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Es cendol coklat

Bahan: 150 g tepung hunkue 10 g cokelat bubuk sdt vanili bubuk 600 ml air Pelengkap: 5 mata nangka, potong kecil 100 ml susu kental manis putih es batu serut Cara membuat:

Larutkan tepung hunkue, cokelat dan vanili dengan air. Masak di atas api kecil sambil aduk-aduk hingga kental. Angkat. Tuang ke dalam cetakan cendol, gosok-gosok dan tampung cendol dalam wadah berisi air dingin atau air es. Biarkan hingga dingin dan mengeras. Tiriskan. Taruh cendol dalam gelas-gelas saji. Beri Pelengkapnya. Sajikan segera.

chocolate ice cendol

Material: 150 g flour hunkue 10 g cocoa powder teaspoon vanilla powder 600 ml water Complement: 5 eyes of jackfruit, cut into small 100 ml sweetened condensed milk white crushed ice cubes Method: Dissolve hunkue flour, chocolate and vanilla with water. Cook on low heat while stirring, stirring until thick. Lift. Pour into a mold cendol, rubbing and cendol capacity in the container of cold water or ice water. Allow to cool and harden. Drain. Place cendol in serving glasses. Give complement. Serve immediately.

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