'Suno atuotr{ e'I '1utr:d poddry ';odrd ralu.ltadll rrJ^rTO ur lg a.rors Jo IIor t Suop Flrsnru e ol '296r rptaq uI urptqsol1\ srLI rLI paSSerp qlg^{ ur'yuag.toguaz parnroJrad 1t4 'ryr6 aun{ urtN rsDre uraro) rLIt s.uLIlr.4{ ur pr>lro,{\ F^nsr; snxn]C rLIr rV 'slur^a pue Pue trrrr JtI rsoLlt Suoruy Prsnq-sruErrr;o3.rad lrsnlu Jo Jrgrunu lutru.rog ot tur,M stunlrtr d 'of,roCrlv uttrIrrrrrv rt{t LItI.u e pa8ersrLI r,r3ll,&t '196rarel u1 t rou8rsop se8urryo..n 'ol lou sr llsnorros snxnlC u o't+tto a luotj Pa-ftun a+t'|.t r>leror le.u,rsog 3rlt rerlt :g 11o.u, ltur td tJ bu oJ-(n a) 1:',tttl:1.x *l::" '>y,S {/)'.i,.1/n) laA titpd jo rLIl rI ',trv Jo rp.rr8Surpuedxa-rrar T{nl PUt'ssoutrsrJor]Jntlnr Jo sPuErg rno lg.uou palC 'rrntlnr,surru sarror.rdord 3o trnls-pJ#nts puE uortetuourrS:.r szynl ?ql ol JlsodIJ JIeJt set\\ ;,A./ub+] rlzuotrtalotJ ouoc! Surrry 'prrtrurtsrrrpun fno [,ut , -tr',l,tr, ' stldoad Lll l^yuo 11o.. La pa4sotb .t ag lou lou Plnorls srllt ur^r >q a+ ( AInY e> ! > V a .P\ w,oNd ' lng 'uortl d;r:uortnl0.t:J tuog ) Jo vT o * o - d 1 J'A 4uA "Jln bu|tl 'JzV 4NV 34tJ palrun e qlr.u urqt uoqrl4 druoy4l NI v 2joHa>d <7oa71 /\AvNOUA1aA?z, tllra{ uouJuJof ur aJorlrPri{ a^rl ol lradso.rla.rur uraassJrlrlrlJ JrJrll yo lunu 'rlntln) .l81r1 suountrtsur J" llt ur pa5rurrunu Surog31aslr sr rrpuraqdr.rrd snxnlg ttrlt ,ttoN 3w 39znd
(.)-tb 'uorlle E luoU PslIun olul s3I:IeuollnlorrJ-I

Jo i' - ,, wslNVJoznS', ) ! | lb)tleMal{aw JJa , ' J J ol b l t M t qo! '1La' t ])b J)a)+t4a 1ar)rf 1ra I . l t z t t h i

prnqod pnos'lerrulnr Jo srrptl f,qt rsl-rl 'spuorssa;o:dpur saturlalp 'srrtr.rrlluo rou 'saldoadp .{g padsr:8 . . ^ . r . . - . . l r c - u u u d-J' o r - u o : d ' J l B - u u p
' t : e 3 u r n r 1J t o u J o r d " I t s r J 9 u . r uu u i J r : l r u r trr'l)prlsqB trf LrcPBJPJo Pllo,4{

:qr o8rnd l:rn11nrp;zrlErr.rruruol 4 yeuorssa;o;d',Fntrrllrlur, 'sstru>prs sroaS:noc1{ a3:n4 aqr Jo

olsaJ tuar',1

:(fr'8g) spro.u,sunrrrt l rrr^\ ',xnp, pro.&L Jo suortrugap lrtuorlrrp qtr.4{rrrltoSor po8qlo3 Jr-[] '!96r ur olsaJiual,y s dno:8 olit sr prllsrlgnd txat E ur apntrl? rlit Jo suortr4dur prrtryod-onos rLIl p3urlrapun'snxnlC?rutruaqt pourotroq,urstunrlrytr o8roog '(iatnl]n] snor.lasqsr]orurc, pu rrrrll { ,isurnrsntr trv lisrTotuac, durpar s>lf,au punor Sur8utq sp;ereld lsurB qrr.u 'lro .uaN ur trv urrpory Jo urnJsnry JLII ot rru;tu? rqt aprstno ollrs ap.re8-rutl an.n ur Surrsato;d qrtug >pe{ an8eallor

from description of Beuys'-Errasiaperforrnance 1966,reprinted in Lippard's Srx is worth quoting at length: hars antholoey, lyingon the floor whichwere Beuys slowlypushed smallcrosses two Kneeling,
towards a blackboard; on each cross was a watch with an adjusted alarm. On the board he drew a cross which he then half erased;underneath he wrote'Eurasia'.The remainder of the piece consisted of Beuys manoeuvring along a marked line, a dead rabbit whose legs and ears were extended by long thin black wooden poles. When the rabbit was on his shoulders, the poles touched the floor. Beuys moved from the wall to the boatd where he deposited the tabbit. On the way back, three things happcned: he sprilrHei white powder betweerr the rabbit's legs, put a thermometer in its mouth, and blew into a tube. Afterwards he turned to the board with the erased cross and allowed the rabbit to twitch his ears while he himself allowed one foot, which was tied to an iron plate, to float over a similar plate, on the 11oor.This was the main content of the action.The symbols are completely cleat and they are all translatable. The division of the cross is the split between East andWest, Rome and Byzantlum. The half cross is the United Europe and Asia, to which the rabbit is on its way.The iron plate on the floor is a metaphor - it is hard to walk and the ground is frozen.

Through activities like this, Beuysrapidly becameone of the most His incorporation of prominent artists in the international avant-garde. into his performances, and activities such as the planting of ffees, animals free-forrn'teaching'sessions, led to his being seen also combined with extensive as a significant figure in the politics of culture, particularly in respectof the emergence the'Green'movementin Germany.But it is worth recognising of that howeversuggestiveand uncanny they rnay havebeen, Beuys'activities remain somewhat ambivalent.Thus, while the Eurasia performance may well function allegorically, it is quite wrong to say that its symbols are'completely clear'.They arenol Part of what has happenedin moderniq' hasbeen the fracturing of public symbolism, or its etioladon into the terms and themes of the massmedia. Allegories such as the one performed here require assentto crossmeans...';'The stipulativedefinition if they areto work ('The erased deadrabbit means...';'Fat signifiesX';'Felt signifiesY'; and so on). And that requires assentto authority, namely the authority of the artist conceivedas shaman.Beuysmay offer a critique of the materialism of the consumer society, and of power relations in the world.Yet while speaking a languageof enabling and opportunity on the one hand (as in his argument that'Not just a few are of called, but everyone'),he relied on the exercise charismatic authority to establish platform. One thing we can perhapssaywith'complete .iarity'i. his that Beuyscan be positioned within an irrationalist tendency in German thought and art with its roots in the late eighteenth century, in the Rornantic critique of Enlightenment rationalism. As with many other kinds of performance-basedart, this raisesquestions of the kind we posed at the start: about the nature of Conceptual art, and its r e l a t i o n s h i t o c r i t i c i s ma n a l y s ia n d t h e d e m y s t i f i c a t i oo f a r t ' ss u s r a i n i n g p . s n ideologies. How one conceivesFluxus activities in general,or Beuysin particular, in relation to Conceptual art is largely a matter of definition. If we investigation of the restrict our senseof Conceptual art to a language-based

15 Beuys Joseph 1966 Eurasia Photograph of performance theTate at Gallery

()1 qJrq,4{ alrlos rJJurxsuuo^ qtr.,!\:Fo,4{ PJsrq-arurcr.roj.lJd uoElPPe Jo cJ so96rl]r"r rr.Jt uro.r-J srrror l traqo; -lo ).ro,,rl lq p3pl^o:d sr ,rodo:dr.rt rLIl pudaruo3 pur 'srrxnlg 'uourpe:r uerdurrqrnc aqr !ra..4{rf,q lurT ]EIn.Il ruo


'JEluautPunj sr snxnll uJql ^rrtr5rtracls-runrPJur re ;o uorreSo:qerreqr lq dyuo11e 3r pf,yrun srur^uf,E-+opurq pEo.lqE apnllur ol ursrS:uda:uor rno puatxJ J,,lr ;o asuas JI'erLuorloqFuor]eu::tur;o puno:3le1d e 'lJuuErp ?ql uo Jsroujo pull t st s.:rl?addt snxnlg 'rusrunpour 3o suortdunsst

included the modular elementshe later developedinto his Minimalist sculpture,during the early r96osMorris was also making a range of enigmatic 'Duchampian' objects.Some of theseinvolved quotidian items (such as a bunch of keys or a ruler) cast in lead; one employed a photograph of the artistt body; there were castsof body parts and traces(a fist, footprints); and marry involved words. Some were highly self referential,seemingto parody the modernisr obsessionwith the autonomy of the art object.With one foot in the camp of the read),tnade, CardFib tecorded the processof its own production through the written entries in an alphabeticallylisted seriesof forty-four file cards:ftom Accidents toWorking, from the moment of conception ('whilst drinkrng

coffee in the NewYork Public Library') to goilrg out to buy the file itsell A key areaof contention betweenmodernism and the more diversified avant-garde concernedthe statusof the aesthetic. For modernists, it is not too much to say that the aestbeticwasthe be-all and end-all of arr, irs unigue and proper areaof competence, the caseof Fluxus, it waslessa question of In rejecting the notion of the aestheticas of broadening its range of reference, outwards from the medium-specific,formally achieved harmony of a modernist painting to, potentially, anything, an object, a sound or an action. In later Conceptual art, the question of the aestheticwas strategicallyput rn

'Surre,ugr; se,,r,rsEsno-ra8uep -ll sr sr^t{aslaSulpl;a,to LI]I^\ snoulruraror ?urfaq put lrrruapr u.&o stl Punort ?ra \ tt Jo salrPunogprruarod prlJn) tr ararl^trurod aq1'paapur apl.4{ rqr ttrp u^&osurslurepou se Suoyse lrorsrg e ra^o PatrtsuouaP peq ap;e8 -tue^ rqt 'ued str :og'rg8rs Jo tno pareoddesrplya,urraga peq tr ' neareydq8nl aqr or pannuruor /1ry tou auolue roJ rql lltltgtt,ttt;o qrns otuo rrtl{tsar agr paqsndpeg sSurrured plrg-rnolo) ra^o1lv'rf,uara;ar 'tr -gyas pagrrnd Jo euDe aqt Supunorrns asrou Fllrotarlr agl or Surprorre tsErl tE 'st^t trB tsruraPotr 'uorltsod Itrltlrf, e Paqlearpeq s8urgr'uar1l'so96r l -plur aql lg'p.reoqraplp algepuarxallaluyur s.tre uo a.lotu s,tq8rul orour ruo 'ttt1ss,tuozuery spoofi or dn pappt lla.raur uoltJrsst s,srrrotrAl Ploqasnoq s,durnpnq Jo asrar{}ur ueqt os ssrl oN'sell IIts tr leqt 'asJnol3o rdarxg
'l{ ')Je tI uJqt 4usutvrlr PIES lsllJe

u0surl0r 0!llqd Ule404rraN J0 uv uropou{ urnasny{ J0 (%ezx%Ll) t'09 x 8 tt raqleal u0[e]rurl leur
p00/r1 U0pelunoul re^opeal laaqspue J0 r00e0 luaualels u0 pesuelou ped,il pue t96luewnco1 s|jJolil uoqou 9I

'sle,tr qrog tnl rullr arp 3r 'ua1ol rurs ?qt lg 'rerp Surlts rraga uI sI srrrotrAl rqt uallt ',ue s tr uillt 'tre Tr slrs rsrlre ?qt JI, teql 'rr rnd ppn{ plEuoc s 'rsl '(9r'3g),f96r aqt sr.{rlypar rr;r 1n;;a.uod-llesEt{tsuft aqt;o Auorpne aql 31 '5r .ragura,log'prtrq'turtuo) pue lrrpnb qrns ou squollrnrtsuor ples JoaJaq otrp aqr tuo5 rqt sarepappue turtuol put 6rpnb rltaqtsee II uolt)nrtsuof, ^grrrtl 'v rlql{xg Paxauuaql uI PaqlrlsaP salua1lI Preslrlo5 s.&ttrPtllr.{{ paprrua uoDrnrtsuor Ftatu rqt Jo ralEur illt tsurag'SIXXOW IUESOU 'pau8rs.rapun oq1.:pear r1 lrero5l )llqnd e lg passautr,n {p8a1 pue slrrotrAl lq pau8rs 'raded;o taaqs uenlr^radll e sen 'rurU Iltra^o aurseqt uI prsollur rnq 'sqt Jo rjrl rqr oI',y rlqIIXE, pauortdn se.ttsrr1l'roqs,-8nur arrlod e ay1 'uo-aPrs 'stfaose 'satupltl ruo5 u2>1ef 0.&L1 Jo turrourr Prl rtH E rPrs Pue uo-tuo5 'sasod.rnd raqro ro; purg-rg8u llt uo :arald tred-o^tt parnpord.rtou srr.roy41 uerdrueqrnq srralgo uo snttsu Surrra;uor 3o lSare.rrs aLIttr? ur or lrrunl.roddo aLItslr;ory Surar8lga.ragt 'iroa aql roJ Surled ur rtl s.&r uosuqo{'rr^r^roH '(l:y u:apo61 Jo urnasntrAl Jo uolpallor aqt lq eqt paratua lyruanbasgnspue) uosugol rq8nog se.trlro.& aql '(suqo{ radsr{ :are1 'pue stsrlearrns eqt 'drueqrnq st qrns parnpo.rd lg spafqo rr]eru8rua Jerlrearltr^r prterfosse lrraod aqr Jo aruos Suunlder aruaq pue) raqto ?qt Jo qlar Jo tno rr^rro3 ouo rqt'sla1;o qrung E pu alogla>1 Surureruor xog para^or-peal E :pauorruaurlpeo.rp a^Eqa.4{ e rra(go;o sadlr arp Jo auo sr.,[ '>lJo ,ttaN ur ,&toqs ueru-auo ]srg srq te Prtlgqxr 's:r!ual!I 't96r u1'lrntuar > srH lylrarrp lr ssarppeor lrrunr.roddo^arll >loot srrrotrAl anssrue uaog Peq slqf qtarlur^{t aqt Jo rPetraPPuoras aqt arurs trB 6ur.4{oPeqs 'lou ro trreru Jrlaqlsaepeq tr Jaqraqn pue '1ou Jo lJ Jo lJo^r E st,u 8un1]auos Jaqlaqa lrs o1 se,tr ssawsngasoq^rJo JattBru?qtfauJa)uo) Jnssl 1elutod lr la1 y 'ssarppeot tr ro; anssru se tr Irrrtrr) .ro; po8 e qlilu os tou :sra>lrrq

Frank Stella

Anrns lorl
Conceptual art grew in a spacecreatedby the avant-garde,and used it to mount a far-reaching critique of the assumptions of artistic modernism, in particular its exclusivefocus on the aestheticand claims for the autonomy of art. The modernist critic Clement Greenberg,discussingthe origins of modernism in the late nineteenthcentury,had spokenof a processof'dialectical inversion'. He was referring to the paradoxical development wherein modern artists had set out to try to find adequatelynew ways of representing their unprecedented modern world of boulevards,caf6-concertsand railway stations, and had ended by producing an art of autonomous visual effects.It can be argued that the reverse happenedwith Conceptual art. Claims that painting'appealedto eyesightalone', that visual art's'primordial condition was that it is made to be looked at, themselves becarne subjectsof a new kind of reflection.And the the paradox this time was that raising questions about autonomous art opened up a register of far wider issues;the modern world began to return to the agendaof a modern art. This is, of course,to overstate absence. lessa figure than its No Pollock had said of his abstract art that it was a responseto the Jackson demands of a new age.But low abstract art did that, and what the nature of its response was,had becomelessand lessclearasmodernism had turned into 'post-painterly abstractiori.In the rapidly changingconditions of the r96os, many artists grew sceptical of what was beginning to look like a modern incarnation of art for art's sake.As Claes Oldenburg put it:'I am for an art that does something other than sit on its assin a museum'.The title of a later retrospectiveexhibition of ry95 encapsulatedthe new agenda:Conceptual art

SixMile Bottom7960 paint l\4etallic on canvas 300x782.2 (778x 77%) Tate

'IIt,4\trlP or r JuoP rq Plnol. qlnlll os ]elnduellJl LLrroJIun r{11,{\ IalPltd aJEJ.rns^ dlug Sunure<l3o;.rue rpds ptq Jrqr Europ os ur rnq'llun pue ssrurlorl,^{ oqr E Jo IJ^a1,,!,\ru ol uor:f,]rsgeurler peq pueloN rirruua;1 dpurnbasqns srq pu uEur^{.N llJo;eg;o Surrured:rp .,w:r,l u1 '::rsoddo aqr uJaq J,\erl 'ppnl roC ot sur.3suossr] Jqt '.lJ^J,,ror{ rtll F?.lrtrl Jo uon?slFnlrl^ r PJ^.Iqrt peq rl]Jrs -]r sr :rorerrads ruaqlrdu{s aqr ul ellF^ fuJqrs)e Jo uoulr^uol t Surylaciuo:;o :lqeder se,uteqt ru:o;3o l:rrm 1n3l:o1 orour puE ,,! pr^rlrpt rlyerg ',:deqs ;taurd:p, srr pue Surrurrd :rqr go,rdtqs pnr4, rql uaa,tlaq de8 :qr Sursop lq reqr p:n8:r peug',u.rroq se :deqg,Iesse aqr '3unurcd rsruraporu ro; aBen8uqe :3ro1 ol srdrue:re xalduor fla,trsnlarsotu srLI ?uo uI Jo 'PJr.rc latqrrtr l lsruJaPoul :q: lq puapprr{ ppuog :ordprs rpog tsqrrururlrq l.1t d<1 pauordurtqr laqt rtrlt sr ::t leudaruo3 a.ra,,r ;o oru:3r:ur: aq: pue rusruropolu Jrp runrgruSrsos syo,,u asaql Jo srsr.rtr .ro3 s:1eurrrq11'(/r'3g) u.rro; pur:tur :q: peoq:: :deqs 1er:,to .qr reqr os sJprsrql Suq8ur :o srqrtou tr-roSuutn: 'se^url Jrll p:deqs 11t a,rogt puv 1p.u eq: or 1a1p.rrd pltunoul qe]s e Jure::g 3ur:ured :gt ltun srrq paurdaop lraddor pu? runrururnl?sr[]ns 'slurcd ]ErlgrlJE JJoru.r.^J pJsn ellltq se s:e0,,( lxru ,ur3 aqt la^o pJ(r.r5uol sE^lJ^oru snll [a^al ,r\JuE ot ulsrFrlatnur slr )oot 1r sEu3^t Sunurrd rsru::potu ;o rrrdse a.lne:oao rqt PauJtEa]qttrqt urs{rrrtr] r ParPoqur 'rlsl.uqs.rolEnor?p E !rla teH poqddt :qr :urcd :ql 'edeqsse,ruer 8uror1:: sedurs>pryq.rtln8a:3o pasoduror ',s8urrurc6 ptyg, sellarg naga a.usso;dxa 'tu)uodruol lJr-lto Jo luJruJ^JrqlEJrlt srusruJJpourp.llnuur tsouryelrqt teqt l1e:utqduro os tr prp larp 'uorrnpa:r l:gl go rr3o1rsrur:pour :ql patrasse 'rtqr SuroFq8noroLll uorlrn.rlsqe J]lq,,i,r os u? Jo sJslr^uEr P.rqrLlxa Prq rlJats '6!6r sel1:ra sy'r:e pr.r:d::uo3 ot:su r,re8 rprq,n':preF tue,re:q:1o s:tr:tr;d Jrlt tsruJJpour-rJtunoJ,,qsnor.rE^ pu? ursrul.poru ul?r!{tJq uoutuoguoJ Jqr ur lnr)el3 JqI Jo rurod prx:r r srurs::d:: r11u51ut.rl jo {ro,,!,! l,llsrlvllrNrl 0Nvvr'Ers l


.{ru.loporu Jo ftotsll.rJpr,4,\t ot uourla: ur ;sod;rdst:r tnoqe pue 'lturt:e Suru.rJfuo) suouslnb Sutsru :noqr sur,r ',1:lqo,,neqt :re :y ;o sl,tapo-rd:r1: 'ra^o3roru'sJsursqtoq ur pue ',try Jo r::196 :qr Surr:prsuotJu, tnocl? se,,!\

Stella's emphasis on the literfiess of the painting's support through his deep sffetchers and shaped canvases pointed to something else: to getting the work offthe wall and into three-dimensionalsoace,The result was an art of what calJed Specific Objecrs, and what the world hascome ro krow as Jr,rdd Minimalism. For Fried, this was tartamount to a dedaration of war on modernism - the 'theatricality': a kind of stagedperformance invasion of art by what he called encounteredin literal spaceard in real time by an embodied spectator,tot the 'presentness'. For elevationout of that condition into an instant of aesthetic Fried, modernist art defeatedtime, the realrn of contingency,and to reduceart to the condition of eveq/thingelsewassomething like treason.For many in the generationof the mid-r96os, however,it was not; it was a sudden and fundamental opening up of art. It was another of those chargedmoments of the kind we havealreadynoted c.r9ro-r5, when abstractart, all form arld trarshistorical essence, issuedin the readyrnade, contingency and context, all

The Minimal object, literal thing in real space,shorn of composition and handicraft, the endgame for the modernist preoccupation with form, went through the looking glass and in no time at a1lgaverise to Antiform: the work 'things' of art as anything, bits of waste, felt, rurdifferentiated stuff, and even no at all but actions and'ideas'. Once again,as at tle beginning of abstraction, it is as if the pararneters of the field were rnapped in a mornenlThat extended 'moment', from the beginning of the decadeto the mid-r96os, when modernism gaveonto Minimalism, whidr in nrrn gaveonto Antiform, may be regarded as the gestation period of a full-blown Conceptual art.

