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Activity Weekend 82

Friday 11th – Sunday 13th March

Friday 11th March- Tea at school at 5.00pm. Bowling at Clifton Moor

Saturday 12th Mar- Full breakfast at 7.30am. Leave school at 8am to drive to Skipwith near Selby. Packed

9am Laserforce. Outdoor Laser Games until lunch.

12.30pm Paintballing with new low impact paintballs. These burst with less force than ordinary
paintballs so are safer and hurt less.
Cinema trip to see a film.

Sunday 13th March- Cooked breakfast 7am.

A day of paintballing at Wakefield near Leeds. Pizza lunch.
You must be age 10 or over to do paintballing or laser games.
The cost for this weekend will be £110.

Return to school by 5.30pm.

We will be sleeping at school over this weekend. If you do not usually sleep at
school, you will need to bring a sleeping bag. You will need casual clothes.

Parent return slip

I consent to my child _________________________________taking part in the

above activities on the Activity Weekend 11th-13th March 2011.

I realise that the cost is £110 which must be paid in advance

and I enclose a cheque for this amount, made payable to Woodleigh School.

This weekend is eligible for Childcare Voucher use

Signed Date

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