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(Based on class VI syllabus)

TIME : 2 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Read the following instructions carefully


1. a) WRITE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS completely in the space provided on Answer Sheet.

b) Mark the answers only on the ANSWER SHEET.

c) Use BLACK BALL POINT PEN for darkening the appropriate CIRCLES in the ANSWER

d) Do not fold / spoil the ANSWER SHEET as it is to be evaluated by computer.

2. The question paper consists of 100 questions under four subject heads, Mathematics,
Physics, Chemistry and English.

3. Number of Questions : 100 (Maths=50, Physics=15, Chemistry=15 and English=20)

4. All the questions are Multiple Choice type with only one correct answer and each question carries

5. Return both the Question Paper and Answer Sheet to the invigilator before leaving the hall.
1. Write 1001 in the binary system. [ ]
a) 111101001(2) b) 1111101001(2)
c) 1110101001(2) d) 1001101001(2)
2. If '45654x' is a six digit number divisible by '6'. Then the value of x is [ ]
a) 4 b) 8 c) 6 d) 3
1 1
3. The difference of two fractions is 6 . If the larger number is 7 . Then the
4 3
smaller number is________ [ ]
1 1 5 5
a) 1 b) 2 c) 1 d) 2
12 12 12 12
4. The numerical form of googol plex is ___________ [ ]
a) 1010 b) 10100 c) 1010100 d) 1010010
5. Number of digits in "Thalakshanamu" [ ]
a) 53 b) 29 c) 194 d) 54
6. The greatest number divides 13850 and 17030 leaving a remainder 17 is [ ]
a) 159 b) 169 c) 223 d) 4529
7. If p and q are primes lessthan 20. Then the number of possible pairs of (p,q)
such that (p+q) is a prime is [ ]
a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6
8. The value of 1 – 2 + 3 – 4 + 5 – 6 + ...... + 21 – 22 is [ ]
a) 0 b) 11 c) –11 d) 1
9. Absolute value of x - 10, if x is less than 10 is ______________ [ ]
a) x – 10 b) x + 10 c) 10 – x d) None
10. Among the following, the 'prime triplet' is [ ]
a) (2,3,5) b) (2,3,7) c) (7,11,13) d) (3,5,7)
xy + yz + zx
11. If x=1, y=2, z=3 then is [ ]
1 1 1 1 1
a) xyz b) x + y + z c) x + y + z d) both a and b
12. "If am = an then m=n" is possible. If [ ]
a) m ≠ 0 b) n ≠ 0 c) a ≠ 1 d) all of these
13. If the LCM and GCD of two numbers respectively are 80 and 4. If one of the
numbers is 16, then the other is_________ [ ]
a) 320 b) 64 c) 20 d) 5
14. If 202 P08 is divisible by 11 then P value is ___________ [ ]
a) 7 b) 1 c) 4 d) 8
15. The Mean proportion of 16, 9 is ___________ [ ]
4 3
a) b) c) 144 d) 12
3 4

( )
The square of the period of oscillation T of a simple pendulum is directly

propotional to the length (l ) of the simple pendulum. If T = 7, l = 25, then

value of T when l = 36 is ___________ [ ]
a) 8.1 b) 8.2 c) 8.3 d) 8.4
17. The cost of bicycle is Rs.950 its cost decreases by 5% every year due to usage.
What will be its cost after a year ? [ ]
a) Rs 901.50 b) Rs 902.50 c) Rs 900.25 d) Rs 900
18. Subbaraju is purchased a cow for Rs 2,250. If he wants to gain 25%.
What should be his selling price ? [ ]
a) Rs 2812.50 b) Rs 2811 c) Rs 2811.50 d) 2810
19. The number of twin - primes between 1 to 100 is [ ]
a) 5 b) 8 c) 7 d) 11
1 1
20. Divide Rs 150 between A and B in the ratio of : then B's share is _______ [ ]
3 2
a) Rs 90 b) Rs 60 c) Rs 75 d) Rs 50
21. 3 3
If x = 5 and y = –3 then the value of x –y is _____________ [ ]
a) 98 b) 152 c) 127 d) 73
22. If the perimeter is equal to area of square then, side of square is [ ]
a) 4 units b) 2 units c) 3 units d) 1 unit
23. The number of lines of symmetry of a circle is __________ [ ]
a) 1 b) 4 c) infinite d) 0
24. The number of circles can be drawn through given two points are [ ]
a) 2 b) 10 c) 3 d) infinite
25. ( )
The value of b + a − b − a = ____________ [ ]
a) 0 b) 2a c) 2b d) 2b – 2a
26. If a number is increased by th of itself. The result is 21 then the number is [ ]
a) 8 b) 10 c) 12 d) 16
27. In the adjacent figure the value of x is ______________ [ ]