PArNflc A kind of testcase provided the paintingof Kenneth was by Noland andJules Olitski (fig.r8). For Michael Fried, this work wasexemplary that to which of modernistart couldaspire. with Stella, As it'cornpelled conviction'. What it

uo pJlrrPordir 's)ooallxr:) uotttlrsrdde-tie ruo.:g.:losJltlD llu uro]J suollulonb Jo Sunsrsuor s8unuttd go srr::rst plxpo.rcl uess:p1:g uqo{'r:rurt5rp3 ur 'g-1,96r Bur.rnposly (6r'3q),rsr::e oqr or {luo uuou) 'tr.Irrs iltLIJuErqrJcl tdal rr1 ol art ru:tuof Jrlt -Jo suoIsuJuIrP Purl.IJlrtrtrir Jrlt :JIqrsr,\LIl ut Pult )lenbs s-r EuuorEd srql Jo ruJruol JqL :ptrr :lrLll 1r.l Suliuedtuoflt )lf,tlg t 1o Surrsrsuo: >l:oar llr:d-o,'r{l e s-9{{sltll 'luJuloru l:eulSlro s uorllc:lsqe ut u1 '(g-196r) ii tiiutri<lp.trS ut uorlJr-rts.lir PJ,toPtLIs -1o tu;ur:3p1,r'toupe rtqr anbrrsiur:til 1':rpo:eclosp peq rq'.r:r1:t.r lprlF4q tr/.Ltstlv %)aat PigqnP uJr{l su.{\tI :,yo9, Pur: ,L/uf6, s::rr8y oql pJI]IJIIJls slr,!\purroJF ,{o:3 ssog,'u u1 s::c;:ns untl:r:r1r Lro sri\utl r pa:opord u:psrue; p1,,q '996r ur 1:o1.u:g ur p1:o.t Sursserl rqt p.r.rude: '.rsJno) Jo 'qrIrJ,l{'Jluolqrouotu.[qrss^o.] tsJ.rJJqs :qt ',s8ul]urerJ :o::rl!r, J]npord ot tJlLls rl:1stld :,utr:g:r ']uJLltLIis- t PtrrlflJ.rts 'put1"8uqur'!96r st lFE.) sV'uou.IuourLld puoueu:.rtut ut ur,llpFg ItrrrltrrJ,^{ serllt !s^uors.lllrurap:e8-tuu,ru::r1.rt:r lLrcLu os LII,,!\ sr loreSe.t:rio pny iurtrr:rd s-lsn.rultnrclJruol !u uolrtlsqr 5Lrr,{po;t.l o:.1: 'Furslyeue ,{per,rp :.rr,,r'r ru:uro8pnloqr plrursr.rd:u ruaruuro.l s,p:eclcll {1cl rng :rrrn r;o

qsrnz lo?reqJolcs I 0 u n r 8 1u 0 l c a l l o 3 0 (xgtxtqt) zaI x I6tplsolottd \f,an x f,an) aat \ zzl se^uP3 u0xe]rr0l

'lSIl I? irql or ^lllo rrr\oul 'lrJes jl rrrJrrlnnJid q :xl or .lu rtrrtlKD rqr r) rl(rsurtllP PoP -ritar.Irxp aql : olqrsl^trt si slll Jo )rorror rrl.L "eurLruu.l

8-196I EultulPdtanes u0psLUeS l0l1l

6t rtcs 98614rer\ '1,11 sr,\l sr,\l aueSnl puB '1]vJ0 u.rnesn l ]oure up 00orlafi a!1 l t z r z xa 6 ) 8999xeZ
S B I \ UU 0C r I ] S V BC arLvl 8961pau,Dst0

',i8oJo.rF,r :urqrs.rtur: rn:,i1asp;;d tnq 'p]ro,ll uJI]tT E LIIrurt1rsir Jrlt -Jol^DrtuJslrdli rlll ]ou 'JlllolJq PtrJrusru.IJPoul se se,lllr '.iLmrLI -Ir ol rrJpprq r.r1r pJureluJrJ]Jsl rrrp Jrnrlnrrs ri.lrod t or rulrll su,^{ u.lJporu sr Irqt rurrll 1luouelrldcn lc1 snqt se,uryznru Jrns_r,\ lrt l:^rurJpourJJscll 'uortc]run.^uol Dtnllpt ur 'puJ uE ot sueJluE st rrslrru sr srql staytur.rr.lns ol 's.rot?^aJJ sErlf11s s^J:eI.J puno.rS>Peq ur Sunltoos .rlrr,iordor p.]s,r Lrur 5^trodrrr rrlsllur tuJI.luE sr qlrq,lr 'pJsrr. u.).)c1 r,rtrl sqSno:r prrc s1:ad arp 11tq)rLI^\Lrrcg plnpo:d ,{p:r:'trutuor -:lopurl E or u:,uF:urtu:r1: st,1t211W, JJIJE r,Ie 'Jrsnlrrot tuJIe,{InDJ Iensr]\e,Io Jdorl Jqt Pf,r$ro uortlt.rtsqv J,\rltlruu ^.ltirlrl Jo Jrr^rJs Jrlt uro! lrr Jo uontlJcl] e':og ul.luts rq ot FurLirlruosst,{\ rlsrltu :lo uorlrPuor JLI]'s_lsD.m slllr.rl tsrrrr;pour ,{143]6; 13rll ErJr IIr,t\ S-IJPEJX Put '8ur:oq onar irqt teqt Surirs urrll Jroru lJqtrr ot slLmorqr srLlI',)tznrlr 'p:tddr1 .irnl .roJ LIrrrp put ,{tlrll rri,r JEr.rsr^! siurrurecls,r1srr19.rr,r.r,no11 '.rtuu ',a:tr3,1o :rtls e olrrt 1t ,{q p:trrcr -'o pJ.lo^lJL{r-lo rno Lrorlr:lrldllr .{t1pur: Jq plnol JUoteqt:tsrd:r1t 1o t:c lerruouer.lp ic1p-r.rpr,ro,rd ot t.opnnrb.. rr,qt '3uqog p:prsrp pue prss::clxr ,{1:suuurut sr,,r'r;lo uortrr,tuor p:11:duror

sIt0 stnr 8I

the scalcof modernistabstractioo (fig.zo).Not all Gernan :rrt rl:rsI.rostage ro mysticism eithcr: in r969 Siglnar Polkc parodicclthc gcnre rvith Ilr lJglrr-l'or"rr: Connnad:Painttlx Right tlanl Corntr Bluk (frg.zr). IDEAs One gesture sumsup the changecl clir.natc. Augrrstr966,the Englishartisr In :rs lecturerat St M:irtins Schoolof Art rn John Latharr, employed a part-tiDre

20 lohn Baldessad CanpasingonCanvas 1966 8 289.6 243.8 x (114 96) x fuluseum of Contemporary San Art, DlegoGjftofthe arris!

27 SigmarPolke

Btack!1969 1 5 0x 1 2 5 . 5 (59i49I) Co ection, Stufrart

London, where rno.lernisln rv:rsa powertirl ir-r{1rrer-rcethc tcaching,u,ithcJrer.r, on a cop1 o1'Crecnberg'sArt anrlCulturc{ror.nthe collegelibrarl'. Ht- then inlrtcd 'chew-in' 'teach-ins' like-mindcdArtistslu.r(1 stu(lcnrs a to (mimicking the rnd 'sir-ins'of tl.rc time), which involvcdsclccting page, a rc:rring out, rna.rrcrting it ir, and spittir-rg results the into a recepr:rclc providcd.Larh:rrrsrrbsequentlv brokt'clorvn thc;'ulf into liclLrid with a concotion ol'cht-micals ir.rto whiclr yeast r,vas intro.1ucc.l. \Vhcr.r librerl rcqucsred book brck, it rcceive.l the irs :r

JLIl JP.m6-lur^r-lo uol]r]J-trlo.rL1 Put uIsru.IJPoru srsr.rlJLll-]o uortturquo) Jo rql Surl sE,^{ rrpJ rqt ,{lorppnq 'trJdsns ilSursra.rrur.rraddt or SutuutS:q sear JLI]'^{oN 'suonoulJ Jql -JoI.r^trI lt trLIl tlall.rur aqt tuo.r-l 1.:lr:louorlElnlDJesrP 'uolrtsurs arntrratryput Surrr:tJI rnflJpun or pJrtc{se reqr Surqr.rruos Jo oe uJJq peq ulsru.rJpour'sJ^nE:rru puno:r p.srurSro uJJq ptrl put JrllrplJllTrltl l sJuruse sl uo pJpelr pcrl rrr lrruaprtrt 11 rrtld 3ur1t: se,,u:8utq:-eosy ',ilntuer qt:rtuo.,utotEIlit ,Io trr JLpjo launs srun:snur

i Ua J e Lll

zJ^4qls aIf,g

a"{aqo 3trqcat

: uslqeJaq



sr,n l oooz rr:d aqt ur trqt tnq 'yo Itql ot Jlm.uuJ.qt tt pt.{r1,1srp ,!\JN ur trv urJPow Jo unJsl-rw Jrlt -]o uorllJIIo) f,Lltur JPTSJJ Jsr)trns ^\olr srueqtr-1 s:op,{1uo rou trqt uou ot SuusJil}ursr I '::e yentd::uo3lq tq8noln '(zz Bg) pssnusrp o8utqr :rr:nb:sqns aqt -'o ralrur E sV 3o r.lrl sutrqtr-1 pue !slurrurlll pup slEr^ ssel8 rqt'1ooq ary:,yo,{dor Fururrtrrolasttrrnsr SurIool -utrdruwpnq e go:drqs.l1t ur uo:r lentcloruol e poturqur tre pue')res :p :oF ipp utqrt j'ttt1li1) prlltsrp, pul urtrllr-1 :loqorp -Jo.)qm-tsJl

gambits meant questionshad to be askedabout'the object'of art; arrd crucially, notby academics, critics, historiam, philosophers and other interpreters,but bv artists themselves. Theory, so to speak,becamea practical matter. of representationand perception becamekey issues.TheDutch Questions artist JanDibbetts produced a seriesof'perspective corrections' by plotting lines on a recedingwall, or landscapeplane, such that when photographed they appearedto be a squareparallel to the picture plane (fig.21).\n Photopath,Ytctor Burgin photographed a section of the floor of a room, blew the resulting monochrome pictures up to life size,and laid them down over the original floor 'Proto(fig.;+). Jo""ph K"tuth's investigations', including sheetsof glass,neon lights, and compound works involving objects, photographs and words, are said to havebeen realisedconceptually- as 'ideas'as early as 1965, though they werenot exhibited until later. Be that as it may, the works are representative early conceptual of inquiry into the object of att.In One andFive Clocks, andThru Chairs One and kindred works, Kosuth drew attention to the relationship betweena physical object and diflerenrkinds of representation ol ic visual, in the caseof the photographs, verbal in terms of the dictionary definitions (fig.24). Kosuth's early work waspan of a wider rendency that had emerged in New York. Ar exhibirionorganiseo by Mel Bochrrerin late r966 staked out some of the ground. A hundred drawings of various kinds were collected for an end-of-year show at the School of Vsual Arts. Bureaucraticobstruction meant thar the drawings could not be conventionallyfrained for display.Bochner'ssolution wasto usethe then new Xerox technology to photocopy them, standardsize ar.rd four times over,and 'display'them in four large,looseJeaf notebooks placed in the gallery on the kinds of plinth normally used for sculpture (fig.25).Out of a mixture of accident and design,Bodrrer had ordrestraredan event that occupied the very territory towards whidr vanguard activity seemed to be heading, the hinterland where art met various forms of non-art, and it becamehard to tell the difference.The problematic sratusof the installation was sustainedby the interaction of its constituent elements:the variety of the 'drawings'themselves,

22 JohnInfiam Art and Cultarc1966 Assemblagerleather case containingbook, letters,photostats, etc,, andlabelled filled vlals llquids. 1.9x28.2x25.3 (3%x 1% 10) 1 x TheMuseum lvoden of Blanchette Rockefeller Fund

23 JanDibbetts Pegpective Conection 1969 Photograph of instalation

24 loseph l$sufr English/Latin version 1965(bdibition veBion 1997) photographs Clock, and pintedtexts paper on Tate

uE teq l 'tre Jo >1.10,^1 tunof P]notrtttl,{{ Jo strrulT Pf,uortsJnbteql lJo,,!l e sE ?q] Surxpo.rd 'qnrp8rrs qt.S raleoprqt qlr.'rlprlErlosse rurerrcl 'rrura,1\3f,uar^rrl pue ::1qan11sey8noq (::eg rraqoa qrr.,tSuop'qrnso;q'so96r ::e1 :gr u1 tii0[vsnvtu]lvl4t0 Jrll .re tle Jo s)Fo { Fnttrr .qt, 'uortrqrllxJ ulltouodo.Ltltuaualll Su ueduorrt salou srrl ur Jro.Lt{ aqr "sE.Pr qrnso) sE'.r:q,4'\ uouturs aql'atrutrgu8rs Joulur d1:,rnep:go st,,lt turod aq: :r 8ur.r::t s,{\ r:e,up:eq eql'sererd asaqr1e u1'(t:e 3o >l-ro,!{ Jo otsj aql ur ,uoutldurrruof,, aqt Jo uoDur^uor.qt qrusrP ol uorlrfrTdull dq pue) uonrwro;ur ;o :3ueq:xa rqr orur ,.{r4rqrssod pur uorsuot,tr;(ur or 8ur:q rurr rqr ',{rtTtqtp,r" plo.prr.p Jo :rp.noyaq rsnlp:rp:rd spunos 1:rg Surlqd:ep:o::: adtr t 3o Suusrsuor,,w '996r sedpe sy (92'39) r: 'adry do5 p:rnpo:d peq urng url puu uapsrue1 lrl11 aredsuonrqrqx::qt ur spunos:q: Surser. pue peg Surdqd'3urp:o:a:'doo1 snonunuol e ql,r rop:o::r:drt r pa:rqrqx. aqsralrl :ua.rrdswrr dlarelduror

ouo '1:qc1 rilor:lduror ruo 'ullg Jo,{t] 'puofrs II] ur pu :spunos otyny.Lo{ Suuuasa.rd:.r,s8ur,nerp, suou;soduro3 pardorotoqd's.r-rnuulg p:,uoqs Jqs rsrg:qr uI ulsllEnrdJluol ur srsu.rtuaruo,4{ alo.rlpea aqr llqdruaxa or Jo uJll uouo ?.rl suonnqr.uuof .sori.4 'lo1zo;1euu.r:r13lq pue JlJsrulq qtnso) dq yo,,u papnpur s.rloqsqtog ):o ,!\ag ur sarrds patua: lpre:oduet ur y.ry suot:lgrqxa :q: rJlr.rso)'/96r uI yutto1,tr uy tqdtouodotllrouoltr pue .PaPE.rJ 3J3,r\ s8urqrqrrq,,w uorDJ.lp ?rit srtJrpur,{oqs srauqf,og 1nq ',tu:}rualour,p.ruEu ur e se tsrx. tou prp ,l.reprudaruo3, 996r uI 'aurorrq prq ltrt Jo ]ro,,!{,rqt trql Eurqt atturrur:t:pur Jql tsgruErlr 3le!u 01'ttv st r1tr lxwa4lq oi tuatytrQuassata1tr 'alru aqr 'rsEallou 'pue leydsrp epour s7a114qlsy1np6yuasSnnatq 7utyto14 3o ,JlrT-trr, rqr ql,,!{ prurquror srql Jo II :tu:t1l rtrrqdnp or pasn rardororoqd aqr 'a8r3 uqo{ go rur::3trp r pur ueld :oog sftole8 oqt Jo uorsllllur llt se1:,r sr 's.lro,\ur or 'ppr-r{ ,{q :rors r put 'suortEJnJIEtr uoq pue ttrr11e1 IErDEuraqtru pue surer8trp uorS pa8uer qrrq.t 1o5 seq:ns slsure dg s:rP::1s 8ur1;o,'vr

exhibition was,and what it was that an artist d;1.Siegelaubchallenged the conventionalexpectations stagingexhibitions that reversed normal by relationship between the work on display and the catalogue.In theJanuarl exhibition of ry59, while somephysicalexamples work wereshown rn of temporarily rented premises, real site of the exhibition wasthe catalogue, the which in Siegelaub's terms now became'primary'rather than'secondary' information. In a notable shift, artwork wasnow being conceived as 'informatiori, which could be circulated more e{ficiendy through the medium of texts and photographs than through the transportation of physicalobjects. It was the work of such artists that stimulated the claim that the tendency 'dematerialisation'of uniting the Conceptual avant-garde the the object of was artr a thesis advancedby Lucy Lippard and John Chandler in Arx Magazine in 'dematerialisatron February1968. The most literal exampleof this strategyof is afforded by the rvork of Robert Barry.Barry beganwith small monochrome canvases hung at on the gallery wall, disparatepoints which in exhibition therefore appeared bring into play the space to betweenthem. From herehe moved to wires. (lntttled 1968is a nylon of thread weighteddown with a steel disc, hanging vertically, and almost invisibly, from the ceiling. The wires wereabout as far as solid matter could be taken into the realm of transparency. The next step,logical1y enough,wasgas.The lnert GasSeries of 1969took in gases such as neon, xenon, and helium.The text for Heliumreads:'Sometime during the morning of March !, ry69, z cubic feet of helium wasreturned to the atmosphere'.Tellingly, the event is recordedin a photograph (fig.27).Other, yet more'dematerialised'worksby Barry include Telepathir Plrrr,'somethingclosein spaceand time but not yet known to me', and the assertionthat'for the duration of the exhibition, the gallery will remain closed', a work that was simultaneously'shown at several in difrerent venues the USA and Europe. Lawrence Weiner made the point ,borrt th. obsolescence physicalobjects of with tather more aplomb. He had originally been a painter,producing in geometrically striped or monochrome, shaped canvases the early to mid r96os,but he had also performed some more'exploratory'sculptural work involving the removal rather than the installation of material by blowing holes in the desertwith dynamite.From 1968 Weiner beganpresentinga seriesof enigmaticpropositions relating to similar kinds of actions.Theseincluded, 'One hole in the ground approximatelyr'x r'x r'. One gallon water basedpaint

25 MelBochner Wotking Dnwingsand Things on otherVisible Paper Necessarily not Meantto be Viewed as Att7966 Four identical looseleaf with notebooks the copies same100Xerox of studio notes, working drawings, diagrams and collected Xeroxed and bytheartist, displayed onfoursculpture sIan0s Binders: x 28 x 10 30 ( L L %7 Ix 4 \ x Sculpture stands 30.5x 6 3 . 5x 9 1 . 4 (12x25x36) courtesy the 0f Sonnabend llery, Ga New York


Christine Koslov lnformation Theory No 1970 Tape recorder and statement Courtesy oftheartist

