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We believe that the goal of

education is, or should be,

the development of the
spiritual man: that part of
each one of us which, with
development and training,
is capable of a vision or
of the
purpose of
life, of the
true nature of ourselves,
of the world in which we live
and of states of being as
may exist besides.
John Corlette, July 1973,
Very little of we do is
haphazard, or
done because
other people do it
or somebody has
said it ought to
be done that way.
Everything we do has
been thought out with
reference to our basic aim
and developed from first
principles. When new
problems or questions arise,
we seek solutions within the
same context. We ask, "Is the
solution consistent with our
basic aim and principles?"
John Corlette
We have a grading system
for "the whole man." It
charts the development of the
student's character, sense of
responsibility, maturity and
general development in
relation to the basic standards
of conduct and morality. This
assessment is absolutely
basic to the idea of
education. It
may be objected
that an
assessment of
this kind must necessarily be
subjective and therefore unfair.
Of course it is subjective, but
so are all our judgments.
John Corlette

essential is a
positive and loving
relationship with all other
regardless of
their origin,
background or
beliefs, and a positive and
loving relationship with
everything in the world
and in the universe
around us.

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