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Tatiana Maron-Gutierrez1,
Indianara Araujo2, Marcelo
Stem cell therapy in acute respiratory distress
Marcos Morales3, Cristiane Sousa syndrome
Nascimento Baez Garcia4, Patricia
Rieken Macedo Rocco5
Terapia com células-tronco na síndrome do desconforto
respiratório agudo

1. Post-graduate student (Master) ABSTRACT SciElO database during the last 10

in Physiology from the Instituto de years. Stem cell transplant lead to an
Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho da
Acute respiratory distress syn- improvement in lung injury and fi-
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro –
UFRJ – Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil. drome is characterized by an acute brotic process by inducing adequate
2. Post-graduate student (Doctorate) pulmonary inflammatory process tissue repair. This includes alveolar
in Physiology from the Instituto de induced by the presence of a direct epithelial cell differentiation,and also
Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho da (pulmonary) insult that affects lung reduces pulmonary and systemic in-
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro –
parenchyma, or an indirect (extrapul- flammatory mediators and secretion
UFRJ – Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil
3. PhD, Associate Professor of the monary) insult that results from an of growth factors. Stem cells could be
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – acute systemic inflammatory response. a potential therapy for acute respirato-
UFRJ – Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil. It is believed that an efficient therapy ry distress syndrome promoting lung
4. Researcher from the Laboratório for the acute respiratory distress syn- repair and attenuating the inflamma-
de Investigação Pulmonar, Instituto
drome should attenuate inflammatory tory response. However, mechanisms
de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho da
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – response and promote adequate repair involving their anti-inflammatory and
UFRJ – Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil. of the lung injury. This article pres- antifibrinogenic effects require better
5. PhD, Associate Professor of the ents a brief review on the use of stem elucidation, limiting their immediate
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – cells and their potential therapeutic clinical use in acute respiratory dis-
UFRJ – Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil.
effect on the acute respiratory distress tress syndrome.
Received from the Pulmonary Research
syndrome. This systematic review was
Laboratory from the Instituto de Biofísica Carlos based upon clinical and experimental Keywords: Respiratory distress
Chagas Filho da Universidade Federal do Rio de acute respiratory distress syndrome syndrome, adult/therapy; Stem cells;
Janeiro - UFRJ – Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil. studies included in the MedLine and Pulmonary fibrosis
Financial support: Centers of Excellence
Program – Science and Technology Ministry
(PRONEX-FAPERJ), National Council for
Scientific and Technological Development
(CNPq), Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation for
Research Support of the State of Rio de Janeiro INTRODUCTION
(FAPERJ),Millennium Institute (INOFAR).
The acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is characterized by a dif-
Submitted on July 28, 2008
Accepted on February 4, 2009 fuse inflammatory reaction of the pulmonary parenchyma, with increase of
alveolar-capillary permeability associated to a series of clinical, radiological
Author for correspondence: and physiological anomalies.(1,2) ARDS may be induced by a direct insult to
Patricia Rieken Macedo Rocco
Laboratório de Investigação Pulmonar - Instituto
the alveolar epithelium (pulmonary ARDS) or indirect insult through the
de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho Universidade vascular endothelium (extrapulmonary ARDS) where the lung injuries are
Federal do Rio de Janeiro caused by circulating inflammatory mediators that results from an acute sys-
Avenida Carlos Chagas Filho, s/n, Bloco G-014,
temic inflammatory response (i.e. peritonitis) (Figure 1).
Cidade Universitária, Ilha do Fundão
CEP: 21941-902 - Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil. After a direct insult, epithelial damage leads to alveolar edema, reduc-
Phone: +55 (21) 2562-6530/ tion in the removal of edema fluid from the alveolar space, decreased pro-
Fax: +55 (21) 2280-8193 duction and turnover of the surfactant and pulmonary fibrosis. Efficient
alveolar epithelial repair may reduce the development of fibrosis, since the

Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2009; 21(1):51-57

52 Maron-Gutierrez T, Araujo I,
Morales MM, Garcia CSNB, PRM

Figure 1 – Schematic representation of the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) pathophysiology. ARDS may be in-
duced by a direct insult to the alveolar epithelium (pulmonary ARDS) or indirect through the vascular endothelium (extrapulmonary
ARDS). ARDS is characterized by a diffuse inflammatory reaction of the pulmonary parenchyma, leading to alveolar and interstitial
edema, infiltration of inflammatory cells (i.e. neutrophils), formation of hyaline membrane, reduction of the alveolar fluid clearance,
decreased production and turnover of surfactant (injury of type II pneumocytes) and lung fibrosis. Cell therapy may act repairing the
alveolar epithelium and alveolar capillary injury, reducing the release of inflammatory mediators and of fibrogenesis.