Robert Barry lnertGasSeries (Helium)iFrom a Measured Volume to lndefiniteExpansion 1969 0n l\4arch 1969, 4 in the lvlojave Desert in 2 cubic feet California, was of helium returned t0 theatmospnere Photograph courtesy theartist

aql'dlllsloqlnE tnsD]E JEuollrPellJo ]o rJEJJPueq suollut^uol uo Jo J]!Eq sJrlJ.r,,!{ :(L{1rJr{trJN'lndlno sq Jo .lof, oql .lrunsuotr ol PJllurluol Jo 'sBuI^rrP rrqtJ8ot qJlrl,4{ IlE.{{arll uo ]lEqrua ollnoqe se^IPu'(ot'8g) ruII] JEInPowFuoIsu.lulP-3aJql iuDnPo.ld uJ0q Ptrl llll!\J-l 3uros.loj '.teJ reqr snl Jo rrrurun s aW s awo{yy ut ,rJv ]erudaruo3 uo sqde.r8E.rtd, 1,96rut pa:eaddetsrg :rueu t st paqsqqnd:tr16a1 1oguaq,,u ,:re prudaruo3, N0[l.l3d]u duurg aq or suaddrq oqe 11'r:e pn:daruo3 Jo sPWq aql rr ror{lnE lsruraporu oqr 3o otg agr 3o rrurrod rruo.rrut sluasa.ldf,r ' yontpuot Surpuadrurpaur8aur snp :og ;oqderaur e sr uras :q drur aruanbasrrqdtrSorogd aq1 pruuaaa aql Jlasunl rsruE Jqr Jo arue.readdesrp oru or palsaSSns Dalqo r:e agr 3o arue.rtaddrsrp 'alol,{ llEulY aql ol arueJ3js.I Inuuuol Jrll, '(62'By') 696r p srq 'uonesqeualeurap 1u1.t;cg-lp5 uo qtr sltuly qrre;qur srnrro totrre,r qsry8ug uV 'suonrtsgrutru pn:daruo3 lueur aprsSuop ot pa;a,roq'uortdunsuor put ssoy8 :ruetsrsal jo se rrr p:aua8 slr sr 1ea,r l:qenb rrptu;ou lpq8qs slraJntlnl-rJtuno) laPl.!{ alll Jo JPlllule lltq -prel .qf 'rusruorssardxg lrrr:sqy 3o suonrata urrsduorq arlt ruor; rno {lraqt palJur pue so56raqt ur peq oBrJ punoJ rsoqr P.qrosqp os lEr{t rnounq IE)zzrnb e ol parlp loo: ua7 rtqr 'lft Jentdaluo3 Jo alEJt turr; E tla; aq uEl e:allt lyre: Suolo,rord-rq8norJl tsour aqr Jo :ruos u1 'Suqladruor l Jpurreqr .pnlrre aqr Jo rpnul uaqt r,uE,arlt :ou ;r 'le1 uraraqa'Sutqlou JJnI \ sTo,4{rrepue lsourp op ol SururaJs srsu.rts arnlu aql lnoqe suottdrunsse prtuar Jo .ruos jo stIqrITarll paqord ::urarq'syo,,vr d1.rea asaqruI ]suft r9r Jo PuEqarll lE .q or .^eq rou prp uouesr]ErrtEqt 'pasqtar llprtslqd ::a,u :r gr 'la^oaJourpuy', ;o 1oa,i, jo sutts :rp lo(ua ot JapJour prsrl"ar lle:rslqd aq or a,ttq rou prp 'fts or s rrtla'rynq r1 eapr aqr ur lr1 ,yo,u, aqr aq tou prJu {ro.,!{;rll t p.reruqrj aq,,lrtllJo,{\ IiI'z lro,^1 aql Dn]lsuotr lru:srt:e rq1 r,:ropu arrr.redu::r1t rpr,4{ ru.ruJrers tlJrloJo ru::rurur:druo>t eq: se,n':nSopttr r|ranrulsqnrl:3:r5 ur paqsrlqnd ts.rgse,,n ull,^{ 'sPrt^{uo rr 696r urog srrll or p:l1dde rourollrrqr rsr.ruaqa'(696r 'l9o ruaualelg),:sn r ur; p,roruar a:enbsy :(gz Bg :896I 'Izo ru.!uatr5) ,yp,'r'r uro:; preoq ge,n:o rarseld3o p,4{ rJoddns ro Sulqrel Jrp or p^ourr.r,,9t x,,9f y :rr Suqprsur uEqt :lllr.r IEIralu 8ut.r.oul:rutSog osp rauraA\');o,& JrI]rra srq uo dn 3ut1tt6 '(g96r 'l,ro ruaua:etg) rrer &;ds yoso:e prEpuetse luo.rj.roog aql uodn l1:ra:rp rured drrds 3o salnururo,na,l(g96r 'oro tuauattrs) ,l]orl srqr orur pa.rnod

constructions and drawings alike are fabricated by assistantsworking within the parameters LeWittt instructions.The opening of LeWittt'Paragraphs' of has come to constitute the canonicalstatementof a generalconceptualist approach:'In conceptualart the idea or concept is the most important aspect of the work. When an artist usesa conceptual form in art, it meansthat all of the planning and decisions are made beforehand and the execution is a perfunctory affairl As he declared,'the idea becomesa machine that makes the art', Lewitt was,however,careful to steer his notion of Conceptual arr away from any suggestionof intellectual aridrty,by offering qualification. ,r.r.h 'Conceptual ", art is not necessarily logical', and'The ideasneed not be complex. Most ideas that are successfulare ludicrously simple'. In fact for LeWitt, as he emphasised the slightly later'sentences ConceptualArt' of ry69, in on 'Conceptual artists are mystics rather than rationalists. They leap to conclusions that logic cannot reach.Rational judgements repeat rational

28 Lawrence Weiner
AJO XJb removatn the lathingor suppott wallof plasterol wallboad tom a wall 1968 photograph Installation althe January 5-31 J969exhibition. The Siegelaub Collection Archives and at theStichting Egress Foundation, Amsterdam

29 KeithAmatt Self-BuriaI (Teevision I lnterference Project) 1969 photographs Nine on board panel Each 46.7x46.7 (18%x78%) Tate

judgements. Illogical judgementslead to new experiencejThissuspicionof the rational should not be surprising. After all, rationalism in the guise of planning, systemstheory and scientific analysis,was being enlisted ro prosecute the war inVetnam. LeWittt exhaustivelyrepeatedvariations of lines, cubes and geometry in generalseemat one level to do nothing so much as point to the insanity inherent in the obsessive pursuit of the rational. As Rosalind Krauss has argued,his strategiesowe more ro the maddeningly obsessive repetitions of Samuel Beckettt characrersthan to scientific rationalism (let alone to Pentagon planners). This interest in repetitive, mantra-like strategies,pursued through and beyond obsessionto a strangelysrill kind of meditation on rime, consrirures a notable trend within the overall range of Conceptual art, a rrend which, moreover,seemsto have spanned the continents. LeWitt was working in America. Roman Opatka, an artisr of Polish descentresidenr in Fran-ce, began


to paint a canvas 1965.Thecanvas in was painted blact, r95 cm high and r35cm wide. In the top left hand corner, with a brush laden with white paint, he 'z'. inscribed tlre 6gure'r'. Next to it he inscribed The sertes Oneto injnitl continues.By the time of the exhibitioo Clobal Conceptualsrrrr999, Opalkat in work featnred there bore the title ft96r76-t9t66t j.The artist speaksthe numbers in Polish ashe paints them, and the audio tape is a component of the work.The German artist Hanne Darboven, whose early careerreceivedsupport from LeWitt, beganworking with number sequences the mid-r96os. Her in installations characteristically took the form of shelvescontaining large volumes,the pagesof which were sorrtetimes coveredin hand-written number sequences, sometimescontained oI 30 only one; as in the work consisting SolLewitt of all the days of a century: 365 volumes of roo leaves each(fig.3r). Cubes/Haff 7912 off The pagesof the first volume Enamellad minium eu c o n t a i n l l t h c f i r s t - o f - J a n u a r ir h c 1 6 0 x 3 0 5 . 4 x 2 3 3 a es, ( 6 3 x1 3 0 % x 9 1 % ) second,a1lthe second-of-Januaries, Tate and so on up to all the thirty-firstof Decernbers. an exhibition at In the Konrad Fischergallery in Hanne Daboven Dtisseldorf during r97r, one volume Boals. A Century t97I photogf Installation aph was displayed,open, in sequence, of books booi,shelf and eachday betweenr ]anuary and the Museum lvodem of Art, end of December. Bestknown of this'genre', perhaps,are the dare paintings of 32 0n fwara the Japanese artist On Kawara, 3 DatePaintings: lan. begun on 4 Januaryr966.These too 15, 1966 (Ihis painting havecontinued, all slightly different, itselfis January15, 1966);ian.18,1966 all hand painted, eversince,each being accompaniedby a pagefrom a Jan.19, 1966 (Fton 123 Chanbes SL to newspaperof the day in quesrion 405 E 13k St)t966 (fig.32).Related seriesby Kawara Liquitexon canvas include postcardsmailed to each20.5x25.5x4 ( 8 x 1 0 x1 % ) individuals in the art world staatsgalerie Stuttgan recording the time at which he got up ('I got up . . .'), or whom he met on a particular day ('I met . . .'); and perhapsmost poignantly,'I am still aliveOn Kawara'.This is the kind of rhing rhar ffies the patienceof the sceptrc. Ironically, in the face of such manifestarionsof Conceptual art, one can do litde other than echo Michael Friedt claim made in respectof modernisr painting: if someonedoesn'tfeel they are'superbpaintings', then'no critical argumentscan take the place of feeling it', What it meansto feel convinced of the significanceof ar endlessseriesof numbers, or a wall fuIl of closedbooks that you know contain nothing but dates,or a minutely diferentiated seriesof canvases, a fair question,Insofar as there is an arswer, it perhapslies in the is realm of our responses the sublime, a senseof our hmitation in the faceof to

!.rattJaql is,,!\olloj tq.{l Jr puv iag u?J rJ 8un{r Jo spuDl aqr augaparSurop nol req.,t saoplutod tErl,trtE 'rO auE aq ol asearSurop are nol req,u saoptutod teq^\ tE Pue 'ttrll Dn.usqo 'le Palool aq ol l.Ie sE^\rrE rslulaPotr^{'lJt ]nlo3ruoJ A]]EaslunEq uons:nb leql TzarSuroquo peatsutstsrsurpue uontlduratuol Jo rtrsrll sarnlqe:eqt trr pnsrl Jo ).1o,^{ qll4{ patuo;;uof Jq ot sI tr trqu ;o uons:nb aql asrc.r sua[o.rdasaqr'raqraSoruayea's;adtds,,rrau;osutunlor Sutstt;a,lpe aqt pu? 'laaJtslto .qr ur s8urp:toq sr qxs '&i,rD:e r:e qtr,,r Patrloss lou lJsnoraa:dsalrsur snrnesaqlaql ruor; sauruapareld pue s:elso:oqd aqr;o aueld-puno.r8 qrelq aqr para(er qlnso;1 sreal,tr3 :x.u aqr:a^o 'lSalerls srq;o uorrsrpllp?r raqtrn; E ur pue Surrurtd;o oqra tueserd-1ns ',tlafqo, ',8uluaur, eqt 3o uorrruSorarur 3r sy '(r'3g) ,l;oaqt, ',, Jqt tJy uloporu Jo srulspue a.rruu tnoqE atvqap aqt ur su.rar da1 arlt 3o dttru 'slt:sotoqd :,urt8au :spro,,t't lnq 3o Jo suourugJp lruou)rp Jo lrElq uo alrq,u '1p rr l:a8aur stq Jensr,l tou Sunsrsuor sTo,tr p:zrs-SuDurtd'suou8usa,ru1 lo ;o tslu aqr parrgrrlxaaq 1,96ru1 'r:e pnrdr)uo3 Jo suolr auoJaq e^Erlreqr qro^l 'a8paraprul e peg q:yo:dde s grnso; qdoso{ v 1o sar.ras ur ared aqr;


le,,ur raqlo arp Swuror ssaupeur rsquder tno-pa,lro oq E sraJru l:rarsstd op1-ua7;r sE:aruatuasaj4 pasodur-;1asgo purl Jo 'arguls Jo puDl uous:nb u:do ue e Suraqol asop sr srsurt asaqtJo >lJo.r{ p.re8a; aql a,,ur.raqlaq,,n 'drdruadpua.redde sr :l qQyesla;rT:1T) srr uo 3ur>pt dgenruo,ra 'sse1turod lpu:rrddr 'uor:rnpord 3o u:o; E rlrns punorE ajrl rnol a:tual ol ',u aurl-dyqurasse I srrErlr\\ uoEf,npord-st-uonrnpo;d ;o ayr,'[rssalpuaaqr e rq sE 3o llSpnrp :qr a1q Surglauros:aurqgns-rlue pur>J se ua>lEr Ila,,rr Jo rsnlppor poloaa sr req,n 'lps:a,tuo3 lrrap 8ur:rpqe,rlur 3o aruasqt atalduor aqr trq alqrssarreur a:oru aqr lluo parapuar 'uollolap Jo asuas f,Ilsuour e Jo ss.ullts .qt tsurc8edn sagrra;punor dprp pr,t:t ssalro ..rou 'rnruag ssa] lo aJoursJuo uJrl,lrArpunq urn:a: e 30 se IIJ.4{ :rruea)o aqt 'ssaussllpunoq sE

,l ,,,'' ', It,,.t,.:i,

33 v o l . 1n 0 . 1l,v l a 1 9 6 9 , y Published Coventry in

i,hich address mss all and let'ters snoiU besent. England,"to Price 7s.6dUK, ff'l .50 USA All rights reserved
Printed GreatBritain in

s>lro.&\ f1.rea s.&r rratlt;o ruergru8rs tsoru ogr Suoury '(tt'8g) real 8ur.uoy1o; aqt ptun :eaddr tou plp a7vn7un1-uy pu.rno( aqt Jo anssrtsrg aqt pue '996r prun pardope tou se^rrruu aqt q8norp 'L-996r ur rarpaSoraurer 'llarrnH ploreH pue a8pr.rgurrgpl^EC 'ul^tpFg Iaqrrry 'uosuDltv lr.ra1'a8enSu-1 lIV Jo uorle.raua8 aql tsr5 llt paurro:I or1.ttasoql lrr8ay rrrrdurtrpnq, rsrpreS-tue^ 'rurofrg pq usru.rrporu trq.{{ uro5 tuaraJrp ^lurrr?) Jo IerrtrJl ssrl ou tng 'JtrrlJJd rlrJ) aas If Jo urJoJ,trauE atntrlsuol trldrur lBrl^{{ ot surnJ asaql q8noryr >po^Lol ue8ag'puey8ug d.nua,ro3 ur prsEq lry1rp1 'dnor8 a8rn8utl 'ursru.ropour surnr rqt ur n lJV rLII'oue:8ua.r. e qtr.{r pouJnro; o8en8uel Jo '^roN'ur agl ptq Jo uorsuaurp a.,ulruSor passarda.r rusruJapoy4l'arrlre.rd,1a,tay -rtarlr, ro ',JapJo-puofrs, urJoj r sB.4{ papaauag ot pauaas terl^\.p?ruoguor Jo llrr"t'tbrp" 19 ol .raprour ,8urop,.ro ,8ur1eur,3o spoqraur aldurrs uerp 'tuo5uof a.rourpe;rnbal teql sanssr ot sanssr algprolun JurElJq 'J1ur Jo op or pasoddns st&rtsrlJe ur lrqt s..!{ 1ELI,I{ 'tsrlJr rJEag ot sr,{t lr req,1\ pur lr 'se.tttJ olur 'pa su'trtnbw u pu uJsruorlrnpal lsruJapour wty sryd au llsnoauerlnurrs :1rcpnldaruo3 Jo uortnlolr aqr ur rurod .Jo -ayt ,{a>1 t,qlnso) 'ssolrlltruoN 'tr Jo lx?iuoraq) ur patuas::d uaqlt lyuo sntets r{fns salarqf rr rerp lysnoauerlnurrsalrq^4. uorlrsodo.rd e 4lQauuuE Jo sntets aqr rre Jo >lro.4r, ro.1Surturep ur pa^lo^ur Aualsrsuorur -arp auJoqso Jrtrd 's.4{EH s,qtnso) leql tno turoo ol patetrrpur pJureluoJSuruosea; prnb uaog o eLIsrrlrr,&r lualadruor llerrqdosopqd ruanbasgnS',,,1r, tdaruor aql Jo suortrpunoj 3qt orur l.unbur u sr tr teqt rg plno.l{ tre pntdaruor aqt,'satu,ttqtnso) sv ',saprs aarqt seqalduer.u ol Jo uortruyap ,,tsarnd,, V unle lSolornrt r 'uortrsodord prrrlyeur uE sr tr Jo );o.&r aql .l)a5r uI 'tr Jo >lJo,t{ sI s,fl tLIttlaJe aqt ot uortrsodord r 'sr rap :rrrg:EIeuortrsodord r sr tr E ou regl 'srra(go;o 8ur1eu aql sa.unba;.r:3uo1 tr tqt sr t selrrr arl rurep aql lqdosoyqd Fuorrrprrr Jo pur arp 8ur1.reurse srslpue rnsrn8ur1sp.re8ar osp aH 'druqtrnc alurs tlr Jeuortur^uoJ sttJtal pu strtaqlsa pu lJ ua?^\tag JIe uortfurtsrp strasseqtnso) 'rr u1 'rurod ttqt ot dn apeurtsrtrc Fntdaruo3 e lg luauarets Itrrtrrollt rarsuatxatsotu aql aq ot turep auros sq,lgdosopq6 ;ru try'druupnq pue rprequro1 Woq Jo Jrurngur aqr p:3pa1.uonpe aq qrrqA ur lxat e'luuouauralul orywsleurnof ogr go uor]rpa 696r ;agorrg arp ur paqsqgnd aq lessa aqt urog rroddns Frrtrroaqt p;.ra.ttod tsour rrarlt palrar?r suo4v74sa,ru| s,qtnso) 'strgure8 saoS-Surqrlue'lsrp:e3-tue,re3o sle,u uappoJl -lorlr 11.4e3 rqt.4{ou lg a:a.nteqrlr Surtrsr,r-a.r lldrurs tnoqtr.&rursruraporu puolag t{et*e rc13un1ooyasoql uo trrdun ue perl teqt 'asu a,re8 rpnl-lt ol s8urrurcd rl 'aydurexa tI -eslaSunpl.ra,ra Fnrre eqt se qrnru sr Ieturrurtuosun s.rprr{ura1se.,lr s aqa Sunplrr^r pue tJe-se-tresr r.ry'8ulp auo sr tr leqt sr tJEtno_ge les or 3un{r auo aqJ.:rrJgnr rlrsnlfxr rr Japun paaraluoJ aJa^{ uornnpo.rdar rrqdr.rSoroqd ur rlgrsr^ur lla.Lrrraga pur uorltlduraruor pa8uolord lg lluo paltalal frtsrJallJrlr E - euroJrpouour atrnb tou tnq lsourp ,so96r arp;o s8urrured>pe1g paunr lyaug srH'tre tlensqe uruop-pend llssalpnr qtl.&tsrllllod Suru-r;a1 tua8rsue;tur Sururgruor Jo feal l1a11pn arp paur;o;;ad )rtsrtre tprtr{uraU 'sJrtur urlS.raguaargagr lq parou8r galr,111o.16'ursru.rapou lSoy algereldrur rraqt lq s8urturedasorl l 'tprr{ura1 Jo asl-tnurl r luasa.rda.r py uro5 pa^uep sr aserqdarlt roC'rusruraporuor tradsar rpr,u buapuar snp 'altrtqns s,qtnso) Jo arnteu snon8rgurerqt ot slurod',eepl s apl se trv

long series devotedto investigating implications of postulating evermore the 'work complex objectsaspossiblecandidates the status for of art'. The important phrasein that last sentence is'investigatingthe implications'. For the 'nomination classically Duchampian strategyof had become,if not exactly discredited,then redundant,otiose.After a certain point, there is no'point'in claiming another snow shovel,anotherpile of twigs on rop of Ben Nevis,

34 When Aftitudes Become Fom photograph Installation of exhibition the at Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, 1969(with Victor Burgin's Photopath lhe cenlrc in foreground)

35 Keith Amatt Trouser Word Piece ts72 Photograph text and panel Each 100.5 100.5 x (39%x39%) Tate

IfiOUSEN -WOqD flrcE 'li is $!.ltlhought,5.d lda.e $y 6!.lry,ilitly $ougnttat wb .ne njghr cr{ 6e .ttmdtug use ot a .o ts bsic - 6d. ro &de$d 'x; * heed ro htrwhar i b to b Lsro b 6n Lad inat &Mq thi3 apprises us ol whai h B not ro be x- nor to b a. x .8d wka leal . . . . it b the rrgafve ss rhat w*6 rhe t@u3.6.ftai js, a ssBe a{.chr. lo ihe a$e4io. &t sofr6ti.g i! cal, a real su4-ad such. only i^ 1k ligat ot a specfic q in 6i.h ft migbt b6, or n:sht bv beer. rol r1- A r*l dlck ditteB Irom be simob ? dud'o&!n th6r n is lsed to elcluds Edoos *6ys ot being rct a rl dud - M a domry. a to, a pitui, decq, tc ; ad norwer I do.1*neiud howro hke lheassedion 6at ia saldlducl u.l6ss l*.o*lutwtuion th.t oadi.ula.ocs'or, tle co@br hsd I i. nhd ro *dde. .. -ral' is .ot ro @rtribda postilely b ffe 6@sa ot {fte) ludis d &d9 rot @l'ard sarion ol6rfhi.o. bd ro sdude p6d* ry rhese eys are bo6 nude.ds iq Fdicob. thds d fthgr. d li.ble I is mG ldediry d to be qul diftared tor lni4s ol d'flered hds genoral l$..tion cohbined w$ immense die6iryin sFdic appli st ikst sigh!baffng teatu.e oi tions which glv$torh6word'real'se, 'n3anins,'nor havi.g .trer o.e sirgl Fi 6mbi9unt a .um&r ol Joh As!S.'Snse and tusibilb-

