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Astronomers are designing an amazing new telescope that will enable them to see planets that, at the moment,

they can only imagine the existence of, and that may have traces of life chemistry. The telescope, which will be four times larger than the largest telescopes around today, will be able to show us what 96% of the universe is made of. It might solve the mysteries of what astronomers call dark matter and dark energy. It may even be able to tell us where we came from. But the entire project depends on whether the telescopes giant mirrors will be accurate enough to make the expense worth it. Scientists have to find out how to create the necessary asymmetrical curves in the mirrors, and measuring their precise shape during the construction process will be the difficult part. Completion of the telescope will cost approximately 500 million dollar, and nobody will invest in the project unless scientists can prove that it will work. A further problem is that telescopes have to be placed high up, and the bigger they are , the more the winds is likely to move their mirror alignment. No steel existing today is strong enough to hold seven mirrors of this size in place a high wind. Astronomers are even considering putting the telescope at the lunar pole because there is no wind on the moon.

There may be other planets in the universe which contain life. With the new telescope, scientists will be able to see the entire universe. The mirrors of a telescope have to have an exact shape. Lack of money is a problem in the telescope project. There is a new kind of steel that is completely resistant to wind.

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