presence of an intact alveolar epithelial layer suppresses of ARDS should promote both attenuation of inflam-
fibroblast proliferation and matrix deposition.(3) Epithe- matory response and appropriate repair of lung tissue.(10)
lial repair involves several complex molecular mecha- In this context, stem cells could present a therapeutic
nisms, including interactions between the alveolar potential for ARDS due to modulation of the inflamma-
type II cell, mesenchymal cells, endothelial cells and tory process and remodeling in pulmonary diseases.(11)
the matrix. (3)
In extrapulmonary ARDS, damage to the microvascu- PROPERTIES OF STEM CELLS
lar endothelium, initially induces interstitial edema and
neutrophilic infiltration.(3) The pulmonary endothelium Stem cells are undifferentiated cells with the ability of
is a highly specialized tissue, that possesses several physi- self-renewal (generate copies identical of themselves) and
ological, immunological and synthetic functions, in ad- to differentiate into various cells of the organism. Re-
dition, the endothelium also holds several enzymes, re- garding the cell differentiation potential, stem cells may
ceptors and transduction molecules, which interact with be classified as 1) totipotent; 2) pluripotent; 3) multipo-
one another and with the components of the capillary tent and 4) unipotent cells (Chart 1).(12,13)
wall and circulating blood cells.(4) The alveolar-capillary Totipotent and pluripotent cells have the ability to
barrier mediates changes in permeability and is critical form all lineages of body. They present high proliferation
for the repair and remodeling of the alveolar capillary capacity and are essentially found in the embryo. Totipo-
membrane.(4) tent cells are found in the first stages of the embryo (3 to
Due to the severity of ARDS, advanced methods for 4 days of life), when the embryo has 16 to 32 cells, while
life support such as the use of mechanical ventilation pluripotent cells can be found after this stage. Another
and potent drug therapies are adopted.(5,6) However, de- difference between totipotent and pluripotent cells is the
spite advances in the management of ARDS, mortality capacity of totipotent cells to also originate the placenta
remains high, approximately 40%.(7-9) and embryonic annexes.
It is believed that an effective therapy for treatment Four to five days after fecundation, the blastocyte is

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Stem cell therapy in acute respiratory distress syndrome 53

Chart 1 – Classification related to cell differentiation potential

Term Definition Example
Totipotent Ability to form the embryo and fertilized trophoblast of Oocyte or zygote
the placenta
Pluripotent Ability to differentiate into almost all cells of the three Embryonic stem cells
germ layers
Multipotent Ability to originate cell types of their original tissue site Mesenchymal stem cells Hematopoietic stem cells
Unipotent Ability to generate one single cell type Type II pneumocyte, that may generate type I pneu-