36 John Hilliard Camera Recording its ownCondition (7 aperturcs, 10 speeds,2 mirrorc) 197I Photographscardon on Perspex 276,2x 183.2 (85%x72%\ Tate

another brainwave,as a work of art. Atkinson and Baldwin (the name Art & Language'notyet being assigned as'author'of theseearlyworks) postulated such'objects'in rather more systematic fashion,in ascending ordersof complexity,to raisequestionsabout the ontology of art. The items in question included: a column of air (r.e.matter, in gas-state); Oxfordshire (i.e. an irregular, spatially bounded area;but what of the third dimension? How deepl); the French Army (i.e. a complex entity made up of various men and machines,

rnrturt 'sserutng ',, tou pue lgdetSoroqd se.trasaqr Suoun: tsouraroC',Jlrstl lrru.raporulg algtyt.te aptu srltllgt pue sanbturpat ateurlu ol JarllEJlng 'os oP ol uounuo) Jsor,[]uollultserurprtpet LIII.4{ ',ltr.'rrsnpx: pyn8-ge:r rI tou l;rssarau l]"rt]otg" s.&{ rrtJ uI, rtrit utqr arol d ur prroor sJrtrlgrsuaspue sllDISgo uorttstnbre arp g8no;rp :1doad aqt tuorj ol J]?sruo ote.redos l.rtssarau ra8uol ou, sattr op:t8-lut-te ]ttItIJr aqt JoJleql s,'!{ ttqt P?rule]r sr lI tu:run8rr srH'tuaruJlJnlfe sl.rt pnrdaruo3 ol ,lrluassa, seqp16gal rrrJ uI'spuq Surlrt^ Jo stxrt rltl.4{uolrrunluot ur pasn Sutag uauo 'slsnf,r pnrdoruo3 roj rrl^rp lo1 e uaag tsly oqt ruog pLIfqde;3oroq6 -tEl-oroHd '(lf'8g) ltlderSoroqd papunorrns reql .ssaupntrtJ, pu ll.trrra(go jo surrcp aql JrPI.&\ sJIIAUI rrynrrl,rcdur pue 'uoltttuasa;da; IEnsIA lnogt ssausnotlsuol-Jlas unto nuwp7 Eprl]llH ugof 'pa8t8ua 'tutruour l.ral rer,lrrt uoutpuoO sfl7uty.rntaf, 'sr.u ?q qrlq,e{u} ss:ro.rd aqr Jo rrn.lrt rurorag of ra.t{rll oqr pagadruot lypnt.rr^,r

'(5['3y) st.,n suonrnrsur Fnrxarprrunour-lp.&\ *13:ffl

lsrlJ ,FJJ, r teq,{t tnoge suIJJ JsIuoJr ^lsnoruullnurls

proSxgarplq pur aslpueol unsnv '1'{.raqdosoyrqd rxarprrllpur llSurpunosrrt >lootlturv 'roltlrads aql


rIITI= w III-il.q Ir-ilFw,@ ffi




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'rr rLIl Jo >110.&L Jo Jo alor aqt Pur tsrtre elll Jo JIor rtll sILIt qrnw 'sraqlo ?rnteu rqt tnoqE suortsanb pJsrJ Jo 'urSrng rolrln'ra>lzal5 uqo{ PuEurtretr l-8rt.r3 1aeglr141 'lltury rltra;1 'aEtnEuE-IE try lq po.rcaddt>lro^{pawg -oroild pue rx?r atp E 'astqd .rar1-rea ur ;o a8ut; apl.4{ rq qlrq^u 'orrrrtrd rng 'ra1der1t txru 3qt UI Passnf,srP IIl,&1 raPI.4{ olul Flrtrloo-ltrntlnr I)IPr Jo >lro^4{lau r,rt puolag r,{oruol sol,6roqr Jo JIErIpuolas rLIt uI pu Jlastr uortrurtsur trt arp 3o anblrul t otntltsuor or ut8ag JTI] EIIJJqIuN ]API]N >IJO,1^ SILI] JJ]II JO LITNW7OOf5'AFI] uortrlnPs lrr Jo uortnlrlsul rlil ultpl^{ >lJo.4{ Irrllrtr roj sarrs8urpr,r.o.rd re po.utt olrtertrur pasrg-a8en8u-IA tJV soL6t-pt.rt ur ot patelrr q)rg1y''V!.LisO Pl|Je.LaPiulu['anssL aqt ur ratel lpr13r1spu 'saurs dno.rg l.rod.tta51a'qt'uy ytuQauy papnpw tra'11 'uortrraua8 SurS.raruo lg soldrutxo paseg-o8allor snolr^ pse'sytowawaqpue ut '696r treynur&luaro3 ur pagsqgndrtg'a7an7uu7 lu.iuoCpawg-uopuo-I JLIIot -itv urorJ pa8ue.r?s?LiI'potnqr.rrsp flpuuo;ul sr?rpo 'paqsqqnd llpn-raruruor ruros 'sleurnol Jo lrar-re,trpr.u r sed{aJllt 'suortrgrqxa ol uolllppt u1 '.realaurts )rp ut tlv lz'al{roleu s l.ragtg prc.nlt11 oqt put zL6r ur ay.Lb) Jut)ryaqt {aung {o t{,nye1 uossr-I ayl 'oL6r ut slLurnLlsaaylsErpns saldurtxo atp 'rL6t ur aroqs 11ary sapwul7 uafuNl prsnro; d1e:o1arolu s IIO\ s (tt'8g) 596r w wtol awortg la,uns lruortru.rotur agr Surpnpur '.reallrola uopuo-I ur artld loot suoltlgqxg 'stsnr arp pue so96r Jo s;rgurnu rlqelaprsuotr >lro,&t Sunergrua'soL6rl1.rea Jo uI ate] ar{t ur alroJ p;.ra.ttod rurlrg trt pntdaruo3 ,prrlleut,'uletug 'rro(go t.rt u less: rtp rLIrurIEIl oqr 'asel-rlull Jlrstr sr urrItragr Surrt8rrsaaur 'o'r) rra(go trr uE sr'lutgduung 9z pu Jo pupl E srpu :(Fuortrpuor arntn; e uoa.{,\.tag rlpgun 1al-st ogt ttqt urtlr arp l(arurr 5z s;ogurnu 'srsnoq o.&{t IFA fir1u3p1 srr Sururerureur strtd lurnrlrsuor slr SurSuerpllenurruor ral


photography. ForWall, the important precursor here was Ed Ruscha,who had begun his seriesof photobooks as early as 1961with Twentl-SixCasoline Stations (fig.lZ), continuing wrth Some Angebs Los Apartmentq Euery and BuildingonSunset Strip.Photography increasinglybecameused to document the varieqzof activities and performances that formed an evermore influential complement to more narrowly'analytical' Concepfual art. Activities as diverseas those by Gilbert and Georgeand Richard Long in Britain (fig.;S), and Robert Smithson and Bruce Nauman in the United Statesall relied on the photograph to establishtheir presencein the field, either in exhibitions or in the pagesof books and magazines. The status of all these activities was markedly unstable at the time of their first appearance. Nauman has commented on how he spent a lot of time reassessing what it was that artists were supposed to do, and that his early work was made out of just that activityl spilled coffee, pacing around the studio, and the like (fig.39). As he said, the only way to find out whether it was art was to do it. Nauman admitted that there was a great deal of confusion as it becameapparent that art'doesnt require being able to draw, or being able to

paint well or know colours, it doesnt require anyof those specific things that are in the discipline, to be interesting'. And yet without skill and accomplishment of somekind, there would be nothing to communicate. As Nauman put it, what was interesting was'the edgebetween'the two conditions. In the mid-r96os, Dan Graham was producing works thar at the time had an extremelyunstable identiqt, were hardly'art' at all, but which havesubsequently been accorded exemplary status in the Conceptual canon. Graham was engaged in the usual round of writing and reviewing, the hinterland of poerry and art that constituted life in the NewYork avant-garde, forever struggling to get his piecespublished.Marchjtst t966 consistedof eleven'lines'recounting the distance from the edgeof the known universeto Graham's own retina, via the distancestoWashingron DC, toTimes Squarein NewYork, ro Grahamt own front door, and the sheet of paper on the typewriter. The mixture of flat literalism and quirkily imaginative meditation on the processof looking, or rhe processof writing, is characteristic the economy of Graham'smeans belying the sweepof the idea. In two nicely judged inversions of consumer culrure

rril'usruJrPorrr Jo srsrJfaql Punlag uosrJ IErturssaaqt tno sdurrg rurrlBrD 'grl lrtsaruop l.rr.roduraluof, uaaauortrpuof, parntrr;ilrcru pue p?sr]rrtsnpur Jo arll Surpaaa.r 'os Surop lq 'rarpra'aruatsrxa rrtgrnqns oruo ru;o; ap.re8 lq -rue.te Surdderupuolag sao8uorlua,trarur tq8rls lpua*dde s,rueqrD3o uodrur 'srxr str uo plJo,{t IB)rtrrtr aqt lErlt pandJr sErl.4{oJJseruor{IurrJotslrl il{f aqt uJnt 'rg8rr a.rt saruetsurntrJrtr J] 'uer Sunltou tsouqr Surop gr sE'suraru aqt Jo runurrurru tuartddr aqt rltr^t aperu sr r;rqs roleur E ^roq sr lw pnldarus3 'aJrT InjssaDns Jo srJnlEaj aqt Jo ruo IDos ufrJrruv otuo tno slu3rlrr^orlr trt uJoporrrJo rrtourroq lsour lytua;edde orp uado o1 dtruroporu ropr,tr aql oruo lno arntdlnrs Itrululry Jo trruroJ rlnporu arp uado or llprrreqdrua sr puofas aql'stuaplrnba st sarnprd pur teaJt ot sr auo 'arard agl uo ltrtuapr ,uau e Sur.rrajuol Jo trJJa aqt r^rrl tErlt uonraHur Jo spuDl tuaraJrp sorlddeaq os Surop ur rng 'a8ed aqt ot tr ra;suert pue 'rusrprururtrAl 'a16s uar{l ar{t qtr.4{prtrfosse luaura8ue.ur ;rlnpour r.rt ap.rr8-tueatSurpeay aql 3>lEt sr auoP l)wr ur sq luqeJD ttq^\',rlrraurv o1 roc sauroH, ar{l otur o3 or salgernp Jaurnsuor aqr 8ur1as srrors runoJsrp Jo rJ sJaLItO'uroorprg
uopuol'^Jollee ,{eg6,p ,{uoqluy 'Euy1etr1 7961puePug fq apew aun V tuol peqclu

St rIJns slrElJP JorJJlur Jo Juros lsroop ol dn Surpeal sdels st grns 'slrlaP JorJslxo Jo JJ )rllos's?snorl

ui,slrolg, raqro '( "' Ccggllyv

Jo $lueJ ParJJasJo rJE rruos'Jnolof lpsour pue 'sgdetSoroqd lpsoru 'aJnlu uI Itnsrl aw luud s,r[EqeJg

urepralsuv 'u0rlepun0l



ssor3lFu[r]crlsoqt]e rq8ra;o qrolg ur tlng;r sa1.{rs pue se^rqcrv u0[c3ll03 osnoq tue.regrparp 8uourc alqrssod qneleBerg eq.1 suorlerJa 1o l.reururns papor arp t96I (suoDelS eutoseenS rnolor *lt ur {prnaryrldp ur iaSue.r -,{lua\4t wou) eutolpJ sa>lrlsrP sa]rl,sraurotsn) alBlusJ pue 'sapeeN'uotun .^ /-.." Puv rIBLU nr^rns e Jo sllnsJJ Jo pl sqcsnu arp :(,1ur4 1erca;L''' uaarDu.&E-I LL :5,)srnolor rorrrtxa algrssod 3o :V) Sursnoq;o a8ue; rsrl e I(,' ' ' otr?ruo3 aql ig 'ereuos aLIJ_ algrlr^esu8rsap JL1l JsrlE :-lxr-l spurl ]uJlUrp Jpnlrul s>JroJq rrr.lro '.{auns1e:r8o1or:os Jo Jo ',3ursnor1-treJt, r prr rJnqroJg E uaJ^t{lJq JJJqmauros unrJaurv;o uorldr;rsop , , o J ^ o r ^ , { t ^^lprrpn]sE '_lxrl .9.,1 uuqpudp. t ^ - . " srueLleJD lslsuor s>lroJq Jo Jutos ,Jovu, Jqt ' ^ . " ' ^ - . Jo t ol aaJrll 'suurnlof IElrlJrA xrs ur ,$lto]q, Pazrs,4.lJElrrurs JnoJ-,{tJIr{]Jo s?rJ?s Jo stsrsuol lI :asuo8Jl) ol pJeq surtural arard atll'alfrlJ aurze8ersa.raru .rou tur.rd-t:tt raq]r3N'trrrrJoj purSuo s.urerlJD turrd ud-o^\t se 'aJrrl sr tI ur se 'pornpo,rda.r llensn .&{ou arard ag1'anssr 1,95rt{wnue[/996r ragrua]?C aql sr ut arxze?eutsl.+V; palSueruur parradde llpug uorsra^ ptrt (auop o,ter1 uI ot ulaas sttralord sruqerD yo hrrur se) q8noqr ga; rrafo.rd at41'(ot'Eg) nuzag s,udng s qlns autzeBertt dsso18 ur rcadde ot prpurtur asr.&r>lr] e lessa txal 'arLLz.wV.LoI -oroqd sawoHsr'oqrlure aqt parnpord osle arl 996r u1 Jo puH E taazags,ud.wg put xag Maft,af, aql ylo;.,waN 'lla^rtladsa.r {o 'ur drls lno->llal[] ta1-reru.radns pu rruaf,s?unlap altrrr uo lxal Ierrprur e pareld put areds Sursrlra.Lpe >loo] rrrerlrg 'Surddoqs pue xasSurp.re8a.r

rhetoric of self-expression, valorisatjon of individual feeling, aboveall of the autonomy itself, simply do not accord with the forn of contemporary life, wherein subjectivity itself is mass produced.In ellect, that is to say,modernism is ideological with respectto modernity. It concealsthe absence its own of valuesfron lived social life. Rather than ofering a genuine transcendence of contingencl, institutionalised modernism functions aspart of the ideological mask of a manipulative and disabling social order. It goeswithout sayingthat no art can escape framing .onditions of rts the time. But the feeling was widespreadamong younger artists that the price of medium-specificitv. and indeed of the related division of labour [tetwe"., modernisfartist and rnodernist critic (painterspnfuta1), contributed to an art that had become afirmative of - rather than critical of - its social matrix. Robert Smithson, best known for his large-scale earthworks of the early r97os, also produced text/photograph piecesaround this time. Smithson'sinfluence was powerful and fundamental to a good deal of early Conceptual art, though he himself came to dislike it ar.rd regardthe restriction to to languageas a medium as a form of idealism.In The Monurnents Passait oJ (r967), Smithson combined narrative,quotation and photogtaphy in a rranyJayered but disarmingly limpid account of a day'sactivity. He tells the story of purchasinga film and heading out by bus from NewYork with his Instarratic camerato his birthplace, the industrial town of Passaic in New Jersey,There proceedsto he photograph industrial sitesas if they were anti-heroic monuments to a dying industrial modernity (fig.4r).The banal photographs and the flat descriptivetext, encompassing specificationfrom the box of fllm as well as the a smuggled in critique of modernist painting in the guise of a commentary on a newspaperreview of an Olitski exhibition that he readson rhe bus, all combine to produce a multiply transgressive work: transgressive the u..y of protocols Smithsont generationhad come to find limiting in modernisn. Smithson conciselyarticulated the perspectiveinforming a wide range of 'conceptual' loosely art practicesin a slightly later text of r972, written on the occasionof the Documenta exhibidon in Germany.Doram taV was^n e enonnous exhibition that has sornedaim to representthe bigh-water rnark of early Conceptual arr, rhe point at which it moved from being an oppositional, critical force, to a hegemonicpower on rhe international art scene. Smithson's contribution included a short text on the rheme of'culnrral confinement', noting how if the artist failed to look beyond the existing institutions of culture, then the avant-garde artist no lessthan the modernist-conservativc

'fiollee IroA/v\oN ueuen ueurp00e \Y,6Zx%6t) 9l x l0I rlceo preoq palunour u0 pue sLldedolotld oMl ]xsl paluuo:sleueo 1-996I ecueuv)ol sawoH usqerc uec

:l9vdll8noc rNl/v\olloi



pue 'srrtrueunq aql ssorr trdrul ue peq teql saltlrolrd ur a8ueqr r1a;llaput e pauaddeq J^Erior surarsterll6'por:ad aql Jo srltl.roud prnrpr oqr ul rJlqs rrsq tJrgrr ol uaasrq uer ,{aql 'paptdun urq,4{lng 'snollqo ,latrtparuut aq tou rq8ru qwuar asaqtgo arueryru8ls aqt 'txatuotr Jo lno ua>lf '.tno salSurs ruo ttq,&t s saurrrratap lno 3ur13urs ruo saop ruo lutol{, ttp :deu.re3 JIoPnN :roqdosoptld aqt tuog pardope 'urrep aSen8ut-I E lrv prrrdrga llprrrsualrertql ruloo JLII'uoslJOurof, Jallloue uI Paulluof ltqr ol uIlE oq ol surJas ot algtssodurr, ;o spunorS rqr Jo uolterrrJo;sueJlJruos ]noqtl.4{ a.redruol suoltrnrtsul Surlutdurollt ag1 suerurtI ttqt rtr?ts,xrpul llt Sursn.ro3 'lrlerualgo:d lsotu 'lsoJaturJoJ lI ler]urtoo lsoru Jq] tno PIoq ot suraas s uoll;suert, Pu '(-) ,algrrtduorur, aqr ll.reayrsr uoltelar prltlt sHI'(I) '(1),a1qutdurof, :suolttlar a?rqt ot Surprorre rPeur s.& uosr.redruor , srLII'raqro fta.,ratsute8t patlnqtt rg ot txat qtea Pa {oll reqr pa&ldsrp aqt Surpuno.r.rns uO 'dno:8 aLItJo sraqruorulq pueteru s.uxapul ue 'slle,&r rtlt paqsrlgndun pue paqs{gnd .raqrose IIr,{\ st pu.rnol a7an7uv1-tty ruou Pallnr uortel]lsul 3ur1grq8ta;o dno;8 Jo P?tslsuof, slxal 1,8Surutttuor staulgf, ag1'Qaat ag ol s.ttyo.u agr) roletrads rqt Jo arnttu aqr pue l(sxar pue srralgo Jo prtslsuor rr) ryo,tr ar{t Jo rrnteu arp :(parnpord llaarrralor sr.u rr) tsrtre aqr Jo rrnreu aql :stuo5 ilt uo uoltua.tuor pabualel) xa7q lg1'(z+'Zg) >1;o.u rr.raua8 puH t;o uorrnpo.rd Jo ar{t sPrE^\ot'gxs se {s>lto.&L}re pntdaruol, rgDads ParPuI puolag'uollrPrl aprur{pra.r uerdruerpnq aqt Jo tno u.tror8 pLIttrlr (uolttulurou,;o sat8att;ts rsrlntdrluo) snorrel ogr puolag o3 ot tdural snolrlgru u se^tuoltlglqxe e*yl E r;v rr{I (>lro^\rrp Jo Apluauwoc[ zLSr arp roy parnp_91d tllt !_o 'urals^s aql ',urnnurluoJ, tuatuof arp rPtlu ag ot JIaslI 'alor{l{-se-aJnl)nJls aql rr{r sr.{l .,ltoH'urrlgo.rd po.l e qrr.u salddelS rr tn9 'tuetrsrq sr a8en8wl eql',JIrstI urnnultuoJ rqt Jo eJntlnrts-u8rsFntdrruoJ,r1l ur,sa8uerp

ouoredSJo ^sa}]n03 sqderto]orldrnoloc ua^alol0 orlollrod

'3 orlt p"r"uey4[?_Lrj_y.4N_?111-"Jry]gtj:l glq r Ftu?ruepun3, se.&t

oL6r-L/996r sqdetfolorl4 lnoloJ ua^aB uo.ll (tzx0z)I9x809 tq?!a uotltPl Jo L96l ploS oolseA4 asnn08 u IeilV un4oJql aelJoJ usuneNecru 6t

ruog,Jresorulltoluras, aqt ot tng,sp-agruSrs Jo Prteu8rsaP uollera;Ilord arp,or 'J?rlleu',,,>lJo.4uJ,, lou uJJf,uoJJraqt uJnl ol slsrtJepntdatuo) JoJ alull sE^rlI ue se (.radtd qrp'a'1) t)nrtsuo) trt rrllleut ue Surleunuou uo tslsul ot qumP ag p1no.&t uaqt ',taue1dsryr Jo rlJ orlt uo Sunplut aq llge.Lraruot tq8nu, lr, ,uou lg lrafqo 1rc ut a]uls teqt ator^t uaPsrue1 Put urng 'oL6t r1'sFnPI^IPUI ,{rrrqr punort asudruor ot rruor peq ql}q l 'a8tn8uel n uV raPltr rLIt otul ,trv Irnarorqlro; &ano5, u,t{o rraqt parerueSlturepeq uaPsutU IeW Put urng uBI pur 'oL6t ur.rotlpa uttrIraruv aurolag peq qrnso) gdaso{ 'dno;8 qq18ug aqr pauro( peq uorqsnx alC put uor8urlp4 dqrq4 'rrruel}V aqr Jo srPrsqtog uo .uou a,utrr 'dno.r8a8tn8utl n uV PrPutdxa-rPmu aqf ;o uorfednlloard urElu ar{t rrrrrraq uoltlPuor slqt BuIssaJPPV'luaruauguofu.{to sll aurofaq agr aqt ol pauelerJrlt uolttntls ap.re3-lue,te Jo sseuurdo {ta,t aqt 'sol,6r f1.rea lg )H0Nl 'uroPaag Jo suorsnlll ?lelu urll raqlBr luarueusuoJillt rsollsrP ol Jrllag ag Plno.ttlI,'snxau Fnloeluor-ltf,rllJf eloq.{{ ar{] Jo soqla oql silltrnol leql asIld t uI 'Parraauosqlrurs sv'ulaql oP or lulq or uo,tr8arqd aqr ur ,slrlrr aprrl q8nor srq 3urop, rt.r l.rore;ogey t otul P?urnl

