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Persistent Faithful, Humble Prayer

(Luke 18:1-14)

A real life version of the parable of the Persistent Widow

An American woman who teaching English as a second language to a woman from Vietnam, began to get
acquainted with her. She found that at the close of the war in Vietnam this woman's husband had been
imprisoned by the Communists, and was in serious trouble. Kay's pupil said that every day she would go to the
prison, and knock on the office door, and ask the officials to release her husband. She sat on the steps of the
prison. She would not go away. Day after day after day she went back to plead the innocence of her husband.
And one day they simply went and got him out of his cell and let him go.

What kind of faith is Jesus asking about in Luke 18:8?

Persistent faith! (Luke 18:1 & 7, Ps. 27:14, Rom 12:12, Col. 4:2, Luke 11:5-9, James 5:16, Gal. 6:9, Eph. 3:13,
Prov. 24:10)

Persistent: To stay the course despite adversity or opposition

Like remaining a Red Sox fan!

The true devotion of a soldier is not demonstrated in peacetime, but on the battlefield.

Why stay the course?

Because you trust in God’s faithfulness (Ps. 55:16, Hab. 3:17-18, Heb. 10:38-39, 11:1, 12:1-3,
2 Cor. 4:16-18)

God is Faithful

God WILL act on behalf of those he loves (Luke 18:7-8, Hab. 2:3)

Jesus is aware of our trials and is a ready advocate on our behalf (Luke 22:31-32)

Persistence demonstrates true, abiding faith

Our prayers show what is, or is not, in our heart. They show God, ourselves & others.

Persisting in prayer keeps us connected to our lifeline.

Jewish teaching limited prayer to 3 times a day, lest one weary God by being a pest.
By Contrast, Jesus teaches that the real danger is that the believer becomes weary (faints)
without persistent prayer

What approach God in prayer with humility?

He who approaches God with humility receives God’s grace (Eph. 2:8) is considered justified before God (Luke
18:14, James 4:6)

Justified = forgiven = declared righteous = a right to stand before God and be heard (Eph. 3:12)
Contrast: Those who trust in themselves that they are righteous (Luke 18:9)

God uplifts the humble (Luke 18:14, Isa. 57:15, James 4:10)

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