formed, which is comprised by trophoblasts and by the can self-renew and have the ability to differentiate into a
cells of the inner mass. Embryonic stem cells are cells variety of cell lineages, such as,osteoblasts, chondrocytes,
isolated from the inner mass of early developing blas- adipocytes(20,21), skeletal muscles(22) , cardiac muscle, en-
tocysts and have the capacity for self-renewal and are dothelial cells, hepatocytes, neurons, oligodentrocytes
pluripotent cells,(14) having the ability to differentiate and astrocytes.(20,21,23)
into cells of all embryologic lineages and all adult cell The mechanisms by which stem cells assume pul-
types from the three germ layers: endoderm, mesoderm monary phenotypes remain unclear. (24) It is believed
and ectoderm.(15) In this context Rippon et al.(16) showed that transdifferentiation, defined as the capacity of a
that embryonic stem cells in a specific culture medium differentiated somatic cell to acquire the phenotype of
may originate lung progenitor cells and have several ad- a differentiated cell of the same or different lineage,
vantages: (1) better cell integration with the host tissue, may be one of the mechanisms. However, in the past
(2) division capacity after implantation, minimizing the few years, transdifferentiation has been questioned,(25)
number of cells that must be transplanted and (3) capac- while other phenomena have been considered re-
ity to generate one or more types of adult somatic cells, sponsible for the greater proliferation capacity of
such as pneumocytes type I, II and Clara cells.(16) Not- the adult stem cells, such as for instance, cell fusion.
withstanding their extensive therapeutic potential, safety Cell fusion of adult bone marrow-derived stem cells
measures related to the possibility of the embryonic stem with pulmonary epithelial cells may take place un-
cells forming in vivo tumors and occurrence of chromo- der various circumstances in vitro, but this phenom-
somal instability, restrict their use.(17) Furthermore, due enon apparently does not occur as often in vivo.(26,27)
to ethical issues, the use of embryonic stem cells is con- It is believed that adult stem cells are recruited to the
sidered to be controversial. site of the injury after the release of chemotactic sig-
Adult stem cells are isolated from adult tissues in- nals and/or increased expression of specific ad-
cluding bone marrow, adipose tissue, nervous tissue, hesion molecules. (20,25,27-30) Another factor that re-
umbilical cord blood, and placenta that have the capac- mains unclear is the mechanism by which adult stem
ity for self-renewal.(18) In general, adult stem cells are cells manage to cross the basal membrane of the lung
multipotent, having the capacity to differentiate into and reach the injured areas. Considering that such
mature cell types of the parent tissue. Some popula- phenomenon follows the same mechanism by which
tions of adult stem cells, such as bone marrow-derived defense cells reach their target, it is believed that the
mesenchymal stem cells, exhibit a range of lineage dif- membrane permeability is regulated by production of
ferentiation that is not limited to a single tissue type proteins synthesized by the tissue itself, controlling
and is not restricted to the parent tissue.(14) Unipotent the influx of stem cells to the injured area.(14,31,32)
stem cells may only generate one cell type, but still have
self-renewal capacity. STEM CELL THERAPY IN THE ACUTE RESPI-
The bone marrow is the source of two distinct popu- RATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME
lations of stem cells, the hematopoietic stem cells (HSC),
that have the capacity for self-renewal and ability to dif- Therapy with bone marrow-derived stem cells not
ferentiate into the blood cell lineages including leuko- only acts modulating the inflammatory process but also
cytes, erythrocytes and platelets(19), and the mesenchymal promotes alveolar epithelium repair, minimizing fibro-
stem cells (MSC), which are cells of stromal origin that sis,(33-35) as the presence of an intact epithelial layer sup-

Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2009; 21(1):51-57

54 Maron-Gutierrez T, Araujo I,
Morales MM, Garcia CSNB, PRM

presses proliferation of fibroblasts and extracellular ma- tion of molecules of adhesion, minimizing the influx
trix deposition.(25) of inflammatory cells into the alveolar space.(34) In this
Yamada et al.(35) showed that the inflammatory context, mesenchymal stem cells seem to partially act
stimulus promotes the recruitment of progenitor cells through paracrine mechanisms, since the animals treat-
from bone marrow into the systemic circulation, with ed with mesenchymal stem cells had a reduced produc-
further differentiation in epithelial and endothelial tion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and an increase of
cells repairing the lung injury. Since the inflammatory the levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines.(41) However,
stimulus induces recruitment of bone marrow-derived the potential of stem cells in remodeling the alveolar
progenitor cells to the injured site, the use of gene ther- epithelium remains controversial.(42)
apy associated to the progenitor cells, could facilitate Endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) have also shown
pulmonary repair. Therefore, the use of progenitor cells a high proliferative potential and can migrate to regions
may represent a new therapeutic intervention for the of the circulatory system where there is vascular injury,
ARDS. including traumatic, degenerative, inflammatory or isch-
Other studies suggest that intravenous or intra- emic injuries, promoting repair or angiogenesis.(10,43-45)
pulmonary administration of mesenchymal stem cells In an experimental model of acute lung injury it was
can prevent the inflammatory process in experimental shown that EPCs, when intravenously administered, in-
models of acute pulmonary injury.(31,36-40) Mesenchymal corporate into the pulmonary endothelium. EPCs may
stem cells were initially isolated by Friedenstein et al.(39) play a relevant role in reestablishing the integrity of the
based upon their plastic adherence when maintained in pulmonary endothelium and contributing to the repair
standard culture conditions using culture flasks , and process.(44) A recent study by Lam et al.(46) demonstrated
their great differentiation potential. It was observed that that the administration of EPCs attenuated lung injury
mesenchymal stem cells reduce the levels of pro-inflam- and pulmonary endothelium dysfunction. The authors
matory cytokines, increasing the release of anti-inflam- observed the decrease of the dry/wet weight (index of
matory cytokines and soluble factors that ultimately pulmonary edema), formation of hyaline membrane,
induce phenotype conversion. Mesenchymal stem cells hemorrhage and neutrophil infiltration into alveolar
may also act inhibiting the activation of dendritic cells space, suggesting an important role of EPCs in repairing
and T lymphocytes.(31,34,37) In an experimental model of the endothelium and in the preservation of pulmonary
acute lung injury (ALI), Gupta et al. showed that intra- alveolar-capillary barrier. These effects appear to be me-
tracheal instillation of mesenchymal stem cells reduced diated by EPCs anti-oxidative enzymes high activity and
the inflammatory process by decreasing inflammatory its cytoprotector effect.
mediators [macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-2 Clinical studies also suggest that the high presence
and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)- α], independently of circulating levels of endothelial progenitor cells are
from the differentiation mechanism.(36) At the same directly related to the survival of ARDS patients.(43,47)
time, Xu et al. were not able to detect the presence of Yamada et al.(48) showed, in patients with pneumonia, that
mesenchymal stem cells in the pulmonary parenchyma persistent fibrotic changes were observed in those with low
in an experimental model of ALI, although cell therapy circulating levels of EPCs, suggesting an important role of
had reduced the systemic inflammatory response, sup- these cells in the repair of lung tissue. In this context, the
pressing the production of pro-inflammatory cytok- increase of the number of bone marrow derived progeni-
ines and stimulating the release of anti-inflammatory tor cells may contribute to alveolar repair and a decrease
cytokines.(37) On the other hand, Mei et al. observed in mortality in patients with ALI/ARDS.(10)
that, when administered alone, MSCs minimized pul-
monary inflammation in a model of ALI induced by CONCLUSION
lipopolysaccharide (LPS);(34) however, the administra-
tion of MSCs transfected with angiopoietin-1 resulted In spite of the few clinical studies, stem cells may in
in an improvement of the inflammatory process, reduc- the future play an important role in acute lung injury/
ing the levels of various cytokines and chemokines in acute respiratory distress syndrome, modulating the in-
the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, leading to a reduc- flammatory process, inhibiting fibrogenesis and promot-
tion of permeability and consequent leakage of plasma. ing tissue repair, thereby reducing its mortality. However,
Moreover, the increased production of angiopoietin-1 additional studies are required for a better understanding
by MSCs genetically modified, reduced the produc- of the effects of stem cells on ALI/ARDS.

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Stem cell therapy in acute respiratory distress syndrome 55

do incluídos nas bases de dados MedLine e Scielo nos últimos 10

RESUMO anos. O transplante de células-tronco promove melhora da lesão
inflamatória pulmonar e do conseqüente processo fibrótico, indu-
A síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo é caracteriza- zindo adequado reparo tecidual. Dentre os mecanismos envolvidos,
da por uma reação inflamatória difusa do parênquima pulmonar, podemos citar: diferenciação em células do epitélio alveolar e redu-
podendo ser induzida por um insulto direto ao epitélio alveolar ção na liberação de mediadores inflamatórios e sistêmicos e fatores
(síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo pulmonar) ou indi- de crescimento. A terapia com células-tronco derivadas da medula
reto através do endotélio vascular (síndrome do desconforto respi- óssea pode vir a ser uma opção eficaz e segura no tratamento da
ratório agudo extrapulmonar). Acredita-se que uma terapia eficaz síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo por acelerar o processo
para o tratamento da síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo de reparo e atenuar a resposta inflamatória. Entretanto, os mecanis-
deva atenuar a resposta inflamatória e promover adequado reparo mos relacionados à atividade antiinflamatória e antifibrogênica de
da lesão pulmonar. O presente artigo apresenta uma breve revisão tais células necessitam ser mais bem elucidados, limitando, assim, o
acerca do potencial terapêutico das células-tronco na síndrome do seu uso clínico imediato.
desconforto respiratório agudo. Essa revisão bibliográfica baseou-
se em uma pesquisa sistemática de artigos experimentais e clínicos Descritores: Síndrome do desconforto respiratório do adulto/
sobre terapia celular na síndrome do desconforto respiratório agu- terapia; Células-tronco; Fibrose pulmonar

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