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aqrlo G,!$ ! n' P iruQ *n

rotor Piiq o&w . qnR' or p3'l $utr ,{l(rj ur .roqr r!! taql p.trnqo J^Rt or itr4L aou *defqNlrrtl vosrrr fm'l.,lr zuodb

indeedbeyond.The effectswereregistered histories of art, of science in and of literature, in the emergentfield of cultural studies and in the social sciences, as well as in the practiceof art itsellTwo aspects particular arenoteworthy.By in no means logical bedfellows, they were nonethelesshistorically powerfully connected.On the one hand the period witnessedthe beginningsof the impact of French theory on English-languagecultural studies. It is not overstating the case saythat forms of analysis to indebted to Ferdinandde Saussurettheory of language the work of Roland Barthesbecamedominant acrossthe atts.The via 'signifiers'and'signifieds', 'signs','semiotics'(and terminology of later a host of 'difference') others from'deconstructiori to sin-rply becamethe linguaJrnnm of cultural debate.Accompanying this there was a leaning towards sociologism, which involved a shift in the focus of interestfrom'text'to'context'.Thus the socialhistory of art mounted a critique of modernism'sexclusive focus on the vtsual efects the work of art itself, emphasisinginstead the constellation of of social muses of which it was made. At this time there also aooeareda scrout c a l l e d ' s o c i o l o g yI k n o w l e d g eA n d o '. particularly significant was a developrnent in the philosophy of science associated 'paradignr w i t h T . S .K u h n ' s o t i o n o f n revolutions'. Kuhn argued that scientific knowledge did not progress cumulatively, brick by brick, truth by truth, but through a series of leaps.Certa:incrucial breakthroughs w o u l d s c ra n a g e n d ah a rs u b s e g u e n t r scientiststhen continued to explore. Eventually however,anomalous experimental results would appear,which over time began to threaten the system's overallcoherence. After a period of u n c e r t a i n td u r i n gw h i c hr h c s y s l c r n y underwent fundamentalquestioning,a'paradigm shift'would occur.A new agenda would emerge, and scientificpracticewould be rcconfiguredto provide experimentalanswers a new set of questions.Kuhnt theory thus introduced to a measure relativisminto the field of scientificknowledge.As such,it was of immediatelysubjectto question and qualification in the philosophy of scrence itself because the powerful connectionbetweenscientificknowledgeand the of 'truth'. concept of However,in the cultural field Kuhnt theoreticalrevisionhad a pronouncedimpact, seemingas it did to lend support to an emerging,and relativismof values. pervasive, Art & Languagetended to be scepticalof the fashion for French theory, instead drawing heavily on the analytical tradition in philosophy. But Kuhnt theory of paradigm shifts seemed be instantly applicableto art, a liberating to deviceto tl-rink through the changethat Conceptual art was making to the foundational assumptionsof previouslyexistingmodern art. An essay by Atkinson and Baldwin, published rn Studio Internatlonal t97o, exploredthe in consequences Conceptual art's shift awayfrom what wasdefined asthe of

4l Robert Smithson The Fountain Monument Bitd's EyeView fromMonuments of Passaic 1967 Photograph TheNational lvluseum of Contemporary Art, 0slo

42 Art& Language lndex01 1972 Photograph of l n s t a l l a t ia tnh e ot G a l l e r N a t i o n ade ie lu J e u eP a u m e , a r i s , d P 1994

'tre ur Sul1laporu ueqt rJour sarlnbrt {.torrq 'Surlts tnoqtl4 sao8r1 'PIro.&t qrns ,, uorttrrrJoJsuJtE rllns tql '.la,ra.tlot1 'plJo.&t alit uI ssrusnoltsuol-jlrs Jo uortrnpord oqr eruanpul urlr sdeq;odputl ']lE aaoqe'a.trtruSol Irlrtrrl Jo tururratlqrt rql algeu? utt tgt orrDtrd Frlos 'lrrlrgrssode st uado 'lef,rtrrr pupl e dltrruorod st tr Jo Jo rarrruor ot sr lI tng ururual tou lLIS[u fr]rrltsrr arp Jo rsurs prulJoJsurr E reqt ls or rou sI slrll 'uolletlalaP 'rorltn ,lltsltr, ]npl^lpui u Jo rrnpord :qr sr paprt8ar rg rou lrtrl-[]s? sasod"rnd;o;srralgo atru5 uI rnssl of a^tq JrLItIruplno,{L tI ;o 'rpns sy 'srrrnosrr ro Ierntlnl-rtlndod ua,ro rrtsrnSurlJerrqdosolrqd;o lrorrca rlltlrlJof t 'stutdnrl;ed srl Jo uolfesraluo:) e lg paunogur ,arrtrr;d Ietrrtaroaqt" ttlt Jo tno prtntltsuor )guat a)rf)etd t.re8uro8-uo ue sdtqtad lrser slril ltru ure.r.rat ;o drru tuaraglp e put 'puadop suosr.redruolrsor{l aqt u1 'o8.rorua

uo qrrq.&\ suortrugrp auqdnsrp oqt urro;suerr rng lqdosopld Jo uortrsodord 'tJ 'ursnrtrrtr tJr e r og lrur ! uro11 3o arard e ag leru z urrtl Jo >lJo.u og leru r ruatl'apru arr suortdr.rrst lrrluopr ro suosutduror se s8unlt qrns qrrq.,nuodn spuno;8 ft:,r oqr ruJo;sue;l pur aqt ur pue 'ateSorrotur 'tnogt suotlsanb aste.t ot stq auo 1y rplzn alqrlrdurorur ro 'g qtr.d{olgutdruor sr V tqt dts or q8nouo tou sr tI 'uortd:r.r:d Jpurs ot sr5rtsrt xayul ayl ur uortrlar (luortturJo;sueJt, ag1'(srrt4od sll :rusr)nuf ue su ltte sz) Sunpeuros.r/ ars ?^{ teq { atelnurJo; 'a8en8uel dlaq loldrua a.{tsrrnlrnrts lenldaruor rqt uolsuatxa lq p* rno'rrrllr 1 a(go -r:e-rcu / n alqo-tre,'3'a) spur>l (,l Itrnlu olul prpl^Ip rql'tno tf,os ot algr sr ouo plJo.4{ a.roruro - plJo.&r lou sr - r,re '11-re1n:rr;rd aqr plro^4{ rno rros or sloldrua Jo pull lp uo rraga Surururrrrp E r^Eq IIr.&r. auo errafrrl ?ql lfl{r sr uortrsodo;d a8en8uel A tJV )ql uI poporur uortruSoro.r rql'trr go ,ru8rpt;rd rralgolerrsdqd 'ro]re.reqr-lerrorelu, :,dOd)IAI, aqr

There havebeen severalexamplesin the history of modern art of projects that have attempted to imagine a transformed world. The most obvious are those associated with the Soviet Constructivistsof the rgzos,though there havebeen others. But international capitalism was not consigned to history after the BolshevikOctober. Neither did the radicalismof the late r96osand r97oslssue in any fundamental political transformation. Writing as earh as 1973,Lucy Lippard lamented the absorption of the radical impulses of Conceptual art: the way that evensheetsof typewritten paper were being exchangedas commodities on the art market, and that leading conceptualists had built successfulcareerswithin the existing market structure. Ian Burn wrote in r98r that'perhaps the most significantthing that can be said to the credit of '. Conceptual art is that rtJailrd In that sense,how could it not, given the failure of the'counter-culture'of which it was a part?And yet generalised despitethe bedrock of capitalismremaining in place,history doesmove;social and cultural changeoccurs. In a more limited sense,Conceptual art was part of a significant change.One of the key featuresof the development of Conceptual art in the r97os wasits increasing politicisation. For some,including Burn, this meant that Conceptual art was transitional: transitional out of art as such, into a wider field of engagedcultural practice beyond the structures of the art world, in publishing, television, community or trade union-related activity. But for issuedin a change to others,the developingsense a politics of representation of the conception of art itself, a changesummed up in Hal Fostert remark that the postmodernist artist waslessa producer of objectsthan a manipulator of

stsrtrEara^{aJrql'ssoloqlauoN oururJ8oJd IrlrPEr r Pre.&troj PTIJJtJoq,&t 'tno lr.{,\ p]p^ Errrllt JJrltEr'uortdurnsuor ot aip IIl{l uI sassur rdal reg.u pu jo rrcd uorssa.rdxa-;1rs rusrlnpr^rpurJo srpftu slr ',ayretradsaql 3o llanos, ut ar{t tre 'Progaq lng toluaru prrqdosopqd Jo turntltsuot rlgruarPo.rJl st,&\ rt \ . s l s l u o r l E n l r s. l lr o l ' P r E P o D : n 1 - u e a fJ o ) r o . 4 'J L l lu r s B ' u o d e a , ' v r 'a133nrrs f;tuortnlo,rar Jo rtls rlgrso; E se Irnt]nr p;.ra.ttod ororu t s^{rullC trc amlqr ot rrurl dno.r8arp 'rraa.uoti 'u;lof ra8sy s Llrns stslu IltI-4{8urryo.,n l1p1rp1 arrdsag'996r or dn-pyng llt uI stuopntsqruorC Jo uoItEsIIt)IPt:I llt ur rloJ tutrgru8rs r leld or arul stsruolttntls aqr 'so96r agl Suunq
./9^,^ -^, ^ooloJpr puu rrnlln] uo uolltJluoluoJ e spJ.4{or'srnqod.pu slltllouofJ uo uorlluarJo lsrxJttr^l FuoIlIPtJl JLil ulou AA{eAlIAIlfe AJuoIlnloAJJ Jo snro3 aqt ul UIqs e porsoSSns srqa'ruarsfs ogt Sututerurtru uI sonlt^ tueulurop ot;uor prrSoloapr lq palryd alor aL[] paureydxa ttqt ltrlros .iorunsuor urapou;o uorrdaruor e padola.Lappq stsruorttrntls aqr af,utrC u1 lprl

sued e p0 l l r A l 0 pe u i e p o n e 'ejnlurod lrv,p09snn e u n 0e l0 p u 0 l e s [ 196I ruuol TanuawJed 'pssow'ueJng :I 0NU0nelsaluew lu0r0I pueJaluouued elalN 1ossoli! lel.lcly{ Jor^rl0'uerng I0ruec



ur.696rJo uumtnv toH papuatxaaroru aqt pue 'sud ur 996r go sltg 1t141 agr ur l1er1 prxeurrll ?saql'suorslnluor Itrros paruarradxa pur arurrg 'ado.rngu1 ld0unl 'arep l1.rta u urog srrlqod lnrldxa u olergrso ylp lror 3o sodlr prrpuDl ruros lrg.roauoqdolSuy orp puolag pur 'so96rrtrl aq] ur pasnrlrlod llSursearur Surruoragr/d! alrqop plro^&{ 'te1'soL6r.{1.rea Irlun LltnssEsanssr,ptrrqod, oqr trE a^qot llssa.rdxa urrastou srop tr pnrd:ruo3 'ppo.t Suqeads passarpp -qq18ug oqt ur 'ta ',1rrtr1od, tunol l1grn8;e gyasrl s drru rrg plno) arrtre;d ue ut t1,[.4t sod6oarotsrrl] go Jo IsnJrry',prrlr1od, og ot rg ot seqllr.trtre uE ro3 prrrlod ua(o,ttoqrsnl 'oydrurxo 'uor]sonbluergru8rs sr lI 'uorsuarurp srusrpnldaruor j:o uortsrnb agt pa.rrnba,r arer 'llurrtrr3 'algleqap pu sr rrreuolgo.rd st ue pntdoruo3 tnoge Surgrl;ala reqr s.rcaddrs?rurtrrrroslJ 'uorletuasa.rdor plrg prorq oqt qtr.4{llllnur poSe8ua oq.&L - su8rs ruo Jo

reod uerSlag rltlolf,e ue SuDnpord'so96r-prur?qt uI trE ot Prurnl Pq oq.&{ s,srae1TPoorg 2utayo1t6 aasnry t'r'y,y E se.t{srreqtpoo.rg '(5f'3y) s4fiy say sawav'ad17y l1rca uy Iarrery sen urn?snurrqt Jo uoltsanb arp dn loor ttqt lre Jo IJo.t{ .urnJsnruaql aqr pue la>lrur fgtdnur.rd'suorlntrtsur Suruoddns stl Pue J]rsrl rlt Jo uorllun; aql or stq8rsul rsrqt lldde or ueSoqlprder slsllrv 'llanos ut la,ttod put ' uI 'llnelnoC a8pa1,u.ou1 drqsuortelal aqt qtl^t go PauJ)fuo) aurfrg suolwlrr Surlsrxa uollrnPordo.rarp or Jo IaqrlhtrJo^{ aql'uolnnpo;d;o prlnqrrtuo) llt*J aqr Put uortfnPa s rllns 'suolfnlllsul Fruro3ur PUeFruro; ur aqt qtoq qtrH.&r trezv. puetsraPun ot tdtuatte ue;o se ,snlercddt alels prrSoloapr,aqt Jo uoltou aqt ParnPorlul rassnqllv srnol ;aqdosoltgd rstxre141 qruarC llt 'so9orarEIrqr u1 lpnrs lerltlrr ;o rralgns aruolaq ot SuruurSag st,{t suoltntltsul Jo tloJ aql teqt sr turod ogl 'Surpurlsqll^{lou rq8rspurg 'partrode,ra ol a^eqot tla; aq tng toutrer 896r: alllerd sua.rng PJqrEllEltt{l srredut aploX slEltdrt1]Jo srLl rltslJrlJElEr..l) t-ltl,4^ rnrrr^ [eJr)r])oqr 'sadrtts s.{\rq aturr agr lg o1 pwftrn63 arp u8rsapa.r 996r uI rtels q)uarJ arp lg parr.,rul 'llurrrra3 'Jarerrr ralltout sI algIl uleurar ot PIes3q uel lSalerls rerll rlllrll,tt q8norpp - uorrnrlrsur aqr 3o onbrrrrt aqt 'tre pnrdaluo3 pasllrrqod Jo arnlg snql lJo { suJJng uE lq,tt Jo f,futlsur ,4.lJea s>lJru IJtuaf,e auroJJg ot se.&\ 'uorl)ol dulPunoJJns oluo sll ol Pu 'uo os pue tJt Jo >lro.&rqt ot Peto^Jp {ltrulou uorlurlle or{l rgsuJl 'paddt f ltaqtsa uollt8au 'lsaralul nlls u/ )jroM 'tualuof ]o IEurJoJ 3o Ituolroura go uorle8au l.ledeuoJoqdejFolor.ld ot sI >lro^{arp;o rlalgo aq1 3o uortr8au suorte8auJo trs B g8no.rqr uoltrun; 896trlljov '?+'1il aurze8eru ;o sa8edJrlt ot 'sPreoggrq or 'sSurp1nqJo srolralxr aql (Bu! e preoq-|t uropueU) lg 'suortntls a?etnesaFetlcrlgy uror; Sur8ue.r ot sar.ralp8 Jo frnr1drr]nur r q8nolgr saduls Pornolo) 'rrla.&\oq'urrng 'a8uerp uaJnS le!uec il]^\ rl q paltldsrp Irrtre^ >lrturaptrt sltl Pruleluleur w s>pod{ alq.ln trues aqt ssalJo aroru ulturar p.u l.rap8 t 'lleuorruo,tuo3 aqt 'tr aql Jo >lro.{ eql put aleds uolllglqxe uE ura^qag drqsuorltlar Furrou rJrlur or uo turrt reynrrl.reduI uarng 'txrtuor tre oqt lq parnpur suorlepodxa o1 aqt ot lnq 'sa^lasuraqts8urtured aql ol lou uollurllB .4{EJP se.trturod ag1 '.urEulaln ul rE.{t3tl1 PUE Sulpnpur srolrtJ;o a8ue.r lpep rqt 'rusllltof,a, srslyeueorplsd''' luaruuo.rr,ua E uo anIE^lltrtltsrt parrguol Surrurtd qrII^{ ul le,tr arp pue 'uorlesuedtuol pnturds 's1ra(go uoltetuasrtda; arp 'uottrsodruol lnoge suorldurnsse Jo ',staturtd lou aJEa71\, Iuorluaauof op of suoseoJ;o 6aue,r t Sur.rago '(Surrrgrqxatou r.rt p?rurgr larp'arurt aruts aqt t patnglrtslP ralgdrued e u1 'llssory'uat'ng 'ua.rng) 'lJssotrAl ruo-t'01'-tarluauttud sad ruorol 'JartuaurJd uasodxa,u 'lep rxau '>lro.ttrlf,Llt rauueg rltl^{ Surpea.r tl Suneyda.r Pa^ourarstsltr *ll e Jt{t uO-'(rt'8y) turedanlg ur prteor Ljsruq Przrs-PrePuelslg apeursluudlur 'rtlq^{ , arenbs Pue .{ardJo sPuegleluozlJoq Jo s,ralluaurJtd Jo s Iuorof PUE 'punor8 atIII.A{ rtrq^r E uo allrlr >lrlg Jo s tassotrl 'sadr.rts Pu Par Illlrr^ Jo ue Surtsrsuorsurrng 'a1&spuos.radrur PardoPeq)a PEqslsrlre rnoJ at11'L96r l.renur{ [ uo arnluJad auna{e1rp uoFS ar{l te uol]trtsuorurP e paSelsuarng 'lrssow Ja]^]lO LI1r.4{ 'ruoroJalrlN lrosuor uI'luarrnf Put Jrltu?urJtd laqrlw puortrsoddo rapeorge ulqtl^t ty llurerrar saltllltte asoq^ttnq,t.rt pntdaruo3, urrrl rtll ruou JIasuIq ParuBlsIPoq.'!lrsoqr BuourEst,tt urJng IaIucJ'slJ Fnsr^ aqr Jo play aqr uI trIuralod pmrpr rsluolttntls Jo stradseSurlpogura

range of objects,photographs, books and films. Begun in r968 and shown ur rts final form at DorrnnntdV rn ry72, the deviceof the fictional 'Museum of Eagles' was in essence simple. Beginning with postcardsof nineteenrh-cenrury academicp:rintings,Broodthaerspainstakingly amassed repertoire of imagcs a drawn from popular culture and advertising.Selectingthe eagleallowed for a myriad of representations connoting the rich culrural mythology srrrrounding

45 I\4amel Broodthaels Mus'e d AttModene, D6panenentdes Aigles,Section Publicit67912 nstallatofat DocunentaV,Kassel, Germany

46 Janisfounellis

:,;,, ':., .

