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1. La sala de mi casa tiene una chimenea grande. The living room of my house has a bigchimney, 2.

El espejo del bao esta roto. The mirror of the bathroom is broken. 3. En muchospaises la genteesamigable.In a lot of countries, the people are friendly. 4. Si estuviera de vacaciones, habra tomado un tour a Italia tambin.If i would be on vacations, I had taken a tour to Italy too. y Simple Past Tense:

Sujeto + verbo (presente) + complemento + Interrogativo.

Rocio no traj su proyecto de Matemticas. Rociodidnt bring the Maths Proyect.

Yo no estuviese aqui si no hubiera estudiado. I wouldn t be here if i wouldn t studied

Podria yo haber tenido ms dinero si hubiese ahorrado hace aos. Should i have had more money if i would saved more moneysince along years ago.

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