11x° 10x°


a) 50 b) 100 c) 150 d) 200

28. The age of a boy is one third of his father. If sum of their ages is 80 years, then
the age of the father is __________ [ ]
a) 60 b) 20 c) 50 d) 40
29. a+1 b-2 4 3 2
If x y = (x y ) , x and y are coprimes then ab = _________ [ ]
a) 64 b) 48 c) 56 d) 36
30. The number of possible points of intersection of two distinct lines is / are [ ]
a) 1 b) 0 c) 2 d) Infinite
31. The path points which are equidistant from two given points is [ ]
a) Angular bisector b) Perpendicular bisector
c) Midpoint d) Does not exist
32. A complete angle is [ ]
a) 2 right angles b) 4 right angles
c) 2 straight angles d) Both b and c
33. 0
If angles x , (x+50)° are linear pair, then x = [ ]
a) 165° b) 100° c) 65° d) 135°
uuur uuur
34. In the following figure ∠BAC = 70° if AB // CD , the measure of ∠ACD is [ ]


a) 70° b) 110° c) 20° d)290°
35. If the measures of the angles of triangle are 3x – 5, x + 10 and 4x + 5, then the
greatest angle is __________ [ ]
a) 21.25° b) 58.75° c) 31.25° d) 90°
36. First five triangular numbers are 1, 3, 6, 10, 15.The number of points in the 10 th triangular
number is, [ ]
a) 28 b) 36 c) 55 d) 21
37. If the circumference of a circle is 110cm then its diameter is___________ [ ]
a) 35 cm b) cm c) 55 cm d) 21 cm
38. If the perimeter of a square is 280m. Then its area is _________ [ ]
a) 70mt2 b) 4900mts c) 4900mts2 d) 70mts
39. The area of the following figure is [ ]
J 15 I
G 10
20 F 10 E
C 10
5 D

a) 200 sq.units b) 400 sq.units c) 100 sq.units d) 300 sq.units
40. Area of the shaded region is ___________ [ ]

4cm 9cm

a) 90 b) 92 c) 94 d) 12
41. x % of y + y% of x = [ ]
a) x % of 2y b) y % of 2x c) 2 % of xy d) all of these
42. The value of ( 8.251– 4.321) × 4.5 is _____________ [ ]
a) 17.680 b) 17.785 c) 17.685 d) 17.658
43. The value of 'CM' is ____________ [ ]
a) 90 b) 900 c) 450 d) 1100
44. The third perfect number is _________ [ ]
a) 620 b) 128 c) 496 d) 921
45. The value of 3.46 is ___________ [ ]
52 51 49 47
a) b) c) d)
15 15 15 15
46. Period of 6.07898989.............. [ ]
a) 0.789 b) 2 c) 98 d) 89
47. Sum of predecessor and successor of 25 is ________ [ ]
a) 24 b) 50 c) 48 d) 49
48. Product of a number and its multiplicative inverse is ___________ [ ]
a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3
49. If 'y varies inversely as x' then the wrong among the following is _______ [ ]
x xy 100
a) xy = k b) =k c) =k d) =k
y 100 xy
50. A man gets 10% loss by selling a radio for Rs 810 then the cost price of the radio is
[ ]
a) 820 b) 810 c) 900 d) 835
51. 1 Hectare = [ ]
2 2
a) 100 m b) 50 m
8 2
c) 10 cm d) 10000 cm2
52. The temperature of the body in centigrade scale 80° C. It's value
in fahrenheit scale is [ ]
a) 150° F b) 176° F c) 180° F d) 179° F
53. The instrument which can directly measure the thickness less than 1mm
of a wire is [ ]
a) scale b) measuring tape
c) screw guage d) all the above
54. Moving of foot - ball player on the play ground is an example for [ ]
a) Vibratory motion b) Circular motion
c) Random motion d) Periodic motion
55. Force = ______________ [ ]
a) Displacement × time b) work × time
c) work ÷ displacement d) All the above
56. Some objects from the space on entering the atmosphere of earth burn out.
The reason for this is [ ]
a) Gravitational force b) Magnetic force
c) Electric force d) Frictional force
57. Energy acquired by an object by virtue of their position is [ ]
a) kinetic energy b) chemical energy
c) magnetic energy d) potential energy
58. The period of rotation of mercury is [ ]
a) 248 years b) 88 days c) 88 years d) 248 days
59. Orbital velocity of earth is [ ]
a) 4.7 km / sec b) 35 km / sec
c) 47 km / sec d) 29.8 km / sec
60. Mechanical Advantage of pulley is [ ]
a) 1 b) 1.5 c) 0.5 d) 0.8
61. Swinging board belongs to [ ]
a) first kind of lever b) second kind of lever
c) third kind of lever d) all the above
62. The type of machine used for holding, bending, twisting and cutting wires is [ ]
a) Tongs b) Scissors
c) Axe d) Cutting pliers
63. The distance travelled by the light through vaccum in one year is [ ]
a) cosmic year b) light year
c) sound year d) leap year
64. If a body is displaced through 2.5 m by applying force 10 N, then the work done is [ ]
a) 25 J b) 2.5 J
c) 250 J d) All the above
65. If the height of the inclined plane is less, then mechanical advantage will be [ ]
a) less b) more c) 1 d) 0
66. Gas 'X' in taken is four vessels A,B,C and D. Among the following,
identify the vessel where the gas is at high temperature. [ ]