Holses/1969 I n s t a l a t i o nG a l e i a at fAttico, Rome

47 lvladoI\,leE bedone?)1969 gass, l',4eta iubes, plaster, bunches of twigs 150x250x320 (59 x 987. 136) x

the featheredpredator: national slmbol, martial symbol, symbol of fortitude, of perceptior.r, metaphor for genius,etc. By collecting togerher thesevarious representations, Broodthaersproduced, in efl]ect, second-orderrepresenracion a - not of a lot of birds,but of a clas.ificrrory sysrcm t4ork.Of course, ar eagles connote various characteristics, we haveseen:valoug power, etc.They also as

eril se srpnlrtle Jo xrrtrur Irf,ttrrl w il?.{4. Qlunos or rurod llpatgnopun s?op tI ral puy 'uolttnrlsuol Jo sPoqlau Pue slerJaltur o1 lrodsar qlt-tt 'rlqr llroj usrF)rPr FIIPET ]trr rql lEtll Itrrutlrrl slr ur de1ra^od rlrY Jo 'uE) lI 'tsJtlol e 'a;nlsa8 e llarour sI sql ile lql P?n8le ag Jo Jo uortlsaJrueru lllluolagl aq'a1oq'radf'1 .r"^ t11ttt.t-t8? ro; s?tou, su rraod alv Partu8rsrP lrtsrratlErtr..[:) qrr^ Surlun 'paapul',Sutgtltala sr ura]sls rl{t tlJlq^{ uI se rrleurolslse ue, Sutluesa.rdar 1lo,lt aqr 3:oAuopuar uI alurlsrxr y.-,de.,n 'srlu?;rad laa.rls lrarle.t t ur ltrprultarll 3o Ilera^o arp p:prt8a.r rutla3 rlrslqlrEue P?IPogrurr^I]f,al]ol ooz s,onalolsld oladuElaq)IIN'Putlorl . pur yatrsl tlgtl Surpnllur 'rea{1 sarrlunol ;o sderu 3o s8urqlra Jaddol 3o sarr?s pornpord lllaog or?ILISqy'x nd strItllodUal IuolllPtrl utql usIFlIPtr rusrFlrder rarunsuot IErnr]nl .rrprorg e lSruSrsleru :tnlsaS s zrrtrAlJlrstr rtlt Jo Itlltlrf, ssrl ou {Url utITlI aqr q8no.rqr Jo rrrl,[] 6"red lsrunururo3 ItIrHo Suruun.rsruarJnl rsrqrJuglpueururopa.rd orp ualrg ltrtd lrcuorln]o^rJ aq rrlt ur spntf,alprur Jo a]or rqt PrssntrslP ut zo6r;o ralgdureds,ulua-I uE srgl'(zf'8g) Palrnrtsuol st.t{ oo13r qllli^{.ra^o srtlrutrg Jo rltlr rqr st.&{
'esl 3uo uI ,'*-^ttt. hrhPrrrrl s.4{,i?uoP n ol .1-"'--1* r,3PaJrll c P M : r r r n n )Jg o sI ]EIl,,!\, osJl-looq] 'uIs{rtrdr.rrurl1suof uJalsaAJo asuadxo aql lE ulalsal!\ -uou EJsAod rlJY P(IE trrPuou agl slolxa lql Aloaql sool3r s zra6 olltIN 'lle rtll Jo tlrdst rtgr uodn .rcag ue Pug ot Sutsrrd-rnsun Jo auos or a8pa prrrrlod 'PIJo^\ sr lI {Ja^r,e\orl'uolltl-}]Is u{t]I aql us^rD tf, E urlrJtruv_-o18uy f.rt.rodrsatuol llt uI slururdola^aP ?d.41-urrojltuv qll,el rlernsuaruiuol sr slrll Jo

slllsuno) nV'(st'8g) l.ralp8 rqt ur sasroqo^lr^\t Prlqts srurrc{'696rur Juro1 ur uoltellttsul s}tl ro3 'uotleuuguol aql ul Jl sv Jo P]ro.&{ uI lrtd all sFlauruI PUE algera8a^,r's]rulu,'otor.&t J sy'.radtd'Pro gPrer trrtla "uE 'poo.4{'sauots rs>irrrg:tJ r>lEruol qllq.{{ Jo lno slIJrllrl pIrE ;o a8ur; snoauaSo.rataq rpl^{ e polquro opteS-rutc lg ua.Luq 'qllr^l utIFtI aqr 'u ,ouy,Jo tlPaur FuoltrPtrt rql;o rusnrlda:s e 'I>ls.ttotorDtrznf rcl:atp qsllod aql Jo arltaql aql Jo ursrrrtrrr E satouuo) nro# pr^rrap qrq.& 'arutu a'q1'L96r uI E:Iaod rlrv Jo ;auug aql raPun aPr6 -lue,e rua8raurall.ttau e rarpaSorrqSnotg tuqa3 outurraD lltrrr rql lpll u1 'soprq lrqt:; rtgr s8urqr asoqt rurrl rufts aqt t PU frqta; qtog dse,r8ot nol s:ygtua uoltly ttql 'r)uoraglP ruo qll6' se oP ti)ItllK'slua^r llJ Etuaurn)ocl alII suollnlllsul PUsurflssilu Fllso lr1,4{ uI sI rllsrlre 1o lpoled lrt.ltoueul 's-luJAr Jt:rtrlod3o lpo.redrrtsrlJe uBJo lBLl) 'uolllg t sr urnrsilu slqJ.:aloJ.4{ prrrrlod t Jo alor agf slqd lI luauroru auo uI sraeqrpoorg 'uolre]ltrsur tuarunlocl arp Suiluedurolr lxsl t u1 llt;lrg;e uorluea.rrlul sll'[ urog Palts,{l. lq aqt uo llosnold ssaull[]Jo.&{ 'sJossJJfns lsauJtJ af,ourslq 3o lueru puolog tI.4{Jo Jsurs t 3o a8true.Lpe Jr sr qrlq,u lpowd (srrtrllPoorg aql sq'alurlrs Ierfos ot uegr so8rogot Jf,oursa.&to t tng 'salpnts IJntlnr ;o lSatt;rs ulo.&{-[o.4{ auro]ag lpuonbasgns stq urn?snur arll SurlrntlsuoJec .stualuot Jraqt uo aJnlJnJlspue JspJoasodrur srllalsls uarg a^EqPlnor ]r lqt osp sr turod aLIllng lSoloopr lrote:grssep wyt:7uryt[uu saplrar tJt .&oq'Sutturtd llruaPtle Jo urnlPaur :rp q8no;rqr 'rlJlsuouraP

that underlay much of the new art. The point, perhaps, is rol ro insist on separatingthe fwo aspects:that Arte Poverat enduring inrerest lies precisely in r h e i rc o m b i n a t i o n .

Artists active in placeswhere there actually was a guerrilla war going on found the situation tended to demand rarher more directly political responsesthan those that sufficed for the radical avant-gardes North America andWestern in Europe. Lucy Lippard dated her own politicisation from a trip to South America in November 1968whereshe encountereda group of artists in Rosario working in conjunction with the Argentinian labour union, the CGT (ConJederad6n Ceneral delTrabajo, General Confederation of Labour). For or historical reasons do with the extremelyconstrictedspacefor proper to political debate,vanguard art in Latin America becamea forum for culturalpolitical interventions. These ranged from the Media-AnManlfesto, published in BuenosAires in July ry66, which promised to distribute misinformation about art in the massmedia in order to underline the implication of arr in publicity and news, to increasinglypolitical demonstrations at maior exhibitions such as the C6rdoba Biennale. Thoush the term 'Conceptual a r r w a sn o r . - p l o y . d r o d e s c r i b e it until the rg7os,nonetheless this art has come to be positioned retrospectively a key part as of a'global conceptualism'. the words of In Mari Carmen Ramirez, Latin American conceptualismwasnot a'reflection, derivation or replica of centre-based conceptualart', but represented, rather,a seriesof'local responses to the contradictions posed by the failure of post-WoddWar II modernisation projects and the artistic models they fostered in the region'. Indeed, for Ramirez, thrs art was oriented from the start upon issuesin the wider public sphere,rather than on the institution of (modernist) art itself, and as such may be said to have'clearly anticipated'the political turn in merropolitan vanguardart during the r97os. The work that Lippard encounrered Rosario is a casein point. Since the in mid-r95os,artistshad beenfacedby an apparentfailure of art institurlons to address situation of increasing a political repression and censorship. This came to a head around eventsin the province of Tircamin, where government econornic policies had resulted in massunemployment and hardship. Conditions wereexacerbated the censorshipof informarion in rhe mass by media about conditions in the province.By 1968, about thirty arrisrswere engaged a joint project with the union ro research on and publiciseconditions there.This work culm inated in the exhibitio n Tummdn Arde(Tircaman Burns), installed in the CGT premisesin Rosario.It has been describedby Alex Alberro as'an all-encompassing interior environment',in which visitors were conf,ronted a multi-media installation of text-basedinformation in the form by of slogans, leafletsand posters,aswell aslarge-scale photographs and film

lrf;r$ril Tilr

't1r() rLll ol rltlu.rLll illl lJll.rl .)ll(1.\\ lslJuliJJLLlr fioots .):t:s\.rLLr \t LI.!\o.lq r-rtro P.rll4.)lPuf P.)LJs^lr irll I LrUlt().ri)-rr(l s! Lr()llrLllqol.rtllrr-i PlLl[]rJ '.ir',t rrnl' i' i.LP.r.r.)rl.r .).r.r.\\ luutrou .)LFul .ijol-)r!.rtll ol ;..,1r'trllr'r.i.tr11 'l.r'\.r'!\(rH.rJilrr.)-irloLILIn \s'rl tr.rlll s.rJi).rr'rf\ .)rll olui s.lrloLl .)lll P:rrllLr.i.llLrr.).r sY Llol]llLll.l()JLlr 5]f15S.ttt:rrlt Ll-rlrs .ro.rl(rLLr ftlr'lq PLrulorlLLI.t\,Lrl(r') f.rLuIrtlJ.r ) . ) ( \ r ' ] L r ' j r r r l \ \ r L r r \' ) l l L r s . ' t r " r r L r l r - r r l r l c r ' 1 r'.]o 1 , P . r 1 1 r r I l 1t[t l . L ( r \ ^ . r J l 1 ( ) ( ll l 1] !rr Lll'-rr 'rJL(nlsLI()-) r.rrlr\r-Jo Io(lttr'\s olLro 1.6f i-!ll (lslltlrclLr-r frLrr.r.Fs-l|\ .)tl .)s.)lP il.1111.t ploL1lt'i '^''1rrr''11 r'1o'; u-\o ) s.rllroq r:]o ) 11-'11'1 .,1is.h:r1rrJiiLrr.rtl 11r 'o1(rr yo I.r.,1.,r.7 \rJl Lri slr lr r,7o';-rr-,n') Lrl lr.)11.r P.r.\.rltl-rr tl-rlll.\\Lrr-\lr,\\.rLI1 I.rl.r JrI

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lr0l r13N '!r0 3t all e9pre tslrP 3rttto Isrrroll L( LtF t ;,r)8I y3t paralsuaLl p 0:l 111\1s31!0q L,n0! 0):61)..tah PlaJnaJ sttrnirJ tnt,opepl alL|suottlesut 0p sa t0i1l L3 6t




acnatrEl e alrer! l0 lorlta 0l P! t!aBrv '!9urE3[ r Ls]a!o,11 L 0 r Up ! e s l s l r P r rq ssurlra1!3 aLtl p l s t - D 4 E 3 r r ' L r o qle t r nl l E p 0 L 1 r L\ u 8 9 6 L( s u r n E r L u . n t l aptvu!tuDtnl

Lr.\!ou)ts.r(l.)tI 'sJloll)l Lllr(l Lros.riitrss.rLLr sLr.!\ 1t-rutlotl i-trrcltttt'l:_ "rJ.\.r.\roLI liLllllLld u'rLll rldrtlu\.) JLrO tlr.)ls.isJlll olLrr l-rr(l LLI.rLll .t.r(l(ln.t P.)ls^ls^tlor -l() 'trol '[riLlt r.ri i-ut LLro sl:..[.1<, nt-rpttll tl LI]r.\\ .Frrr-lJ-J.r.)lLlr.ltrJllrir-rj() s(I.) PUr '.--rr'rrs srtl Ltr rlrrr ,ic1 sJIr.n.rl.\ rtrr-trrJ1rrrrbl1,,.y7 srr.'rlrrsrrT,Jo'6r)6r tLtti'.r,.1 p...,, s.lrir.rl\ oP]l')'Jtzrlfl (ll r1tr,l .rprtu.ip11.1.t.t,,t (rorrrfirr.rt.nlt +o PJUor:t-rLrrr+!.1 'p.:ls1\J tlLr tl-rrLl.!\ -r-'n;-q:.1 ltLll Lri,itr]lr.rr Ilrtlos lJPl,\\.rtlt p.rt-r.)LlJ-l lr .rlll o:l ltlsrios^s^lLIt(1r-rrl.l!r'l 'uorlnlrls^tttltlros l() lllll) lLl.r.l.)HlP olLlr fLIll lllr ir.ryyri:rr1t 1o trrc,iult-1LIs s1r IIJ\\ sl'Lr(rrtrLlLLlxJ tm Jo 5_lLtilLI()-r.rllrtlllllF.rJ .i]snoJtltr|lLLrt\jfl (Sf i^llll LIlr^\FLllllr.)-19 :,111 srroLt.lurnsst IliLIolltlJ.\LIol

Sovrsr Ururon
Unolicial artists in the Soviet Union had a dilferent, but equally cor.rtradictory relationship to the Western avant-garde. Whereas in Larin America artrsrs tended to be resistar-rt stylesof art that were deemedto be representative to of Western imperialism, unoficial artists in the Soviet bloc tended to embrace 'expressionist' Western individualism as part of their rejection of Socialist Realism.This did not changer-rntilthe emergence the'Moscow of Conceptualisrs'in the r97os.Once again,the name was a retrospectivelabel applied by the critic Boris Groys in 1979.Eric Bulatov and the Komar and Melamid duo developeda hybrid form of painting, basedin equal parts on Soviet Socialist Realism and American Pop, to probe the representational conventionsof ofilcial Soviet ideology. Ilya Kabakov adopted a different strategy owing more to developmentsin Western Conceptual art, mixed in with

50 ll! Kabakov Caryingaut the Slop Pail7980 p E n a m e l o rl f r o o d 150x210 \59%x82X) EmanuelHoffmann Foundation, on h0 P e r m a n e n t l 0 atn te l\4useum of porary Contem Art, Basel

t mca n1Jr-,IHot|tetpt * totv-zt

Vtlt|o ',.X.fap,ufla tfttt' B Sacta


p' a.

Miede lademan Ukeles Washing Trccks/ 7973 Photograph of performance at Wadsworth Atheneurn, Hartford, Connectcut Counesy Ronald

52 Addan Piper catalysis]v 1970 I performance, StIeet NewYorkCity

the experience his oficial careeras a children'sbook illustrator. In the early of ficdonal character, artist. The deviceconferred an ability ro reDresenr an different avant-gardistschools,aswell as cticical commencaryupon rhern, w i t h i n r l r es c o p e f r h c w o r k :. r ni n \ t r n c co f a k i n d o f s e c . n d - o r d e rr r c r i c e , o p encompassing and going beyond first-order vanguardistgaml:its, not least through the disruption broughr to the conception of the 'aurhenric'authorial voice.The mix of image and text employedby Kabakov in the narratiye albums wasfurther developedin a seriesof larger paintings made in dre later r97os. These bore a resemblance ofilcial notice boards,or bureaucraticfornrs to blown up to a large scale.Carrying theSkpPdll(fig.5o)parodiesthe command out

'n7r, proJ,,."J l'" ,'."r'",of A]Lu,nr', of *hl.l'*". Luil' .rounJ , "r.L

'spadsvpndiluoC ,tt?N rtll luu J.tVpnidnuo3 uonrqlqxr.rrlur3 Itrnrln3 >lro srlllolr uI ot uonngrrtuor pasodo;d Jrq ,&tJrplitru.rodr6'ol,6t uI 'tunrd gtlm ro,r'r sl:ey41 or Surddogs lua.u rlis 1/1 sp[1uu3ur :(zl'8y) q]norlr rrLI urog Surpn:rord uI stsQuluS 'suoll]t tpop rllr{.&t:3w1 t rpr.u tng 'sng rrit uo rPol or,[s111 .lo Itnsnun Jo srrrrs e Sunuro;rad rllgar t.rodsutrr trlgnd uo Surpr.r lrrJls 8uq1t.,lt se qfns suoltrlnlts prlos lrturplo ul Sulltdrlrlrtd .ro 'aturl u.&\oP lls l:lnlrred tsrE 'te Suqooy srl.& 'oldurtxa ;o3 'Surtuarunrop lpog raq Sursnot prurnt:adr4 lpuonbrsgns tng 'lrt pnrdaruo3 llprrdlr parnpord pastg-oEtnBuEI IElrurrgrr-J1as ptl Jtls 'so96r:1ty :gr u1 'Surdolo^rPst.t{teql rrdurrl orp;o aldrutxr rrtltout sra5o ]ErrprllSursea.rrul arlt .radr4urupy Jo >lro.&\ 'ststtw pnrd:ruo3 Suoruy '(r5'3g),r.rt rluEurtulthl, 'srsul leldsrp sE ;o saldurcxa sarsro oqr dn po>llolpue paqsrlod'sdolspue roog rLIl prqqnrls aqs'runrurrlty tltlo.4{spt1\aqt te;,r:d u1 'snltls pnbo prpro)l rg plnor{s ad6 rourro; l{t lttlt Surogtuarun8;t r?LI'>lro.llodl1-,tuaudo1a,rap,po8pal^{::Dlrt lluourruor
a.rou trlo.rj lrurlsrP s '>lJo.4{ adll-.JfuEuJlullltu,

s ")lJ 'Surddoqs'8urue:1t'8ur1oor seq)ns 'uJluo^t qtr.{\ p?trrf,osst uruo tsour rnogel Jo surro; pape.r8u,ttop flpuortua,ruor paugap rr.[s]I uI 'olsa!ua111 aruauatuww lty oqr posoduor srlo>lfl uturrJp-I rlrrlry '696r u1 ':3re1 le ltanos ur pur plro.&lre rqr qqrl^{ qtog'ruslxrs Pu rusrlrJ Jo urslllllf,l PJSIITJ?u?d sIIJ,tt se fualuraotll e J.tturculaln -IluY lll qll.t{ luaturllolut aPnlfut or .tt:r8 l1ryrnb sqr rng '>lro.ttrrrLlt Jo uorllqlr1xr aqt ug8r.r ,stsrtrqrl.u lluo usrq Peq urJ]uol purSrro s,),^\V rtll 'srsnrf, IElrp?r;o orloprod E artrgurr ol rrutl lpldtr uonrleo) pur 696r [,wnue[u] >lro ^r.:N ur prrrrroJ sr.d{ srr>l.rolKlrY aqf 'PorrJo rtil Jo ruslFrrPr rrPI.{ rql lq parrogt 19 ol Suruur8agse^{trt Jo plro.&taql sol,6r rrlt Jo trets arp lg 'a.rrdrurrLIr Jo arru?r aLIrq >ptg


' 3 u r r - l l o r us ls sl l u r e t : : : r r t n q : a r r r : e : d oe lre IJIIIJ] Put uortlPuol ]tJnllnr lsruraPoulsod JLII 'uoltslpgoy8 rnoge slts srqt 1eq.ttalrnb uorts:nb uado ur sureurar l1't66r Jo rluuolg allua1 dpuegdrunut '6tonto;nq rql te erssn1 patuosa;da.r rtrts olnsoq r lg Suqro,u urog palu?^r;d Surag;o rradsord aqr dg paruneq llpruuarad 'srptr3p .ro3poslpurS.rtru s.&ot1.tro.rn8gagt 'satuolr .ratta.r8 s arntlnl Jo auo u1 ',rusrltnldaruor pgo13,3o uoarpuedaqt otul Parrgurau?rg rAELI suorttllrlsul xaldruor slq 'uoqt arurg '696r uI uolun tal^os rLIt 8ur.teo1 llrug 'pto.rgr lrgrqxr ot pr^tolp eg or ue8aq ^o>ltge) 'sog6r arlt 7o u>110'wsa.Lad aqr Sur.rnq 's.rral xrs lxru rtp ro; tuarul;rde ]unururol t Jo surg r{srqgnr l{l rno Surrrnd ro; etor arp 8urrsl lg Suruuqd qtr.4{uorssrsqo slurouo:a

This was intended as a response the worseningpolitical situation in the to country, as exemplified by the shooting of students at Kent State University who had beenprotesting at the escalation the war in South-EastAsia. Piper's of letter of withdrawal was then incorporated into the notebooks constituting Context and Context #8 #9, respectivelysubtitled'Written Information Voluntarily Supplied to Me During the Period April 3o to May 3o t97o' and 'Written Information Elicited From Me During the Period of May r5 to June r5irgTo'.Piper later referredto the developmenttaking placein her work at that time as being'from my body as a conceptuallyand spatio-temporally immediate art object to my person as a genderedand ethnically stereotyped art commodity'.


a Create little sensation that Feeltheditreience errrronecin see Somethingpucm touch PrDperty nothingbtmch it Thereb You'vegotit 'fouvanttokeepit Naturaily Thatt consenation Itconserrs those whocarftharreit Theydont ${nt tobeconserwd L,ogicaltthatbcontradicfion

Ererphing you buy m1s smething about you Some things )Du bW say more thm you rEalise One thing 'ou buy sys erarything Property Eitler you harrcitoryou don't

On the other side of the Atlantic, the analyticaltenor of much British Conceptual art was being leavenedby the influx of French theory in the early r97os.1967had witnessedthe English translation of Roland Barthes's Elements oJ 'The Semiologt well ashis influential essay as on Death of the Author'. His book of essays Mlthologtes belatedly appearedin English in ry72, containing his famous analysis the different levelsof meaning contained in a photograph, of in particular the way in which a constructedimagemay set offunconscious chainsof connotation in the viewer,the more so if the imageappearsenrirely natural. For some time,'critical'conceptualistshad beenmoving rowardsan awareness not jl-rstart, but the broader registerof'the visuaf in generalas a of,, major site of the socialproduction, and reproduction, of meaning. No one took ideology-critique and semiotics on board more comprehensively thanVctor Burgin. In a seriesof works, he moved from generalmeditatronson

',Sorlr8paq uaa,4{taq aqt, urpafl pw ',8urqt8rq ruo, ^{au) 0rl,4L qtwsl,'fqu,,!{Jp uontrunsrpEruo;; p aunp altn ay1l7wdua7-uy yur?uo atlt '1rt,,u drgsuontlar rsuatr ur prtsrx3-or lgarrq rrgr pu:nol e '(,95'8g) at11 uorlrnpord xog 1o aqt ur pr^Io^uraucraq dnor8 srqr'fl,6 r urorg uounlossrp ot ptal slt llerluaaa ppo.'leqr dnor8qsq8ugaqrqlr.,ralndsrp ur pelorqrlr .ruoreq r .qt'uonrppe uI',ll fntdrtruo3, Jo aru:erd pur8uo peq3ur,uryo1,,u.:51 aql uro;; suonrradxapur stsaratur a.ra,,w tuo;agrpSurdole,rap sauo;a8unol aql pu'pa^lo^ur uoDe.raua8 urqr a.rour'urrtr.rg l:nua pagrun se.n auo u1 r uro:3:e;se,n :SenBuE-1uV 'sol,6r-prru:qt ue3 u1't:r prudaruo3 lq E aqr 3o uorresnuqod ur:yo: parrrqdurore paltld a8tn8w'1rg rry
'qllEa,4l suollBu rtlt [ ]souF su,4{ouonepdod :rp 3o llrrouru.r lun e lrql tre; :rp pue 'raarod trruouotra put uoneunlop JenxasJo uorrsaSSns alqnop srr qlrd{ lorss.ssod,

(3u^l -uodnllsecMaN'rls ur troi lo qdPr8oloqd) pl0u0e!clqnd (.ltxtt)t8x60t )tsod 9161 UOISSaSSO.I ulAng rcph

u0pu0l 'u0ncoll0c ole^ud FnLsx/,9r) zzzxgrr u0]poB sluud crqder?otoqd g16Iu049SUaS uFngrolr!

