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Chapter 1

I was so confused. I felt like I was in some strange world, a world I didn’t
belong to. I shouldn’t be here, I used to think every morning I got to my new school.
Maybe it is hard for you to understand my situation so I’ll explain. Two years ago I
got to a little “school” in which I spent the following two years and a half in a little
desk in which I was supposedly learning. This was my punishment for almost
failing sixth grade. Now finally I had being set free, I found a new school a lot
different than any school I had been to. This school was characterized because
every single class was in English and of course, as an average Colombian girl, I
was totally not used to it. Sometimes I didn’t understand half of what my teachers
or friends were saying. I was frustrated and lonely. I spent the first month of school
regretting for even thinking I could be in such a different place. Some days I
couldn’t even stand a day more but what else could I do? I couldn’t give up, I was
too proud to accept I was wrong.

But that wasn’t my only problem. I had a “boyfriend”, not a cute, sweet, and
thoughtful guy who cared about me; on the contrary, he was quite the opposite,
immature, obsessed with me, and living in the other corner of the country. What we
had wasn’t even a healthy relationship, it was pure pity for him, and a sickening
obsession for me. We had spent about six months together (if that could be called
being together) and I couldn’t stand it anymore. This was my life, full of questions,
regrets and decisions to be taken. I didn’t know what to do anymore but I had
made my decision about one thing: I will never fall in love again or/and have a
boyfriend, it was stupid and useless. Of course I didn’t know how wrong I was.

A month had already passed since my freshman year started. Everything

was different, I was different too. All the sickening depression that used to dark my
days was gone, I had taken a decision, I will not worry about anything I didn’t need
to; I was going to get the best grades, I was going to play soccer as best as I could,
and I was going to the private school my parents wanted me to go in the states the
next year. Everything was working out just like I thought it would but then my life
took a 360° change when I saw her.

It all started when we were in Health class, Mrs. Mayorca, our eerie health
teacher was talking about nail infections and whatnot. I was doing my best to pay
attention but it was as hard as listening to reggaeton music; useless and stupid. I
started complaining in my mind, will I ever need this? Why is this even a class? I
gave up on trying listening so I turned to my left to look at the window and that’s
when I saw her. She was sitting by the bench in front of the window, she wasn’t
paying attention either. I can’t remember who else was sitting there, in my memory
I can only see her, cross-legged, sweet brown eyes fixed on a book, long brown
hair like the color of melted chocolate shining with the sun. I’ve never seen such a
beautiful girl in my life, no she’s not just a girl, I thought, she’s an angel and I need
to know who she is.

It was late at night, I was on the computer. I got on facebook and an idea
crossed through my mind. There might be a network of the school, I’ll get on it to
add some people from school. It’s not like I was crazy about adding people but it
would be good to get to know more people from school, to feel like I belonged.
That night I added around twenty people from my new school, I was almost done
when I saw a familiar name: Jong-Hyuk Park. He is from my same grade, isn’t he?
I thought. But I haven’t talked to him more than once, I remembered. Well, he
seems like a nice guy and he is funny so I guess we could be good friends, I finally
decided. Oh gosh, I had no idea of what I was getting into.

I got on facebook, I didn’t even know why I was logged on, I never used
facebook but for some strange reason I just felt like I should check it. There was a
friend request but I didn’t pay much attention to it, I’ll check it later. I did my
homework because it was my first priority but I didn’t pay much attention to what I
was doing I could only think about one thing, Mariana. That was the name of that
beautiful angel I saw yesterday. From the moment I saw her I decided I had to get
to know her, I needed to. I asked Carolina because I’ve seen them both talking.
She told me her name was Sara, she was new and her english wasnt that good,
she was colombian and she seemed like a nice girl. I was terribly curious about her
so I kept asking frantically.
“Is she talkative? What music does she like? Does she like someone? Is she
even dating anyone? I bet she is…” I asked my childhood friend.
“She is kind of shy when there’s a lot of people around but she talks when
she gets confidence. I don’t know what kind of music she likes or who she likes!
Why are you so interested anyway? Do you like her?”
“No! Im just curious, I dont even know her! How can i like someone I dont
even know?” I said nervously, trying to convince myself of that fact.
“Oh sure.” Said Carolina. “well, if you wanna investigate her whole life, you
go talk to her, you ask her!” And so I did. Kind of.
We had our first conversation that same day. She was talking with my best
two friends about some Spanish project they had to do together, and I was within
earshot. This was my chance. Thats when I heard her talk. She had such a
beautiful voice… It sounded sweet and fragile but strong and steady at the same
time. She was saying that she lived far away from school. Without thinking I ended
up asking her:
“Where do you live?” she looked puzzled. Of course she might have been
thinking I was some kind of crazy stalker that came out of nowhere, but she just
looked at me and kindly answered to both me and my friends.
“I live close to the airport, which is in the other far side of the city.” She said
frustrated. Oh man, she looked so cute with that look! I thought while I closed my
math book that night. Then I remembered I didn’t log out of facebook. I looked at
the friend request and what my eyes saw was impossible to believe. The friend
request was from the angel, she added me! I went to her profile first, to make sure
It wasn’t some kind of joke. She looked beautiful in her profile picture. I don’t know
how many times I read her name, Mariana Lopez, Mariana Lopez, Mariana Lopez,
I was scared her name might disappear or change if I stopped looking at it.

Chapter 2

Jong-Hyuk Park posted something on your wall. Wow, so soon? I added

him just yesterday, I thought with curiosity. “Hey!!!!” was all it said but it made me
smile to myself. Out of the twenty people I added from my new school he was the
first who accepted it and the only one who commented on my wall. He must be
very friendly! Should I write back? I wondered. But what should I answer… what if I
write something wrong and make a fool of me? But for some reason I knew that
was out of question. I HAD to write him back. It was a strange feeling but I knew I
had to get to know him.

