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+ plus - minus X times, multiplied by : divided by = equals % per cent three squared = tres al cuadrado five cubed = cinco

al cubo six to the power of ten (UK) = 6 a la 10 potencia (Inglaterra) six to the tenth power (US) = 6 a la 10 potencia (Estados Unidos) ALGUNOS EJEMPLOS 6 + 9 = 15 >> Six plus nine equals / is fifteen. 5 x 6 = 30 >> Five times six equals thirty or Five multiplied by six is thirty. 75% >> Seventy-five per cent of the class passed the test Bueno asi se usan en la vida diaria 1 minus 1 = 1-1 1 plus 1 = 1+1 1 into 1 = 1 x 1 1 by 1 = 1/1

Ejercicios de ingls con el vocabulario de los nmeros 4 Rellena las vocales que faltan.

Name______________________________________________ Colorea este dibujo de acuerdo con las instrucciones Colour by numbers 1=red 2=blue 3=brown 4=Pink 5=green 6=orange

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