'aydnor Sune;grua p;nneaq purgo-10,u lltuarrdde oqr ;o uorrou agr 'tsrluor aldrtlnu ego sleyd a:nrrrd aq1'(a:ardsuuo.r; 3o a3r:unaqt u:a,ntaq pue tt8g) aula-uodn-apsrc.,te51;o ,{ro aqr punore satrsuo patsed st aql '91,6rruog eldurexaruo q'.lrJ.rlt pue s.ralsod palur:d a:a.trsa8yrur pue s.rer's:urn;.rad;o; straapedrnxnyruo:; suoqde: 1e:gdn rpur'aur:rps Sursnoq alelosapt q8nortp rue.rde Suqsnd raqrour rood e .ro 's.ra1:ro,n apura,;pred-.noy go sa8rrul add:-a8euodar-oloqd asodrtnl o] uo lua,n ur8.rnfl a^rrtr? otr aqr Jo aql poo8 ra:ea.r8 .ro; s?Jrs?p lnoqe lpruoq lsrorry t Fnpr^rpur sauo Sururnsqns qlur uorDunluor otur u P.f,roj sr tueurasrlJ?^p uro.rj palpr fpure; sroaS:noq t ;o aSeutrsnoulnlS e snql,rpe sarraapa,usens.rad 3o arp 1t Sursn'e8aur put txat Jo uonrun(uor palrad'raun:qr qBnorlt tltdul 'lsruolual.r.lur slr paure8yot sq: ;o rpn11 'spelotd Sulsre;-ssausnorcsuoo llpryoads o: (t5'3g) l.r:3aur pnsu;o 3uruorrury prrSolo?pr aql


things'. Despite the fact that Berlin was fox', who knew'many smal1 addressingthe contrasting merits of Leo Tolstoy and Fyodor Dostoevsky, the a conceit might be seento allegorise differencebetweenmodernism is one not many') and a Marxist approachattentlve (Greenberg:'aesthetic value of to the contingencies a socialpracticein history. In terms of its published as contents TheFoxhad a broader remit than Art-Language, well as a more emphatically political tone.The following year,TercyAtkinson left the English group, initially working as a video artist, then turning to the production of drawings and paintings of explicitly political content on themes ranging from the FirstWorld War to the confict in the north of Ireland.Those who remained functioned as a kind of grit in the a m a r r m a c h i n e , a i n t a i n i n g n u n r e m i ti tn g of both for the political enthusiasms scepticism, the NewYork group around TheFox,and to English artists and intellectualswhosepoliticised practice bore the stamp of French theory. English Art & Language viewedpolitical conceptualism, indeed the waveof radicalised intellectual activity acrossthe field of cultural studies, with suspicion, as representing social control by a new layerof cultural managementrather than a genuinely transformationalpractice(fi g.le).

The uol.I, no.1-, Fox, r975 York Published New in

Art& Language Posterc7977 frcmTen on Silkscreen paper 108x 80 (42%x31%l

57 Combined Unions Against Racism / Gregor Cullen and Redback Graflx TheWorkplace No ls 1985 Placefor Racism Poster Sydney

TRnrusmonru PRAcrrcE
Out of this contestedhistory emergedactivities that were more akin to Ian Burnt senseof Conceptual art as'transitional'(seep.54).Many were moving beyond the practice of art as such with its galleries,dealersand avowedlybourgeois sociallocale,into a more diffuse,harder-tocategoriserealm of radical cultural practice, often working in conjunction with community groups, trade unions and so on. In the US, exilesfrom the disintegrated group arollnd TbeFox, including and Michael Corris, Carole Cond6, Karl Beveridge Herring,another journal with an others, setup Rcd avowedlyradical agenda,and working, in Corris's ohrase.'in the milieu of left and ultra-left "mass" organisationsand Maoist :(pre-partf" formations'. In Edinburgh, Dave Rushton and myself, among others, continued with the Srlool project by initiating the to design and produce posters,leafletsand brochures School Press.This worked for rank-and-filetrade union groups, campaignorgarisationssuch as Rock Against Racism,and political bodies including the SocialistWorkersParty.As NewYork Art & Languagebroke up, Ian Burn himself left the US and returned to Australia, pardy encouragedby the potential opened up by the election of the and socialistWhitlam government. Burn was activein Union Media Services,

FOLLOWING PAGE: DOUBLE 55 Hans Haacke Shapolsky al. et Manhattan Estate Real Holdings: Real-Time A Social System, of as May1, 1971(dehnl 1577 Photographs and typewritten sheets data photograph Each ( 5 0 . 8 1 9 . 1 2 0x 7 % l x Courtesy theartist of

t puE slueun(rnuol ,!\au loN srsaratur Jo aBuEJ ot dn pauedo lleu:rrur r:t 'sarSoyouql.trpau pagrsuaturaqr pue lusrwrua; Jo asr.r Jo af,uasa:d ;r sr se,u:r ,,|llual?ooE aqt sEsJ)JoJasJa^rP qlns Jo aruanEul Jtll .]lPun 'ssell qlr,{1ur'uo:) 3ura,r-Ua1 puqnlps.r: aq: uo prlredur rapua8pw art.r;o suons:nb sepotnd srqt Suunp uoueuro;surr: 8uro8:apun se,u;1as1t ,srr1qod,3oSutputtsrapun Jqt Jqt 'rl^.,4roH tusrurpt5;o anbDt;r :qt Jo JI,4{ ul tututtuoP auoJag ptrl rErlt r;el ,\.N aqr;o s:rrqod sstp t :,1trrrqod,aqr;o :su:s 3ur,n-13o1 p:epurrr l1a,t:e1a;e ot p.ur.roJuor pa,{auar rsnl a,rtq a,u:tgl rw pnrd:ruo3 '.ra^a,\{oq terll lsr Sulrq ulog .rJ ;o uontsrrrr4od aq1 d:ors a1or.1,,u:qr !nouuc tvNo|Inrlsitl ',31os:r rllrs aqr ur rou lalf,t.rtqf, Fuolttsuerl srr ur le1::y pnrdaruo3 aqt ]Erf,os ur aloJ slr Jo ss.uf,re^Ie JO anF^ IrA.lsrll:PaPn]Juor aFJ'r!lJrs.1s

ur PsseorlurPUEtlE Jo uollEJ5rls,{uraF ot 6urPaluoDtrnP3 ts3Jeturur ue pur ispoqtaruyo,tr p:srue8:o fla.lrrralo: aroru uo srseqdrua lsdrqsuortela: uErunr{ Jenlle ot uortuattE]attaJB t :uortElrunururotr Pu trPaur Jo sur]oj uon:ea; trDerlour.p Jrour asn olbuapual e lualsls Surta1leureg: :sureBe e :tre pn:daruo3 1o s:rnle ;: aarssarSord pa:e1osr a.rg u:ng 'r86r Jo ,tsluE altrnJsrq uI's?Duantusuotr ]Enos rapl,&qlr,{ pntdaruor-xa ur 3o sJroura1Atr, ur tuaup^lo^ur Jo srurogprnrr;d a.rour;o aurcu a!11 'qtrnsseut Jo arrlre.rd aql se uolo:q lla.urrugep Sur.req saal;suagr p:pw8a: po,rlo^urrsoql rlrqa ' pnrdaruoS pasorrqod go sur:og3o rno {1na:rp aso:t saanenrwasarllJo IIy 'stq8u ur1e$snydlergn:ds gtr,u Fufuoqv Jo; u8rrdurcr aqr seqlns sanssr aSe8ue SuruurS:qselear w '(25 39) sdno;3 llrunururor pu uorun rpel Jo o1 a8ue.r ;o; sa.rnqrorq e pw srarsodparnpo.rd osp srql :raford a;r-13ur1.roL1pw rrv.rJt uo srarlto pue lqrry lpueg 'qrrurg l'llel'uopuel 1a8r51ql,u,r


everyonefelt they had to evacuate territory of art to sustain a defensible the critical practice. A casein point is the work of Harrs Haacke.In his earlier work, Haacke had rnovedftom setting up kinetic systemsfor the circulation of liquids through tubes, or the continually repeatedprocessof production and subsequent evaporationof condensationwithin a closedglasscube, to more open systems involving birds feeding and grassgrowing. By r97o he had turned to social systems,As we haveseenwith Piper, the art world's responseto the war in South-East Asia had been increasing,and on zz May tie NewYork Art Strike organisedby the ArtWorkers Coalidon - involved picketing the Metropolitan Museum. As his contribution to the Museum of Modern Artt lnJormation show that summer, Haacke installed a kind of votirg booth 'Yes' 'No' consisting of two and boxesunderneath a wall-mounted question: 'Would the fact that Governor Rockefeller hasnot denouncedPresidenr Nixon's Indochina policy be a reasonfor you not to vote for him in November?' Rockefellerwas,of course,a luminary of the Museum aswell as governor of NewYork. Two-thirds of those who took part in Haacke's poll voted'Yes'. Haacket next planned show was to havebeen .l1s tefit,at the GuggenheimMuseum, NewYork, in April r97r.The major new piece was to havebeen a photo-text documentation of what Haacke called A Ie al-Tine Sotial Slstem.This was to haveconsistedof the real estateholdings on Manhattan of 'Shapolsky et ali, slum landlords engaged the exploitation of in predominantly African-American and Puerto Rican communities (fig,5&). The proposal elicited frorn the Guggenheim authorities a statementof what was consideredto be the boundary of acceptability for a political dimension of art, a boundary that Haacket work clearly overstepped.Themuseum director's statement acknowledgedthat'art may havesocial and political consequences', argued but that theseshould be produced'by indirection and by the generalised, exemplary force that works of art may exert upon the environment', and not, asHaacke proposed,'by using political meansto achievepolitical ends'.Haacke's deliberateblurring of the boundary betweenpolitics and art was simply too much for a culture whose oficial ideology of art centred around its independence, howevermuch that supposedindependence might be compromised by the status quo itsellThe upshot was that the exhibition was foreclosed,its prospectivecurator dismissed,and Haa&e becamethe figureheadof politicised Conceptual art. Haacke got his own back in 1974by producing a piece detailing the business

59 Hans Haacke oneof seven individually1larned panelstrcm ABrced paft7918 A Photographs paper on aid on boafd p E a c h a n e9 1 x 9 1 (35%x 5%) 3 Tate

60 Maftha Rosler Kitchen7975 Stillfrom black and (6 white video rninutes) Coudesy theartist of

llprrr:geqdlt rsaqt q8norqr sao8ralsoa'slsuatn qtl.&\Pa.ra^otr]qet uaqtrtl>l oaPI^ uI urrs ff E Jo tuog ur Surpuerg '(.S'3g) uiqrilX eqi{o nuonuag qtrns s>lro.4{ rg ur srlnsarrql',rr s,ra1a1o3wg, uolrtrupxr ut qrl.t{ ue ur,llqtrutertlt, Jo 'lunorrt u,{to lJLl lg 'rolsoa LIlltW jo rusrrrtrrf s,prJJC ]retllrry ol popuodsa.r '&nlurpa/le.r put lrrpnxas 'rapuo8 sanssl lradsa,r llgelou rsoru ur go Jo 'srrtrlod ftr1u:pr tua8raurol1'ttau aqr qtlt{ ssaulsng3rg pue ssep Suru.raruor sr srrtrlod Jo rsu?s e ortlda.r or papurt tng d.rorra(t.rt rllrurs e Pa^tollo; srrr,[]O scllll0d ,tlrNl0l

alalduro: a>lr'JJnlrrJ ou SuraqrJaqt uo traBar rq8*u ruo 'pu,.u t;:ll;:: ", suJng url Surrtog ',?pr,{tplJo^\slsrt.rt Fntdoruor patlsrn8ultslp tsoru rLIl aql Jo ruo, sr'(slseurun orl suortntrtsur .f,ra.L lq) paqr.rrsaplgerrrtrualgo;dun rtrnb sr a>lleEH'roozur uopuo-I ur urnosntr rraqlv A errollln ?ql Pu l l;ogrg aurtuad;as rqr lt uortrgltlxo turol slq or IEIr?rru.f,rolrnpo;rur arp 'ptiuouer aurolog .4{ou uI'sumasnur.roltur go suortfrllol aqt ur Surprsor ?Nrqrrrll pruorturur s>lJo.{t trr-[] rlgrurpun sI tI 'tr Surte: put oltr :nol Jrll 8ur.tri1;o le,tt arnrst e :Io urslrrtl.rl prrrlod uIrllrorg SuruarqSrlua Jo ruJo; prsruJrpour llartr:rdorddt ue ortrrt;d s,a>lltH sJrpurJ slql rallto put 'slqrltts rrr1]ll.& uortsonbuado ut sr 4 '(65'39) s:lutdruor Surpeal ',anbrlr.rr rLIl Jo suortErlgr prrrqod orll Surleununyp ]euorrnllrsul,j:o ;rrJer rqr r ponsrndllotnlosa.rstq aq'uoql r)uIS 'srrlsnrl urragueSSnD Jo stsaralul

intoning their names and miming their use.By the end, however,she is brandishing the knife, acting out the frustrations of an identiq, confined by t r a d i r o n a lg e n d e r - d e f i notn . i ii Among those who drove home the implications of a non-medium-specific Conceptual art for reflectionson wider questionsof representation and identity-construction was Mary Kelly. As well as building on both the social interventions of Haacke and the identity-related work of Piper, Kelly has commentedon how shepicked up on some of the potential of the Art & Languagelndex installations, or more particularly on what she saw as therr 'The absences: significanceof the relation between the psychic and the social was made obvious to me by its absence Art & Language in work . . . I saw that space as being openJHer Post-Partum Document (TSZTS) remains a definitive statement on the interleavingof the psychicand the social. While shewasworking on it, however, Kelly was also involved in a more conventionally'political'project

61 Margaret Harrison, Kay FidoHunt,Mary Kelly Women atWorklgTS lnstallation at L n S o u t h o n d oG a l l e r y

o2 Mary Kelly 0neof eight individually panels framed from

Post-Partum Docunent (Documentation lV): Trcnsitional objects, diaryand diagram 7976 plaster Paris Collage, of andcotton withtyped text P a n e li z e 7 . 9 3 5 , 6 s 2 x (11x14) Kunsthaus Zlirich

Mary Kelly 0neof thirteen individually framed panels from PostPaftum Document (Documentation lll): Analysed markings and diary-perspective schema 7975 pencil, Collage, crayon, chalk printed and 0ragrams paper 0n P a n e li z e 8 . 5x 3 6 s 2 (ll%x741") Tate

documenting the historical situation of women in the workforce. Women atWork ( by Margaret Harrison, Kay Fido Hunt and Kelly was an installation of photographs, documents and sound tapes comparable to the Tucamin Burns installation and the Australian Art &Working Life project. It occupied the border areabetweenhistorical-political documentation(with its roots in the Mass Observationwork of the r93"s) and a contemporaryConceptual art installation.This undecideablitvis part of its character. Kelly's Post-Partum Dorummtiik.*ir. built on the presentational devicesof conceptualism to produce a work that challengedconventional senses the of appearance unity of the work of art (figs.5z-3).Its subjectwas ostensibly and very different from the world of industrial work, except that for Kelly the piece was very much about the sexualdivision of labour in sociequ. The work is in six parts, consistingof over a hundred individual'plaques'tracingher son's evolution from birth through to the acquisition of languageand the ability to

d.rntuarqtarlur^{t :qr;o rarrtnb rstl oqr Jo rre rsruJrpourtsodorll artarurod ot rurEtrrtlrp srrrqod firluopr arp ot Ua-I ^\aN rqt 3o srrtrlod oqr urog ryawwo11 UILIsaqt 3o rrltruotdru trs sezv. wnlLad-isoJ'(papnpur pnldarue3) ue qJnssEt-repuol;g :,roru3ur,^n-141 e palpoqrur rra(o.rda;r1 3uq;or11pue lrv surng JI'lrrsrrlur p:rrqod aLItpue pntdaruor aqt']nsIAaqr oroq.uareld r '1e;aua8 uorltursJrdo.r;o urtJJal ur e uo Sunr.rodollerrlr.rr se sa^lJsurrtll .{rrs .nou lla; pue urSrng 3>lrlslsrtr 'sogbrlJ-re: :qr lg 'lrrruaprp;"r;pu:8 Jo suorlln.ltsuof,ur ,tJE3u5,Jo at{g jo astt uorltrrldrur ?ql uo 'ryfi111ta u r L J r r p L r cJ r n r l n J r e ; n d o u o ' o o 7u l " d 'llrpt-t*rr uo of Jo sanssr >lro,&\ uoxssassod rlJI sl'roJo dord-rr8e Palrtj ruo$ Ir.,nt pa,,rour osp ur8rng Jot)rn'ural r]nursu1 '6rruapr Jo uoltrnrlsuo:) aqr qllt{ op or s?nssr o8ue.r 3o a.trtro[qns orour r pugaq raur]laql jo sruaurolour Frlos, aqt areld or ue8ag lr 'lurod aqt ol ?roru sdtq.rodlO ',rurll aql Jo sturur?AourItrJos rLIl ol PrlE]3J sJnssl JsIE.r,'lt tnd oqs sr 'of .uau r a q rl q d n p ; u . r d ol e r r u ; r o d l p p r s n llsnonsuor drqsuorlrlo.r ;aqroru/pprp rtll Jo uoltturrunlop tl]1.) 'uorlrPuof ur rql uo llprruo.raJar - y 1 aS u r r : ; p ; r s lroM lentd:ruo3 rLIJ 3uo1e ,:rr,{1eue, Luo{ oor ,{e,u IIJE >lJo\ tsruJJpolr[snourouotnr Jo rrlt urog lr,n 3uo1r sr snll 'r]oll.l{ e se trolo.rd llt satrJ.4{.rrpun trql uerrl sonbrrf go ftoorp rrllleueorplsd 'uortrntrs oqt 3o solduxo sE]lr.&{s rLIl uo suonJrHalrrtsrJErP s.JsqtouI ar{l 'uorlsJaluors.ppqraqr Jo sldrpsur:l ;slxat turr4:rp go llar;ta r sloldura oqt r1 lro8tiur )ruofr s.urtlfsr lng 'uo os pu surrts 'stur;dtooj rolqgrlrs sppql rLIr - su8rs3o :8uer rpr..!{r sloldura arard aqa'ouru u.t{o snl alrr,{t