a) D b) C c) A d) B
67. Read the passage and answer the following question
"In the liquids, the molecules are not closely packed as in solids and have more
energy. So they can move about more easily. They have no definite shape.
Molecules in liquids occupy more space. They move in a definite limit. So they
have definite volume but no definite shape".
Based on above data we cannot conclude that [ ]
a) Solids have fixed shape
b) In solids inter molecular forces of attraction is more compared to liquids
c) Liquids have definite volume and shape
d) Liquids have definite volume but not shape
68. Read the following paragraph and answer the question
"Pencil is madeup of graphite, this is another form of carbon. Graphite
molecules consists of only one kind of atoms called carbon atoms "
Through this paragraph we can define [ ]
a) Atom b) Molecule c) Element d) Compound
69. One day, vijay's mother asked him to buy salt from shop, while carrying the
salt to home unfortunately it fell on the ground and some sand is came along
while collecting it, to seperate salt from sand how you are going to guide vijay,
you suggest him [ ]
a) Filteration b) Evaporation
c) Evaporation followed by filtration d) Filtration followed by evaporation
70. Among the following, identify the incorrect statement [ ]
a) Wool fibre is made up of a substance called keratin which is a vitamin
b) Wool fibre is elastic and a bad conductor of heat
c) Wool fibre can easily be twisted
d) Woollen clothes are used in winter to give warmth to the body
71. One day Ramu dipped an empty plastic inverted bottle into water and he
observed that some bubbles are coming out of that bottle. This is because of [ ]
a) The bottle is made of plastic b) The bottle contains air
c) The bottle is empty d) The bottle has some mass
72. In order to conduct an experiment, I took anhydrous copper sulphate on a
watch glass and I left it for some time in the air. After some time it is observed
that the anhydrous copper sulphate changed to blue in colour. This is due to
the absorption of [ ]
a) Oxygen in air b) Nitrogen in air
c) Carbondioxide in air d) Water vapour in air
73. One day veena went to the dry cleaning shop with her mother.
At the shop, she observed one solvent for washing the clothes. The solvent is [ ]
a) Water b) Kerosene
c) Starch solution d) Methylated spirit
74. From figure - 1, it can be inferred that [ ]
a) Water exerts upward pressure
b) Water exerts downward pressure
c) Water exerts sideward pressure
d) Air exerts sideward pressure
75. Rayon fibres are made in machines from Fig . 1 [ ]
a) Silk b) Wool c) Nylon d) Viscose
76. During the filtration of a mixture of sand, salt and water, sand particles are
settled on the filter paper which are called [ ]
a) Filtrate b) Residue c) Mixture d) Impurities
77. R C C stands for [ ]
a) Reinforced cool cement b) Reinforced caustic cement
c) Reinforced catalytic cement d) Reinforced cement concrete
78. The correct order of the following steps that involved in the construction of a
house is
1) Flooring
2) Roofing
3) Laying of foundation
4) Construction of walls
5) Selection of the location [ ]
a) 5-4-3-2-1 b) 5-3-2-4-1 c) 5-2-4-3-1 d) 5-3-4-2-1
79. Statement A : Carbon is the element present in the solid state.
Statement B : Nitrogen is the element present in the liquid state.
Statement C : Bromine is the element present in the gaseous state [ ]
Option Statement A Statement B Statement C
a) T F F
b) F T F
c) F F T
d) T T F

