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Coaching Philosophy Coach Bear Bryant Hen, T woutd Like to 0) ng that T betiove in. en by xeading It that is the Price of Success? It i Sinple,...To use abe of your Courage, fo Force Yoursels t0 Concentrate on the Problem in Hand, 20 Think of it Deepty and Constantiy,,'to Study it from aé Angles, and fa Pea. To have a High and Sustained Determination te at you plan to Accompeési site of att Adverse Clrennatances idvich may Arise -- Ard nodhing Worthwhile has ever beer Accomplished without Gbstacte Overcome. To Rouse to Bebiove that there are any Circumstances sufficiently strong to Begeat you in the Accomplishment of your Purpose. HARD? T Shouéd Say So! That 4s why So many Hon never Attempt to Acquire Succoss. They Answer the Sixen Cade of tho Rut and Remain on the Beaten Path fo% Beaten Hon. Nothing Worthuiize has ever boon Ackioved without Constant Endeavors, some pain, aid Constant Appliaation of the Lash of AnbLtion. Thag's tie PRICE OF SUCCESS Every Man shoutd ask Hinsetg: An T WWideing to Endure the Poin of this Struggle fox the Congorts and the Rewards aed the Slory that go with Accomplishment? Ox Shall T Accopt fineasy and Inadequate Contentment that cones with edécorizy? Am T WéLLing to Pay the PRICE OF SUCCESS? Prayer - 1 asd that most ed you ane high sckood coaches - 1 have gteat, great respeet for high school coaches because T think that they're the heart, the beoed and the guts of Sootbat T think more so today than any tine. T'RE always regret that 7 never had the epportunéty £0 work dn high school, because 1 know and geek Like a coudd have contributed more. I'm ene to ty te sebk you on anuthin hoke to takk about feotbate and sone o. the experences I've fad, the mistakes Tive mde, 4 "£ ware some of th First, coasieing you of bige? he coaching i my Lige and a has bean. Tf coaching gets te be a jeb, and you wart 40 do Sonediing efae, then don't continue coat To be éx the coaching business, you mst have a goat on an objective. Hy goat hes atways been winning. But naganddess of what ny goat is tts émpontant to me in how T go about aztain~ ing tds goat. 1 don't think arwtiing can happen by accidents you make it en. Tf you want 40 make Lt kacpen, gist thing you have to de is have’ a plan. A nian you bebieve 1 40 Strongly that you never compromise. the next step depending on wae yeu! te assdatant or head coach, is 0 tu peopte, I haven't S2en a coach make bad, I've never seer ‘then aake good, you have 40 have @ Zaam, you fave’ to have people. You have to hire people that football means great deal £2. Winring means everything do, 1 thank oher we hixe peopte, not ouky do they ketiove our way, dut thoy have to betiove in our plan.” Now you're « head coach and Love it, 1 thine ng a Stagg with the Aéghe people study important, Lt hes got tc mean alot to ther. They have to, bebiove an your plan. Same good rutes T've. oa 4 that for abl the peopte on my Sagg, T want them fo be brighter Tan, 1 want them to be able to speak up curd also Zo express themselves. Tt is atso highly important to keen them happy and te motivate then, 1 think its dmoortart £0 recognéze their contributions because everybody Likes recognition, 1 Like Zo recognéze their ideas in front 0§ the squad; ét gives him prestige and makes ti ger man én Zhe eyes ef the sque be to, aster we win agame, te xecognéze each menber of my stags, individually, by nome, to the press, T. ¥. media.” Tt géved them an dncentive and makes then want to do better and I think this is very, very émpontant. Next thing 29 have is pepte to play. T think that it te vow mportant at any Levee, especcabey x college coaches whe axe able to In high sckoce, you can oney got what you get, The Ist thing you want to do is to try the players together that football means an aoful dot te them, You want te try the players that are wikting to pay the price, and buéed up to thems’ not necessarity players with abitity though ability, but players iho are at bebiove Zn your pean. The pkayors that work and sacrdfice aad disciptine themsatves, not Because ue want Zhen to but because they Brow that Lt takes discéptine 20 win; and because they want what they ean Anke pride in. Some players want to be Like other Students, but T don't want players who want to be Like other students, 1 wand players who are out there to win, sant ones who take pride in doing some of the things other ts ano doing, 1f he does that ewe have a chance to win its very important to recognize id get thom in the ball gare, At doesn't matter what size they are cn color they are; yeu need to recognize the people with abétity. T think you want to ty the Leaders whether it 43 the coaches on plavers. We need to sof? them on work Sacréfion and discipline Lf we sete then on this foot that if they de this they whl wins they"Zt not onty win, they ULE Learn Lessons through later Life, Lessons thet are hard 2o teach in the church, home, o& school room, They wie become’ better prepared to mabe « Living in abd atens ch Life, spoctuaty mental, phustoal. 14 we ean’ de this, dhen we're an business. hat 1 would Like to suggest, Ist of abe, we hope to adapt our system to what Ze player can do. We have to have a suatem of offense and defense of what the players can do. We Lu to reohuit players that go with our system, if we don't we have to change £0 som thing the players can do. Four on géve yoars ago we changed to the weshbond Because that’s shat end of players we had and T think dt paid off,” Mew egaia, $ you gird He winner, Gand Zhe Gon hint get fin én ahe batt game. I’ve boon oxitizied by my own players and by ofan pecpbe for moving players around; but when the need cadls gon 42, sometimes Prenes no way around it. Again, its good ta pass cut congi- dence to players to make them fect a pant of everything. Its geod 20 fet them share or think they share in making a decision, This adds to the attitude, ard a good attitude makes good monate, Task my sentors alot of the times what they woutd Like te do in certain ‘situations. tink it da very important that ‘Stat proparing out team we for everything that tihen we have a neeting with the squad, which T de everday, T don’t ever’ go in unprepared. T have @’plan for practice everyday, 1 ft it to be wetl organized because we (ight against time everyday. 1 atso wane to have a plan before practice se when T ead? the players together, we ean make something happen. 1 think the most Lmontant thing about coaching footbait, where a head coach is concerned, is that tre torn MT" means "we," "us," etc. Tam net

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