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Benito Jurez (San Pablo Guelatao, Mxico, 1806-Ciudad de Mxico, 1872) Poltico mexicano.

Hijo de Marcelino Jurez y Brgida Garca, matrimonio indgena de humilde condicin, Benito Jurez qued hurfano siendo nio y curs sus primeros estudios en su pueblo natal. Tena veinte aos cuando ingres en el Instituto de Ciencias de Oaxaca, donde se licenci en derecho. Su preocupacin por la realidad social y en particular por la situacin de los campesinos lo llev a expresar sus puntos de vista liberales y a participar activamente en poltica. En 1831 Benito Jurez fue elegido regidor del ayuntamiento de Oaxaca y al ao siguiente, diputado al Congreso del Estado. La energa con que defendi los intereses que representaba le vali en 1846 ser diputado por Oaxaca ante el Congreso de la Unin. Un ao ms tarde fue designado gobernador de su estado natal, cargo en el que permaneci hasta 1852. Benito Jurez Su oposicin al tratado de Guadalupe-Hidalgo, por el que Mxico perdi vastas zonas de su territorio en favor de Estados Unidos, encontr cauce en las filas liberales y en la defensa de un proyecto federalista. Sin embargo, los conservadores tomaron el poder en 1853, acaudillados por el general Santa Anna, y Jurez se vio obligado a exiliarse en Cuba. Al cabo de dos aos regres y se adhiri al plan de Ayutla, entre cuyos firmantes figuraban los generales Villarreal, Comonfort y lvarez. Al triunfar el pronunciamiento fue designado consejero de Estado y, bajo la presidencia de Ignacio Comonfort, ministro de Justicia. Como tal promulg una serie de leyes que restablecan las libertades de enseanza, imprenta y trabajo y anulaban las prerrogativas del clero y el ejrcito. Sus disposiciones legislativas, que inspiraron la Constitucin de 1857, de corte liberal, motivaron la reaccin de los conservadores, quienes se pronunciaron al ao siguiente en el plan de Tacubaya. Comonfort pact con ellos, dio un golpe de Estado y encarcel a Jurez, lo cual fue el detonante de la guerra de Reforma. Como presidente de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, Jurez, que haba conseguido huir, se convirti en el presidente legtimo, de acuerdo con la Constitucin, y estableci el gobierno en Veracruz. En 1871 fue reelecto por ltima vez como presidente. Muri el 18 de julio de 1872.

Benito Jurez. (San Pablo Guelatao, Mexico, 1806-Mexico City, 1872) Mexicanpolitician. Son of MarcelinoJurez and Brigida Garcia, marriage humble Indian, Benito Jurez was orphaned as a child and pursued his studies in his hometown. He was twenty years old when he entered the Oaxaca Institute of Science, where he graduated in law. His concern for social reality and in particular the situation of farmers led him to express his liberal views and actively participate in politics. In 1831 Benito Jurez was elected alderman of the city of Oaxaca and the following year, a deputy to the State Congress. The energy with which he defended the interests represented in 1846 earned him being a Member of Oaxaca to the Congress. A year later he was appointed governor of his home state, a position he held until 1852. His opposition to the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, by which Mexico lost vast areas of its territory to the United States, found the channel in the Liberal ranks and in the defense of a federal project. However, the Conservatives took power in 1853, under the leadership of General Santa Anna,Jurez was forced into exile in Cuba. After two years he returned and joined the plan Ayutla, whose signatories included the generals Villarreal, Comonfort and Alvarez. By winning the pronouncement was appointed Minister of State and, under the presidency of Ignacio Comonfort, Minister of Justice. As such a series of laws passed that restored the freedom of education, printing and work and annulled the privileges of the clergy and the military. Their laws, which inspired the 1857 Constitution, a liberal, triggered the reaction from conservatives, who delivered the following year in the plan Tacubaya. Comonfort negotiated with them, gave a coup and imprisoned Jurez, which was the trigger of the War of Reform. As president of the Supreme Court, Juarez, who had managed to escape, became the legitimate president, according to the Constitution, and established the government in Veracruz. In 1871 he was reelected last time as president. He died on July 18, 1872.

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