80. The substance which is not soluble in water is [ ]

a) Common salt b) Sugar c) Glucose d) Kerosene
I. Given below are four alternatives for each question. Choose the correct one and
write the letter in the space provided.
81. Pygmy dogs do not bark _______________ loud as our dogs. [ ]
a) has b) too c) so d) none
82. Murthy prefers coffee _______________ tea. [ ]
a) at b) for c) to d) below
83. He is _______________ European. [ ]
a) an b) a c) the d) none
84. The boys take care _______________ the animals. [ ]
a) off b) the c) of d) in
85. There is no one _______________ the campus. [ ]
a) in b) on c) over d) under
86. He was blamed _______________ his mistake. [ ]
a) at b) in c) on d) for
87. Raju has eaten cakes. [ ]
a) cakes were eaten by Raju b) cakes are eaten by Raju
c) cakes have been eaten with Raju d) cakes have been eaten by Raju
88. I am more powerful than the biggest camera. [ ]
a) I am the most powerful of all cameras
b) I am one of the most powerful cameras
c) No other biggest camera is not so powerful as I
d) The biggest camera is not so powerful as I am.
89. He is a poet. He is also a painter. [ ]
a) He is not only painter but a poet
b) He is not only a poet but also not a painter
c) He is not only a poet but also a painter
d) He is not a poet but a painter
90. He was too fat to walk. [ ]
a) He is so fat that he cannot walk
b) He was so fat that he cannot walk
c) He was so fat that he could not walk
d) He is so fat that he could not walk
91. Both of them haven’t attended the meeting. [ ]
a) either of them have attended the meeting
b) neither of them haven’t attended the meeting
c) neither she nor he has attended the meeting
d) neither she nor he have attended the meeting
92. He ran fast. But he could not catch the train. [ ]
a) He ran fast still he cannot catch the train
b) Though he run fast he could catch the train
c) Though he ran fast he did not catch the train
d) Though he ran fast he could not catch the train
93. Ramu said, “Honesty is the best policy.” [ ]
a) Ramu said that honesty was the best policy
b) Ramu said that honesty is the best policy
c) Ramu told that honesty was the best policy
d) Ramu says that honesty is the best policy
94. He is not rich. He could not buy a car. [ ]
a) If he is a rich he will not buy a car
b) If he was rich, he would buy not a car
c) If he were rich, he would buy a car
d) If he was not rich, he will not buy a car
95. “Do you eat chocolates everyday?” Doctor said to me. [ ]
a) Doctor said to me that I ate chocolate everyday
b) Doctor asked me whether I eat chocolates everyday
c) Doctor asked me if I ate chocolate everyday
d) Doctor asked me whether I ate chocolates everyday
96. I could fly _______________ [ ]
a) if I was a bird b) if I were a bird
c) if I am a bird d) if I am not a bird
97. Rohit slept all day, _____________ [ ]
a) does Rohit? b) didn’t Rohit?
c) didn’t he? d) does he?
98. She said, “they were playing cricket.” [ ]
a) She said that they were being playing cricket
b) She said that they have been playing cricket
c) She said that they had been playing cricket
d) She said that they are playing cricket
99. I was late. So I was scolded by our teacher. [ ]
a) If I had become late, I wouldn’t have scolded by our teacher
b) If I hadn’t been late, I wouldn’t have been scolded by our teacher
c) If I hadn’t been late, I wouldn’t have scolded by our teacher
d) If I had had been late, I would have scolded by our teacher
100. Can you complete all the exercises? [ ]
a) All the exercises can be completed by you
b) Can all the exercises be completed by you?
c) Can all the exercises be complete by you?
d) Can’t all the exercises be completed by you?

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