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Calculate Monthly Loan Amount Performing Goal Seeking Analysis

Amount Borrowed 200000 Amount Borrowed

Interest rate 8% Interest rate
Number of payments 5 Number of payments

Monthly payment $4,055.28 Monthly payment

Goal seeking Analysis 3500 Goal seeking Analysis

Amount Borrowed 172614.5167 Amount Borrowed 200000

Interest rate 8% Interest rate 2%
Number of payments 5 Number of payments 5

Monthly payment $3,500.00 Monthly payment $3,500.00

Amount Borrowed 419206.6834 Amount Borrowed 500000

Interest rate 8% Interest rate 1%
Number of payments 5 Number of payments 5

Monthly payment $8,500.00 Monthly payment $8,500.00

Amount Borrowed 500000
Interest rate 8%
Number of payments 5

Monthly payment $10,138.20

Goal seeking Analysis 8500

Amount Borrowed 200000

Interest rate 8%
Number of payments 6.014623631

Monthly payment $3,500.00

Amount Borrowed 500000

Interest rate 8%
Number of payments 6.24370065

Monthly payment $8,500.00

sales prod 1 prod 2 prod3 prod4 prod5 prod6 prod7
jan 500 25 231 600 650 100 200
feb 630 620 300 100 120 300 260
mar 220 320 630 423 612 215 362
apr 566 523 255 300 100 200 320
may 222 365 254 523 213 256 321
june 301 355 521 562 321 536 301
jul 111 245 621 321 365 235 451
aug 642 256 123 321 222 555 621
sep 125 526 321 111 120 300 260
oct 364 546 562 511 612 215 362
nov 256 124 234 125 100 200 320
dec 452 365 625 254 213 256 321

for first half yearly

jan feb mar apr may june

sales prod4 #NAME?

second haly yearly

july aug sep oct nov dec

sales prod4
prod8 prod9 pod10
260 340 420
340 520 600
623 532 236
230 200 100
256 123 546
452 652 597
652 321 526
562 622 542
340 520 600
623 532 236
230 200 100
256 123 546

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