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Questions Chapters 69 Circle all the words which are parts of a car: Answer: brakes, wheels, engine, mirror,

, lights, windows, doors. 1. What is going to happen next? have a guess... Answer: After the luthors plan... superman has to take care and try to stop it 2. what are lex luthor and his friends planing to do? Will they be successful? Answer: he is trying to make a city with crystals, and he doesnt matter what could happen to the city.. 3. what will happen to the friendship between lois and superman? And between lois and clark kent? Answer: clark saw her girl (lois) with a hole new life..(son and housband)...and superman thinks that lois doesnt want to be with him, and it brokes his heart. Second part: Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences. Superman decided to help people again and he helped people are over the world.... True Luthor stole a meteorite with krytonite inside it from a museum True Lois was happy went perry told her to write about superman because she wanted to interview him. False Its false because she didnt want to write about superman..she wanted to write about the blackout. Kitty pretended that the brakes on her car werent working True Luthor took a piece of krytonite from the meteorite and put it in his pocket. True Lois doesnt think the blackout story more important than writing about superman. False She thought that the blackout story was more important than write about superman. When superman flew to the fortress of solitude in the arctic, everything was the same as usual. False Superman didnt find their fathers voice and the crystal wasnt there.

Third part: What do you think? 1. What will happen to lois and jason on the yacht? Answer: jason will discover that superman is his father..and theyll be rescue for him. 2. will luthors plan work? Answer: we dont really think so...superman will sotp him 3. will luthor kill superman? Answer: no, that wont never happen...

Analisis, capitulos 6,7,8 y 9 Analysis, chapters 6,7,8 and 9 Write about superman superman is back The robbery An interview with superman
Perry White estaba molesto porque quera escuchar la mayor informacin acerca de superman y lois se negaba a escribir acerca de ello ella estaba interesada en escribir acerca del apagn y luego por eso empieza sus investigaciones por si sola. Despus de la decidi de su jefe. .Clark observo que lois ya estaba comprometida y que haba realizado su vida en su ausencia haciendo que Clark se sintiera incomodo. A la maana siguiente Lois entrega a Perry el artculo de su entrevista con Superman. Perry se alegra mucho de que lo haya conseguido, y Lois le comenta que no se siente bien de recibir esa noche el Pulitzer por el artculo que escribi sobre que el mundo no necesita a Superman. Perry le dice que no se preocupe y lo disfrute, que lo importante es recibir el premio, no por qu. Mientras, Superman va a la Fortaleza buscando consuelo y descubre que alguien ha estado all y le han robado los cristales... La noticia es transmitida y Clark se convierte en Superman y sale al rescate. Tras liberar al trasbordador, Superman rescata al avin que cae y llegan a un estadio de Baseball, donde miles son testigos del regreso de Superman. La noticia llega a todo el mundo, incluido a Lex Luthor, quien decide hacer un plan de contingencia. Superman ve que Lois al parecer ya no lo ama y tiene su vida organizada, lo cual le rompe el corazn. Tras evitar un asalto bancario con artillera pesada, Superman salva a Kitty de un auto sin frenos, sin saber que es un plan de Luthor para robar un meteorito de Kryptonita del Museo de Historia Natural de Metrpolis. Luego, despus de la entrevista con lois, superman descubre de que ya todo no ser igual ya que ella organizo su vidaluego perry felicita a lois por la entrevista aunque ella no piensa lo mismo


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