Tns LecncY
Various techniquesand strategies associated with Conceptual art havebecome pervasivein contemporary art. JennyHolzert employment of languageis one. Sherrie Levinet photographic critique of originality is another.Cindy Sherman'splay with identiq' is yer anorher.The use of text and photograph made by Barbara Kruger is inconceivablewithout Conceptual art. And so on. The work of many artists is underwritten by a politics of difference.That of many others is focusedon the social and institutional production of meanrng. These two strandshavejointly renderedhistorical both the essentialism and the autonomy-claims of modernist theory, no less comprehensivelythan modernism itself once consignedthe ethos of the academy history to (although just as the ghost of classicism continued to haunt the modern movement, the spectreof aestheticvalue is present at the feast of postmodernism).It would, however, unfortunare ro closea book on be Conceptual art with the implication that its principal legacy was one of an ethically over-secure and humoudess political correcrness.on the other hand it would be equally inappropriate to celebrateat face value the kind of claim we havealreadyencountered that'Conceptualism has becomeall-pervasive not if dominant in the art world'. In one sense perhapsit has.In response to uncomprehending presscriticism of his work, Damien Hirsr remarked in zooo that,'I dont think the hand of the artist is important on any levelbecause you are trying to communicate an idea'.The 'idea' rather than the hand-crafted object has become the common currency of international contemp orary at:t. But that artt relationship to its institutional conrext is 6r more securethan was ftore:glfslu dfdura ruog 'salltrerd a,ttssa.rSord 'tr lts auo arep 'Pu IEf,ItIJt 'Surlso;alur alenp^a .ro qsrn8urlsrp or :lgrssodurr 'lEuoISIAof,d uI E r sI ]r aJaLI ssJoru otut lurs Surqtfla.ta lsJI 'J?PJo aJ 'Pltrs lrll'uodsstd ,FnldaruoJ, sll JoJuolll5rynb tragl 'suortfultslP rruos 'x rslltY raqllq.t{ rluaPrsar illl laaur lou saoPro sroP 'y To,'lt'1.ryPsrPuI ro rrlolsrp ot tsat snrultl t llddt or Surltr Jo uoltenlrs IlIf,reJ agr ur dn pua lysta ool il utr auo 'suoltruSaPJo suolllurlslP lsEJPu PJqrlroJuJ ol uallslu rg PIno-4{ Pue (P3r.rnlgrre dll^Ilfe Jo sru.loJluara#IP asrql uro^rlag sabpaaq1 1r ',ulslu;rpoul-rsod, u-rluoulse 11.:ntr:.aga slql ul .tustJBrud::uo3,'au:ls st JsuJs -ro3 sallrlllft P?seg-uollelltlsur lr? IeuorteuJrlul aql sso;le lt.ns PIoq l{llurr;nr lql '-lJr[qo -3truturJojrad'-oapr,,r Jo rSutJ alll rglr]s3P ol lfuJrrnf PuE otur aruol sELl trLll ,rusllenldefuof,Jo uollou eql Jo DuaSJrruaaql Pulqag saIT lpuanbau Put (suolttltrsur ryrqs srql'lrltuapl Jo slltllod t lg uaur.r,Luopun oapl^ lg p:ruedruortt uar;o) srltllltre ro sarSolouqrat Prl]aJ-afutruro;rod 'srrtrlod ssep 8ur,u-tlal t ol st.&t w 1I Pa>lull e ;o SuruoaS;lnq lq p:sdqta 'ruslullnJstru rlgtuoltlst;un dldaap 'tw pntdaruoJ Jo Ptrtrts ptulpue llf r ol a8etsoqst :nbrtr:: Ieuolttr pue srslpue ruIIrPIs ol r]qlssod rrueJrg 1I 'llsnoautlynurls 'lpoq rqt ot slsltre 3o rred aql uo lsrralul Jo r3lqs alrslraP r ,tts f.rntuor qrallur^r] aqt Jo rarrenb lsq aqt 'tusruluo; Jo asIJrql rsrl tou'suosrJ lueru;og lpoq put Pulur dlalltJadsa;'ut lsaJaluru PrluJsJJdrI stradse o.tlt Jsaqf 'sluauala JfuttuJoJJJd Jo uollJodJolul Jlar{l ut llr.trlre pue plrrlpu orotu auros 'spue;ls snxnlC ot rrsoP sJaqto 'Paseg-a8en8uel rualulP palr.rcrd'Iolur Jlrsll ut pnrdaluo3 sltll'uolleluosarde; Jo PIaS 'ut Jrlllerd plrrrlod-plrlrrr olul sol,6r arp ur peorg Surssarppt Pr^lo^a Pu tsrpreS-turlr pu tslulrpotu qtog yo s:stura.rdaql Jo uoltuIrIIEXa IIIJr t ol If ',lre arp pnrdaruo3, llleltrur parellPrP st.&sIqI'so96r a1r1 ul PrSlrurr LIrItl^'\ '?Jlllrd pasrJoaqtllsnoro8r.r arour Put snorf suol-Jlas t srt ararll uaqf rrtaqts?epasqenadse ueqt raqtl 'ltr^,utretre Jo allol lado.rd aql se a8rtl te '8ur1eadsllasool ol PIro.{ rtll Jo Pue &r.ttleall uerunll Itsra^Iun E Jo serPl lua^{ 'qlFlrt 'sartrlllft Proa *ll Jo asurs 3o a8uer rynads-runrprur-uou e SurrsaSSns .rno Jo sasursluEIrtA snxnlg/rsrpreS-tut.te u st^\ a;raq1',pnrdr)uor, 'rurrl la>1 rttrtuaraglp ot tuetrodrut se,tttr tqt '>looq slql Jo Suruul8aq ?ql lV I 'sa llnsal aqt Jo snltls aql rq.r{Jtalr II 1lust^r rI 'PIsr^q a8n8us'I n lrv se Pu :oP o1 1q.&{ rEsP IIe lE I 'pasluSoreJuturnN ernlg sv 'l;t pnldaluo3 PleJrurS ]LIrturds aql qll.&toP ol qlnul a^rlurilll Jo raqllru ltgl sr lurod rql rng '(grrrn aaq or ralsrro1t pue) ssrutrarror ptrrrlod pattg-od ulory ulor aLIl Jo aprsrltlto rqt sI 'flsnu dod go tuap.,unbaFnsIA aqr s lJe Jo 'llraue.rodtualuor Jo saDr]rr^rrt rrlt Jo a^o] s s3ur1o3 ,iAJ-uo ag rI IIII&isrllJd qSrg la8 rr pardnrroe.rd $ ]ql sJII IIIIK (llJ tl IILry\irl a>lu tl ilI,ry\,:sqtrnssuorlsrnb e ',^{epotq a;ll ^toq tsn( s,tr,sles ag se asn)rg']rc &eroduraluoJ srJrrsPPue uI saTl s8urlo3 ',3ursrtr:.Lpt suoltou aqr a>ll 'suouou ?rolu'waPr Llpar ua,ra aq .ro tuerrodurl Jaaru aJsepl *lt, teqt sasruSota.r urq,u ssaurlslPou slql Jo rnurTrqt srtef,ol s8uq1o3,&raqttWrrtstrPeorg Put rltlr) eq1'abre1 lE rrnllnf, aql ur ldnrro ot aruof stq rr atqd aqt ot stuaunuoru are rsaql srrtlto pur lrtroduraluo3 l.rwodural'oeqllg urraquaSSng'ur?Potr^lrlef a>lrJ sErpns suorlnlrlsur tuerD 'Jlua6Jauresll Jo luaurolu aql lt s.lJeItnloaluo]

At any given time, most of the art that gets produced is not very interesring. This was astrue of conceptual art as it is of contemporarypostmodernism,or as it was of academicart. In the past, natural wastagehas taken care of that. But as the institution of art has becomein{lated in -oJernWesrern socieg/,and as investment in it - both cultural and directly financial - has multiplied, it becomeslessand lesseasyto tell when the Emperor is wearinghis new clothes. Conceptual art's greateststrength is that it was,perhaps brie{ly, an episode againstthe grain of all this. Certain arrists, asartists, took on the responsibility of checking over the kind of thing art was,rhe kind of insritution i, *"r, ".rj the kind of role it fulfilled in modern society.It is, I feel, quite misaken to conflatethis kind of critical pracricewith the eclecticismthat is the most noticeable feature of art at the turn of the twenty-first century. In some respects' conceptual art may be responsible ihis, for having broken d.own for the barriersof the media out of which art is thought capableof being made. But in other senses is nol I havemenrioned the impact thatT,S. Kuhn's ir theory of paradigm revolutions made on the development of Conceptual art. Kuhn atgued that most of the time scienceprogressedcumulatively, until anomaliesbuilt up and the whole structure was shakenup and a new period of normality commenced.Thesalientfeatureof most of the art to which the term 'conceptualism'is applied,whether positivelyor negatively, that it is, so to is speak,'normal science'. is the way things arenow, just as academicart was in It the middle of the nineteenrh cenrury and just as modernism was in the middle of rhe twentieth. Hyperbole and utopianism aside,there is a sense which Conceprualart in wasafotrn of guerrilla action againstrhe powers that be, in the shapeof institutionalisedmodernism in both the marketplaceand the colleges wherearr was taught and reproduced. Mel Ramsden once remarked that Conceptual art waslessabout putting writing on the wall than ir wasabour a spirir of scepticismand irony. If 'conceptualism'has indeed becometh. .tat,r, quo of a bloated contemporary art world, then arguably it shareslesswith the spirit of historical conceptual art rhan it does with the modern academyfrom which those artists took their distance. Nowadays,in a period of pervasive 'globalisation we seemalways be hearingrhat'we are all capitalistsnow'to liberalcapitahsts,of course.By the sametoken, culturally we are all supposed to be postmodernists.At the closeof Georgeorwell's parableof fru.trat"d revolution, AnimalFarm(tg+s), the animalslook through the windows of the house where their leaders,the pigs, are dining at rhe same rable as the human farmers:
As the animals outside gazedat the scene, seemedto them that something strange it washappening. what wasir rharhad altcrcdin rhe laces, what wasir th"r r""-.d io be melting and changing? No question now, what had happened. The crearures outside looked from pig to man, and from man ro pig, and from pig to man again; but it was alreadyimpossible to saywhich waswhich. No doubt, critical arr continues to be made. But only in an orwellian it be maintained that'we are all conceptualists now'. sense can


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666r uopuol lry Tuuduuo3 Surram:y'(:p:) p:rg uel put lJrLJlrr { 'uEruaJN zl,6r uopuol \auuavs )(lj

{o uy aqtrc{nns1 ,tpn)-waiy m4g r17 .atroSgrrt !agf1\1 o9or uoPuo'I Jtntnsul 'suv l:rroduatuo3 Jo 'wJ 'Hx} 'utto{ twolzg

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rlxa' uuo{ awa ut1 nyn1qp uaqm zL6t ot t96r

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IJssE) "tBf,

L66t 'Hx. 'X rluawwoq



Broodthaers, Marcel Musle d'Art Moderne, Dipannnent dr Argles

Buchloch, Benjmin Bulatov, Eric 6z Aboriginal Australian art 9 Abstfact Expressionism r8, 17 abstraction 28, z9-1r aesthetic,status of z6-7,28, t, 11,14, t6, zo, Buren, Daniel 57 Afichage sawage 57; frg.u ManiJestation L 57; No. 7

leminism zz, 67 filt ;s Flrrxus 8, zz-5, 26,75; figs.r1, r4

Judd, Donald Kabakov, Ilya

27, z9-3o, )5 6z-3

Carrying owtthe Slop Pail 6z-;; fig.5o Kandinsky,Wassily Kaprow, Allan Kawara, On Kelly, Mary zz fig.12 r3

^_/ _'_,-'/- - R "" H " - ^ '



Foster, Hal

54-5 Foucault, Michel 57 Ilr lox journal 65-6; fig.55 Franrworksjournal 45 France r9, 18,+o, 15,57-g French theory, influence of 52,64,66 F.;-l \,{i-L.-l ItL +o,7r Fry, Roger ro Germany 4-1,40 G6r6me, Jean L6on O Pti Cien 4; fig.5 gestural abstraction 17, 18 Gilbert and George 46 Globalconceptualism 9, 6o, 6l Godard,Jean-Luc 55 Gorky, Arshile r7 Grahanr, Dan fig'1" Gray, Camilla r7 z4 Green movement 17,28,66 Art dnd Culture u, tz-1 fig.zz Grotowski, Jerzy 59 Groys, Boris (rz q61 HomrJor Atnerica q7-8;

4o Date Paintings q;

Brirger, Peter rcr R , , . - : - \ / ;r- r.v^ . , - v ).r- - ,i / r ,
a)! /

zz-l Post-Partum Docurnffit 7z-3; figs.6z, 6,1 Womcnatl4hrk7z;frg.6t

66, z+
57 American-type painting And\ticalArtjovnal 4r-5' 75 Andersen,toels Antiform q5 analytical conceptualism z3-4 Althusser, Louis 17

Phxopath 34 Possession 65,7rfrg54 Sensation 65; fig.5j Burn, lan $, 19, 54, 66-7, 7r, 7) Cage,John ry,ry,)5,37 Carnap, Rudolf 49 Celant, Germmo C6zanne, Paul 6 Chandler, John 16 Cobra group r9 ColdWar 16-17 collective works 49 Collings, Matthew 75 Conceptual art legacy 6,74-6 use of term concrete nusic Constructivisn contextualism 7-9, zz-1,37 22 14, 15,54 r.t 59

Kirby, Sandy 67 Klein, Yves 19 Kline, Franz 17 Komar md Melamid 6z Kosuth, Joseph 7, $-6, 4r, 4l 'Proto-investigations' ;4;

7,1o,59 Arnatt, Kerth 45 Sef-Burial )7; frg.29 TrouyrWord Pin 15 fig.15 Art & Language 6-2, ll-i, 49, jz- ), 65-6, 7 5; frg56 lnrlex q9, 7z; fig4: ArtWorkers Coalition 63, 7o Art andWorking Lift 67,72,

frg't4 Titbd(Artds as Idta lfua)

fMnninpl b.4ri 6q.] Kounellis, Jannis Untitlrd (Twehc Horvs) S9;

fig +o
Kozlov, Christine InJonnation No Theory 35; fig.26 Krauss, Rosalind j8 Kruger, Barbara 7,1 Kuhn,TS. 52,76 Lacan, Jacques 7,; language Art & Langrrage 6-7, 4t-5 de Saussure'-s theory of 5z language-basedworks 7, 45' 74 relation to modern art tl-14 L'art conaptuel (t9E9') 7 Lathan, John Art anrl Culture .,2-y frg.zz Latin America Lenin, VI. 7, 9, 6o-r Lendon, Nigel 67 59 Levine, Sherrie 74 LeWitt, Sol 7,35,l7-8 Txo OpenMorlular Cuhts/HaL1-O11 y; fiq.r. Lippard, Lucy z,8, zq,|,16, 54,60 Long, Richard A Linc Made\Walking, Englanl q6;fig38 Louis, Morris zr

7t frg.57
Art-Ianguage jounal 45, 49, 55tfrg.Jl Arte Povera 59-6o ArtJorummagazine 7,17 Atkinson, Terry $-+, 5z-), 7, $-q,

Greenberg, Clement ro, 16,

Cond6, Carole 66

I li

Austin, J.L. 45 avant-gardism q, ft-27, 75 Bainbridge, David 43

Contro|journtl 45 Corris, Michael 66 Craig-Martin,Michael Crow,Thomas Cubism rr, r1 Dadaism 14, 15 L)ali, Salvador r7 4o Books.ACentury4o;fig.y de Kooning,Willem r7, 18 Debord, Guy 15 deconstruction 52,59 dematerialisation 35-7 Dibbetts, Jan hrsprtitt Carriltion fig'tl Dommnta V (.rc17 48-9, z') 5E-9 Duchamp, Marcel ry, q3, qq Bonbrack n; fig; Fountain e; fig.q LHOOQ 4-4 readymades l-r3, rc1, z5-6,27, q9 Ernst, Max 17 a4; Darboven, Hanne 47 45


Grrtai group

zo; fig.u

Haacke, Hans 7er,7z; fig.58 Britishl4land 7r frg.5O Hamilton, Richard 17 Harrison, Charles 7 Harrison, Margaret 7z; fig.6r Higgins, Dick zz Hilliard, John CanrcraRrcorling its awn Conlition qi; fig.16 Hirst, Damicn 7.1 Holzer,Jenny 74 Huebler, Douglas 35 Hrrnt, Kav Fido 7z; fig.6r L 1 , , . - - 1 1r J " . ^ t . . 1 , , idea, art as z8-53 identity politics 7r-3 tmagination zcr irrstallations t1-7, 1.), 7 z urstructionpaintings lssar journal 45 Italy zo, 55,59-60 zz

Balciessari,John 3r-z ConposingonCantas 3z; 6g.zo Baldwin,Michael



52-l Barrv, Robert 35,36 Inert Cas Sries $; frg.27 Barthes, Roland 52,6,1 Beckett, Samuel 18 Bell, Clive ro Benjarnin, Walter r7 BerLn, Isaiah 65-6 Beuvs,Joseph z3-5 Eurasrazq;6g.t5 Beveridge, Karl 66 Bochner, MeI z, ,,1-s Wo rking Draw ingsand othe r VisibltThings... 34; fig.25 Boettr, Alighiero 59 Bolsirevism4,6, t7,54 Borg6s, Jorge Luis 59 Brancusi, Constantin rz Britain 3r, y-1,41-5, 16, o+-o 78

Maciunas, George 2,3 FluxusMan!t'csto zt; fig't+ Magritte, Rcn6 17 Th Magic Mirror 4;hg.7

essentialism r,1 e x P r e s s r o nr g , 2 o

Japan 9, 20, zz,1.) Johns,Jasper 17, 19,27 jorn, Asger 19, 55


Lr'9r Pros^I-) JIus

!t uqol'rJ)PZ3lq Lr?ry, 16z wouog ?IIIN xls ot-Oz IUtJ:I'tsJlrt\^ of sr::(gg rgr::ds t-29 'Lr 'lL '6 uoluf-) rrl^oq z! ust8o1or:os o7 rrV JtrllJlof, qI JoJ l{JrIlo\^ z9 '!r usqt:11 1tr:oq I7'L.A '.gt 6-gt'9i rusa7 {o suawnuoytr tr.rqo1'uosqruq 1.9 /rr1'qlultz 1:e{'qrrus Lg'gS'6r slsruouentls slueluJs !-t9'z! Lf '9 !! qnq'gnt1a8:rg 99 \^i^Jrd IooLItr\^ 99'51' looq:q z! :ppueurpr:g'JJnssnES 6f '99 ut11 'uotqsnU Lf Bg :9t sloogoroqd PE'Eqrsnu rz'Lr'e:|I'9 YIIAI'olqrou og-oq '-z rL rn:1ttty x11 vuotweg {o Eqlrel^l 'rrlsod fz 6 ueur:g 'ulslluuEuoU pypnllnuo3Tuyltmaa ft PV'lPrErlulrd 99 leutnol&utttllYaY gr usrlEJl g'3g :gr-l,r n pue I utwvl or.Fg l6t-gr &uuooy eyyratq l:r urgoll'3r:qu:g:snt11 9L'gt 'tz usrpuoutsl

6-St, et,tt,. tu.*l:];J.

'flsBy :5/ '19'5-lz 'tz 'Ltz s^lJoa Pf,sBq-Jf uELulo,Jl3c{ tf'3g l/5 1:g:ryq'ruruJLuf,Ed 91,'z! suoDn]o^rru8rpe:ed zl-62 8uuurcd

if ot'g!

Sl ltunol y1tts61 :ata.1rJuJoqs^O uturol'r11tc1g uaq tt3 o>lol'ouo


gl?g bt yautusrll um1 'r1str19 r-ol 'rz s^;1nf 8z sJtl-.1'8:nqurpyg r-ot s1:o,t ;rrseq-rrqunu oL'bz rz qtf,urrJ\'fiuPIoN !f dnorg r:odnr51 6z 'l.r ltJUJEg 'utuaJN l.r-9r looqrs Itrot arN 6t.3r1:9f no1o3 uaulq stllarSo tot14 !1.'9t .rrntrg'uaurnEN tz yutg nfut7 iz 1e4 runl ut51 lz s>1:o,u pJsEq-rlsnu u'8g ioz uv17 tssEuEpeS't3ouoto11 if'Bgll5 r:nr16'rassotr41 wautn:oq z9 slsrFntd::uo-.)aof,sow 9l8g,llz /-!z'!z 9r'fr'u 9z 2l!Iytv:) llqoU'suJo],^{ lJrd'u?uPuotrAl

99'82'17 '92 trrl3rllsJtsrql Jo snlBl\^ tf.ft '82'or trt ltnrda:uo3 rprn dtrlsuourlar rz dlr:yr:ads-unrpau 6r uorssardxaput 'l,r-9r'Sr-O'9 8z usrul3pou

tz atuo1,r,1t1 '3uno1

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5r'fr l. syon

usrrD:npo:d p:sec1-ss::o:d

ttZ1:st (.696r-;
uLf,oIiluoilg e?nlulv uzLl4 gz'?g:Lt 11va uodlns n Turqtrl

9L 'SL'+L'tL'9 usrur:poulsod 8z 'rz uorlutsqe {y:aturcd-tsod gz 'l,r '9r uosl:e{'1:o1yo4 rc'Zglzt yuvwwo2 slemo1uq71p1tt11 :tur8rq'a>11o6 'tL-+S 'L usrprrpr: p:rr1od

Lr,9r urol,olrtr I LI ' ot-62' L-92'1. usrJEururtrAi

aqtot ytowt,,gt x y ,,9{ l.-9['5t ::uarmu-l'Jf,ur1!\ 9-sf g:{'1t16

f-19'9f 'zz'6r-9t r8 srtcts pf,lufl 1f9 wu:apr1 :prrry r5'39 'srlall-1

L+.EU &ut aq) 65 ouBtrAl'zrJr^l 6t'3g'.r9 stwtr3 tlf, sul ty1 y tr?o1o oiu1suo ? oPJr) ,sJJrrrrtr i rz ltr:gr:ads-unrp:u 09 ots3jruEIN rrv-ErPf,tr^l

6! o1:8wyar1:ryq'otlr]otsld z5 39 lf9 sauas srs,!ur2 zL'oL't-{9 6f ueupy'radr6

izL'r-o9 (896r)tyty uywatnl tf'8y :1,5a1;r51'ruorol rr lrurPrl^'urTtrf L z ' 6 r ' L r ' 5 r' f r u s r p a u n g

dr1rq6'uorFurlp6 rr olqEd rossEtrrd

q8gl-f r uq{yotvt 1u0,7 srJu?rJ'rrqEf,rd

(ur8rprrrd tralgole:rslqd ,rrtf,EtEqf, -lBurtBu) aOaf W zl, uorrearosqgssr141 zr8g lLz'rz a$!ua.lapDW r{z oJf,rd,ruozmtrAl z8g st atunbg yrlg Ir :rurse;1 'q]r^rlEtN

PHoroe nAPHrc

Orazio Bacci, Milm The Anthony zr

Gopvnreur Gneors
The publishers have made every elfort to trace all the relevant coplright holders. We apologise for any omissions that might have been made. Beuys, llroodthaers, Duchamp, Haacke, Kabakov, Manzoni: O DACS zooz Buren, Magritte: O ADAGP


1; d'Offay Gallery

47; Kunstsmmlung Nordrhe in-Westfale n, Dii'sseldorf / photo Walter K1ein, DiiLsseldorf 47, 58 (top); Charles Harrison 44 (top);The Menil Collection, Houston / photo Hickey Robertson,Houston 8;The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NewYork O 1987/ photo LyntonGardiner 3o; The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles / photo Squids and Nunns r8 (left); Museum of Conteinporary Art, San Diego, @ r966-8 John Baldessari / photo Philip Scholz Ritterman 3z; O zoot The Museum of Modern Art, NewYork 16, r8 (right), 1,1 (top);The Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, photo Ben Blackwell zo; Oellentl che Kunstsammlung, Basel / photo Martin Brihler 6z; OYoko Ono / Lennono Photo Archive zz; O Edward Ruscha 196146; Seth Siegelaub/@1969Seth Siegelaub38;photo @ Fred Scruton 681

*o DACS' London l::: Dibbets, Kosuth, LeWitt, Morris, Naumann,Weiner: O ARS, NY and DACS, London zooz Olitski: O DACS, London andVAGA, NewYork zooz Rauscht'nberg: Robert @ Rauschenberg DACS, / London andVAGA,New York zooz Smithson:O E.t"t" of I{obert Smithson / VAGA, NewYork and DACS, London zooz


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