“Hey Jong, how are you? Thanks for the add… see you later! Bye!” I wrote
nervously. I really didn’t want to look like a fool in front of him. His opinion started
to matter to me so much that even scared me. He’s just another guy, no big deal!
Why do you worry so much Mariana? But he wasn’t just another guy and even
though I tried to fool myself the whole day about what happened with him in the
morning, deep inside I knew this was just the beginning of the story, our story.

I had never been so nervous about going to school before. As the school
van parked at the school parking lot i tried to calm myself down, but it was an
unfruitful work. My mind was a huge hurricane of assumptions. Is she going to talk
to me from now on? Should I say hi to her? Did she answer to my post? Hmm, I
should check that before class, I finally decided. But before I even got off the van
the bell rang. Shoot, now what? Go to class and wait for her to say hi? What if she
doesn’t do that waiting for me to say hi first? What if she thinks I don’t want to be
her friend? Oh man, I don’t know why I worry so much about that one thing. My
hands are even sweaty! I pondered contemplating my hands surprised. But it’s not
like this is the first time I ever talk to a girl, but she’s not just a girl, she’s an angel.
Wow, I think I’m going crazy! I’m seeing her now! Is it me the one she’s smiling to?
I stopped in track. It was really her, in the middle of the hallway. Her profile picture
didn’t make her justice. She looked way prettier in reality. She was wearing a red
hoodie, a blue skirts and black leggings. The angel looked so fragile standing
there, as if anything could harm her. But as unprotected as she was, her smile
never dissapeard. I stood there, breathless by all the light and beauty she
reflected. She started walking towards me. Is she coming to me? Should I say hi
now? I tried to decide frantically. She was coming closer. I was about to say hi
when her sweet smile turned into a playful laugh. Oh man, is she laughing at me? I
must look really dumb in the middle of the hallway while everyone is going to class.
Class… shoot, I’m going to be late to math! Where is my class? Right, downstairs.
I turned around red-faced from what had just happened when I saw what my angel
was laughing about.

Right behind me was a tall guy, at least taller than me. He had something
green in his hand. What was it? As i kept looking at him I understood what he was
doing. He was acting as if the frog in his hand were trying to attack him. I froze
instantly. If there was something I hated it was those slimy and disgusting frogs.
The guy realized he had audience so he looked up. I recognized him instantly. Isn’t
that the weird guy from 10th grade? What was his name? Agh, i can’t even think
with that thing around. Wait, isn’t made of origami? I looked closer. Uff, It’s not
real. Ha! But that almost scare me to death. I remembered i had my math class
downstairs once more. I looked at the clock in the wall. I can still make it if I run
but- “Hey Chon.” A melodious voice talked to my ear. It was her, my angel. Did
she notice my fear just now? “he’s so funny, isn’t he?” i was so surprised Ij ust
smiled. She was still laughing softly and when Gonzalez (I finally remembered his
name) saw her, he continued playing with the frog to impress her more. “aren’t you
going to be late for class? You better hurry!” she said with her bright eyes. Right,
math class! I gave the frog one last glance, origami or not it was disgusting. I
nodded at that strange sophomore and hurried down the stairs but I couldn’t stop
myself from looking back once more. Gonzalez was smiling at her while she was
examining the gruesome frog. He started talking to her when she suddenly looked
at me and froze, completely ignoring him. I tried not to give it too much thought to
that last scene when I realized what had just happened. When the angel reminded
me about hurrying to class she didn’t speak out loud. Her eyes spoke and I
understood perfectly what they were trying to say.
Se acabo, actually se habia acabado hace mucho solo q yo no lo queria ver.
Hace casi 2 años conoci a un precioso niño que me cambio la vida. ame con toda mi
alma a ese niño, a pesar de las situaciones, aunq el no me quisiera, aunq el quisiera a
otra, aunq se fuera al otro lado del mundo, aun si el me odiara nunca lo deje de amar,
es mas, a medida q el tiempo paso lo ame mas. Cuando tuve la oportunidad de tenerlo
a mi lado todo fue perfecto. el era un angel, era mi principe aunq el no quisiera
aceptarlo. Despues todo se termino pero mi memoria quedo intacta. Nunca olvide a mi
Koreanito ni a ninguna de las cosas que vivimos juntos. las atesore y vivi por ellas,
siempre guardando la esperanza de que todo volviera como antes, siempre esperando
a que mi precioso volviera a mi y nunca me dejara mas. Hace unos meses finalmente
pude ver las cosas con objetividad. Acepte la realidad. por fin lo comprendi. te habia
perdido por siempre y nunca te iba a poder recuperar. Pero no te pude dejar de amar,
ni por un segundo. Todas las noches despues de un horrible dia faking to be allright tu
volverias a mi mente y asi me dormiria, pensando en ti. tu siempre serias mi recuerdo
feliz. Tambien decidi que haria todo lo posible por recuperar tu amistad y lo logre, or
so I thought. Pero hoy me he dado cuenta que tu no me quieres ya ni como una
amiga. I think its time to move on like you did a year ago. No mas. Ya me canse de
intentar estar alli para ti, no quiero intentar mas porq es useless y no vale la pena
mas. De veras espero que estes bien y estoy segura que tienes un futuro espectacular
por delante, me hubiera gustado haber sido parte de tu futuro tambien. Te quiero
mucho, mucho, mucho, always have, always will pero ya es hora de dejarte ir por
completo. no creo q leas este correo, es mas, estoy segura, mi mente esta segura
pero mi tonto corazon no deja de guardar la esperanza de sigas usando este correo...
mi mente sabe que estoy escribiendole esto a un fantasma, a un

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